& who said he is a fraud, he will sue them, like me; he has now sued Dr. Peter Breggin for 25 million $ for questioning his bogus theories IMO bogus; so PLEASE don't ask him questions! get a lawyer
i don’t care about Malone. DrKariko is credited with developing the mRNA platform used in these vaccines. she is responsible for the carnage. i don’t think it’s cool that Dr Alexander is defending her. she’s profited/ing from the genocide. it is not ok.
if anyone knows how to stop the bleeding she’s one of our best bets.
mRNA technology is a scientific method. The fact that Kariko has been involved in developing it does not make her a villain automatically. The cabal of the globalists who are responsible for the catastrophe should bear the principal responsibility.
she worked on these covid vaccines. see the timeline in this link: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html 👉2010’s and january 2020+ for the Kariko BioNTech Pfizer partnership/collaboration.
a lot of people are injured and dying and DrKariko’s fingerprints are all over this crime scene.
I see your argument. I am NOT defending Kariko, I intend to say there are hundreds and thousands of medicines which are too toxic or ineffective when the drugs were going through the clinical trials. But should those scientists be arrested?
I am hesitant to say Kariko IS responsible for the genocide unless we know she continues her collusion with the evil guys as they deployed the plandemic.
Furthermore, should we argue whoever is involved in the development of molecular biology and biochemistry is also responsible for the disasters? Actually, they are indirectly. But I don’t think they are guilty UNLESS they participated in the specific crimes.
Definitely anyone involved in hiding the harms and deaths created by the mRNA injections are criminals. Maybe Karikó is one of them if we can find more evidence.
A very sound observation Yang, thank you and I agree. It is so easy for this kind of deliberate genocide to develop into a witch hunt. We must be careful not to tar the vast majority of scientists who I am sure are merely pursuing their art but innocent of evil intent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU
This is a philosophical dilemma IMHO. It is not always easy to clarify the evidence sufficient to determine evil intent, we live within shades of grey. We also live in a world of increased unintended consequences as a result of increasing complexity compounded by rapid technological advances never seen in the history of humanity - we think. The power given to scientists today allows them to go so far beyond natural barriers that we are now challenging the very essence of creation - some would say this is the sanctity and province of God.
It is said that a little knowledge is dangerous but I would claim that too much knowledge is even more dangerous which puts us on the road to an unresolvable moral crisis which can only be reconciled by reference to a higher power whilst confining materialism within the principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on those principles.
If she can’t see anything wrong with it, why would she help? And she can’t acknowledge there is something wrong as that would reflect on her greatest “achievement” negatively. So no. Nothing to see here.
From "Alina" then apparently deleted, possibly not.
"…Actually inviting questioning…” (through lawsuits)? I would just wonder about the real cost (25 mln) of each question… I also wonder from when do we solve scientific issues in a court lawsuit. To me, it makes less than 0 sense. Judges solving and judging scientific theories? No. My opinion."
"Alina," it's a jury trial, not a judge alone trial. Surely the answers will be in the ciurt transcripts and can be evaluated later for their scientific merits, or lack thereof?
Where do you get that "her invention" shtick? Just your way to defend Maloney?
Wouldn't a more direct path for that be to explain (fools errand, incidentally) the answers to G. Webb's questions regarding Maloney's involvement in DOMANE?
Great work Gabby. Unfortunately, you are not dealing with rational, reasonable people here, in the comments section here, in this echo chamber of hate. The more you prove them wrong with evidence and facts, the more they will hate you.
It is a characteristic of their disorder. They become angered when proven wrong.
Most of those who defend vaccine mandates, and many of the commenters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
do a google search for the scientists behind the mRNA in the shots. you’ll see her name along with 2 other male scientists. one whom she worked with. the other founded Moderna as soon as he used mRNA to make a cell behave like another cell (he had a lab at Harvard). i forget their names but could look it up.
Dr.Kariko is credited with figuring out how to insert it into a cell without the cell being destroyed in the process. circa 2007.
That's all well and good, Gaby. But listen, I'm anti-vax from the get-go. Malone has been working in the virus-vaccine game in the heart of the intel-mil-pharma-industrial complex (the beast) for decades. Getting wealthy in the process, btw. That makes him criminal in my view based on the inherent crass indifference to human suffering of which he is a party. You can throw into that mix all others including Karico. Feel free. Virology as a Institutionalized Science is corrupt and misguided, and being utilized as a tool by nefarious parties seeking control and profit (and worse) by a cadre of evil-doers who ascribe to themselves the right to lord it over the world and it's humanity by any means at their disposal bar none. Being steered into internecine squabbles is merely shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. That's why I say F**k 'em all, and "Champion the Underdog" (which is a very cool tune by Sutherland Bros & Quiver: "google" it-- you might enjoy a little artistic cathartic escape, I can't say)
you asked for proof. i’m going to take your deflection as a ‘thank you for backing up your statements’
Dr Alexander is defending drKariko as tho she is the underdog here. she isn’t. she is directly responsible for this misguidedly deadly experiment. and i’m certain she’s getting very rich from it.
She had a street named after her in her country of origin as a result of her and others invention of mRNA. apparently it had long been in use there years before her coming to US to live.
Not sure what you mean exactly, but you will get email notifications of comments made in "sub threads" (my invented term here) where you have made a comment (or; reply, same difference). So not necessarily a reply to you per se. Any way, my take-- if that helps or is relevent. And goes w/o saying of course, reserving the right to be wrong. Hmm..."right to be wrong" --sounds like a song lyric, no?
and Ralph Baric. Why hasn't the US govt seized all of the research data from his university in order to find the dna sequence so we can heal and treat the injured?
Read about Dr. David Martin's revelations in that regard! U.S. govt.!? they are totally complicit, especially the DOD; and those weak-kneed poseurs in Congress are also complicit in that they are controlled and limited by big pharma lobbyists; that is why the lab origin investigations focus on the Wuhan lab and downplay and neglect the role of Baric and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where GOF research actually produced the synthetic infectious respiratory pathogen which was planned for deliberate RELEASE upon the world; members of Congress who want to get reelected will never want to dig deep enough to uncover the whole truth and the Faucis,Malones, Daszaks, and all the other nefarious actors know this very well and continue to be experts at playing the system.
on public record is the NIAID funding to Peter Daszak to enhance the spike protein on bat coronavirus (the funding report says to explore spillover potential in humans) in Southern China. 15 Million dollars over a number of years.
if they weren’t making the bioweapon they sure as shit should have noticed and alerted the world that a bat coronavirus was spilling over into humans in southern China while they were there studying that very thing...
but they didn’t warn us.
now 15 million dollars is ONLY the NIAID funding. EcoHealth Alliance likely received other funding for this project.
go to NIAID website and search for funding, Peter Daszak. i found it in 2020 because i wanted to know what was known about this ‘novel coronavirus’ that nobody seemed to know anything about.
