caused people to take the damn vaccine, injection, shot, bioweapon etc., & many died! This is the key, we know you now had your 'come to Jesus' & saying shots BAD now, but how did you get it so wrong?
Please Please Please, people! STOP STOP STOP attacking the very best examples of medical practitioners and researchers who have openly and publicly declared the fact that they were wrong in having believed the WHO and politicians and the local public health organizations..., but have changed their minds and understanding by looking at facts and evidence even against their original beliefs, and are now some of the most outspoken advocates for truth and for holding those who *Deliberately* lied to us accountable ! Stop discrediting the people who are the only ones on our side who have a chance of actually being heard by the mainstream ! Yes, they were wrong in the beginning... just as a few billion other humans were wrong and deceived in the beginning ! Let's celebrate those few who have seen the light since and encourage and support them to become even stronger instead of tearing down our own side !
Absolutely NOT!!! These "professionals" should have known basic biochemistry if they are such experts. They led people down a horrific path to injury and death. For that, there is no consolation. Just curious... has this a-hole, Campbell said "I'm sorry" to all the millions that watch him? Has Trump? Have ANY of them?
They could have been watching Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi instead of bellowing out to the masses how wonderful these shots are. They are part of the downfall of humanity. You can not elevate them.
So if a criminal murders your child and then apologizes, you just take it and say that's ok? They don't go to jail? They aren't subject to the consequences of their actions? Well, those that didn't want to see the truth and TOLD people (the fearful sheep) to get these shots are absolutely no different!
Why are so many people hung up on the '... did they say 'I'm sorry' ..? ' ?? They acknowledged having been wrong... why the insistence on the wording of ' I'm sorry' ?! You state yourself in your same comment above that 'Im sorry' is not enough ! do you want JCampbell, Malone, Weinstein, McCullough, and and and... in jail ?!?!? great.. that'll help our cause ??? Did you come across Bhakdi, Kirsch, Steven Pelech, Denis Rancourt, Mark Trozzi, Dr Hodkinson, Pierre Kori, and the countless others around the world on day one of the whole scam in 2020 ?? No doubt there are still countless names you have not heard of, yet who are great advocates of truth on our side - have you never been wrong in some early belief about a topic.. especially in the realm of politics and medicine, and later found that you have to change your mind because having believed some mainstream- but false- narrative on the topic... - you are demanding from people - professional or not, who are still humans with normal brains but in different life-environments with exposure to different kind of informational streams, some kind of utopian 100%-omniscient-awareness of truth at all times - well, sadly, that's not how reality works - again, one the one hand we always demand that public figures be open to changing their minds when they learn the truth, but now, when they do, you condemn them - please, let's support those who have indeed made the rarely seen open change of mind and are *now* great spreaders of truth !
Very well stated as an apologist for all the wrongdoing you repeatedly make excuses for; reality is that "advocates of truth" have been rare and although much appreciated, have been vastly outnumbered by those who knew or should have known; "humans with normal brains"!? hardly, they were individuals at the top of their field with expertise in science and medicine and fully aware of their positions and consequences of their actions.
That's a lot of unfounded and unwarranted CLAPTRAP of apologetic BS! "wrong in the beginning "and still wrong; tell it to all those who died prematurely and are still dying and now you want us to listen to the "mistakes were made" and "seen the light" defenses for unforgiveable crimes against humanity; MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE!
Mistakes, indeed, were made! … by all those who gave in to- and believed the lies. By all those who died prematurely. … and you seem to think that you know that the motivation of every one of the millions and millions of people around the globe who did not see the truth right from day one and ended up, for a period of time, advocating along with the liars before realizing being wrong and then changing their mind?! You seem to claim having knowledge that the motives of all those millions and millions of doctors and medical practitioners was wilfully nefarious - … seriously? What motivation, then, do you ascribe to their having turned around to now publicly admitting to having been wrong and to now expose their own what you claim to have been wrongdoing fully aware of the consequences - And most certainly one cannot paint the John Campbells and Bret Weinsteins and the local doctors who took longer than we did to see the truth with same brush as we must the Faucis, Barics, Burlas, Birxes, Trudeaus, Arderns, Macrons, Tedroses, Schwabs, BGateses,… … of the world ! Let’s attack the people who deserve being attacked .. those who indeed did *Not* make mistakes ! But let’s not bark up the wrong trees - let’s not attack and smear those who are becoming some of our strongest allies !
Exactly! Isn’t the entire point of sharing the truth to help people see it & learn from it?? How about embracing & welcoming those who have changed lanes & are using their influence to enlighten others? It seems this substack particularly has taken a darker turn spewing hatred & deeper division. And the delivery is more vile & less likely to get converts with the incessant screaming & attacking of other converts.
What you call "converts" are those scrambling to protect their backsides and guilty consciences, not to mention any retribution heading their way as the facts and truth come out.
Are you kidding!? There is new evidence coming out everyday about how an infectious respiratory pathogen was deliberately released and who was directly involved; Dr David Martin's meticulous research alone has been irrefutable in exposing the CLEAR INTENTION of these nefarious actors for the past several years; and now, with the further release of documents previously hidden, it has been confirmed that Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, with the complicity of China's Wuhan lab, developed a pathogen designed to specifically infect humans; there was no "new virus" or natural origin of what was synthetically developed in labs and with direct military influence and involvement. If you honestly believe that all those involved acted with no evil intent and "accidents" only happened, then your naivety is only surpassed by your ignorance.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I know full well that many acted with the intention to cause harm. We do need to be careful however before we accuse someone of intentional malevolent intent. It is evil to accuse people falsely.
Nah. The bribe money & free rides ensure that the med grifters will do it again next time. It's never dark to call for justice, to work for justice, to push for justice for murdered folks.
No "best example of medical practitioners and researchers" is being attacked. The best ones knew the instant that medical tyranny was imposed that they would inject only saline solution or flush it down the sink. They might have kept their mouths shut but they weren't ever stupid enough to promote what is clearly the single greatest crime against humanity in history.
No they didn't! And that's where you're all hung up. Malone didn't know - he got two shots, Peterson didn't know, got two shots, the Great Barrington Declaration signatories, same's simply not true. What use is it to be the first one to realise something so important if you're not going to be the one changing other people's minds? Campbell, Malone etc all have huge following and their opinion matters, it changes perspectives. They all got it wrong in the beginning - heck most of us did too. I didn't catch on until they introduced passports in my country. That's when I knew I shouldn't get the shot, because I wasn't going to be blackmailed into it...So? What's important is the ability to take other people's opinions into serious consideration and being able to change your mind when needed.
Quite right! These tiresome apologists keep coming up to try to explain away accountability and responsibility, especially from so-called experts who eventually saw the light and changed their minds and were ready to do the honorable thing; they are only exposing themselves now for being the self-serving cowards they have always been and protecting their backsides as more of the truth keeps coming out; as for the collective masses who were duped or willingly consented to taking the unproven shots (which must include many of the same apologists here) they are a prime example of the "collective stupidity" that Bonhoeffer described; there was no mass formation or mass hypnosis but an existential failure to respect personal identity and sovereignty on both a personal and world-wide basis, a failure to honor the very gift of life granted by our Creator.
