shut down any reporting? why did Obama & Biden do the OPPOSITE to Trump? they had no CZAR, no daily Task Force briefing, no Task Force, no reporting daily infections etc., NOTHING
I believe Trump knows the vaccines were dangerous and there was no pandemic. It seems to me his hands were tied as SES, pharmaceutical companies, CIA, MSM, and other branches of government were the ones people would believe because of the constant brainwashing campaign against him. All Trump could do is put a spotlight on it and work on opening up the country. Trump offered other products to fight COVID and made statements like "Don't let the cure be worse than the disease". Why would he say that. Why did he push Birx and Fauci up front all the time? Why did he say (I was watching this on TV) Go run back to your deep state buddies? I believe all will come out in the future.
I will say this, he is a good man, always wanted to do good by America...he did not do wrong, not part of any OP as the substack nutballs would say, but he was rolled because he trusted...he did trust their counsel as he should...they were malfeasant and they must be punished...we give him the 2nd shot to do good and fix what they did and help MAGA...I think he deserves another shot...I think we are in good hands with him...mistakes were made but not out of malice...he has no bade thought on America...many, even those in the running, do not support US...
Thank you, I appreciate that from someone that worked in his administration. I have the utmost respect for President Trump and pray he can get the second term he needs to right this ship.
Deep state will kill him if he goes against their intended plans. I think he knows he's getting close to the end. His scumbag son in law has to go though. How could his daughter marry that pos?
key issue was why was the response under 45 so extreme and punitive yet under Obama in 2009 all efforts by Obama was to shut it down and he did, had CDC shutting down all...yet CDC worked to fuck Trump...quite the opposite
The one of Covid fame was created for no other reason than to get trump out. Torture pelosi by locking her up without a bottle for a week, and you’ll get the truth. She and obeyme, with Jarrett s help, created the whole fucking thing. The payoff to china for taking blame was the hardware in Afghanistan. The fear that trump was going to befriend Putin by prosecuting the builders responsible for the biological weapons factories throughout Ukraine was the need. The war Biden started in Ukraine is the result. Isn’t this all fucking obvious?
Could it be as simple as Obama is a Muslim (in name only) while the entire public health and pharmaceutical superstructure is Jewish? Do you suppose he resented having his cabinet picked by Citibank? Are we in a religious war? Trump is more Jewish than he is Christian.
I see Obama's main function as rounding up all the goyim/sheep into a great big herd health management program called Obamacare, and get people used to being dependant on government for their care, and even grateful for the maltreatment. When the time comes, they already know who took the shot and who didn't.
My daughter made good money for a couple of years, transcribing old charts into Obama's souped up medical coding. Electronic medical records - they have everything! Even your most recent cash payment transactions at the pharmacy show up in your chart.
By the way, the original signup phone number for Obamacare was 1-800-F1U-CKYO
Somebody on Zero hedge ran the probability and said it wasn't a coincidence.
I never signed up. Sometimes I like add up just how much that has saved me over the years.
Swine Flu was a test and they learned many lessons. Obama was probably advised and in on it. The Covid Plandemic was a global event but, a primary goal was to take down Trump. A second goal was to inject the world with mRNA nano technology. A third goal was to test the Global Governments’ ability to suspend human rights using a Plandemic as a predicate. All 3 major goals were accomplished. Check, Check, Check.
Dr. A--you say, "Yes, Trump followed their guidance and wrongfully yet trusting he was. I did not and will not fault him, ever, I want them that did this wrong, Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Bourla etc. hung or executed on the White House Rose Garden lawn after courts rule as to their malfeasance."
Please. STOP! JFK stood up to his 'guidance' from the DOD and his generals and made an executive decision that was not supported by the military/CIA swamp-- to not bomb Cuba.
His biggest decision in his term was this. And he blew it--spectacularly and continues to fail.
A most perfect example of why today, America and the entire western world is on the brink of collapse!
The absolute reason’s are numerous, below I list only four.
1. The “deep state” needed to see how compliant Americans were!
2.Trump was close to exposing it all.
3.Trump was also proving how robust America could be!
4.They knew if Trump was reelected, it would have been so much more difficult to pull the “Covid Scam” off!
Also, they’d have to make up loss time and ground on their
“One World Order” takeover!
What a better way to blame someone else, as these “Useful Morons” do all the time, in order to make themselves look “squeaky clean”! Then, they can destroy the world and blame none other than? President Trump!
(A no name politician who got lucky winning)! It’s all Trumps fault. Remember we’re dealing with “Narcissistic Psychopaths” each and every one of them! They fit the “Peer Reviewed” study’s perfectly! To a tee, I might add.
And now, everyone has forgotten about or are less than interested, in talking about covid, so in essence, these “Psychopaths” have accomplished their goal!
The question today is, can America and the rest of western world bounce back? Or will the influx of millions of illegals, taken right out of the “Cloward and Pivens” strategy, be enough to break society’s neck?
And what about the upcoming election? Will there be another lockdown or even hold an election? So much has been stirred radically, everything is on the table!