There was NO NOVEL CORONAVIRUS! And most certainly NO NATURAL ORIGIN! It was a synthetically developed respiratory pathogen that was deliberately designed to be infectious to humans ; during the GOF moratorium there was a collection of pathogens brought over from China from which Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, engineered an infectious CLONE (WIV1-COV); this information is readily available in "published admissions", particularly in the article "Sars-like WIV1-COV poised for human emergence" in SEPT.2015!
Lay all the truth on the table for the world to see, it may also expose the dangers for the whole world to see lurking in the mRNA technology that they want in all vaccines. Transhumanism. Frankenstein science.
who cares about Malone: people are injured and dying due to these experimental mRNA vaccines and the researchers responsible need to step up to mitigate the damage. DrKariko is directly responsible. she developed this shit 10 years ago, not 40. her fingerprints are still all over this crime scene.
Excellent advice, Gabby. Don't forget daily Vitamin D & C, zinc and green tea. My doctor advised this in January 2020 and my wife and I haven't had even a sniffle since; and we are sojourning in SW England where the 'bugs' seem to prosper.
We are looking forward to returning to Cape Town in 2024 if the election is favourable otherwise we will escape the UK Biosecurity state pronto to a freedom in the sun somewhere south. In our experience, a sunny warm climate is the great healer and looking at the bent and diseased Brits in their cold and damp hovels is proof positive.
specifically to turning off the mRNA, Lipid nano particle, pseudouridine, etc. cascade of harm... we need the scientists 👆👆👆 to stop fighting each other and focus on solutions for helping people.
we especially need those scientists in denial to wake up and start helping. i don’t know how we do this.
I do not believe the scientists want to help people. That's not what thety get paid for. Unless they're getting paid to invent ANOTHER new drug to kill or mame uswith.
Only when you remove the funding will anything change but BigPharma have all the money. IMHO until the elite's magical paper evaporates nothing is likely to change. But maybe this event is not far off - quote Doug Noland:
"It was monetary and fiscal stimulus – inflationism – on a global basis, the likes of which the world had never experienced. And, importantly, the Bubble inflated for an incredible 13 years. History teaches that things can get crazy at the end of cycles, and we witnessed some of the craziest things ever. Readers far into the future will ponder this era, as we do the tulip bulb mania and John Law’s Mississippi Bubble. And, most unfortunately, it’s all coming home to roost now."
Malone's response is pathetic, like an angry toddler boss baby throwing his food from the highchair. I don't care what his grievance is. Settle it like a man in the spirit of open debate. And don't pretend you're "taking one for the team". You are actively destroying the team, and the entire truth community, Bob.
Mine was only 9. I buried him in the backyard, but… ever since his death I can’t look through the patio door without thinking about him. Buckets of tears…
This will backfire up Bobs orifice... the more court cases he starts the less credible he will seem ... justice only works when you do not self assassinate your character by declaring war on anyone who happens to disagree with you.... off to the nut doctor for some rewriting of those brain cells.
There is at least one commenter, "Glass," on this stack with "Kill Bob" on their profile who talks about the "need" for violence including murder and who has made vile sexual references to Malone's wife and appears intolerant of any questioning of Malone's critics. The person makes threatening statements and then deletes them. There were at least 13 made in succession and then deleted by this Malone hater, "Glass," on a recent substack about Malone. Another Malone hater, "Sida," who claims to be vaccine injured and is full of anger, and who I can only assume blames Dr. Malone, operates in a similar manner so I fear someone could be deranged enough to attempt a Salman Rushdie style attack on him.
Do you endorse this, Jomico?
Dr. Malone, if you're reading this, please know that I endorse none of this.
It seems to me that many of the commenters would. There appear to be some really ugly, bigoted and vile personality disorders on display here among the Malone haters.
The commenters have made this stack into an echo chamber of hate.
Dissent is not tolerated. Only groupthink and hatred of Dr. Malone is permitted.
I'm struggling to understand how this in in the interests of scientific discourse. Isn't Dr. Malone, through his lawsuit, actually inviting questioning?
Don't the defendants get an opportunity to defend themselves and to ask him questions on the stand which he will then have to answer under penalty of perjury?
There's a counter viewpoint to yours and that is that Dr. Malone is looking more and more credible the more he is attacked.
He is gaining more and more sympathy.
The only way I can see this backfiring on him is if he withdraws his lawsuit or settles out of court.
It would be good to see Dr. Kariko answer some questions.
No I do not condone or endorse violence… why would you think I did?…
Read my words very carefully and point out where I mention violence… I merely said what happens to people who cry wolf at everyone who DISAGREES with them… Malone receiving threats is entirely a different subject… I guess you went to a school where the blame game is a free for all if all you need to do is spout twaddle… in order to appear intelligent.
If you could spend an equal amount of time listening to Dr Breggin account… you would know Malone said one thing once upon a time .. then said something completely different… and when someone who is consistent points this out .. Bob goes into a sulk and begins another court case.. this one for a ridiculous 25 million is way over the top.
You do not know me.. and to make such asinine comments as if you are some expert on the human condition tells me you are full of your own pissing importance.. I couldn’t care less about your opinions ... what I do care about BeCAUSE I have compassion and empathy... is the number of humans now dead because a fool in a white coat trying to play GOD effed about with god given immune system... where’s your empathy fool.
That's right - playing God. The arrogance of 'scientism' is unforgivable all for the cause of a dollar but the appearance of saving the human race. Mere humans have no way of beating the magic of our Creator who gave us a free immune system which has stood the test of time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJK3dwCWCw
It logically follow that if someone has the temerity to call you out on what you put on display that it means they have no compassion or empathy for the vaccine dead and injured does it?
All opinions are not equal and I'll not regard your mere opinion, which is all it is, as opposed to a fact, as if it's some great pearl of wisdom but rather will regard it with the degree of respect that it my own fallible opinion I think it deserves.
Thanks Jill. Tell Bob he should sue Kariko too. You and Bob need to sue the NYT, the Atlantic, Politico, and the Nobel Prize committee. Tell Bob not to back down. His short man's complex along with your large size, are big enough to carry him through. Why just go for peanuts, the Breggins ain't nothing, go for the big guys. Hell, go for THE Big Guy.
