Roger: 'I hope that folks like yourself have a Plan B as you'll be a target for thought crimes. Again, a pretty bleak picture...Implement the Cloward–Piven strategy on the regime'; your thoughts?
I can understand where he is coming from. There always seems to be a "surprise" for all of us when something happens in society that throws us off-balance; whether it be a terrorist attack, a new war, a new school shooting, etc.. We cannot fathom the extent some people will go, because we are not psychopaths, nor evil, so we are surprised. Instead, I am of the mind now to expect the unexpected, not that I know what is going to happen, but rather, when it does happen, I am not surprised. It allows you to analyze a situation a little more clearly. And I am doing the same thing as Roger, being prepared and surrounding myself with like minded individuals and doing our best to talk about issues, plant seeds of doubt in those who have not woken up yet, and never, never, never give up. Turning the tide takes time; I realized this during Covid. And it's not on our time either, but it's in God's time. The other fact I noticed is that people need to have their own epiphanies. And I am using the plural form here on purpose, because one epiphany is usually the first of many to follow. There are more and more folks seeing what is really in front of them now. You cannot unsee what suddenly you see. We need to keep contributing as we are and changing our future. And this change will be lasting because it is not fear-based or oppressive. Take responsibility for your/our future.; keep working; and I don't say this lightly (but I have realized that there truly is something larger at play, that evil is among us because I have no other way of justifying what I am seeing) God is with us.
what as stunning intelligent balanced informative post...I feel I have the smartest people on here...not here to show us your smarts, just pure guts and heart trying to share.
God said we have to work 6 days and rest on the Sabbath...not take from others and harm him to take it...get your own...but as Marley one can free us but ourselves...we remain shackled in our minds and we must do the work to free our minds from the captivity
But there are also some sassy conservative women on here and I will be giving you credit for your fighting and standing for what is right when the OPP are taken down by evidential realities of your work. They f*cked up big time and my complaint alleges criminal negligence and reckless endangerment against the defective detective and detachment commander/commanders ALL complicit. The regular foot soldiers will not be named or bothered in this side of the attack I am ready to forward to the OIPRD. They cannot get out of it. If they try to on any technicality I can retain a lawyer or myself file these criminal charges myself.
Disturbing revelations about the mindset of the Biden-Harris Administration's policy as expressed by their U.S. delegates to the UN, as reported today in Life Site News:
"Delegates from the U.S., along with the EU and numerous other countries, have supported exceptions to a draft United Nations treaty on the criminalization of child pornography, allowing material which does not involve a “real child,” is AI-generated, or created within a “consensual relationship” and kept for “private use” to go unprosecuted."
This has always been a spiritual battle first. Satan and the demons don't sleep. They've been working to tempt and steer humans away from God and His natural law. We see clearly what happened with the "chosen" people in the Old Testament when they strayed from God's precepts. They were conquered and hauled off. Generations passed before they were given the blessing of return. Too much of America is wicked. And too much of America is lukewarm, and scripture says Jesus will spew the lukewarm out of His mouth. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, tragedies are often the only wake up call on a personal level that will get us turning back fully to God in our own lives in a serious way. The same I think will be required at a national level. But having a conversation with others on the above makes them uncomfortable, and has many fleeing to thinking, "It's not that bad, and I'm not that bad." Lukewarmness. How many even take the time to start and end the day with some prayer of thanks, and guidance? We spend more time watching a sports game, or the latest hot streaming show. Everyone reading this, fight against being lukewarm. Throughout the day offer up prayers for the nation and your neighbors, especially the ones you don't know. Look for ways to due to the flesh, and fast from food, media, etc. Offer up personal reperations for the 60 million unborn slaughtered via abortion, and the tens of millions of unborn, who through the use of contraceptives, were unable to implant safely in their mother's wombs after they were conceived. God is merciful, but also just.
exceptional sharing, please remain here and share more and more, and help engage...I am handling interviews and writing and reading for I need to read the politics and science daily to understand the talk...but you guys here give us all hope for it reveals America is not lost, the world is not for you are in it...this is so superb...thank you...I wish many read agree we must re-center spirituality and faith into this has become a spiritual one.