With the knowledge he claims he has he should have known from day one it was a scam!? Hospitals were never over crowded! Never talks about the DNR/MORPHINE/MURDER of the elderly to create the SCAMplandemic!---He just carried lies and clearly never questioned the lies----look at short video-----
Yes, yes, yes… ‘should have should have should have…’ - I, too, began questioning the news and claims about cv19 by end of mid-to end of February 2020 - to state JC never questioned is not accurate - clearly he *did* question the lies, otherwise he would not be such a strong speaker against them today - it is just that he began questioning later than *some* others - again, have you, in your life, always been, immediately from the beginning, accurate and correct in your assessment and belief of news and new information that was spread by others .. even in f it was in your field of expertise ? Why is it so difficult to celebrate the fact that we now have so many people who were on the other aisle, having realized the truth and now strongly advocating on our side !? Sure, we all can learn from this how humans can get lost and be misled in spite of their expertise, how humans can forget to question, … but we also can learn how humans can find truth and actually change their minds - why attack those who have actually taken that rarely seen path of openly admitting having been wrong and converting to the truth, instead of those who still today are the supposed experts yet still continue to loudly advocate for the lies .. we could present people exactly such as John Campbell and Bret Weinstein et al. as good examples for how one comes around to see the truth in spite of indoctrination and brainwashing !
He still goes on about covid and yes mentions the elderly deaths but does not say because of DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM MURDER! You can have your thoughts on him and others and I shall have mine!
Amen. SH is a prime asshole Karen of the C19 Truth Movement. It's all snark and virtue signaling, with no constructive effect. He's all about slamming those not as smart as he thinks he is and then concluding we're all fucked anyway. The fact is that a lot of normies can and will tune into JC and get those critical faculties on line again. He has much experience as a clinician, and interviews others who bring information that can help those injured by the bioweapon. What does SH contribute? We already know how conned so many were who should have or might have known better... Some of us accept everyone has their own learning curve, that most of us are still developing a fuller understanding of this enormous crime. That this is how movements coalesce and grow. SH doesn't seem to know shit about movement building, nor, I suspect, does he care to.
C'mon, really? Please Please Please get a grip, Peter. Hospitals, schools, institutions, doctors, newscasters, sports figures, entertainers, church pastors etc ALL took CON-vid money {bribes} to flog the CDC/WHO's scamdemic lies; to push dumb lockdowns on folks; masks BS onto the plebes (remember all those scenes of the elites/politicians partying/visibly in public without masks?); & shilling as"inFLUencers" on their instagram & social media pages for the corrupt pharma corps? (Dam. that Kelce dude is still flogging the most recent con-vid death vaxx too.)
"InFLUencers" including JC helped kill folks as they encouraged/pushed everyone to get a jab or two or more & then be "good/righteous" folks. Remember the "I got the vaccine" photos? Evil con-vid pushers & super gullible citizens (who just wanted to get along). Grrrr...dammit.
Do we blame the trusting souls or do we call for justice & curse untrustworthy SOB scammer?
How much money do you suppose the GOOD DOCTOR JOHN CAMPBELL SHILL-MAN got??
Ya think he mighta got big bucks bribery from the UK govt just like the US fed govt's $ bribes?
Hospitals, medical providers & yes, medical doctors were given big scam bucks to play along.
Lotta billions there > Funding for [US] Health Care Providers During the Pandemic: An Update
> The [US} federal government has used a variety of strategies to provide enhanced financial support [money bribes] for hospitals and other health care providers [see: doctors] to compensate for revenue loss and higher costs associated with the pandemic: [sic]
> Congress established the Provider Relief Fund to bolster hospitals and other health care providers to compensate for financial losses and unanticipated costs during the pandemic. HHS has allocated $170.9 billion of the total $178 billion authorized by Congress for this Fund as of September 2021, including $14.8 billion used to support vaccine development and distribution. Of the total amount, $143 billion has been disbursed, according to GAO and HHS announcements. HHS expects to distribute another $6 billion to providers in early 2022.
> In addition, $7.5 billion of $8.5 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) rural funds were distributed to hospitals and other providers that serve patients living in rural areas; the remaining $1 billion in rural funds is expected to be distributed in early 2022.
> Congress took several steps to avoid automatic payment reductions during the pandemic. Congress waived the automatic 2% reduction in Medicare payments required under budget rules (i.e., sequestration) between May 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022, delayed until 2023 a separate 4% reduction in Medicare payments that would otherwise have been triggered in 2022 under PAYGO rules, and increased physician payments by 3% for 2022 under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) payments to mitigate scheduled budget neutral cuts.
> Congress established the Paycheck Protection Program that provided health care providers an estimated $100 billion in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, according to MedPAC.
> In addition, Congress increased Medicare payments for inpatient COVID-19 admissions by 20% during the public health emergency (PHE), established coverage and payment for administering COVID-19 vaccines, and increased payments for telehealth services, and HHS waived certain regulatory restrictions, such as allowing for expanded coverage of Medicare telehealth services. Congress also provided accelerated or advance payments as loans to providers participating in traditional Medicare to ease cash flow disruptions during the pandemic.
And the absolute kick in the gut... there was NEVER any pandemic as it was the annual flu...
Mortality stats from 2020-early 2021 show NO increased mortality (except for deliberate old peep kills) until AFTER the deadly jab was given. AND you want amnesty & kumbaya for JC & the so-called medical experts & inFLUencers who took the money & ran? What is a life worth?
A conspiracy realist from way back who knows how scams work, I never complied w/"C19" BS. Doesn't take a genius to figure scams out, just common sense, skepticism & analytical mind. You don't even have to be a Doctor Nurse Man yourself to figure out medical bullshit. Right?