Are you assuming I'm Jill, "margie" ? Interesting. "SIta," "Glass" and "Heidi Heil" also seeeme to baselessly assume that with no evidence too.
As regards your comment, it's full of ad hominems, probably because you have no substance and that's the best you've got. Have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
Based on your comment, I would expect to find accusations from the NYTimes or Kariko about Malone, but I can't see any.
All we have is so and so SAYS that Kariko said XXX. Why on earth would Malone sue those people you mentioned when none of them have said anything on the record?
No I think they're private/public-partnership propaganda and pretty damn vicious at that. However the description of Malone and his wife in the nyt article (their words and actions were quite dramatic and telling) certainly wasn't disputed by either one of them (that i saw anywhere anyway). It was a good character study. I could tell where the editor inserted the de rigueur propaganda - it was blatant and not well done at all - it wasn't exactly a seamless garment.
Dr. Kariko still promoting the vaccine. I just can not stand doctors who are still promoting this gene therapy. It seems like every 2nd day she is being glorified for the garbage she promotes/promoted even after Dr. Malone clearly stated that the mRNA technology is not save!. Do I trust Dr. Kariko what she says? No No No.
Then Catherine Austin Fitts is right. At best, Malone is too brittle for the rough-and-tumble of public discourse. At worst, well, he is worse than that...
How does his willingness to open himself to discovery and his willingness to take the stand and to be questioned and to provide answers under penalty of perjury make him too brittle for the rough-and-tumble of public discourse?
Please outline your reasoning beyond the logic of "argument by mere assertion"?
Do you endorse the talk of murder by commenter "Glass" whose profile states "Kill Bob"?
Do you endorse the vile sexual comments about Dr. Malone's wife?
How do we know that the glass profile isn't you? Jill. Ginning up "death threats" for Bob to use in his lawsuit? Or discredit Paul? Get Paul kicked out of stack? Did you report "glass?"
"Margie," "Glass," "SIta," "Ms Heil" or whoever you are, does Jill throw around psychobabble too?
I wouldn't know because I've not met her or read her writings. I'm not obsessed with her. I've already said she's probably more intelligent than me so I'm not going to be bothered by your attempted insult. I don't know enough about her to know what her degrees are or at what level they are so I don't know if she's more educated than me or not. I don't particularly care.
You, "Glass," "SIta" and Ms Heil all appear to have made the same or similar assumptions about me having a connection to Jill, baselessly and without evidence. That raises some interesting possibilities.
As regards your questions, ask me questions on a scientific or similar topic and if I can answer them I may. However, you're asking me about action I might have taken in relation to a possible criminal offence perpetrated against me. I'm not going to tell you that, especially given that you could be the perpetrator.
You've asked at least twice now.
Why is it important for you to know?
Anyway, have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
I hope it's not close to the Malone family and that you're not planning to send a hitman.
There's someone called 'Sida', who is possibly also 'Glass', or who could be 'you', who has been suggesting exactly what you are suggesting and acting in a similar manner to 'Glass' by making comments and then deleting them.
I can only infer what her, or his, or your, motive may be.
I don't know Jill or how intelligent she is but I suspect she's smarter than me and she or I would both have to be pretty stupid to think that a forensic analysis of what has happened would be unable to identify the perpetrator.
On that basis, I submit that it's unlikely to be Jill or me, although it theoretically could be.
On that basis, I submit that it's more likely to be perhaps someone with a vaccine injury, or who is vaccine bereaved, or has a friend or relative who is, and is looking for a scapegoat, which hsppens to be Dr. Malone.
Thus, I think it's a Malone hater, possibly you, although it could be almost anyone on this stack because it's an authoritarian echo chamber of hate in which questioning or dissenting voices are not tolerated.
That's my reasoning.
I'm sure you'll find it unconvincing but that's my reasoning at this point.
i thought you could be jill the way you throw around the psychobabble. so did you report the glass missives and if not why not? do you just like to wallow in his(?) stuff, or are you saving it up for your friends' lawsuit(s)? you may be right, jill is probably smarter than you, at least she spells the english language better,obviously more educated.
"Margie," "Heidi," Glass," "Sita" or whoever you are, although I think "Glass/Sita," whoever she or he is, is psychopathic or borderline, I have noted previously that people who defend the vaccines, as well as many if not most of the haters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
"Margie," I've just noticed some more similarities between your mesage and the "Glass/Sita" messages.
It could be a coincidence.
There sre other forensic clues, but I'm not going to say what they are. There appears to be an attempt being made to create cover, and divert suspicion.
it's fairly unsophisticated.
Interestingly, and possibly a coincidence, or possibly not, this all started very shortly after I told Heidi Heil to not reply to me and that I would not reply to her and that I did not consider her reasonable and did not want to engage with her.
So you're saying that "ms" heil is really me, and i'm really "glass" who is really "sita?" That's quite forensic of you. Do you read a lot of nancy drew mysteries?
New stack by Malone exposing vaccine fraud and regulatory failure and regulatory capture. His ability to remain focussed on his altruistic work while under attack by the personality disordered whack jobs in the comments sections of these stacks who wish him harm is commendable.
The bio-distribution studies were done using techniques that were not able to differentiate bio-distribution in tissues. Instead, whole animal imaging was used, which is essentially a parlor trick, and is absolutely not quantitative. Good for pictures on the cover of Rolling Stone, but not for actual bio-distribution analysis. This was the specific problem which I called Dr. Peter Marks about last fall, and which he assured me had been addressed in the full data package submitted by Pfizer. Just for the record, he lied to me.
What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was PLANNED from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (as well as Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to transfer these highly flawed pre-clinical data packages to all upcoming mRNA vaccine trials for new vaccine products!
Dr Alexander maybe that’s exactly what he was meant to do destroy normal scientific discussion and cause division. I wonder if he is a free man or captured he works for the government still in some form? NDA or they have some thing on him. From what I have learned since I started to wake up nothing would surprise me that our so called leaders have been doing since before we were born in many cases.
I think Malone is a very thin skinned man who always has to be right, if anyone disagrees with him he sues them. I hope he's got allot of spare time to sit in court because at this rate he's gonna be there more than he's gonna be riding his horses.
A lot of research scientists suffer from OCPD and are on the autism spectrum. It's believed Hitler had OCPD. As in NPD and ASD, they have empathy and perspective taking deficits.
There's an OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification labelled "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." They're fault finders and you can often spot them when they pick up on your typographical errors or fault your grammar etc. They're very negativistic and hateful. Many, if not most, of the commenter on this stack exhibit signs of this disorder. So too do many of the public health bureaucrats like Walensky and Birx and the recently retired Fauci. There's comorbidities between OCPD and Sadistic Personality Disorder. There are several subtypes of SPD including tyrannical, enforcing, explosive, and spineless sadism. IMO many if not most of the Malone critics here exhibit one of these subtypes.
