How do we know that the glass profile isn't you? Jill. Ginning up "death threats" for Bob to use in his lawsuit? Or discredit Paul? Get Paul kicked out of stack? Did you report "glass?"
How do we know that the glass profile isn't you? Jill. Ginning up "death threats" for Bob to use in his lawsuit? Or discredit Paul? Get Paul kicked out of stack? Did you report "glass?"
"Margie," "Glass," "SIta," "Ms Heil" or whoever you are, does Jill throw around psychobabble too?
I wouldn't know because I've not met her or read her writings. I'm not obsessed with her. I've already said she's probably more intelligent than me so I'm not going to be bothered by your attempted insult. I don't know enough about her to know what her degrees are or at what level they are so I don't know if she's more educated than me or not. I don't particularly care.
You, "Glass," "SIta" and Ms Heil all appear to have made the same or similar assumptions about me having a connection to Jill, baselessly and without evidence. That raises some interesting possibilities.
As regards your questions, ask me questions on a scientific or similar topic and if I can answer them I may. However, you're asking me about action I might have taken in relation to a possible criminal offence perpetrated against me. I'm not going to tell you that, especially given that you could be the perpetrator.
You've asked at least twice now.
Why is it important for you to know?
Anyway, have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
I hope it's not close to the Malone family and that you're not planning to send a hitman.
There's someone called 'Sida', who is possibly also 'Glass', or who could be 'you', who has been suggesting exactly what you are suggesting and acting in a similar manner to 'Glass' by making comments and then deleting them.
I can only infer what her, or his, or your, motive may be.
I don't know Jill or how intelligent she is but I suspect she's smarter than me and she or I would both have to be pretty stupid to think that a forensic analysis of what has happened would be unable to identify the perpetrator.
On that basis, I submit that it's unlikely to be Jill or me, although it theoretically could be.
On that basis, I submit that it's more likely to be perhaps someone with a vaccine injury, or who is vaccine bereaved, or has a friend or relative who is, and is looking for a scapegoat, which hsppens to be Dr. Malone.
Thus, I think it's a Malone hater, possibly you, although it could be almost anyone on this stack because it's an authoritarian echo chamber of hate in which questioning or dissenting voices are not tolerated.
That's my reasoning.
I'm sure you'll find it unconvincing but that's my reasoning at this point.
i thought you could be jill the way you throw around the psychobabble. so did you report the glass missives and if not why not? do you just like to wallow in his(?) stuff, or are you saving it up for your friends' lawsuit(s)? you may be right, jill is probably smarter than you, at least she spells the english language better,obviously more educated.
"Margie," "Heidi," Glass," "Sita" or whoever you are, although I think "Glass/Sita," whoever she or he is, is psychopathic or borderline, I have noted previously that people who defend the vaccines, as well as many if not most of the haters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War IтАЩs worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWIтАЩs worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to тАЬno manтАЩs landтАЭ and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
"Margie," I've just noticed some more similarities between your mesage and the "Glass/Sita" messages.
It could be a coincidence.
There sre other forensic clues, but I'm not going to say what they are. There appears to be an attempt being made to create cover, and divert suspicion.
it's fairly unsophisticated.
Interestingly, and possibly a coincidence, or possibly not, this all started very shortly after I told Heidi Heil to not reply to me and that I would not reply to her and that I did not consider her reasonable and did not want to engage with her.
So you're saying that "ms" heil is really me, and i'm really "glass" who is really "sita?" That's quite forensic of you. Do you read a lot of nancy drew mysteries?
New stack by Malone exposing vaccine fraud and regulatory failure and regulatory capture. His ability to remain focussed on his altruistic work while under attack by the personality disordered whack jobs in the comments sections of these stacks who wish him harm is commendable.
The bio-distribution studies were done using techniques that were not able to differentiate bio-distribution in tissues. Instead, whole animal imaging was used, which is essentially a parlor trick, and is absolutely not quantitative. Good for pictures on the cover of Rolling Stone, but not for actual bio-distribution analysis. This was the specific problem which I called Dr. Peter Marks about last fall, and which he assured me had been addressed in the full data package submitted by Pfizer. Just for the record, he lied to me.
What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was PLANNED from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (as well as Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to transfer these highly flawed pre-clinical data packages to all upcoming mRNA vaccine trials for new vaccine products!
How do we know that the glass profile isn't you? Jill. Ginning up "death threats" for Bob to use in his lawsuit? Or discredit Paul? Get Paul kicked out of stack? Did you report "glass?"
"Margie," "Glass," "SIta," "Ms Heil" or whoever you are, does Jill throw around psychobabble too?