Well... I pretty much agree with most of your comment, Lucinda - I, too, refused and dissented from early 2020 in February onward due to recognizing the logical inconsistencies, nonsensical claims, hypocritical behaviours of the politicians and public pseudo 'health-experts'... without myself being a 'doctor' or clinical researcher - and yes, of course we know about the financial scams and incentives that manipulated so many - yet, still, some of those who were fooled early on but then changed sides are today also some of the people who have the strongest and most wide-reaching voices on our side - and many already have admitted to their guilt and regret - I am not asking for amnesty ! There is a difference between a JTrudeau and his HealthCanada puppet cabal, for example, and the local doctors, JCs and Bret Weinsteins of the world who simply fell for the hype but then radically changed their reality ! Just why would we need to insist on further guilt-tripping and discrediting some of those voices who literally daily educate the public about the dangers of this whole scam ! After all, many of exactly those converts are also the ones who, on their platforms, give space and voice to the many who from the beginning spoke clearly on our side ! We would lose much of the exposure of those good people, too, by forcing the JCs et al. out of our side !
is no credit given to the time-tested and proven tactic of Fear Appeal??? do you think that medical providers were immune to that tactic? The very reason that many of us saw through it right away is because we were NOT TRAINED BY THE MEDICAL/PHARMA INDOCTRINATION SYSTEM. JC and many other trained professionals may not have been "in on it" but rather they fell hard and swiftly for the very excellence of the FEAR APPEAL campaign. My God people...not everyone is a WEF/WHO shill who planned to do this sweet death to you... Prepare the firing squad but be careful who you line up... Without a doubt in my mind many doctors, pharmacists, fancy nurses bought into this scam completely early on without any rational thinking. I remember looking into the eyes of my very obese primary care physician in early 2021 almost demanding/insisting that I take the poison...the fear was there early for him. I told him to kick rocks and fired him, deciding that only a fit doctor would do moving forward. I am not suggesting we forgive but for the love of God realize that the Fear Appeal tactic corrupted physicians just like your barber, your crazy aunt, your mother in law, etc...
"Fear"!? Yeah, well maybe, but also the "collective stupidity" of mankind that Bonhoeffer described, the "human defect" that prevents openness to reason and facts; also the enormous human hubris that leaves one open to becoming a self-serving "shill" and that type was extremely plentiful; one thing is certain and that is "I was only following orders" or "mistakes were made" are absolutely bullshit excuses that defy rational belief.
all of the above allows for Fear Appeal to work as a designed mechanism for evil coercion. you are confirming the complexity of how all of this is made possible. what we speak of here is enough material for ten thesis papers at least.
Doctors are also rigorously indoctrinated throughout medical school to defer to "authority", not question protocols or accepted ways of doing things, and that there is "a pill for every ill" brainwashing by Big Pharma. This is why it can take fifteen to twenty YEARS for scientific research and advances to filter up into clinical practice. It is very much a situation of "science advances one funeral at a time" as the old guard dies off and makes way for more rational understandings and attitudes. The sad and dangerous truth is that doctors, especially, in this era of corporate for-profit medicine, are afraid to "rock the boat" and do anything outside of their lemming-like behavior and training. And it is why, during COVID, only about 400 of the approximately one million American doctors bucked the System and practiced medicine to "do no harm" and actually help people!
Amen! I see it in doctor friends who are my age and in a wife who is in the medical field... They were amazing at memorizing the doctrine and it was literally trained out of them to question anything! One of my doctor friends took two shots, got CV, and became deathly ill...he spent over a year in the hospital and rehab...nine months was basically on life support as his own co-workers inadvertently tried to kill him with vent and remdesivir!!! you simply cannot make this up in your wildest dreams..."standard of care" is killing people by the hundreds of thousands. how this doctor friend is still alive is beyond all logic and he is now once again performing surgeries. many many people were not so lucky.
the only way this changes is destruction of the agencies who are indoctrinating our doctors, pharmacists, nurses, techs, etc. i don't see this happening because the goals of money and depopulation are not going away.
Your last statement defines it all! But, as you say, we are probably out of luck because the DEEP STATE of medical science and medicine runs very deep and has many stakeholders who are beholden to a very corrupt system which has infiltrated every aspect of culture and society.
Yes. Our Corporate-run hospitals have become Killing Fields Depopulation Centers! Obviously under WHO/WEF/Globalist direction. And for the bounties the government pays for labeling patients "COVID" (whether or not they have it) and then venting them and murdering them! It is unbelievable how many "COVID" patients have been murdered this way. If justice is ever restored in this country, there will be hundreds of hospital administrators and tens of thousands of doctors on Death Row because of what they have so brutally and callously done!
Before COVID was even unleashed it was known that Remdesivir was deadly. Fauci knew it because he was involved in the Ebola trials in Africa. But then, Fauci already had a track record of murdering tens of thousands of AIDS patients with AZT and by blocking use of EFFECTIVE treatments. Sound familiar??? Leopards don't change their spots! But (shocking!) Fauci has a financial interest in Gilead Pharmaceuticals, maker of Remdesivir, and of course he gets royalties for every Pfizer COVID shot. Maybe Moderna, too. Has there EVER been a more despicable, disgusting, pathetic human being? He makes Josef Mengele look like an angel by comparison! The suffering and death he is responsible for is staggering!
Well no kidding! What you are describing are the horrible results of what the allopathic model of medicine became; the history of medical science has no end to examples of fraud, lies and deception where honest geniuses and discoverers were vilified and discarded to protect the money-makers and power hungry.
Of course there is truth in what you say. When it comes to figuring out who the hardcore real culprits are; we must also use discernment and assess sincerity which is not a science. It's difficult.
absolutely! all of this was such a well designed Mind F and effected different people differently. Sorting it all out requires more nuanced thinking than most are capable of sadly... Some of what we see/saw is easily found in prior mass compliance/mass casualty history such as nazi Germany while other tactics they used were more in the realm of what cult leaders/sociopaths do... I feel like I'm in the "A Beautiful Mind" scene on the chalkboard trying to explain this to most people. You just cannot because they so quickly joined their "team" and are not open to figuring out how all of this could happen. I will never forget how many morons that I grew up with and went to college with were convinced that ivermectin was simply a vet med because CNN or terry Bradshaw's CTE ass told them it was horse paste...neglecting the fact that it won a nobel prize for human medicine for example... Just one example of how propaganda and Fear Appeal effect the populace. Similarly docs and pharmacists who had prescribed hydroxychloroquine for decades suddenly thought it wasn't safe because Fauci et al told them it wasn't any longer...
Precisely. We have to tread lightly when it comes to people's perceptions and spectrum of knowledge and awareness. The sands are shifting and the road becomes more narrow. Many of us may be alone and up against pure evil. The Stand.
Psalms 23. We are witnessing the sifting. Judas is always in our midst.
John Campbell changed his mind about the injections very quickly yes he did talk about it yes he felt that many in the beginning that the shots would be the way out however he quickly realized what was happening and turned his tune right away so people need to back off I think this has everything to do with millions of viewers that this man has and the jealousy in Envy is just so pathetic it's sickening and this is exactly what the establishment wants to see people going at each other stop it we have to come together and Dr John Campbell is it true hero a hero
J C ---CONMAN OR WHAT------Can't say for sure, but it's highly suspect... Never trusted him since I saw him with that masked toy dog and con-vid propaganda posters in the background in his videos.
Dr. Paul, please don't let yourself be too influenced by Sage whose only schtick is hyper-cynicism. Sage never met an ulterior motive that he wouldn't assign to his targets, no matter how despicable the motive nor benign the figure. Campbell, like you, was part of a once admirable health system, but he's older, and his long-standing trust in the medical recommendations of the "experts" took a long time to rattle. He doesn't deserve the vitriol. And, Dr. Paul, what is your goal here? Are you setting aside your practical forthrightness in exchange for Sage's unrelenting (Lefty) snarkiness?