They've turned the comments section into what sociologists and political scientists have termed an "echo chamber." Dissent, questioning and rebuttal are not permitted in an echo chamber
No need to overthink it. Most people attach themselves to whatever charismatic-figure says the things that confirm their own biases. That's just normal human behaviour. Women just love Malone going by the comments I've seen defending him. Probably the beard. Same goes for Ron Johnson, even when I point out his unwavering support of the NATO proxy war on Russia. Again, that's just normal behaviour. People need their heroes. Why do you think there's so many of them?
I don't fault people on their grammar or spelling, but I do get irritated by unfamiliar acronyms. It's good form to spell them out the first time you use them, but that's just me being an ALB* right?
Apologies WRT not spelling out the acronyms. My fold phone needs repairs and I'm in a remote regional area. I do everything by cell phone and I'm reduced to using a tiny little keyboard on the front of the phone or another one on which not only do the characters often freeze and it's hard to move the cursor but I fequently lose the whole message and have to retype it. By that time I'm tired of retyping and spelling out the acronyms. It also explains my typos and "poor English."
This is for you ebear,with acronyms selled out (hopefully).
Most of those who defend vaccine mandates, and quite a large number on our side, among the commenters on this stack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
Yes there's a lot of things on my 'to do' list. As I judt explained to another commenter, an old flame in France WhatsApp called me when I was about to go to bed to say that the father of her 9 year old had shot himself through the heart and I was 2.5 hours on the call consoling her plus had to go and work a full shift so am a bit tired right now. Plus, I've just discovered that the crim on this stack with "Kill Bob" on her, or his, profile and who said that my family "need" to be murdered has re-messaged me. So there are a few things I have to do.
Related to my previous comment, I'm interested in gaining a finely tuned understanding of how you understand the facts. I believe that there are competing agendas on this global stage of world-domination. There are egos and emotions running rampant due to the fact that the outcome of this agenda will perhaps seal the fate of humanity on this planet.
A guaranteed strategy of success for those intent on exterminating humanity would be to have those of us in the way of exposing the threat exterminate ourselves. We must guard against factors that would send us all falling off the cliff while fighting the good fight.
To overcome this threat, which I am not sure is even human in origin, we have to be a FAMILY of humanity. Being a family is at the core of being human. One of the best examples of humanity overcoming great adversity, though fictional, is The Godfather. (art imitates life, which imitates art, imitating life...)
Sharing here applicable core principles of power for us to keep in mind toward our life and preservation for future generations:
"Michael Corleone: Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgment."
"Michael Corleone: Never let anyone know what you’re thinking."
"Don Vito Corleone: You can do anything but never go against the family."
And if we're a family, we have to stand together, unbreakable, in demonstrating what happens when crossing "the family." (humanity)
Let's not allow ourselves to take our eyes off the ball
Have you read the accusations in the lawsuit? Defamation suits are really easy to substantiate. If there is a claim, let's see the evidence to substantiate the claim.
Robert Malone is the opposite of science. He’s a SILENCER in human form.
He’s like a money mad, ambulance chasing Attorney/Government Operative. Oh, but his supporters say, he’s doing so much good for humanity...as they say Bob’s just defending his reputation. Bob’s above being questioned because...well, just because.
Wait ten seconds for the Malone sympathizers to do their best Greta Thunberg “HOW DARE YOU!”
I don’t know how many people were involved in mRNA development, but they made a huge mistake if they knew how dangerous it is. It never should have been used in any medications.
please ask Dr Kariko how to mitigate the catastrophic damage caused by her mRNA invention!!!!
She is still promoting it. She did not learn much from Dr. Malone.
i don’t care about Malone. DrKariko is credited with developing the mRNA platform used in these vaccines. she is responsible for the carnage. i don’t think it’s cool that Dr Alexander is defending her. she’s profited/ing from the genocide. it is not ok.
if anyone knows how to stop the bleeding she’s one of our best bets.
mRNA technology is a scientific method. The fact that Kariko has been involved in developing it does not make her a villain automatically. The cabal of the globalists who are responsible for the catastrophe should bear the principal responsibility.
she worked on these covid vaccines. see the timeline in this link: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html 👉2010’s and january 2020+ for the Kariko BioNTech Pfizer partnership/collaboration.
a lot of people are injured and dying and DrKariko’s fingerprints are all over this crime scene.
I see your argument. I am NOT defending Kariko, I intend to say there are hundreds and thousands of medicines which are too toxic or ineffective when the drugs were going through the clinical trials. But should those scientists be arrested?
I am hesitant to say Kariko IS responsible for the genocide unless we know she continues her collusion with the evil guys as they deployed the plandemic.
Furthermore, should we argue whoever is involved in the development of molecular biology and biochemistry is also responsible for the disasters? Actually, they are indirectly. But I don’t think they are guilty UNLESS they participated in the specific crimes.
Definitely anyone involved in hiding the harms and deaths created by the mRNA injections are criminals. Maybe Karikó is one of them if we can find more evidence.
A very sound observation Yang, thank you and I agree. It is so easy for this kind of deliberate genocide to develop into a witch hunt. We must be careful not to tar the vast majority of scientists who I am sure are merely pursuing their art but innocent of evil intent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU
This is a philosophical dilemma IMHO. It is not always easy to clarify the evidence sufficient to determine evil intent, we live within shades of grey. We also live in a world of increased unintended consequences as a result of increasing complexity compounded by rapid technological advances never seen in the history of humanity - we think. The power given to scientists today allows them to go so far beyond natural barriers that we are now challenging the very essence of creation - some would say this is the sanctity and province of God.
It is said that a little knowledge is dangerous but I would claim that too much knowledge is even more dangerous which puts us on the road to an unresolvable moral crisis which can only be reconciled by reference to a higher power whilst confining materialism within the principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behaviour and character based on those principles.
I guess the pendulum will swing as it always does but not after much distress and damage I fear. Perhaps we have been here before? https://off-guardian.org/2022/12/11/ancient-apocalypse-graham-hancocks-dangerous-ideas/
Those who play God are driven mad first before they are destroyed.
If she can’t see anything wrong with it, why would she help? And she can’t acknowledge there is something wrong as that would reflect on her greatest “achievement” negatively. So no. Nothing to see here.
From "Alina" then apparently deleted, possibly not.