Without some kind of military intervention and yes, a Trump win come November, do I see any kind of “Bounce Back” effect in order to stem the tides of a “Global Takeover”! Then what?
These “evil control freaks”’want complete power over the masses! They’re not going to stop, never mind let up, at this point. It’s so obvious to everyone, even those who don’t have any idea what’s happening, they know something is drastically wrong.
I’m not over optimistic about what’s to come. I’m certainly not going to give up, lay down and let them roll over us, Good God what’s needed more than ever, is to keep the pressure on.
We must continue to expose them.
Continue to “NOT COMPLY” if and when they tell us, “LOCKDOWN”!
And tell them all, BS!
God help us if millions listen to the “ Psychopaths” again.
Thank you Dr Alexander for your spot on analysis between “then and now”.
Trumps female health advisor is a xmilitary cia operative with ties to nih! We know cia are minions of the deep state scumbags. We all know this. It makes me sick to think these devils control our governments for centuries now , eons and eons. I believe there is no justice because they stacked the system so they can topple the justice before it begins.
let us wait, let us allow 45 to get in and see what he does...we can hold his feet to fire...we have to...our biggest issue is illegal immigration as it will destroy USA and he is the only one capable balls to the wall of fixing it.
I dont think they are, I think they are now out of luck...I think they will face justice shortly. the American people have had enough. let us see what Trump will do yes while operating with other co-equal branches of government but as POTUS, he has huge power, as shown by Biden. he got to use it.
Obama is OF THE DEVIL 👿
I believe Trump knows the vaccines were dangerous and there was no pandemic. It seems to me his hands were tied as SES, pharmaceutical companies, CIA, MSM, and other branches of government were the ones people would believe because of the constant brainwashing campaign against him. All Trump could do is put a spotlight on it and work on opening up the country. Trump offered other products to fight COVID and made statements like "Don't let the cure be worse than the disease". Why would he say that. Why did he push Birx and Fauci up front all the time? Why did he say (I was watching this on TV) Go run back to your deep state buddies? I believe all will come out in the future.
I will say this, he is a good man, always wanted to do good by America...he did not do wrong, not part of any OP as the substack nutballs would say, but he was rolled because he trusted...he did trust their counsel as he should...they were malfeasant and they must be punished...we give him the 2nd shot to do good and fix what they did and help MAGA...I think he deserves another shot...I think we are in good hands with him...mistakes were made but not out of malice...he has no bade thought on America...many, even those in the running, do not support US...
Thank you, I appreciate that from someone that worked in his administration. I have the utmost respect for President Trump and pray he can get the second term he needs to right this ship.
Deep state will kill him if he goes against their intended plans. I think he knows he's getting close to the end. His scumbag son in law has to go though. How could his daughter marry that pos?
I like this response. I think he knows how evil folk around him are...but I do sense he will fix it all.
I too have this feeling as he is sharp in a biblical sense. We can only wait to see how deep the state can go in fixing the next election
Maybe she was fooled too
key issue was why was the response under 45 so extreme and punitive yet under Obama in 2009 all efforts by Obama was to shut it down and he did, had CDC shutting down all...yet CDC worked to fuck Trump...quite the opposite
The one of Covid fame was created for no other reason than to get trump out. Torture pelosi by locking her up without a bottle for a week, and you’ll get the truth. She and obeyme, with Jarrett s help, created the whole fucking thing. The payoff to china for taking blame was the hardware in Afghanistan. The fear that trump was going to befriend Putin by prosecuting the builders responsible for the biological weapons factories throughout Ukraine was the need. The war Biden started in Ukraine is the result. Isn’t this all fucking obvious?
Could it be as simple as Obama is a Muslim (in name only) while the entire public health and pharmaceutical superstructure is Jewish? Do you suppose he resented having his cabinet picked by Citibank? Are we in a religious war? Trump is more Jewish than he is Christian.
I see Obama's main function as rounding up all the goyim/sheep into a great big herd health management program called Obamacare, and get people used to being dependant on government for their care, and even grateful for the maltreatment. When the time comes, they already know who took the shot and who didn't.
My daughter made good money for a couple of years, transcribing old charts into Obama's souped up medical coding. Electronic medical records - they have everything! Even your most recent cash payment transactions at the pharmacy show up in your chart.
By the way, the original signup phone number for Obamacare was 1-800-F1U-CKYO
Somebody on Zero hedge ran the probability and said it wasn't a coincidence.
I never signed up. Sometimes I like add up just how much that has saved me over the years.
Ha the Australian govt is saying the bio weapon saved lies.
Wish you could educate them
Australian govn is worse than Canadian if that is possible.
It's simple: Obama said that he was going to change America Fundamentally.
...> HE DID!
The HN1 and Covid were to do one thing and one thing only: INSTILL FEAR & CONTROL **OVER** THE PEOPLE.
... > We the people, more than not, believed them instead of looking at the so called "Facts" with:
Critical - Analytical - Reasoning Skills ..