I only mention it because recently you seem to frequently refer to his posts, which imo, if one edited out his constant attacks on others, would leave nothing much to read. He has become extraordinarily predictable.
That's BS! Sage's brilliant and honest depth of analysis leaves most others far behind ;You can agree or disagree but all of the mindless apologetics going on here do not serve to seek the facts and truth ; this not about saving reputations and defending a broken system! "once admirable health system"!? Gee, when did we ever have that? Research where our allopathic health system had its origins , mostly in the 19th century or mid 1800s and you will become very enlightened.
Did I say Sage isn't brilliant? He is. That is why I read much of his work. But he can also be spiteful and delights in questioning everyone's motives. Everyone's except his own. His goal, if he has one, seems to be chaos and black pills.
We’re talking about a difficult, confusing time. Many had not recognised the fear tactics and how fake the MSM was. Many healthcare workers were deceived. It was a very well planned exercise. Retrospective analysis has 20/20 vision.
In Dr Campbell case I think he was in the medical field and couldn’t fathom that they would lie to him and everyone about it all. And even though I like him and he has caught on now that he has to personally go over every single detail himself because they did get it wrong and his bbc lied and his PM lied etc. I still think he is not fully willing to admit that it must have been a pre planned event, etc. I mean he is getting there slowly but sometimes when the truth is unimaginable to people it takes them a while.
I agree... I know many MDs who can’t seem to bring themselves to the point of recognizing and admitting that fellow MDs and scientists actually have acted with nefariousness or malfeasance...... I have felt for years that our MD profession and research scientists, like PhDs at Universities had a higher level of ethical honesty than many if not most other professionals (let’s say Attorneys/ politicians).... (Brother is a Harvard PhD genetics Professor- who quit the NIH funding committee in past, as it deteriorated toward political bias)...... However, I too always recognized human tendencies and propensity towards bias thinking and conclusions....... especially when related to financial or political or personal gain ......... . This bias in favor of scientists (within many other MDs) perhaps is a driving force behind their present reticence to see the truth about the COVID-19/ Fauci/Pfizer/Pharma/ Financial/ Political/corporate INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and it’s existence and
It’s corrupting and criminal actions over the past several decades....... waking up I hope !!!!
"Dr." John Campbell is a doctor in the same way Dr Jill Biden is. Neither are really a doctor, but use the title "Dr" since they both have PhDs. In Campbell's case it's in nurse training and in Biden's case it's in education. That said "Dr" Campbell has seen the light, or the evidence as he likes to say, admitted he was wrong, and is now firmly anti-covid vax.
John Campbell clearly states in most (if not all) videos, that he has a nursing degree. On his YouTube site, he clearly states that his Ph.D. "focuses on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally."
JC may have known lots of things in the early months.. but my spider senses jangled when he seemed dumbfounded with data on vitamin D and Ivermectin... it was months into the scam that he started to talk about these thinks.. too little.. too late.
The history of virus and vaccine research, AIDS, what they have in store for us with the next plandemic, and the pedophiles involved. You must take a look at this.
Quite right, Dave! I have and it confirms what I have been arguing about here and against the "apologist" mindset ; those who resist looking at that history and learning from it, will continue to remain among the ignorant and perpetual victims.
John Campbell was deceived as he admits and has regrets over. He has apologized for promoting the lies he formerly believed. He does fantastic presentations and carefully chooses his words to remain on-line, as he was removed by “WHOtube” several times. Ranting about his previous mistakes is just vitriol and click baiting.
I think that this post and the lousy comments below show one thing: that nobody has learnt the lesson. It feels great to be righteous, on the "right side of history from the beginning". Well done, pat on the back - now what? What happened from early 2020 onward is a complex array of interventions (physical, psychological, social, economical etc.) that were all pushed through thanks to fearmongering. Fear is a state that does not allow deep reflection. We were all shut in our homes, told to be scared of everything because we were going to die. We also came from years of brainwashing on the term "vaccine", which was intentionally politicised and made a polarising issue (anti-vax=flat-earther=nazi apologist=(fill in the blank). Some people came to their senses sooner than others. Perhaps we should have expected more from the Campbells of the world, but he is a human being just like me and you. You all prefer to further divide and discredit, while I think we should be building bridges. I think that the more come to this side, the common sense side, the better. I don't care how they get here, I don't care whether they were wrong. I care that they are smart enough to continue to ask questions and are able to change their mind in the face of mounting evidence. Sometimes it takes accumulation to tip the scales. The thing is, on this side of the barricare there is as much hatred, spewing, righteousness, narrowness, shallowness than on the other side. And the same tendency to not want to understand but instead annihilate. So good luck with that. I choose another road.
JC---CONMAN OR WHAT----Read this comment!?----Can't say for sure, but it's highly suspect... Never trusted him since I saw him with that masked toy dog and con-vid propaganda posters in the background in his videos.
Alistair Williams: "It's about planting a seed. It's about laughing at these guys. I mean, half of them are—they're cartoon characters. A lot of you guys, you have Klaus Schwab up there as like—you really think that Klaus Schwab is the bad guy behind all this? How much does he look like a bad guy? You know, he's the guy that they want you to think it is."
9 months, 1 week ago
A laugh or two a day.. or three for sure... keeps all the bad, complicit, NWO corrupted doctors away.
Please Please Please, people! STOP STOP STOP attacking the very best examples of medical practitioners and researchers who have openly and publicly declared the fact that they were wrong in having believed the WHO and politicians and the local public health organizations..., but have changed their minds and understanding by looking at facts and evidence even against their original beliefs, and are now some of the most outspoken advocates for truth and for holding those who *Deliberately* lied to us accountable ! Stop discrediting the people who are the only ones on our side who have a chance of actually being heard by the mainstream ! Yes, they were wrong in the beginning... just as a few billion other humans were wrong and deceived in the beginning ! Let's celebrate those few who have seen the light since and encourage and support them to become even stronger instead of tearing down our own side !
Absolutely NOT!!! These "professionals" should have known basic biochemistry if they are such experts. They led people down a horrific path to injury and death. For that, there is no consolation. Just curious... has this a-hole, Campbell said "I'm sorry" to all the millions that watch him? Has Trump? Have ANY of them?
They could have been watching Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi instead of bellowing out to the masses how wonderful these shots are. They are part of the downfall of humanity. You can not elevate them.
So if a criminal murders your child and then apologizes, you just take it and say that's ok? They don't go to jail? They aren't subject to the consequences of their actions? Well, those that didn't want to see the truth and TOLD people (the fearful sheep) to get these shots are absolutely no different!