Roger? A dodger? A coward? A liar? No and a thousand times no. You are what I would classify as a real man telling it like it is and standing with Courage on your right side and Perception on your left. I could not have done better mysefl and I have been fighting the corrupt CYSTem from age 18 and watched the damned thing become more and more corrupt, more and more greedy, more and more self serving. But then again, the Law of Entropy never stops and affects people as well as objects. But it seems to compel law enforcement, political arena occupants, education CYSTem, religion and media far worse than anything.
Hang tough Roger. You know for a surety just what is going on.
I am and will. Have some updates on the life of fighting. OIPRD complaint about a lying defective detective guilty of criminal negligence and reckless endangerment on a total of eight counts. When the police become the pigs and are complicit as I have been told in targeting/silencing someone that is not wokist, then there is a serious problem in that nation.
I have proof "it" is based on medical evidence and he is not charged then I will have to retain a lawyer to charge it and file another complaint of corruption against the OIPRD people.
For the most part I believe he has a clear understanding of what is going on, but Plan B cannot be the same plan the deep state has been attempting to get to for decades and what has gotten us into this mess over time. Wayne Allyn Root did a great piece a while back and he mentions parts of it on his show often. He went to the same college Obama said he graduated from, but never saw him. He studied what the college was pushing for society to implement, which was the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. Over the years he and others have studied all the regimes and especially Obama's, because of the 16-year plan (in their words) that began with his administration.
Primarily, the Cloward-Pivens strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government". It is an evil intended prospect that is meant to increase power to a few and reduce the power of the masses.
So, do you see that this is THEIR plan, which has been mostly implemented already with the "Federal" "Minimum Wage" Act, bringing in massive numbers of illegal aliens and providing everything they need, suggesting this is the American way when in reality its the citizens paying for it, removing the family unit and parental rights (brainwashing our kids), censorship, removing history, etc., etc. The primary issue is that government has become TOO large and TOO powerful and that was never what the Founding Father's intended. As a matter of fact, our government has been slowly shredding their ideals, our Constitution, and with that the People's power to remove/revamp. Intentionally to usher in a One World Government run by oligarchs. We the People MUST nip that in the bud at every turn. It will take some time to reverse the damage because it took a long time to get here, but we can turn this around. I believe there are more and more who have realized we let it go too far and are working hard to wake others up in many ways. It's gotten to the point their strategies are easy to see because they are a revolving door, if this doesn't work, do that - all of the same playbook over and over again. All for the "love" of money and power.
IMHO, we cannot use their Cloward-Pivens strategy on them, because it may result in exactly what they want. There are still enough "normies" who like the idea of the government dole, not realizing that's a freedom buster. We don't need to militarize, we have power we simply are not using - “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” There doesn't have to be a kinetic type revolution to accomplish this. That is why they are pushing forward with as much and as fast as they can - they know we have this power, they know Trump will facilitate it, and it could all crumble before their eyes if he is elected and we use our voices to lead the charge in altering or abolishing unnecessary and/or destructive overreaching agencies, corrupt leaders/courts, etc.
Yes, I'm a glass half full person and I believe it can be overflowing - IF we FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for the life, liberty and freedoms (pursuit of happiness) that God gave us and with His help we will prevail as He intends it to be.
Use our voices to lead the charge, that's something they understand, because they are controlling the mainstream media, all of it. And if they are controlling all the elections too, then where does that leave us ? Kinetic warfare is not necessary you say, but the illegals, and there are millions of them are not here just to settle down. And if the power grid goes down, it won't take long for desperation to set in. There's a reason the Deagle forecast says that America's population is going to be cut by 70% by the end of next year (2025). Will it happen, it certainly could. The Patriots are going to need to organize and be ready to fight. And, yes, exposing the darkness is definitely a fight that needs to be happening, which is what we do on alternative media. It doesn't matter if resistance is futile or not. It's up to us to resist evil.
Absolutely it's up to us to resist evil. The devil hasn't changed his stripes. They believe they are controlling the elections, but know there are tons of boots on the ground this time just waiting to catch them in every single fraud they got away with in 2020 and 2022 and then some found since...also tried in 2016, but underestimated. That's why Biden got 83 million...they overestimated to the point there were more voters than registered, etc.
Yes, we do need to be cognizant of the illegals and be ready to protects ourselves. And by now we should be prepared if the power grid goes down. I don't believe in any forecast but God's and depopulation is not happening just yet, not if we take the high road and don't bow to the regime. The darkness has been being exposed - further than alt media actually we just don't see it all if we aren't partaking, but some have been a bit worried lately as I see from cold opens. I believe the Patriot's are organized, just aren't planning to play into or let them get away with another J6 coup.
