please ask Dr Kariko how to mitigate the catastrophic damage caused by her mRNA invention!!!!

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Malone's response is pathetic, like an angry toddler boss baby throwing his food from the highchair. I don't care what his grievance is. Settle it like a man in the spirit of open debate. And don't pretend you're "taking one for the team". You are actively destroying the team, and the entire truth community, Bob.

Maybe that's what you're here for though.

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This will backfire up Bobs orifice... the more court cases he starts the less credible he will seem ... justice only works when you do not self assassinate your character by declaring war on anyone who happens to disagree with you.... off to the nut doctor for some rewriting of those brain cells.

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Dr. Kariko still promoting the vaccine. I just can not stand doctors who are still promoting this gene therapy. It seems like every 2nd day she is being glorified for the garbage she promotes/promoted even after Dr. Malone clearly stated that the mRNA technology is not save!. Do I trust Dr. Kariko what she says? No No No.

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Then Catherine Austin Fitts is right. At best, Malone is too brittle for the rough-and-tumble of public discourse. At worst, well, he is worse than that...

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Dr Alexander maybe that’s exactly what he was meant to do destroy normal scientific discussion and cause division. I wonder if he is a free man or captured he works for the government still in some form? NDA or they have some thing on him. From what I have learned since I started to wake up nothing would surprise me that our so called leaders have been doing since before we were born in many cases.

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I think Malone is a very thin skinned man who always has to be right, if anyone disagrees with him he sues them. I hope he's got allot of spare time to sit in court because at this rate he's gonna be there more than he's gonna be riding his horses.

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Those horses cost a lot to feed.

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Dear Paul,

Related to my previous comment, I'm interested in gaining a finely tuned understanding of how you understand the facts. I believe that there are competing agendas on this global stage of world-domination. There are egos and emotions running rampant due to the fact that the outcome of this agenda will perhaps seal the fate of humanity on this planet.

A guaranteed strategy of success for those intent on exterminating humanity would be to have those of us in the way of exposing the threat exterminate ourselves. We must guard against factors that would send us all falling off the cliff while fighting the good fight.

To overcome this threat, which I am not sure is even human in origin, we have to be a FAMILY of humanity. Being a family is at the core of being human. One of the best examples of humanity overcoming great adversity, though fictional, is The Godfather. (art imitates life, which imitates art, imitating life...)

Sharing here applicable core principles of power for us to keep in mind toward our life and preservation for future generations:

"Michael Corleone: Never hate your enemies. It clouds your judgment."

"Michael Corleone: Never let anyone know what you’re thinking."

"Don Vito Corleone: You can do anything but never go against the family."

And if we're a family, we have to stand together, unbreakable, in demonstrating what happens when crossing "the family." (humanity)

Let's not allow ourselves to take our eyes off the ball

Let's each have each other's six, all the way.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

If he cannot or will not answer those who questions him or his work he signals that he is NOT a good faith actor.

Well, if he insists in this I have no choice but to consider him as such,

gonna sue me now, laddie???

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Malone> a boy named Sue....

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Join forces with his other targets and get a good attorney who knows how to handle this:


Judges don't like having their time wasted.

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BOTH along with many many others are guilty

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Robert Malone is the opposite of science. He’s a SILENCER in human form.

He’s like a money mad, ambulance chasing Attorney/Government Operative. Oh, but his supporters say, he’s doing so much good for humanity...as they say Bob’s just defending his reputation. Bob’s above being questioned because...well, just because.

Wait ten seconds for the Malone sympathizers to do their best Greta Thunberg “HOW DARE YOU!”

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"the death of scientific disagreement and discourse."

Big Science and career/grantism had already slain the Scientific Method. You can't kill a dead horse. Money curves space.

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I don’t know how many people were involved in mRNA development, but they made a huge mistake if they knew how dangerous it is. It never should have been used in any medications.

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