"…Actually inviting questioning…” (through lawsuits)? I would just wonder about the real cost (25 mln) of each question… I also wonder from when do we solve scientific issues in a court lawsuit. To me, it makes less than 0 sense. Judges solving and judging scientific theories? No. My opinion."
"Alina," it's a jury trial, not a judge alone trial. Surely the answers will be in the ciurt transcripts and can be evaluated later for their scientific merits, or lack thereof?
Where do you get that "her invention" shtick? Just your way to defend Maloney?
Wouldn't a more direct path for that be to explain (fools errand, incidentally) the answers to G. Webb's questions regarding Maloney's involvement in DOMANE?
google DrKariko and read through her publications... her fingerprints are all over this crime scene.
Great work Gabby. Unfortunately, you are not dealing with rational, reasonable people here, in the comments section here, in this echo chamber of hate. The more you prove them wrong with evidence and facts, the more they will hate you.
It is a characteristic of their disorder. They become angered when proven wrong.
Most of those who defend vaccine mandates, and many of the commenters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
and this, in the timeline, 2010’s, then january 2020. Karikó linked to covid-19 vaccines.
here. i made it easy for you. i’m sure you’ve read about pseudouridine playing a role in the mRNA being particularly persistent? fingerprints:
do a google search for the scientists behind the mRNA in the shots. you’ll see her name along with 2 other male scientists. one whom she worked with. the other founded Moderna as soon as he used mRNA to make a cell behave like another cell (he had a lab at Harvard). i forget their names but could look it up.
Dr.Kariko is credited with figuring out how to insert it into a cell without the cell being destroyed in the process. circa 2007.
That's all well and good, Gaby. But listen, I'm anti-vax from the get-go. Malone has been working in the virus-vaccine game in the heart of the intel-mil-pharma-industrial complex (the beast) for decades. Getting wealthy in the process, btw. That makes him criminal in my view based on the inherent crass indifference to human suffering of which he is a party. You can throw into that mix all others including Karico. Feel free. Virology as a Institutionalized Science is corrupt and misguided, and being utilized as a tool by nefarious parties seeking control and profit (and worse) by a cadre of evil-doers who ascribe to themselves the right to lord it over the world and it's humanity by any means at their disposal bar none. Being steered into internecine squabbles is merely shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. That's why I say F**k 'em all, and "Champion the Underdog" (which is a very cool tune by Sutherland Bros & Quiver: "google" it-- you might enjoy a little artistic cathartic escape, I can't say)
you asked for proof. i’m going to take your deflection as a ‘thank you for backing up your statements’
Dr Alexander is defending drKariko as tho she is the underdog here. she isn’t. she is directly responsible for this misguidedly deadly experiment. and i’m certain she’s getting very rich from it.
insert ‘it’ meaning the mRNA.
here’s more! Kariko is senior vice president of BioNTech.
plus her mRNA patents are licensed to Moderna and BioNTech:
She had a street named after her in her country of origin as a result of her and others invention of mRNA. apparently it had long been in use there years before her coming to US to live.
oh that’s interesting... i believe she is Hungarian?
yes, thanks..
they (inventors) were hailed literally as heroes in Hungary
You replied to the wrong person.
Reply was to "Gaby".
I received it. Thanks
Not sure what you mean exactly, but you will get email notifications of comments made in "sub threads" (my invented term here) where you have made a comment (or; reply, same difference). So not necessarily a reply to you per se. Any way, my take-- if that helps or is relevent. And goes w/o saying of course, reserving the right to be wrong. Hmm..."right to be wrong" --sounds like a song lyric, no?
I just wanted to make sure that your message gets to the right person.
and Ralph Baric. Why hasn't the US govt seized all of the research data from his university in order to find the dna sequence so we can heal and treat the injured?
Maybe because that would confirm that the US govt bought and paid for a bioweapon to cause this pandemic chaos?
Exactly right!
Read about Dr. David Martin's revelations in that regard! U.S. govt.!? they are totally complicit, especially the DOD; and those weak-kneed poseurs in Congress are also complicit in that they are controlled and limited by big pharma lobbyists; that is why the lab origin investigations focus on the Wuhan lab and downplay and neglect the role of Baric and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where GOF research actually produced the synthetic infectious respiratory pathogen which was planned for deliberate RELEASE upon the world; members of Congress who want to get reelected will never want to dig deep enough to uncover the whole truth and the Faucis,Malones, Daszaks, and all the other nefarious actors know this very well and continue to be experts at playing the system.
on public record is the NIAID funding to Peter Daszak to enhance the spike protein on bat coronavirus (the funding report says to explore spillover potential in humans) in Southern China. 15 Million dollars over a number of years.
if they weren’t making the bioweapon they sure as shit should have noticed and alerted the world that a bat coronavirus was spilling over into humans in southern China while they were there studying that very thing...
but they didn’t warn us.
now 15 million dollars is ONLY the NIAID funding. EcoHealth Alliance likely received other funding for this project.
go to NIAID website and search for funding, Peter Daszak. i found it in 2020 because i wanted to know what was known about this ‘novel coronavirus’ that nobody seemed to know anything about.
There was NO NOVEL CORONAVIRUS! And most certainly NO NATURAL ORIGIN! It was a synthetically developed respiratory pathogen that was deliberately designed to be infectious to humans ; during the GOF moratorium there was a collection of pathogens brought over from China from which Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, engineered an infectious CLONE (WIV1-COV); this information is readily available in "published admissions", particularly in the article "Sars-like WIV1-COV poised for human emergence" in SEPT.2015!
Great point ☝️
Awful lot of bad blood as it were between this folks
Malone seems suddenly to be developing some type of responsibility, after a few years... very late to the party
there's a paywall. what does it say?
Seems to be shilling a clot breaker called nattokinase.
But that's what paul is selling - natto. Did he buy Paul's product? Aspirin breaks clots, fish oil does too.
nattokinase is a supplement available at well stocked health food stores. vitamin K2.
it is said to break down the spike protein.
"Margie," see my reply to "Unapologetically me" for more psychobabble and a possible description of you.
Lay all the truth on the table for the world to see, it may also expose the dangers for the whole world to see lurking in the mRNA technology that they want in all vaccines. Transhumanism. Frankenstein science.
who cares about Malone: people are injured and dying due to these experimental mRNA vaccines and the researchers responsible need to step up to mitigate the damage. DrKariko is directly responsible. she developed this shit 10 years ago, not 40. her fingerprints are still all over this crime scene.
fascinating. eager to learn more.
the questions I have are... what CAN we do, and how?
to treat vaccine damage?