I don't think I said resistance is futile, I hope everyone understood resistance is exactly how we resist evil. And resistance is using our voices, so it doesn't excel to kinetic.
Let me put it this way, we don't need foreign wars and we certainly don't need an internal war. We have a piss poor government that is trying to make both happen for obvious take out the objectors of the ruling class. Time to use our heads and tell our elected "forceful letters" don't work, your policies are not what your said nor why we elected you (if we did in fact), we know what you mean by that answer, etc., etc. They fear our words more than we know.
The tide is turning, they are losing ground...keep it that way and no kinetic necessary. Even their foot soldiers can be controlled if we don't let the fear porn rule us. Obviously be prepared for the loonies they created or brought in and anything else they decide to throw at us, but also that God is with us. Pray, stand, speak, act. There are many ways we can help outside of alternative media.
For sure but most of the grazing sheeple are never willing to confront the evil machinations of man. It is called insecurity and cowardice with the latter being a sin worse than the sins listed after it in Revelation 21 verse 8 that NOBODY wants to know about.
You’re exactly right. There’s no way it can’t get worse. Since the fraudulent George Floyd one sided Derek Chauvin conviction, everything from that point forward has been “planned and executed” like a military operation!
Money, power and influence have been utilized. The global elites are not, will not, allow Trump anywhere near the White House!
It is of my opinion Trump is going to have to work outside of Washington, with a very tightly vetted group of trusted people.
Three years ago was too late IMO. Between the dual migration invasion’s, one is of CCP military age men. The second migration is of the poorest nations citizens seeking the “American Dream”.
Something very few people are talking about or willing to talk about is this CCP highly organized, militarily style invasion. Once these individuals reach our border, they’re ushered in and transported strategically across America. They blend in so as not draw attention.
Both migrations are very different. Both are very bad for America. My biggest concern are the strategically positioned militants coast to coast. Why?
I’m still convinced we won’t have an election in November. Something will cause a lockdown even. This allows the same people to crest the same fraudulent election we witnessed in 2020.
I’m also concerned neither Trump or Harris will become president. As odd and off the wall this seems, ask yourself how Biden won? Next, as yourself, how could Biden, as incapacitated as he was before 2020, how could Americans go along with this complete fraud?
Then, Harris becomes the nominee, without ever having to campaign and Biden is launched into the stratosphere? AYKM? Something is drastically wrong!
Nothing would shock me at this point. The American people have been living under a shadow dictatorship sort of government! While our tax dollars are robbed to fund never ending wars! Are we that stupid? Have Americans lost our collective minds?
Anything can happen at this point. America is a “Ghost Ship” afloat at sea without a captain or crew! We’re all anxiously waiting for something to happen. Don’t think for a second the “globalists” aren’t paying attention and have their next series of actions already in place.
Along with Roger and our own Dr. P is another Dr. P who sees things through the light of Truth and who can be trusted implicitly while liars in living color such as trudope and tedros of the WHO (Wicked, Horrendous Ogres) spew lies out of the left corner of their halotoctic mouths.
The scamdemic was the biggest lie since the Easter rabbit.
Not bad, but we are in a spiritual war. Be a prepper for sure because crap is going to hit the fan. Stock up on food, water and get a generator. But mostly prepare your heart. We are about to have a second exodus. Put the blood of Christ around the door of your heart and close the door to the world and it's system. Study Matthew 24 and meditate on verse 36. Hear what He left out and know the He didn't die on the cross to start a religion. Few will understand what I am saying and that is on purpose. If you know, you will know there is no fear in love. Power, love and a sound mind is your weapon for the next 14 months.
"Michael Reisch and Janice Andrews wrote that Cloward and Piven "proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy." from Wikipedia ... and that plan was a theory in 1966.
They want to create a permanent poor using the UBI, as part of the Great Reset, and Digital Currency that they will make it so that there are no savings and no private property. You will own nothing and hate it.