For some stupid reason, more people than not, simply chose to put blind and un-earned faith in them.
The first thing these TRAITORS want to do is KILL THE CONSTITUTION .. as it's "IN THEIR WAY".
Good luck with my husband.
He's a lost cause and drove away my family.
I am sadly hearing and reading more of that, than should be.
It's sad that so many allowed themselves to be played the fool.
It was a test to plan for the next scamplandemic just as Event 201 was.
Swine Flu was a test and they learned many lessons. Obama was probably advised and in on it. The Covid Plandemic was a global event but, a primary goal was to take down Trump. A second goal was to inject the world with mRNA nano technology. A third goal was to test the Global Governments’ ability to suspend human rights using a Plandemic as a predicate. All 3 major goals were accomplished. Check, Check, Check.
yes...I do think they used H1N1 as a test...Obama told them when to turn it off...H1N1 was even more fraud than COVID
Right on the 💰 🤑 💸
Dr. A--you say, "Yes, Trump followed their guidance and wrongfully yet trusting he was. I did not and will not fault him, ever, I want them that did this wrong, Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Bourla etc. hung or executed on the White House Rose Garden lawn after courts rule as to their malfeasance."
Please. STOP! JFK stood up to his 'guidance' from the DOD and his generals and made an executive decision that was not supported by the military/CIA swamp-- to not bomb Cuba.
His biggest decision in his term was this. And he blew it--spectacularly and continues to fail.
Wasn’t just Trump. The whole world shut down. WTF??
followed USA...every nation that closed was because USA. so it is USA that will lead and fix the world
A most perfect example of why today, America and the entire western world is on the brink of collapse!
The absolute reason’s are numerous, below I list only four.
1. The “deep state” needed to see how compliant Americans were!
2.Trump was close to exposing it all.
3.Trump was also proving how robust America could be!
4.They knew if Trump was reelected, it would have been so much more difficult to pull the “Covid Scam” off!
Also, they’d have to make up loss time and ground on their
“One World Order” takeover!
What a better way to blame someone else, as these “Useful Morons” do all the time, in order to make themselves look “squeaky clean”! Then, they can destroy the world and blame none other than? President Trump!
(A no name politician who got lucky winning)! It’s all Trumps fault. Remember we’re dealing with “Narcissistic Psychopaths” each and every one of them! They fit the “Peer Reviewed” study’s perfectly! To a tee, I might add.
And now, everyone has forgotten about or are less than interested, in talking about covid, so in essence, these “Psychopaths” have accomplished their goal!
The question today is, can America and the rest of western world bounce back? Or will the influx of millions of illegals, taken right out of the “Cloward and Pivens” strategy, be enough to break society’s neck?
And what about the upcoming election? Will there be another lockdown or even hold an election? So much has been stirred radically, everything is on the table!
Without some kind of military intervention and yes, a Trump win come November, do I see any kind of “Bounce Back” effect in order to stem the tides of a “Global Takeover”! Then what?
These “evil control freaks”’want complete power over the masses! They’re not going to stop, never mind let up, at this point. It’s so obvious to everyone, even those who don’t have any idea what’s happening, they know something is drastically wrong.
I’m not over optimistic about what’s to come. I’m certainly not going to give up, lay down and let them roll over us, Good God what’s needed more than ever, is to keep the pressure on.
We must continue to expose them.
Continue to “NOT COMPLY” if and when they tell us, “LOCKDOWN”!
And tell them all, BS!
God help us if millions listen to the “ Psychopaths” again.
Thank you Dr Alexander for your spot on analysis between “then and now”.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
I love point 4 for it is likely correct...they chose year 4...
Trumps female health advisor is a xmilitary cia operative with ties to nih! We know cia are minions of the deep state scumbags. We all know this. It makes me sick to think these devils control our governments for centuries now , eons and eons. I believe there is no justice because they stacked the system so they can topple the justice before it begins.
let us wait, let us allow 45 to get in and see what he does...we can hold his feet to fire...we have to...our biggest issue is illegal immigration as it will destroy USA and he is the only one capable balls to the wall of fixing it.
Are you thinking of attending the citizens inquiry? 🤔 I hope something will come of it.
Is that why Ron Klain got out of dodge?
I dont know...but I thought he would feature big in Biden but not so but who knows, maybe but silent...??
He has been gone quite some time ago.
Do you have any insight into why these individuals are exempt from the law?
I dont think they are, I think they are now out of luck...I think they will face justice shortly. the American people have had enough. let us see what Trump will do yes while operating with other co-equal branches of government but as POTUS, he has huge power, as shown by Biden. he got to use it.
Because Trump will follow the rule of law.
We need justice! People have mass formation regardless. Regressed justice syndrome.
For one thing. The corruption is so deep and entrenched, WHY DO THINK JFK was killed.
I remember him saying, (in so many words); he would fix it and this stain on our country
(the C 🖕A) would be no more.
It all began with the ROTHSCHILDS.
Rothschilds worldwide Satanists