1- stop taking the shots
2- healthy lifestyle - food, water, sleep, sunlight, fresh air, exercise, practicing joyful activities, generally raising healthy vibrations and frequencies.
3- vax detox protocols like Amandha Vollmer (yummy doctor)
4- vax injury protocols like the FLCCC and World Council for Health have developed.
Excellent advice, Gabby. Don't forget daily Vitamin D & C, zinc and green tea. My doctor advised this in January 2020 and my wife and I haven't had even a sniffle since; and we are sojourning in SW England where the 'bugs' seem to prosper.
We are looking forward to returning to Cape Town in 2024 if the election is favourable otherwise we will escape the UK Biosecurity state pronto to a freedom in the sun somewhere south. In our experience, a sunny warm climate is the great healer and looking at the bent and diseased Brits in their cold and damp hovels is proof positive.
a friend and i assembled a list of resources for vaccine injured, check it out. share it with those who can benefit.
Thanks Gabby, very helpful, I will send it to my doc in Oz
specifically to turning off the mRNA, Lipid nano particle, pseudouridine, etc. cascade of harm... we need the scientists 👆👆👆 to stop fighting each other and focus on solutions for helping people.
we especially need those scientists in denial to wake up and start helping. i don’t know how we do this.
I do not believe the scientists want to help people. That's not what thety get paid for. Unless they're getting paid to invent ANOTHER new drug to kill or mame uswith.
depends on the scientist.
Only when you remove the funding will anything change but BigPharma have all the money. IMHO until the elite's magical paper evaporates nothing is likely to change. But maybe this event is not far off - quote Doug Noland:
"It was monetary and fiscal stimulus – inflationism – on a global basis, the likes of which the world had never experienced. And, importantly, the Bubble inflated for an incredible 13 years. History teaches that things can get crazy at the end of cycles, and we witnessed some of the craziest things ever. Readers far into the future will ponder this era, as we do the tulip bulb mania and John Law’s Mississippi Bubble. And, most unfortunately, it’s all coming home to roost now."
You could check my good doctor friend in Oz: https://cmnnews.org/
Malone's response is pathetic, like an angry toddler boss baby throwing his food from the highchair. I don't care what his grievance is. Settle it like a man in the spirit of open debate. And don't pretend you're "taking one for the team". You are actively destroying the team, and the entire truth community, Bob.
Maybe that's what you're here for though.
This is Malone's main goal - destroy the team.
This appears to be the case to many of us.
Some see it otherwise.
Oh my… my cockatiel died 2 years ago when I had a very heavy Covid. Identical to yours…😭😭😭
So sorry. Mine died in February at the age of 27.
I miss him every day.
Mine was only 9. I buried him in the backyard, but… ever since his death I can’t look through the patio door without thinking about him. Buckets of tears…
I understand just how magnificent birds are. My hope is that Animals ultimately end up in Heaven. They deserve it.
This will backfire up Bobs orifice... the more court cases he starts the less credible he will seem ... justice only works when you do not self assassinate your character by declaring war on anyone who happens to disagree with you.... off to the nut doctor for some rewriting of those brain cells.
There is at least one commenter, "Glass," on this stack with "Kill Bob" on their profile who talks about the "need" for violence including murder and who has made vile sexual references to Malone's wife and appears intolerant of any questioning of Malone's critics. The person makes threatening statements and then deletes them. There were at least 13 made in succession and then deleted by this Malone hater, "Glass," on a recent substack about Malone. Another Malone hater, "Sida," who claims to be vaccine injured and is full of anger, and who I can only assume blames Dr. Malone, operates in a similar manner so I fear someone could be deranged enough to attempt a Salman Rushdie style attack on him.
Do you endorse this, Jomico?
Dr. Malone, if you're reading this, please know that I endorse none of this.
It seems to me that many of the commenters would. There appear to be some really ugly, bigoted and vile personality disorders on display here among the Malone haters.
The commenters have made this stack into an echo chamber of hate.
Dissent is not tolerated. Only groupthink and hatred of Dr. Malone is permitted.
I'm struggling to understand how this in in the interests of scientific discourse. Isn't Dr. Malone, through his lawsuit, actually inviting questioning?
Don't the defendants get an opportunity to defend themselves and to ask him questions on the stand which he will then have to answer under penalty of perjury?
There's a counter viewpoint to yours and that is that Dr. Malone is looking more and more credible the more he is attacked.
He is gaining more and more sympathy.
The only way I can see this backfiring on him is if he withdraws his lawsuit or settles out of court.
It would be good to see Dr. Kariko answer some questions.
No I do not condone or endorse violence… why would you think I did?…
Read my words very carefully and point out where I mention violence… I merely said what happens to people who cry wolf at everyone who DISAGREES with them… Malone receiving threats is entirely a different subject… I guess you went to a school where the blame game is a free for all if all you need to do is spout twaddle… in order to appear intelligent.
If you could spend an equal amount of time listening to Dr Breggin account… you would know Malone said one thing once upon a time .. then said something completely different… and when someone who is consistent points this out .. Bob goes into a sulk and begins another court case.. this one for a ridiculous 25 million is way over the top.
Well Dr. Malone can be questioned about any inconsistencies under oath. He's knowingly opened himself up to that. To me, that says a lot about him.
Try not to be so emotional.
There's really no need to be so hypersensitive.
You're coming across like the sort of person that Dr. Malone's critics say he is.
With respect to whether or not you endorse violence, it was simply a question.
I just wondered if you did.
Of course you'd be an even bigger fool than I have reasonably inferred that you are to admit it if you do but I thought it was worth asking.
Surely you don't have a problem with being asked questions?
Dr. Malone doesn't seem to have a problem with that.
To repeat, he's signalled a willingness to open himself to discovery and to be asked and to have to answer questions under penalty of perjury.
That says a lot about his character. It suggests integrity.
Integrity?!!! M is the complete opposite
I doubt you'd be happy to receive such threats Jomico.
There are some really ugly personality disorders, particularly sadism, on display here.
Your obvious empathy deficits and perspective deficits plus logical fallacies are interesting for what they say about you.
Stop bullying people, ANW. You’re really displaying bad character.
Hi Bridget
Thanks for your message.
I'm interested to learn more.
Right now I'm really busy.
I can get back to you later.
Cheers and best wishes.
Funny ANW is my favorite version.
You do not know me.. and to make such asinine comments as if you are some expert on the human condition tells me you are full of your own pissing importance.. I couldn’t care less about your opinions ... what I do care about BeCAUSE I have compassion and empathy... is the number of humans now dead because a fool in a white coat trying to play GOD effed about with god given immune system... where’s your empathy fool.