I can understand where he is coming from. There always seems to be a "surprise" for all of us when something happens in society that throws us off-balance; whether it be a terrorist attack, a new war, a new school shooting, etc.. We cannot fathom the extent some people will go, because we are not psychopaths, nor evil, so we are surprised. Instead, I am of the mind now to expect the unexpected, not that I know what is going to happen, but rather, when it does happen, I am not surprised. It allows you to analyze a situation a little more clearly. And I am doing the same thing as Roger, being prepared and surrounding myself with like minded individuals and doing our best to talk about issues, plant seeds of doubt in those who have not woken up yet, and never, never, never give up. Turning the tide takes time; I realized this during Covid. And it's not on our time either, but it's in God's time. The other fact I noticed is that people need to have their own epiphanies. And I am using the plural form here on purpose, because one epiphany is usually the first of many to follow. There are more and more folks seeing what is really in front of them now. You cannot unsee what suddenly you see. We need to keep contributing as we are and changing our future. And this change will be lasting because it is not fear-based or oppressive. Take responsibility for your/our future.; keep working; and I don't say this lightly (but I have realized that there truly is something larger at play, that evil is among us because I have no other way of justifying what I am seeing) God is with us.
what as stunning intelligent balanced informative post...I feel I have the smartest people on here...not here to show us your smarts, just pure guts and heart trying to share.
God said we have to work 6 days and rest on the Sabbath...not take from others and harm him to take it...get your own...but as Marley one can free us but ourselves...we remain shackled in our minds and we must do the work to free our minds from the captivity
Thanks Doctor, and your leadership inspires. Together we will, and are, overcoming this madness. Thank you for all you do.
But there are also some sassy conservative women on here and I will be giving you credit for your fighting and standing for what is right when the OPP are taken down by evidential realities of your work. They f*cked up big time and my complaint alleges criminal negligence and reckless endangerment against the defective detective and detachment commander/commanders ALL complicit. The regular foot soldiers will not be named or bothered in this side of the attack I am ready to forward to the OIPRD. They cannot get out of it. If they try to on any technicality I can retain a lawyer or myself file these criminal charges myself.
I see the same thing you refer to and do not forget the history of the world has been and will always be a battle between good and evil.
Disturbing revelations about the mindset of the Biden-Harris Administration's policy as expressed by their U.S. delegates to the UN, as reported today in Life Site News:
"Delegates from the U.S., along with the EU and numerous other countries, have supported exceptions to a draft United Nations treaty on the criminalization of child pornography, allowing material which does not involve a “real child,” is AI-generated, or created within a “consensual relationship” and kept for “private use” to go unprosecuted."
This has always been a spiritual battle first. Satan and the demons don't sleep. They've been working to tempt and steer humans away from God and His natural law. We see clearly what happened with the "chosen" people in the Old Testament when they strayed from God's precepts. They were conquered and hauled off. Generations passed before they were given the blessing of return. Too much of America is wicked. And too much of America is lukewarm, and scripture says Jesus will spew the lukewarm out of His mouth. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, tragedies are often the only wake up call on a personal level that will get us turning back fully to God in our own lives in a serious way. The same I think will be required at a national level. But having a conversation with others on the above makes them uncomfortable, and has many fleeing to thinking, "It's not that bad, and I'm not that bad." Lukewarmness. How many even take the time to start and end the day with some prayer of thanks, and guidance? We spend more time watching a sports game, or the latest hot streaming show. Everyone reading this, fight against being lukewarm. Throughout the day offer up prayers for the nation and your neighbors, especially the ones you don't know. Look for ways to due to the flesh, and fast from food, media, etc. Offer up personal reperations for the 60 million unborn slaughtered via abortion, and the tens of millions of unborn, who through the use of contraceptives, were unable to implant safely in their mother's wombs after they were conceived. God is merciful, but also just.
exceptional sharing, please remain here and share more and more, and help engage...I am handling interviews and writing and reading for I need to read the politics and science daily to understand the talk...but you guys here give us all hope for it reveals America is not lost, the world is not for you are in it...this is so superb...thank you...I wish many read agree we must re-center spirituality and faith into this has become a spiritual one.
Roger? A dodger? A coward? A liar? No and a thousand times no. You are what I would classify as a real man telling it like it is and standing with Courage on your right side and Perception on your left. I could not have done better mysefl and I have been fighting the corrupt CYSTem from age 18 and watched the damned thing become more and more corrupt, more and more greedy, more and more self serving. But then again, the Law of Entropy never stops and affects people as well as objects. But it seems to compel law enforcement, political arena occupants, education CYSTem, religion and media far worse than anything.
Hang tough Roger. You know for a surety just what is going on.
ka boom, huge love for this post are what this forum needs...keep on here and help us...
