SAGE HANA, so fcuki*g right again, & we all know it, people like Campbell were so fcuki*g wrong & why can't we say it? I am saying it, SAGE is right, it's these people with the mRNA COVID shot who
caused people to take the damn vaccine, injection, shot, bioweapon etc., & many died! This is the key, we know you now had your 'come to Jesus' & saying shots BAD now, but how did you get it so wrong?
How did Campbell get it so fcuking wrong? He knew they did not do safety testing, he knew they did not run the studies long enough to exclude harms, he knew the studies were plagued with very poor methods, he knew it, he knew they stopped early for benefit and thus this meant had they continued to sample size that any benefit would have dissappeared and harms would have likely been clarified…he must have known…he knew a 95% Relative risk reduction is nothing and was meant to deceive and the absolute risk reduction of 0.7% was the measure needed to be reported which meant it failed…he knew it…he knew the 3000 or so excluded by Pfizer from calculations was done to fraud the data and the RRR dropped to 20% then not even meeting the 50% threshold…he knew…he knew the 170 events (162 placebo, 8 treatment) was outrageous and wrong to use to then vaccinate billions…that less than 200 events meant it was an over-estimation of estimate of effect…he knew immuno-bridging was bogus corrupt fraud criminal science….he knew that antibody levels were not a measure of immunity or protection….that we needed studies run using hard objective patient-important outcomes like death, ICU, severe outcome, hospitilization…he knew the observation studies were plagued hard with residual confounding, did not control for the unknown confounders, he knew that by giving placebo group the vaccine meant you doomed the studies, that there can never been interpretable meaningful results…
he knew, that issues around healthy vacinee effect bias, co-morbidities, natural immunity, use of different medications etc., improved medical treatments across time etc. were some of the confounders (distorting factors) that made the reported results uninterpretable and likely WRONG…he knew…must have known….he knew that the duration of follow up was wrong, too short…you could not take 15 years and boil it down to 5 months and expect to know efficacy and exclude harms…we never had the safety data, for Weissman & Malone’s mRNA technology nor Bourla’s mRNA technology based mRNA vaccine…none! he must have known that the mRNA technology packaged inside the lipid fatty ball transport vehichle (LNP) was deadly, all prior studies were…he knew all past mRNA research failed…all…
SAGE HANA is correct here, like his or her shit or not, like them or not, insulted by them, whatever, the key is SAGE is right and you may not like how they deliver the medicine, but you bent over & took it up the arse…I have a friend, hose son lost his fucking heart…yes, they bought it, but a 26 year old got myocarditis, lost the heart, got a new heart and is still fighting for life for the mRNA from the shot the guy took is making spike 24/7 and even the new heart at risk, kid is battling…myocarditis and pericarditis one after the other and the doctors stopping short, scratching their heads saying all sorts of shit but vaccine caused it, but one told me hush hush, “Paul, I cannot say it openly but I think and they the transplant surgeon, all of them know it’s the vaccine that has done this with the new heart”…para
yes a fucking game changer, it changed things indeed, it killed people!!!
Not because you ‘like’ someone means they are good or correct….I think we made dramatic mistakes…and people followed the likes of Campbell and died…we have to face the truth….
were the Canadian truckers the only really smart fuckers out there? And the US truckers to say NO…did they understand the science more?
How did these doctors and scientists get it so wrong? Is SAGE correct that they too were all in on this deception???
‘May 17, 2023: Jab Cheerleader Dr. John Campbell Gets Taken out to the Woodshed by Comedian Alistair Williams
I sincerely hope that this is beginning to wash over you. How you were led into a Tier Two cul-de-sac. Who am I kidding? You wants to beeeelllliiiieeeeeeevvvveeee!
JAN 26, 2024
Promo Code: Amazing Polly
Shout out: Polo Livers R Us
Clip of Dr. err…Nurse John pushing the shots like a damn BOSS:
Holy shit!
I watched Dr. John Jab-mbell look straight into the camera and say sternly, You Americans need to get over your politics and get the shots.
Why would I follow a guy like this?
What is this preoccupation that many have with a Gleaming Head on a screen who strangely derives MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS ON YOU TUBE THE CENSOR PLATFORM?
Dude is using the Rachel Maddow line: THE VACCINES WILL GET US OUT OF THIS.
Full Source Video:
I did a post on John Campbell and Aseem a year ago clipping Hugo Talks. The Brits are lucky that they didn’t land in this little slice of Substack Hell with all the Black Suburbans and Not so Kindly Grandmothers.
Holy shit did I walk right into the Social Engineering Mother Lode in early 2022!
DARPA Steve showed up and admonished me.
Which naturally provoked me to write like 2-3 more posts on Aseem.
I’m getting better at not taking the bait with the reverse psychology.
(No I’m not.)
They gave you some Hello Fellow Kids Goodies.
You fell for it.
We’re all chumps sometimes. We want to trust. We want to believe.
We don’t like the Asch Experiment.
But the omission was that he didn’t follow the evidence.
And you like the guy and are willing to dance on your own mother’s grave because you like him so much.
Sometimes polo ponies kick the liver.
Sometimes I fantasize about violins.’
Please Please Please, people! STOP STOP STOP attacking the very best examples of medical practitioners and researchers who have openly and publicly declared the fact that they were wrong in having believed the WHO and politicians and the local public health organizations..., but have changed their minds and understanding by looking at facts and evidence even against their original beliefs, and are now some of the most outspoken advocates for truth and for holding those who *Deliberately* lied to us accountable ! Stop discrediting the people who are the only ones on our side who have a chance of actually being heard by the mainstream ! Yes, they were wrong in the beginning... just as a few billion other humans were wrong and deceived in the beginning ! Let's celebrate those few who have seen the light since and encourage and support them to become even stronger instead of tearing down our own side !
is no credit given to the time-tested and proven tactic of Fear Appeal??? do you think that medical providers were immune to that tactic? The very reason that many of us saw through it right away is because we were NOT TRAINED BY THE MEDICAL/PHARMA INDOCTRINATION SYSTEM. JC and many other trained professionals may not have been "in on it" but rather they fell hard and swiftly for the very excellence of the FEAR APPEAL campaign. My God people...not everyone is a WEF/WHO shill who planned to do this sweet death to you... Prepare the firing squad but be careful who you line up... Without a doubt in my mind many doctors, pharmacists, fancy nurses bought into this scam completely early on without any rational thinking. I remember looking into the eyes of my very obese primary care physician in early 2021 almost demanding/insisting that I take the poison...the fear was there early for him. I told him to kick rocks and fired him, deciding that only a fit doctor would do moving forward. I am not suggesting we forgive but for the love of God realize that the Fear Appeal tactic corrupted physicians just like your barber, your crazy aunt, your mother in law, etc...