Ron Klain told us that Obama & Biden did everything WRONG with the fake 2009 H1N1 swine flu & IMO it was a pandemic that 'never was'...yet the real question is why did Obama & Biden instruct CDC to
shut down any reporting? why did Obama & Biden do the OPPOSITE to Trump? they had no CZAR, no daily Task Force briefing, no Task Force, no reporting daily infections etc., NOTHING
Reporting and testing were SHUT down by Obama and Biden early in 2009 H1N1, just few months into the H1N1 in 2009, early in Obama’s Presidency. Why? Why did he Obama instruct CDC to do this (stop everything in its tracks) and why did CDC follow his orders IF this was a real pandemic?
I am afraid to tell you that the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic (under Obama) was NEVER a pandemic, a lie (not one person had swine flu and Tamiflu was created for NOTHING), just like COVID, just like the repeated statement by criminals IMO, in our governments, and some even in the Freedom Movement that the COVID mRNA gene-based injections SAVED lives. No one, I argue with anyone, to show me, show us, where any COVID mRNA vaccine saved lives…show us. show us the data, the evidence. Even POTUS Trump is flat wrong saying the vaccines saved lives! They did not, could not work, were non-neutralizing, non-sterilizing (could not stop infection or transmission), could not arrive at the respiratory compartment (as were systemically introduced vaccinal antibodies), or arrive at the nasal, pharyngeal mucosal layer or underlying cells where they were needed etc. Could not. Plunged to negative effectiveness and were deadly.
All lies! Day one.
So we have the tale of 2 Presidents (Obama vs Trump), 2 different ‘so called wink wink nod no PANDEMICS’, H1N1 versus COVID, yet 2 vastly different responses by US’s public health, CDC etc.…why?
And I will out of the gate tell you this again, both H1N1 swine flu of 2009 (under Obama) and COVID (under Trump) were completely MADE UP and fake fraud pandemics, not even epidemics, not even emergencies…all fraud and soon to be H5N1 avian bird flu fake pandemic.
it raises a serious question of why did the powers at be hang Trump aka 45 out to dry and had him look like a clown daily with the COVID Task Force briefings and calling out escalating infections (as cases) when they did not? And these fuckers knew they were using a fraud fake over-cycled, over-amplified ‘false-positive (97%) PCR process. Trump was the only idiot in the mix, not knowing that the infections Birx were showing us on her fraud daily graphs were NEVER infected with COVID and there was NO, ZERO asymptomatic transmission.
Yes, Trump followed their guidance and wrongfully yet trusting he was. I did not and will not fault him, ever, I want them that did this wrong, Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Bourla etc. hung or executed on the White House Rose Garden lawn after courts rule as to their malfeasance.
It was all a lie! To help topple Trump and drive mail-in votes and tamper with the election.
Have you MISDIRECTED. As Malone and Bourla brought you their fraud mRNA technology vaccine.
Yet, the thrust of this substack offering, is that CDC did not do this when it ran the response for Obama and Biden in 2009, so why did they operate this way for Trump in 2020, 2021, 2022 etc.? Why did CDC tell the nation so many lies under Trump’s COVID response?
Both manufactured pandemics yet 2 entirely different responses. Did Obama in all his islamist malfeasance get wind, and decided they were not going to fuck him?
Why the difference?
Let me begin by telling you something you can take to the bank…
almost none, maybe not one person, in the 2009 swine flu pandemic (it was never a pandemic, not even an epidemic) had ‘SWINE flu’…it was all a lie in 2009, the 2009 swine flu pandemic was made up, a lie, and yes, using testing, and today, CDC still cannot show us evidence that people had swine flu in 2009…no one who was a ‘swine flu’ patient, had swine flu…I want CDC to challenge me on that…it was made up, just like how almost none, maybe all who the CDC and NIH and medical doctors told us/you in 2020, 2021, 2022 etc. had COVID, actually had COVID.
The 2009 swine flu pandemic was a complete fraud! Made up, manufactured like COVID.
So let me get to the issue at hand. Why did the CDC and NIH and FDA and media fuck Trump over ‘not testing enough’ crap daily (using a false positive PCR process) yet were silent when Obama shut down testing during H1N1? Is it because the CDC’s job was to help Obama yet fuck Trump? CDC sure conspired to fuck Trump. This is a key question as Trump was pilloried over not testing enough…
During, the word is during so read this:
‘During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, the CDC stopped counting H1N1 cases and abruptly advised states to stop testing.’
Could Trump have stopped testing during COVID? You would have asked for him to be impeached. You would have fucked him.
So why was it different for Trump in terms of CDC’s reporting and testing? It was as if all they did to protect Obama in 2009 for H1N1 and they did reverse on Trump….
Yet did Obama get wind, and was Obama determined to not let the administrative deepstate destroy his Presidency as he had his own plans of transforming USA?
You see the real story too is that there were many players chomping at the bit to destroy USA during the Trump administration and as they brought the fraud fake COVID.
Attkisson raised a key point, and it was as if Obama and Biden knew something that one year into Obama’s Presidency, some evil dark folk, were bringing something he would not allow? To damage his Presidency? So, is this where Trump went wrong? He did not shut it down like Obama??? Is this so? Why were people in Trump’s administration not following what Obama and Biden did in theirs, to ensure COVID was shut down fast? Seems Obama and Biden knew they had to get CDC to shut it down fast and why did the CDC not operate same under Trump? These fuckers at CDC, these inept stupid crooked so called scientists (I know many of them personally) used their MMWR fraud medical reports by the hour, to write doom and gloom bullshit reports under Trump, had FOX and CNN reporting drivel crap by the hour, run it for days, yet under Obama, no such repeated by the hour MMWR reports were written…why? Is this CDC agency so damn politicized and corrupt, that it was used to help topple Trump? Is the CDC an arm of the democrat party?
Because it was all part of the game to topple him (45) and make his response look ineffectual and devastating. Yes, Fauci and Birx led it, the COVID response, with Pence, but they were fucking Trump…hari kari, falling on their own sword so to speak…deliberate…read this and ask yourself how could the 2009 pandemic response be so different to Trump’s and Trump’s look so bad?
Ron Klain said everything they did was wrong…
why was the decision by Obama and Biden made with CDC to stop counting individual cases then in 2009 for H1N1? But with Trump we needed counts by the fucking hour…scaring you to lockdown and mask and take the Malone vaccine? Why? Think…
Why was school closures done under Trump and made a core feature for 2 years under Trump? With COVID, that in mid March 2020, we knew kids were not affected by COVID, unlike for flu and H1NI that did attack kids? We knew mid March 2020 that children did not acquire COVID, did not get sick, did not die from COVID. We cannot find today, after 4 years, not one healthy US child who got COVID and died. Not one.
Yet under Trump as COVID spared kids, schools were closed and many children committed suicide…why? again, was the aim to fuck Trump using the pandemic response?
Obama is OF THE DEVIL 👿
I believe Trump knows the vaccines were dangerous and there was no pandemic. It seems to me his hands were tied as SES, pharmaceutical companies, CIA, MSM, and other branches of government were the ones people would believe because of the constant brainwashing campaign against him. All Trump could do is put a spotlight on it and work on opening up the country. Trump offered other products to fight COVID and made statements like "Don't let the cure be worse than the disease". Why would he say that. Why did he push Birx and Fauci up front all the time? Why did he say (I was watching this on TV) Go run back to your deep state buddies? I believe all will come out in the future.