Why are so many people hung up on the '... did they say 'I'm sorry' ..? ' ?? They acknowledged having been wrong... why the insistence on the wording of ' I'm sorry' ?! You state yourself in your same comment above that 'Im sorry' is not enough ! do you want JCampbell, Malone, Weinstein, McCullough, and and and... in jail ?!?!? great.. that'll help our cause ??? Did you come across Bhakdi, Kirsch, Steven Pelech, Denis Rancourt, Mark Trozzi, Dr Hodkinson, Pierre Kori, and the countless others around the world on day one of the whole scam in 2020 ?? No doubt there are still countless names you have not heard of, yet who are great advocates of truth on our side - have you never been wrong in some early belief about a topic.. especially in the realm of politics and medicine, and later found that you have to change your mind because having believed some mainstream- but false- narrative on the topic... - you are demanding from people - professional or not, who are still humans with normal brains but in different life-environments with exposure to different kind of informational streams, some kind of utopian 100%-omniscient-awareness of truth at all times - well, sadly, that's not how reality works - again, one the one hand we always demand that public figures be open to changing their minds when they learn the truth, but now, when they do, you condemn them - please, let's support those who have indeed made the rarely seen open change of mind and are *now* great spreaders of truth !
Very well stated as an apologist for all the wrongdoing you repeatedly make excuses for; reality is that "advocates of truth" have been rare and although much appreciated, have been vastly outnumbered by those who knew or should have known; "humans with normal brains"!? hardly, they were individuals at the top of their field with expertise in science and medicine and fully aware of their positions and consequences of their actions.
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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Your hindsight is remarkable.
Thank you, a voice of reason and sanity!
That's a lot of unfounded and unwarranted CLAPTRAP of apologetic BS! "wrong in the beginning "and still wrong; tell it to all those who died prematurely and are still dying and now you want us to listen to the "mistakes were made" and "seen the light" defenses for unforgiveable crimes against humanity; MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE!
Mistakes, indeed, were made! … by all those who gave in to- and believed the lies. By all those who died prematurely. … and you seem to think that you know that the motivation of every one of the millions and millions of people around the globe who did not see the truth right from day one and ended up, for a period of time, advocating along with the liars before realizing being wrong and then changing their mind?! You seem to claim having knowledge that the motives of all those millions and millions of doctors and medical practitioners was wilfully nefarious - … seriously? What motivation, then, do you ascribe to their having turned around to now publicly admitting to having been wrong and to now expose their own what you claim to have been wrongdoing fully aware of the consequences - And most certainly one cannot paint the John Campbells and Bret Weinsteins and the local doctors who took longer than we did to see the truth with same brush as we must the Faucis, Barics, Burlas, Birxes, Trudeaus, Arderns, Macrons, Tedroses, Schwabs, BGateses,… … of the world ! Let’s attack the people who deserve being attacked .. those who indeed did *Not* make mistakes ! But let’s not bark up the wrong trees - let’s not attack and smear those who are becoming some of our strongest allies !
Exactly! Isn’t the entire point of sharing the truth to help people see it & learn from it?? How about embracing & welcoming those who have changed lanes & are using their influence to enlighten others? It seems this substack particularly has taken a darker turn spewing hatred & deeper division. And the delivery is more vile & less likely to get converts with the incessant screaming & attacking of other converts.
What you call "converts" are those scrambling to protect their backsides and guilty consciences, not to mention any retribution heading their way as the facts and truth come out.
Can you prove that those that did evil did it intentionally?
Are you kidding!? There is new evidence coming out everyday about how an infectious respiratory pathogen was deliberately released and who was directly involved; Dr David Martin's meticulous research alone has been irrefutable in exposing the CLEAR INTENTION of these nefarious actors for the past several years; and now, with the further release of documents previously hidden, it has been confirmed that Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, with the complicity of China's Wuhan lab, developed a pathogen designed to specifically infect humans; there was no "new virus" or natural origin of what was synthetically developed in labs and with direct military influence and involvement. If you honestly believe that all those involved acted with no evil intent and "accidents" only happened, then your naivety is only surpassed by your ignorance.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I know full well that many acted with the intention to cause harm. We do need to be careful however before we accuse someone of intentional malevolent intent. It is evil to accuse people falsely.
Nah. The bribe money & free rides ensure that the med grifters will do it again next time. It's never dark to call for justice, to work for justice, to push for justice for murdered folks.
No "best example of medical practitioners and researchers" is being attacked. The best ones knew the instant that medical tyranny was imposed that they would inject only saline solution or flush it down the sink. They might have kept their mouths shut but they weren't ever stupid enough to promote what is clearly the single greatest crime against humanity in history.
No they didn't! And that's where you're all hung up. Malone didn't know - he got two shots, Peterson didn't know, got two shots, the Great Barrington Declaration signatories, same's simply not true. What use is it to be the first one to realise something so important if you're not going to be the one changing other people's minds? Campbell, Malone etc all have huge following and their opinion matters, it changes perspectives. They all got it wrong in the beginning - heck most of us did too. I didn't catch on until they introduced passports in my country. That's when I knew I shouldn't get the shot, because I wasn't going to be blackmailed into it...So? What's important is the ability to take other people's opinions into serious consideration and being able to change your mind when needed.
Quite right! These tiresome apologists keep coming up to try to explain away accountability and responsibility, especially from so-called experts who eventually saw the light and changed their minds and were ready to do the honorable thing; they are only exposing themselves now for being the self-serving cowards they have always been and protecting their backsides as more of the truth keeps coming out; as for the collective masses who were duped or willingly consented to taking the unproven shots (which must include many of the same apologists here) they are a prime example of the "collective stupidity" that Bonhoeffer described; there was no mass formation or mass hypnosis but an existential failure to respect personal identity and sovereignty on both a personal and world-wide basis, a failure to honor the very gift of life granted by our Creator.
With the knowledge he claims he has he should have known from day one it was a scam!? Hospitals were never over crowded! Never talks about the DNR/MORPHINE/MURDER of the elderly to create the SCAMplandemic!---He just carried lies and clearly never questioned the lies----look at short video-----
Yes, yes, yes… ‘should have should have should have…’ - I, too, began questioning the news and claims about cv19 by end of mid-to end of February 2020 - to state JC never questioned is not accurate - clearly he *did* question the lies, otherwise he would not be such a strong speaker against them today - it is just that he began questioning later than *some* others - again, have you, in your life, always been, immediately from the beginning, accurate and correct in your assessment and belief of news and new information that was spread by others .. even in f it was in your field of expertise ? Why is it so difficult to celebrate the fact that we now have so many people who were on the other aisle, having realized the truth and now strongly advocating on our side !? Sure, we all can learn from this how humans can get lost and be misled in spite of their expertise, how humans can forget to question, … but we also can learn how humans can find truth and actually change their minds - why attack those who have actually taken that rarely seen path of openly admitting having been wrong and converting to the truth, instead of those who still today are the supposed experts yet still continue to loudly advocate for the lies .. we could present people exactly such as John Campbell and Bret Weinstein et al. as good examples for how one comes around to see the truth in spite of indoctrination and brainwashing !