That's right - playing God. The arrogance of 'scientism' is unforgivable all for the cause of a dollar but the appearance of saving the human race. Mere humans have no way of beating the magic of our Creator who gave us a free immune system which has stood the test of time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJK3dwCWCw
It logically follow that if someone has the temerity to call you out on what you put on display that it means they have no compassion or empathy for the vaccine dead and injured does it?
All opinions are not equal and I'll not regard your mere opinion, which is all it is, as opposed to a fact, as if it's some great pearl of wisdom but rather will regard it with the degree of respect that it my own fallible opinion I think it deserves.
Thanks Jill. Tell Bob he should sue Kariko too. You and Bob need to sue the NYT, the Atlantic, Politico, and the Nobel Prize committee. Tell Bob not to back down. His short man's complex along with your large size, are big enough to carry him through. Why just go for peanuts, the Breggins ain't nothing, go for the big guys. Hell, go for THE Big Guy.
Are you assuming I'm Jill, "margie" ? Interesting. "SIta," "Glass" and "Heidi Heil" also seeeme to baselessly assume that with no evidence too.
As regards your comment, it's full of ad hominems, probably because you have no substance and that's the best you've got. Have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
I have yet to see any direct claims from Kariko. Do you have a link or screenshot of any such claims?
Do you have a link or screenshot of any claims from Cole?
The only thing I've seen is claims that Kariko said X or Y. Same for Cole.
No, the only claims by Kariko i saw were quotes in the nyt article. I don't know who Cole is. Whether she disavows it I don't know.
Based on your comment, I would expect to find accusations from the NYTimes or Kariko about Malone, but I can't see any.
All we have is so and so SAYS that Kariko said XXX. Why on earth would Malone sue those people you mentioned when none of them have said anything on the record?
why on earth indeed?
I just checked the NYTimes article, did you find anything referring to Malone?
what? i have a copy, which one are you referring to? the whole thing is about him.
Do you think either The Atlantic or NYT is a credible source of information?
No I think they're private/public-partnership propaganda and pretty damn vicious at that. However the description of Malone and his wife in the nyt article (their words and actions were quite dramatic and telling) certainly wasn't disputed by either one of them (that i saw anywhere anyway). It was a good character study. I could tell where the editor inserted the de rigueur propaganda - it was blatant and not well done at all - it wasn't exactly a seamless garment.
Dr. Kariko still promoting the vaccine. I just can not stand doctors who are still promoting this gene therapy. It seems like every 2nd day she is being glorified for the garbage she promotes/promoted even after Dr. Malone clearly stated that the mRNA technology is not save!. Do I trust Dr. Kariko what she says? No No No.
yeah. her fingerprints are all over the crime scene and she’s credited with being the genius behind the genocide.
Even Rand Paul still says some high risk people should get the ClotShots.
Enemies on all sides.
Then Catherine Austin Fitts is right. At best, Malone is too brittle for the rough-and-tumble of public discourse. At worst, well, he is worse than that...
How does his willingness to open himself to discovery and his willingness to take the stand and to be questioned and to provide answers under penalty of perjury make him too brittle for the rough-and-tumble of public discourse?
Please outline your reasoning beyond the logic of "argument by mere assertion"?
Do you endorse the talk of murder by commenter "Glass" whose profile states "Kill Bob"?
Do you endorse the vile sexual comments about Dr. Malone's wife?
How do we know that the glass profile isn't you? Jill. Ginning up "death threats" for Bob to use in his lawsuit? Or discredit Paul? Get Paul kicked out of stack? Did you report "glass?"
"Margie," "Glass," "SIta," "Ms Heil" or whoever you are, does Jill throw around psychobabble too?
I wouldn't know because I've not met her or read her writings. I'm not obsessed with her. I've already said she's probably more intelligent than me so I'm not going to be bothered by your attempted insult. I don't know enough about her to know what her degrees are or at what level they are so I don't know if she's more educated than me or not. I don't particularly care.
You, "Glass," "SIta" and Ms Heil all appear to have made the same or similar assumptions about me having a connection to Jill, baselessly and without evidence. That raises some interesting possibilities.
As regards your questions, ask me questions on a scientific or similar topic and if I can answer them I may. However, you're asking me about action I might have taken in relation to a possible criminal offence perpetrated against me. I'm not going to tell you that, especially given that you could be the perpetrator.
You've asked at least twice now.
Why is it important for you to know?
Anyway, have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
I hope it's not close to the Malone family and that you're not planning to send a hitman.
There's someone called 'Sida', who is possibly also 'Glass', or who could be 'you', who has been suggesting exactly what you are suggesting and acting in a similar manner to 'Glass' by making comments and then deleting them.
I can only infer what her, or his, or your, motive may be.
I don't know Jill or how intelligent she is but I suspect she's smarter than me and she or I would both have to be pretty stupid to think that a forensic analysis of what has happened would be unable to identify the perpetrator.
On that basis, I submit that it's unlikely to be Jill or me, although it theoretically could be.
On that basis, I submit that it's more likely to be perhaps someone with a vaccine injury, or who is vaccine bereaved, or has a friend or relative who is, and is looking for a scapegoat, which hsppens to be Dr. Malone.
Thus, I think it's a Malone hater, possibly you, although it could be almost anyone on this stack because it's an authoritarian echo chamber of hate in which questioning or dissenting voices are not tolerated.
That's my reasoning.
I'm sure you'll find it unconvincing but that's my reasoning at this point.
i thought you could be jill the way you throw around the psychobabble. so did you report the glass missives and if not why not? do you just like to wallow in his(?) stuff, or are you saving it up for your friends' lawsuit(s)? you may be right, jill is probably smarter than you, at least she spells the english language better,obviously more educated.
"Margie," "Heidi," Glass," "Sita" or whoever you are, although I think "Glass/Sita," whoever she or he is, is psychopathic or borderline, I have noted previously that people who defend the vaccines, as well as many if not most of the haters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
"Margie," I've just noticed some more similarities between your mesage and the "Glass/Sita" messages.
It could be a coincidence.
There sre other forensic clues, but I'm not going to say what they are. There appears to be an attempt being made to create cover, and divert suspicion.
it's fairly unsophisticated.
Interestingly, and possibly a coincidence, or possibly not, this all started very shortly after I told Heidi Heil to not reply to me and that I would not reply to her and that I did not consider her reasonable and did not want to engage with her.
Are you Ms Heil?
So you're saying that "ms" heil is really me, and i'm really "glass" who is really "sita?" That's quite forensic of you. Do you read a lot of nancy drew mysteries?
