i don’t care about Malone. DrKariko is credited with developing the mRNA platform used in these vaccines. she is responsible for the carnage. i don’t think it’s cool that Dr Alexander is defending her. she’s profited/ing from the genocide. it is not ok.
if anyone knows how to stop the bleeding she’s one of our best bets.
i don’t care about Malone. DrKariko is credited with developing the mRNA platform used in these vaccines. she is responsible for the carnage. i don’t think it’s cool that Dr Alexander is defending her. she’s profited/ing from the genocide. it is not ok.
if anyone knows how to stop the bleeding she’s one of our best bets.
mRNA technology is a scientific method. The fact that Kariko has been involved in developing it does not make her a villain automatically. The cabal of the globalists who are responsible for the catastrophe should bear the principal responsibility.
she worked on these covid vaccines. see the timeline in this link: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html 👉2010’s and january 2020+ for the Kariko BioNTech Pfizer partnership/collaboration.
a lot of people are injured and dying and DrKariko’s fingerprints are all over this crime scene.
I see your argument. I am NOT defending Kariko, I intend to say there are hundreds and thousands of medicines which are too toxic or ineffective when the drugs were going through the clinical trials. But should those scientists be arrested?
I am hesitant to say Kariko IS responsible for the genocide unless we know she continues her collusion with the evil guys as they deployed the plandemic.
Furthermore, should we argue whoever is involved in the development of molecular biology and biochemistry is also responsible for the disasters? Actually, they are indirectly. But I don’t think they are guilty UNLESS they participated in the specific crimes.
Definitely anyone involved in hiding the harms and deaths created by the mRNA injections are criminals. Maybe Karikó is one of them if we can find more evidence.
A very sound observation Yang, thank you and I agree. It is so easy for this kind of deliberate genocide to develop into a witch hunt. We must be careful not to tar the vast majority of scientists who I am sure are merely pursuing their art but innocent of evil intent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU
This is a philosophical dilemma IMHO. It is not always easy to clarify the evidence sufficient to determine evil intent, we live within shades of grey. We also live in a world of increased unintended consequences as a result of increasing complexity compounded by rapid technological advances never seen in the history of humanity - we think. The power given to scientists today allows them to go so far beyond natural barriers that we are now challenging the very essence of creation - some would say this is the sanctity and province of God.
It is said that a little knowledge is dangerous but I would claim that too much knowledge is even more dangerous which puts us on the road to an unresolvable moral crisis which can only be reconciled by reference to a higher power whilst confining materialism within the principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on those principles.
If she can’t see anything wrong with it, why would she help? And she can’t acknowledge there is something wrong as that would reflect on her greatest “achievement” negatively. So no. Nothing to see here.
From "Alina" then apparently deleted, possibly not.
"…Actually inviting questioning…” (through lawsuits)? I would just wonder about the real cost (25 mln) of each question… I also wonder from when do we solve scientific issues in a court lawsuit. To me, it makes less than 0 sense. Judges solving and judging scientific theories? No. My opinion."
"Alina," it's a jury trial, not a judge alone trial. Surely the answers will be in the ciurt transcripts and can be evaluated later for their scientific merits, or lack thereof?
i don’t care about Malone. DrKariko is credited with developing the mRNA platform used in these vaccines. she is responsible for the carnage. i don’t think it’s cool that Dr Alexander is defending her. she’s profited/ing from the genocide. it is not ok.
if anyone knows how to stop the bleeding she’s one of our best bets.
mRNA technology is a scientific method. The fact that Kariko has been involved in developing it does not make her a villain automatically. The cabal of the globalists who are responsible for the catastrophe should bear the principal responsibility.
she worked on these covid vaccines. see the timeline in this link: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html 👉2010’s and january 2020+ for the Kariko BioNTech Pfizer partnership/collaboration.
a lot of people are injured and dying and DrKariko’s fingerprints are all over this crime scene.
I see your argument. I am NOT defending Kariko, I intend to say there are hundreds and thousands of medicines which are too toxic or ineffective when the drugs were going through the clinical trials. But should those scientists be arrested?
I am hesitant to say Kariko IS responsible for the genocide unless we know she continues her collusion with the evil guys as they deployed the plandemic.
Furthermore, should we argue whoever is involved in the development of molecular biology and biochemistry is also responsible for the disasters? Actually, they are indirectly. But I don’t think they are guilty UNLESS they participated in the specific crimes.
Definitely anyone involved in hiding the harms and deaths created by the mRNA injections are criminals. Maybe Karikó is one of them if we can find more evidence.
A very sound observation Yang, thank you and I agree. It is so easy for this kind of deliberate genocide to develop into a witch hunt. We must be careful not to tar the vast majority of scientists who I am sure are merely pursuing their art but innocent of evil intent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU
This is a philosophical dilemma IMHO. It is not always easy to clarify the evidence sufficient to determine evil intent, we live within shades of grey. We also live in a world of increased unintended consequences as a result of increasing complexity compounded by rapid technological advances never seen in the history of humanity - we think. The power given to scientists today allows them to go so far beyond natural barriers that we are now challenging the very essence of creation - some would say this is the sanctity and province of God.
It is said that a little knowledge is dangerous but I would claim that too much knowledge is even more dangerous which puts us on the road to an unresolvable moral crisis which can only be reconciled by reference to a higher power whilst confining materialism within the principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on those principles.
I guess the pendulum will swing as it always does but not after much distress and damage I fear. Perhaps we have been here before? https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/11/ancient-apocalypse-graham-hancocks-dangerous-ideas/
Those who play God are driven mad first before they are destroyed.
If she can’t see anything wrong with it, why would she help? And she can’t acknowledge there is something wrong as that would reflect on her greatest “achievement” negatively. So no. Nothing to see here.
From "Alina" then apparently deleted, possibly not.
"…Actually inviting questioning…” (through lawsuits)? I would just wonder about the real cost (25 mln) of each question… I also wonder from when do we solve scientific issues in a court lawsuit. To me, it makes less than 0 sense. Judges solving and judging scientific theories? No. My opinion."
"Alina," it's a jury trial, not a judge alone trial. Surely the answers will be in the ciurt transcripts and can be evaluated later for their scientific merits, or lack thereof?