He still goes on about covid and yes mentions the elderly deaths but does not say because of DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM MURDER! You can have your thoughts on him and others and I shall have mine!
Amen. SH is a prime asshole Karen of the C19 Truth Movement. It's all snark and virtue signaling, with no constructive effect. He's all about slamming those not as smart as he thinks he is and then concluding we're all fucked anyway. The fact is that a lot of normies can and will tune into JC and get those critical faculties on line again. He has much experience as a clinician, and interviews others who bring information that can help those injured by the bioweapon. What does SH contribute? We already know how conned so many were who should have or might have known better... Some of us accept everyone has their own learning curve, that most of us are still developing a fuller understanding of this enormous crime. That this is how movements coalesce and grow. SH doesn't seem to know shit about movement building, nor, I suspect, does he care to.
Well said, Antoine ! Much agree -
Good observation peter.
C'mon, really? Please Please Please get a grip, Peter. Hospitals, schools, institutions, doctors, newscasters, sports figures, entertainers, church pastors etc ALL took CON-vid money {bribes} to flog the CDC/WHO's scamdemic lies; to push dumb lockdowns on folks; masks BS onto the plebes (remember all those scenes of the elites/politicians partying/visibly in public without masks?); & shilling as"inFLUencers" on their instagram & social media pages for the corrupt pharma corps? (Dam. that Kelce dude is still flogging the most recent con-vid death vaxx too.)
"InFLUencers" including JC helped kill folks as they encouraged/pushed everyone to get a jab or two or more & then be "good/righteous" folks. Remember the "I got the vaccine" photos? Evil con-vid pushers & super gullible citizens (who just wanted to get along). Grrrr...dammit.
Do we blame the trusting souls or do we call for justice & curse untrustworthy SOB scammer?
How much money do you suppose the GOOD DOCTOR JOHN CAMPBELL SHILL-MAN got??
Ya think he mighta got big bucks bribery from the UK govt just like the US fed govt's $ bribes?
Hospitals, medical providers & yes, medical doctors were given big scam bucks to play along.
Lotta billions there > Funding for [US] Health Care Providers During the Pandemic: An Update
> The [US} federal government has used a variety of strategies to provide enhanced financial support [money bribes] for hospitals and other health care providers [see: doctors] to compensate for revenue loss and higher costs associated with the pandemic: [sic]
> Congress established the Provider Relief Fund to bolster hospitals and other health care providers to compensate for financial losses and unanticipated costs during the pandemic. HHS has allocated $170.9 billion of the total $178 billion authorized by Congress for this Fund as of September 2021, including $14.8 billion used to support vaccine development and distribution. Of the total amount, $143 billion has been disbursed, according to GAO and HHS announcements. HHS expects to distribute another $6 billion to providers in early 2022.
> In addition, $7.5 billion of $8.5 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) rural funds were distributed to hospitals and other providers that serve patients living in rural areas; the remaining $1 billion in rural funds is expected to be distributed in early 2022.
> Congress took several steps to avoid automatic payment reductions during the pandemic. Congress waived the automatic 2% reduction in Medicare payments required under budget rules (i.e., sequestration) between May 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022, delayed until 2023 a separate 4% reduction in Medicare payments that would otherwise have been triggered in 2022 under PAYGO rules, and increased physician payments by 3% for 2022 under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) payments to mitigate scheduled budget neutral cuts.
> Congress established the Paycheck Protection Program that provided health care providers an estimated $100 billion in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, according to MedPAC.
> In addition, Congress increased Medicare payments for inpatient COVID-19 admissions by 20% during the public health emergency (PHE), established coverage and payment for administering COVID-19 vaccines, and increased payments for telehealth services, and HHS waived certain regulatory restrictions, such as allowing for expanded coverage of Medicare telehealth services. Congress also provided accelerated or advance payments as loans to providers participating in traditional Medicare to ease cash flow disruptions during the pandemic.
And the absolute kick in the gut... there was NEVER any pandemic as it was the annual flu...
Mortality stats from 2020-early 2021 show NO increased mortality (except for deliberate old peep kills) until AFTER the deadly jab was given. AND you want amnesty & kumbaya for JC & the so-called medical experts & inFLUencers who took the money & ran? What is a life worth?
A conspiracy realist from way back who knows how scams work, I never complied w/"C19" BS. Doesn't take a genius to figure scams out, just common sense, skepticism & analytical mind. You don't even have to be a Doctor Nurse Man yourself to figure out medical bullshit. Right?
Well... I pretty much agree with most of your comment, Lucinda - I, too, refused and dissented from early 2020 in February onward due to recognizing the logical inconsistencies, nonsensical claims, hypocritical behaviours of the politicians and public pseudo 'health-experts'... without myself being a 'doctor' or clinical researcher - and yes, of course we know about the financial scams and incentives that manipulated so many - yet, still, some of those who were fooled early on but then changed sides are today also some of the people who have the strongest and most wide-reaching voices on our side - and many already have admitted to their guilt and regret - I am not asking for amnesty ! There is a difference between a JTrudeau and his HealthCanada puppet cabal, for example, and the local doctors, JCs and Bret Weinsteins of the world who simply fell for the hype but then radically changed their reality ! Just why would we need to insist on further guilt-tripping and discrediting some of those voices who literally daily educate the public about the dangers of this whole scam ! After all, many of exactly those converts are also the ones who, on their platforms, give space and voice to the many who from the beginning spoke clearly on our side ! We would lose much of the exposure of those good people, too, by forcing the JCs et al. out of our side !
Thank you! That is exactly how I feel!
is no credit given to the time-tested and proven tactic of Fear Appeal??? do you think that medical providers were immune to that tactic? The very reason that many of us saw through it right away is because we were NOT TRAINED BY THE MEDICAL/PHARMA INDOCTRINATION SYSTEM. JC and many other trained professionals may not have been "in on it" but rather they fell hard and swiftly for the very excellence of the FEAR APPEAL campaign. My God people...not everyone is a WEF/WHO shill who planned to do this sweet death to you... Prepare the firing squad but be careful who you line up... Without a doubt in my mind many doctors, pharmacists, fancy nurses bought into this scam completely early on without any rational thinking. I remember looking into the eyes of my very obese primary care physician in early 2021 almost demanding/insisting that I take the poison...the fear was there early for him. I told him to kick rocks and fired him, deciding that only a fit doctor would do moving forward. I am not suggesting we forgive but for the love of God realize that the Fear Appeal tactic corrupted physicians just like your barber, your crazy aunt, your mother in law, etc...
"Fear"!? Yeah, well maybe, but also the "collective stupidity" of mankind that Bonhoeffer described, the "human defect" that prevents openness to reason and facts; also the enormous human hubris that leaves one open to becoming a self-serving "shill" and that type was extremely plentiful; one thing is certain and that is "I was only following orders" or "mistakes were made" are absolutely bullshit excuses that defy rational belief.
all of the above allows for Fear Appeal to work as a designed mechanism for evil coercion. you are confirming the complexity of how all of this is made possible. what we speak of here is enough material for ten thesis papers at least.