New stack by Malone exposing vaccine fraud and regulatory failure and regulatory capture. His ability to remain focussed on his altruistic work while under attack by the personality disordered whack jobs in the comments sections of these stacks who wish him harm is commendable.
The bio-distribution studies were done using techniques that were not able to differentiate bio-distribution in tissues. Instead, whole animal imaging was used, which is essentially a parlor trick, and is absolutely not quantitative. Good for pictures on the cover of Rolling Stone, but not for actual bio-distribution analysis. This was the specific problem which I called Dr. Peter Marks about last fall, and which he assured me had been addressed in the full data package submitted by Pfizer. Just for the record, he lied to me.
What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was PLANNED from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (as well as Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to transfer these highly flawed pre-clinical data packages to all upcoming mRNA vaccine trials for new vaccine products!
Dr Alexander maybe that’s exactly what he was meant to do destroy normal scientific discussion and cause division. I wonder if he is a free man or captured he works for the government still in some form? NDA or they have some thing on him. From what I have learned since I started to wake up nothing would surprise me that our so called leaders have been doing since before we were born in many cases.
I think Malone is a very thin skinned man who always has to be right, if anyone disagrees with him he sues them. I hope he's got allot of spare time to sit in court because at this rate he's gonna be there more than he's gonna be riding his horses.
I think he's on the autism spectrum and suffers from narcissistic personality disorder to boot.
Come sue me.
(Hint: You can't bleed a stone broke dissident.)
A lot of research scientists suffer from OCPD and are on the autism spectrum. It's believed Hitler had OCPD. As in NPD and ASD, they have empathy and perspective taking deficits.
There's an OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification labelled "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." They're fault finders and you can often spot them when they pick up on your typographical errors or fault your grammar etc. They're very negativistic and hateful. Many, if not most, of the commenter on this stack exhibit signs of this disorder. So too do many of the public health bureaucrats like Walensky and Birx and the recently retired Fauci. There's comorbidities between OCPD and Sadistic Personality Disorder. There are several subtypes of SPD including tyrannical, enforcing, explosive, and spineless sadism. IMO many if not most of the Malone critics here exhibit one of these subtypes.
They've turned the comments section into what sociologists and political scientists have termed an "echo chamber." Dissent, questioning and rebuttal are not permitted in an echo chamber
This is an echo chamber of hate. Just my opinion.
No need to overthink it. Most people attach themselves to whatever charismatic-figure says the things that confirm their own biases. That's just normal human behaviour. Women just love Malone going by the comments I've seen defending him. Probably the beard. Same goes for Ron Johnson, even when I point out his unwavering support of the NATO proxy war on Russia. Again, that's just normal behaviour. People need their heroes. Why do you think there's so many of them?
I don't fault people on their grammar or spelling, but I do get irritated by unfamiliar acronyms. It's good form to spell them out the first time you use them, but that's just me being an ALB* right?
* annoying little bear
Apologies WRT not spelling out the acronyms. My fold phone needs repairs and I'm in a remote regional area. I do everything by cell phone and I'm reduced to using a tiny little keyboard on the front of the phone or another one on which not only do the characters often freeze and it's hard to move the cursor but I fequently lose the whole message and have to retype it. By that time I'm tired of retyping and spelling out the acronyms. It also explains my typos and "poor English."
This is for you ebear,with acronyms selled out (hopefully).
Most of those who defend vaccine mandates, and quite a large number on our side, among the commenters on this stack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
Why are you telling me all this? Seems like a lot of work for someone with a defective keyboard.
Sounds bad. Maybe you should switch to short wave?
Yes there's a lot of things on my 'to do' list. As I judt explained to another commenter, an old flame in France WhatsApp called me when I was about to go to bed to say that the father of her 9 year old had shot himself through the heart and I was 2.5 hours on the call consoling her plus had to go and work a full shift so am a bit tired right now. Plus, I've just discovered that the crim on this stack with "Kill Bob" on her, or his, profile and who said that my family "need" to be murdered has re-messaged me. So there are a few things I have to do.
The beard is the tell. If it's not a religious observance it's a affectation, unless of course he's a tug boat captain.
Those horses cost a lot to feed.
Dear Paul,
Related to my previous comment, I'm interested in gaining a finely tuned understanding of how you understand the facts. I believe that there are competing agendas on this global stage of world-domination. There are egos and emotions running rampant due to the fact that the outcome of this agenda will perhaps seal the fate of humanity on this planet.
A guaranteed strategy of success for those intent on exterminating humanity would be to have those of us in the way of exposing the threat exterminate ourselves. We must guard against factors that would send us all falling off the cliff while fighting the good fight.
To overcome this threat, which I am not sure is even human in origin, we have to be a FAMILY of humanity. Being a family is at the core of being human. One of the best examples of humanity overcoming great adversity, though fictional, is The Godfather. (art imitates life, which imitates art, imitating life...)
Sharing here applicable core principles of power for us to keep in mind toward our life and preservation for future generations:
"Michael Corleone: Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgment."
"Michael Corleone: Never let anyone know what you’re thinking."
"Don Vito Corleone: You can do anything but never go against the family."
And if we're a family, we have to stand together, unbreakable, in demonstrating what happens when crossing "the family." (humanity)
Let's not allow ourselves to take our eyes off the ball
Let's each have each other's six, all the way.
Maybe add to that:
Never threaten and sue those whom are trying to accomplish the same goal you claim to be pursuing?
Have you read the accusations in the lawsuit? Defamation suits are really easy to substantiate. If there is a claim, let's see the evidence to substantiate the claim.
If he cannot or will not answer those who questions him or his work he signals that he is NOT a good faith actor.
Well, if he insists in this I have no choice but to consider him as such,
gonna sue me now, laddie???
Malone> a boy named Sue....
Join forces with his other targets and get a good attorney who knows how to handle this:
Judges don't like having their time wasted.
BOTH along with many many others are guilty
Robert Malone is the opposite of science. He’s a SILENCER in human form.
He’s like a money mad, ambulance chasing Attorney/Government Operative. Oh, but his supporters say, he’s doing so much good for humanity...as they say Bob’s just defending his reputation. Bob’s above being questioned because...well, just because.
Wait ten seconds for the Malone sympathizers to do their best Greta Thunberg “HOW DARE YOU!”
"the death of scientific disagreement and discourse."
Big Science and career/grantism had already slain the Scientific Method. You can't kill a dead horse. Money curves space.
I don’t know how many people were involved in mRNA development, but they made a huge mistake if they knew how dangerous it is. It never should have been used in any medications.
they knew and it wasn't a mistake.