I am and will. Have some updates on the life of fighting. OIPRD complaint about a lying defective detective guilty of criminal negligence and reckless endangerment on a total of eight counts. When the police become the pigs and are complicit as I have been told in targeting/silencing someone that is not wokist, then there is a serious problem in that nation.
I have proof "it" is based on medical evidence and he is not charged then I will have to retain a lawyer to charge it and file another complaint of corruption against the OIPRD people.
For the most part I believe he has a clear understanding of what is going on, but Plan B cannot be the same plan the deep state has been attempting to get to for decades and what has gotten us into this mess over time. Wayne Allyn Root did a great piece a while back and he mentions parts of it on his show often. He went to the same college Obama said he graduated from, but never saw him. He studied what the college was pushing for society to implement, which was the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. Over the years he and others have studied all the regimes and especially Obama's, because of the 16-year plan (in their words) that began with his administration.
Primarily, the Cloward-Pivens strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government". It is an evil intended prospect that is meant to increase power to a few and reduce the power of the masses.
So, do you see that this is THEIR plan, which has been mostly implemented already with the "Federal" "Minimum Wage" Act, bringing in massive numbers of illegal aliens and providing everything they need, suggesting this is the American way when in reality its the citizens paying for it, removing the family unit and parental rights (brainwashing our kids), censorship, removing history, etc., etc. The primary issue is that government has become TOO large and TOO powerful and that was never what the Founding Father's intended. As a matter of fact, our government has been slowly shredding their ideals, our Constitution, and with that the People's power to remove/revamp. Intentionally to usher in a One World Government run by oligarchs. We the People MUST nip that in the bud at every turn. It will take some time to reverse the damage because it took a long time to get here, but we can turn this around. I believe there are more and more who have realized we let it go too far and are working hard to wake others up in many ways. It's gotten to the point their strategies are easy to see because they are a revolving door, if this doesn't work, do that - all of the same playbook over and over again. All for the "love" of money and power.
IMHO, we cannot use their Cloward-Pivens strategy on them, because it may result in exactly what they want. There are still enough "normies" who like the idea of the government dole, not realizing that's a freedom buster. We don't need to militarize, we have power we simply are not using - “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” There doesn't have to be a kinetic type revolution to accomplish this. That is why they are pushing forward with as much and as fast as they can - they know we have this power, they know Trump will facilitate it, and it could all crumble before their eyes if he is elected and we use our voices to lead the charge in altering or abolishing unnecessary and/or destructive overreaching agencies, corrupt leaders/courts, etc.
Yes, I'm a glass half full person and I believe it can be overflowing - IF we FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for the life, liberty and freedoms (pursuit of happiness) that God gave us and with His help we will prevail as He intends it to be.
Use our voices to lead the charge, that's something they understand, because they are controlling the mainstream media, all of it. And if they are controlling all the elections too, then where does that leave us ? Kinetic warfare is not necessary you say, but the illegals, and there are millions of them are not here just to settle down. And if the power grid goes down, it won't take long for desperation to set in. There's a reason the Deagle forecast says that America's population is going to be cut by 70% by the end of next year (2025). Will it happen, it certainly could. The Patriots are going to need to organize and be ready to fight. And, yes, exposing the darkness is definitely a fight that needs to be happening, which is what we do on alternative media. It doesn't matter if resistance is futile or not. It's up to us to resist evil.
Absolutely it's up to us to resist evil. The devil hasn't changed his stripes. They believe they are controlling the elections, but know there are tons of boots on the ground this time just waiting to catch them in every single fraud they got away with in 2020 and 2022 and then some found since...also tried in 2016, but underestimated. That's why Biden got 83 million...they overestimated to the point there were more voters than registered, etc.
Yes, we do need to be cognizant of the illegals and be ready to protects ourselves. And by now we should be prepared if the power grid goes down. I don't believe in any forecast but God's and depopulation is not happening just yet, not if we take the high road and don't bow to the regime. The darkness has been being exposed - further than alt media actually we just don't see it all if we aren't partaking, but some have been a bit worried lately as I see from cold opens. I believe the Patriot's are organized, just aren't planning to play into or let them get away with another J6 coup.
I don't think I said resistance is futile, I hope everyone understood resistance is exactly how we resist evil. And resistance is using our voices, so it doesn't excel to kinetic.