Doctors are also rigorously indoctrinated throughout medical school to defer to "authority", not question protocols or accepted ways of doing things, and that there is "a pill for every ill" brainwashing by Big Pharma. This is why it can take fifteen to twenty YEARS for scientific research and advances to filter up into clinical practice. It is very much a situation of "science advances one funeral at a time" as the old guard dies off and makes way for more rational understandings and attitudes. The sad and dangerous truth is that doctors, especially, in this era of corporate for-profit medicine, are afraid to "rock the boat" and do anything outside of their lemming-like behavior and training. And it is why, during COVID, only about 400 of the approximately one million American doctors bucked the System and practiced medicine to "do no harm" and actually help people!
Amen! I see it in doctor friends who are my age and in a wife who is in the medical field... They were amazing at memorizing the doctrine and it was literally trained out of them to question anything! One of my doctor friends took two shots, got CV, and became deathly ill...he spent over a year in the hospital and rehab...nine months was basically on life support as his own co-workers inadvertently tried to kill him with vent and remdesivir!!! you simply cannot make this up in your wildest dreams..."standard of care" is killing people by the hundreds of thousands. how this doctor friend is still alive is beyond all logic and he is now once again performing surgeries. many many people were not so lucky.
the only way this changes is destruction of the agencies who are indoctrinating our doctors, pharmacists, nurses, techs, etc. i don't see this happening because the goals of money and depopulation are not going away.
Your last statement defines it all! But, as you say, we are probably out of luck because the DEEP STATE of medical science and medicine runs very deep and has many stakeholders who are beholden to a very corrupt system which has infiltrated every aspect of culture and society.
Yes. Our Corporate-run hospitals have become Killing Fields Depopulation Centers! Obviously under WHO/WEF/Globalist direction. And for the bounties the government pays for labeling patients "COVID" (whether or not they have it) and then venting them and murdering them! It is unbelievable how many "COVID" patients have been murdered this way. If justice is ever restored in this country, there will be hundreds of hospital administrators and tens of thousands of doctors on Death Row because of what they have so brutally and callously done!
Before COVID was even unleashed it was known that Remdesivir was deadly. Fauci knew it because he was involved in the Ebola trials in Africa. But then, Fauci already had a track record of murdering tens of thousands of AIDS patients with AZT and by blocking use of EFFECTIVE treatments. Sound familiar??? Leopards don't change their spots! But (shocking!) Fauci has a financial interest in Gilead Pharmaceuticals, maker of Remdesivir, and of course he gets royalties for every Pfizer COVID shot. Maybe Moderna, too. Has there EVER been a more despicable, disgusting, pathetic human being? He makes Josef Mengele look like an angel by comparison! The suffering and death he is responsible for is staggering!
How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?
Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!
Contact ASAP here to join us…
Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…
You will be standing with the best!!!
P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!
Well no kidding! What you are describing are the horrible results of what the allopathic model of medicine became; the history of medical science has no end to examples of fraud, lies and deception where honest geniuses and discoverers were vilified and discarded to protect the money-makers and power hungry.
I know and you know but it is incredible how few medical professionals know this...
It’s difficult parsing out the useful idiots from the diabolical geniuses.
and everything in between.
Of course there is truth in what you say. When it comes to figuring out who the hardcore real culprits are; we must also use discernment and assess sincerity which is not a science. It's difficult.
absolutely! all of this was such a well designed Mind F and effected different people differently. Sorting it all out requires more nuanced thinking than most are capable of sadly... Some of what we see/saw is easily found in prior mass compliance/mass casualty history such as nazi Germany while other tactics they used were more in the realm of what cult leaders/sociopaths do... I feel like I'm in the "A Beautiful Mind" scene on the chalkboard trying to explain this to most people. You just cannot because they so quickly joined their "team" and are not open to figuring out how all of this could happen. I will never forget how many morons that I grew up with and went to college with were convinced that ivermectin was simply a vet med because CNN or terry Bradshaw's CTE ass told them it was horse paste...neglecting the fact that it won a nobel prize for human medicine for example... Just one example of how propaganda and Fear Appeal effect the populace. Similarly docs and pharmacists who had prescribed hydroxychloroquine for decades suddenly thought it wasn't safe because Fauci et al told them it wasn't any longer...
Precisely. We have to tread lightly when it comes to people's perceptions and spectrum of knowledge and awareness. The sands are shifting and the road becomes more narrow. Many of us may be alone and up against pure evil. The Stand.
Psalms 23. We are witnessing the sifting. Judas is always in our midst.
As I maintained above it's called "collective stupidity"!
John Campbell changed his mind about the injections very quickly yes he did talk about it yes he felt that many in the beginning that the shots would be the way out however he quickly realized what was happening and turned his tune right away so people need to back off I think this has everything to do with millions of viewers that this man has and the jealousy in Envy is just so pathetic it's sickening and this is exactly what the establishment wants to see people going at each other stop it we have to come together and Dr John Campbell is it true hero a hero
J C ---CONMAN OR WHAT------Can't say for sure, but it's highly suspect... Never trusted him since I saw him with that masked toy dog and con-vid propaganda posters in the background in his videos.
gaby - I like your comment, but it's so hard to read. There is not a single use of punctuation in the entire comment, not even a period at the end.
listen you got my point? thats all that should matter right??????not about punctuation
Didn't even Peter McCullough get vaccinated?
Peter McCullough was not vaccinated.
I could have sworn McCullough said himself that he did get vaccinated, but maybe I am mistaken.
You may be confusing McCullough with Robert Malone.
No, I would bet money that McCullough said himself that he got vaccinated. I'm trusting my memory, but I could be wrong.
Dr. Paul, please don't let yourself be too influenced by Sage whose only schtick is hyper-cynicism. Sage never met an ulterior motive that he wouldn't assign to his targets, no matter how despicable the motive nor benign the figure. Campbell, like you, was part of a once admirable health system, but he's older, and his long-standing trust in the medical recommendations of the "experts" took a long time to rattle. He doesn't deserve the vitriol. And, Dr. Paul, what is your goal here? Are you setting aside your practical forthrightness in exchange for Sage's unrelenting (Lefty) snarkiness?
I am not swayed by anyone...I am thinking on my own...I dont agree with all SAGE says no anyone else nor do I want anyone ot belive what I say...
I only mention it because recently you seem to frequently refer to his posts, which imo, if one edited out his constant attacks on others, would leave nothing much to read. He has become extraordinarily predictable.
sorry, deleted my reply because I realized it was irrelevant and a case of 'mistaken identity' on my part :-)
That's BS! Sage's brilliant and honest depth of analysis leaves most others far behind ;You can agree or disagree but all of the mindless apologetics going on here do not serve to seek the facts and truth ; this not about saving reputations and defending a broken system! "once admirable health system"!? Gee, when did we ever have that? Research where our allopathic health system had its origins , mostly in the 19th century or mid 1800s and you will become very enlightened.