I wouldn't know because I've not met her or read her writings. I'm not obsessed with her. I've already said she's probably more intelligent than me so I'm not going to be bothered by your attempted insult. I don't know enough about her to know what her degrees are or at what level they are so I don't know if she's more educated than me or not. I don't particularly care.
You, "Glass," "SIta" and Ms Heil all appear to have made the same or similar assumptions about me having a connection to Jill, baselessly and without evidence. That raises some interesting possibilities.
As regards your questions, ask me questions on a scientific or similar topic and if I can answer them I may. However, you're asking me about action I might have taken in relation to a possible criminal offence perpetrated against me. I'm not going to tell you that, especially given that you could be the perpetrator.
You've asked at least twice now.
Why is it important for you to know?
Anyway, have a nice day, or night, depending on what continent and time zone you're in.
I hope it's not close to the Malone family and that you're not planning to send a hitman.
There's someone called 'Sida', who is possibly also 'Glass', or who could be 'you', who has been suggesting exactly what you are suggesting and acting in a similar manner to 'Glass' by making comments and then deleting them.
I can only infer what her, or his, or your, motive may be.
I don't know Jill or how intelligent she is but I suspect she's smarter than me and she or I would both have to be pretty stupid to think that a forensic analysis of what has happened would be unable to identify the perpetrator.
On that basis, I submit that it's unlikely to be Jill or me, although it theoretically could be.
On that basis, I submit that it's more likely to be perhaps someone with a vaccine injury, or who is vaccine bereaved, or has a friend or relative who is, and is looking for a scapegoat, which hsppens to be Dr. Malone.
Thus, I think it's a Malone hater, possibly you, although it could be almost anyone on this stack because it's an authoritarian echo chamber of hate in which questioning or dissenting voices are not tolerated.
That's my reasoning.
I'm sure you'll find it unconvincing but that's my reasoning at this point.
i thought you could be jill the way you throw around the psychobabble. so did you report the glass missives and if not why not? do you just like to wallow in his(?) stuff, or are you saving it up for your friends' lawsuit(s)? you may be right, jill is probably smarter than you, at least she spells the english language better,obviously more educated.
"Margie," "Heidi," Glass," "Sita" or whoever you are, although I think "Glass/Sita," whoever she or he is, is psychopathic or borderline, I have noted previously that people who defend the vaccines, as well as many if not most of the haters on this substack, appear to have Hitler's personality disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD; Anakastic Personality Disorder), and in particular the OCPD subtype that Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders classification termed "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." This is the disorder that has driven the bureaucratic incompetence. Understanding it is key to defeating it.
I noted about it previously as follows:
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., murderer of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats.
OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality or hyperpunctuality, a tendency sometimes to be a "grammar Nazi," the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientiousness and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism, especially "enforcing sadism with compulsive features," "tyrannical sadism" and "spineless sadism."
People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. Greta Thunberg and those who glue themselves to roads, preventing ambulaces from passing, because they think their cause takes priority, are others. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.)
OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology.
They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how fucked up they are and how much harm they cause.
To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D:
"The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War IтАЩs worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWIтАЩs worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele.
Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to тАЬno manтАЩs landтАЭ and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude.
They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield.
In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described.
Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials.
The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients.
"Margie," I've just noticed some more similarities between your mesage and the "Glass/Sita" messages.
It could be a coincidence.
There sre other forensic clues, but I'm not going to say what they are. There appears to be an attempt being made to create cover, and divert suspicion.
it's fairly unsophisticated.
Interestingly, and possibly a coincidence, or possibly not, this all started very shortly after I told Heidi Heil to not reply to me and that I would not reply to her and that I did not consider her reasonable and did not want to engage with her.
Are you Ms Heil?
So you're saying that "ms" heil is really me, and i'm really "glass" who is really "sita?" That's quite forensic of you. Do you read a lot of nancy drew mysteries?
New stack by Malone exposing vaccine fraud and regulatory failure and regulatory capture. His ability to remain focussed on his altruistic work while under attack by the personality disordered whack jobs in the comments sections of these stacks who wish him harm is commendable.
The bio-distribution studies were done using techniques that were not able to differentiate bio-distribution in tissues. Instead, whole animal imaging was used, which is essentially a parlor trick, and is absolutely not quantitative. Good for pictures on the cover of Rolling Stone, but not for actual bio-distribution analysis. This was the specific problem which I called Dr. Peter Marks about last fall, and which he assured me had been addressed in the full data package submitted by Pfizer. Just for the record, he lied to me.
What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was PLANNED from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (as well as Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to transfer these highly flawed pre-clinical data packages to all upcoming mRNA vaccine trials for new vaccine products!