Let me put it this way, we don't need foreign wars and we certainly don't need an internal war. We have a piss poor government that is trying to make both happen for obvious take out the objectors of the ruling class. Time to use our heads and tell our elected "forceful letters" don't work, your policies are not what your said nor why we elected you (if we did in fact), we know what you mean by that answer, etc., etc. They fear our words more than we know.
The tide is turning, they are losing ground...keep it that way and no kinetic necessary. Even their foot soldiers can be controlled if we don't let the fear porn rule us. Obviously be prepared for the loonies they created or brought in and anything else they decide to throw at us, but also that God is with us. Pray, stand, speak, act. There are many ways we can help outside of alternative media.
"Absolutely it's up to us to resist evil."
That is a scriptural order.
For sure but most of the grazing sheeple are never willing to confront the evil machinations of man. It is called insecurity and cowardice with the latter being a sin worse than the sins listed after it in Revelation 21 verse 8 that NOBODY wants to know about.
"petrified populace"- yup, nevertheless with active self-assembling nanotechnology; Cyborgs of posthumanism...
I understand this, you said lots here, white spaces and this nano, this has always been deadly...never should have been brought
No wonder. Read the following essay by a Montreal-based historian:
The problem is it is only going to get worse”!
You’re exactly right. There’s no way it can’t get worse. Since the fraudulent George Floyd one sided Derek Chauvin conviction, everything from that point forward has been “planned and executed” like a military operation!
Money, power and influence have been utilized. The global elites are not, will not, allow Trump anywhere near the White House!
It is of my opinion Trump is going to have to work outside of Washington, with a very tightly vetted group of trusted people.
Three years ago was too late IMO. Between the dual migration invasion’s, one is of CCP military age men. The second migration is of the poorest nations citizens seeking the “American Dream”.
Something very few people are talking about or willing to talk about is this CCP highly organized, militarily style invasion. Once these individuals reach our border, they’re ushered in and transported strategically across America. They blend in so as not draw attention.
Both migrations are very different. Both are very bad for America. My biggest concern are the strategically positioned militants coast to coast. Why?
I’m still convinced we won’t have an election in November. Something will cause a lockdown even. This allows the same people to crest the same fraudulent election we witnessed in 2020.
I’m also concerned neither Trump or Harris will become president. As odd and off the wall this seems, ask yourself how Biden won? Next, as yourself, how could Biden, as incapacitated as he was before 2020, how could Americans go along with this complete fraud?
Then, Harris becomes the nominee, without ever having to campaign and Biden is launched into the stratosphere? AYKM? Something is drastically wrong!
Nothing would shock me at this point. The American people have been living under a shadow dictatorship sort of government! While our tax dollars are robbed to fund never ending wars! Are we that stupid? Have Americans lost our collective minds?
Anything can happen at this point. America is a “Ghost Ship” afloat at sea without a captain or crew! We’re all anxiously waiting for something to happen. Don’t think for a second the “globalists” aren’t paying attention and have their next series of actions already in place.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Along with Roger and our own Dr. P is another Dr. P who sees things through the light of Truth and who can be trusted implicitly while liars in living color such as trudope and tedros of the WHO (Wicked, Horrendous Ogres) spew lies out of the left corner of their halotoctic mouths.
The scamdemic was the biggest lie since the Easter rabbit.
Not bad, but we are in a spiritual war. Be a prepper for sure because crap is going to hit the fan. Stock up on food, water and get a generator. But mostly prepare your heart. We are about to have a second exodus. Put the blood of Christ around the door of your heart and close the door to the world and it's system. Study Matthew 24 and meditate on verse 36. Hear what He left out and know the He didn't die on the cross to start a religion. Few will understand what I am saying and that is on purpose. If you know, you will know there is no fear in love. Power, love and a sound mind is your weapon for the next 14 months.
"Not bad, but we are in a spiritual war."
How dare you tell the Truth. Why cannot you be a good sheeple and hide in the burning barn?
Exactly. Sheep need to be fed information. Wolves hunt for it.
"Michael Reisch and Janice Andrews wrote that Cloward and Piven "proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy." from Wikipedia ... and that plan was a theory in 1966.
They want to create a permanent poor using the UBI, as part of the Great Reset, and Digital Currency that they will make it so that there are no savings and no private property. You will own nothing and hate it.
You can be sure the evil hand that pays the guaranteed income will demand that the receivers kiss it.