Did I say Sage isn't brilliant? He is. That is why I read much of his work. But he can also be spiteful and delights in questioning everyone's motives. Everyone's except his own. His goal, if he has one, seems to be chaos and black pills.
We’re talking about a difficult, confusing time. Many had not recognised the fear tactics and how fake the MSM was. Many healthcare workers were deceived. It was a very well planned exercise. Retrospective analysis has 20/20 vision.
In Dr Campbell case I think he was in the medical field and couldn’t fathom that they would lie to him and everyone about it all. And even though I like him and he has caught on now that he has to personally go over every single detail himself because they did get it wrong and his bbc lied and his PM lied etc. I still think he is not fully willing to admit that it must have been a pre planned event, etc. I mean he is getting there slowly but sometimes when the truth is unimaginable to people it takes them a while.
I agree... I know many MDs who can’t seem to bring themselves to the point of recognizing and admitting that fellow MDs and scientists actually have acted with nefariousness or malfeasance...... I have felt for years that our MD profession and research scientists, like PhDs at Universities had a higher level of ethical honesty than many if not most other professionals (let’s say Attorneys/ politicians).... (Brother is a Harvard PhD genetics Professor- who quit the NIH funding committee in past, as it deteriorated toward political bias)...... However, I too always recognized human tendencies and propensity towards bias thinking and conclusions....... especially when related to financial or political or personal gain ......... . This bias in favor of scientists (within many other MDs) perhaps is a driving force behind their present reticence to see the truth about the COVID-19/ Fauci/Pfizer/Pharma/ Financial/ Political/corporate INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and it’s existence and
It’s corrupting and criminal actions over the past several decades....... waking up I hope !!!!
Great info about bias in the medical profession. By the way, no apostrophes are needed in the "its" in the last sentence.
Fact he has been in medical field for so long must have known the lies as pharma has controlled doctors for decades!?
"Dr." John Campbell is a doctor in the same way Dr Jill Biden is. Neither are really a doctor, but use the title "Dr" since they both have PhDs. In Campbell's case it's in nurse training and in Biden's case it's in education. That said "Dr" Campbell has seen the light, or the evidence as he likes to say, admitted he was wrong, and is now firmly anti-covid vax.
John Campbell clearly states in most (if not all) videos, that he has a nursing degree. On his YouTube site, he clearly states that his Ph.D. "focuses on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally."
Agreed. He is completely forthright regarding his medical background and education.
Same is true of Ms. Naomi Wolf who has a controversial degree in English lit. Which makes her no more authoritative on medical matters than you or me.
Actually, as the vaxscam proved, medical degrees are often worthless. Being able to think and deduce for yourself is more important.
JC may have known lots of things in the early months.. but my spider senses jangled when he seemed dumbfounded with data on vitamin D and Ivermectin... it was months into the scam that he started to talk about these thinks.. too little.. too late.
The history of virus and vaccine research, AIDS, what they have in store for us with the next plandemic, and the pedophiles involved. You must take a look at this.
Quite right, Dave! I have and it confirms what I have been arguing about here and against the "apologist" mindset ; those who resist looking at that history and learning from it, will continue to remain among the ignorant and perpetual victims.
John Campbell was deceived as he admits and has regrets over. He has apologized for promoting the lies he formerly believed. He does fantastic presentations and carefully chooses his words to remain on-line, as he was removed by “WHOtube” several times. Ranting about his previous mistakes is just vitriol and click baiting.
I think that this post and the lousy comments below show one thing: that nobody has learnt the lesson. It feels great to be righteous, on the "right side of history from the beginning". Well done, pat on the back - now what? What happened from early 2020 onward is a complex array of interventions (physical, psychological, social, economical etc.) that were all pushed through thanks to fearmongering. Fear is a state that does not allow deep reflection. We were all shut in our homes, told to be scared of everything because we were going to die. We also came from years of brainwashing on the term "vaccine", which was intentionally politicised and made a polarising issue (anti-vax=flat-earther=nazi apologist=(fill in the blank). Some people came to their senses sooner than others. Perhaps we should have expected more from the Campbells of the world, but he is a human being just like me and you. You all prefer to further divide and discredit, while I think we should be building bridges. I think that the more come to this side, the common sense side, the better. I don't care how they get here, I don't care whether they were wrong. I care that they are smart enough to continue to ask questions and are able to change their mind in the face of mounting evidence. Sometimes it takes accumulation to tip the scales. The thing is, on this side of the barricare there is as much hatred, spewing, righteousness, narrowness, shallowness than on the other side. And the same tendency to not want to understand but instead annihilate. So good luck with that. I choose another road.
Elena - Well well said !!
JC---CONMAN OR WHAT----Read this comment!?----Can't say for sure, but it's highly suspect... Never trusted him since I saw him with that masked toy dog and con-vid propaganda posters in the background in his videos.
That was the first I've heard of Alistair Williams, but what a great video clip that was.
Amazing how more and more "respected" or avuncular types are being outed as frauds or, possibly, controlled opposition.
If you all swear more maybe you can be more believable !
Re: Allistair WiIliams who truly makes me belly-laugh all the time (& his John Campbell/C19 mockery)
Posted this all around when it came out as I love Comic Alistair Williams - a hilarious original Brit/wit.
Y'all should watch all his videos for a regular pick-me-up when the PTB devils are draining the life out.
Love the mentioned Alistair WIlliams' video in Doc Alexander's stack here so posting related links.
Another Alistair link re: Dam Campbell:
And this one about the so-called con-vid madness, the dangerous vaxx ride & mask insanity. HAH
> Alistair Williams Mocking Vaccines And Masks - TruthOrJest - September 15th, 2023 - Alistair Williams on [deadly] vaxx & [crazy] masks.
More Alistair mocking the scamdemic & masks on airplanes (Don't deny yourself a salty snack...)
> THIS IS NOT A REAL PANDEMIC - Alistair_Williams - June 1st, 2022
> Canceled Comedian On Why Laughing At The Establishment Is So Important - World Council for Health - June 1st, 2023 -
Alistair Williams: "It's about planting a seed. It's about laughing at these guys. I mean, half of them are—they're cartoon characters. A lot of you guys, you have Klaus Schwab up there as like—you really think that Klaus Schwab is the bad guy behind all this? How much does he look like a bad guy? You know, he's the guy that they want you to think it is."
9 months, 1 week ago
A laugh or two a day.. or three for sure... keeps all the bad, complicit, NWO corrupted doctors away.
I never cared for John and his advice or delivery style.
I like bold, brash, punch you in the nose
with truth, kind of talk/writing.
Definitely subscribing for another year, Paul. 👍👍