Non-compliance Step 1:

STOP calling Vaccines technologies, which elicit an immune response.

Pathogens too result in an immune response. Should we call them vaccines?

I have a better idea, let’s call mRNA vaxx PATHOGENS. This is what they are

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‘Ya gotcher bad pathogens that make you feel bad, and make ya cough and sneeze, but this here is a good pathogen. Y’all will still sneeze but it solves a lot of them problems we scientists care about. Like over population, and teen pregnancies, and high school football injuries. No more of knees being ruined and head injuries. Cuz there ain’t going to be no football anymore. And wars. No more war injuries cuz no one will be strong enuf to fight. Ya know what I am sayin?”

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I’ve been thinking along these lines. Still on the fence on what to call it properly. For now, Brandon is not a bad name. What do you think?

The goodness of this pathogen is hard to deny. Same are the measures which accompanied it. Remember, crime was down to unimaginably low, no one was dying in car accidents …

Who cares about silly endeavours, human life wasters like football? 🤷🏻‍♂️


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A ‘Vaxogen’?

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Untested? There was a massive clinical trial for mRNA agents. It was called the Covid Pandemic of 2020. https://twitter.com/ChildrensHD/status/1733940175687082090

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It should never have been released, and having been released, it should have been pulled after mere weeks, right?

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Of course. But that wasn’t part of the plan in the Plandemic. https://twitter.com/ChildrensHD/status/1733940175687082090

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This is disappointing given that mean IQ in the land of the rising sun is several points higher than in the US. They need to eventually publish whatever safety data they have. They would surely have trialled it on 8 mice. Next step, before publication, should be to trial it on Democrats, then DeSantis supporters and eventually on humans.

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WokeHardAsleep never disappoints 🤡

The issue is NOT IQ in the land, but the land’s moral compass. THIS, screwed up moral compass in Japan, is truly angering 🤬

Bezmenov assured us that Japan is more resilient. Let’s see if this is true.

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I think you missed ANW's sense of irony.

He makes a bold statement.

However, he doesn't meant that.

He means the opposite of that.

Irony is lost on many people.

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"Irony is lost on many people."

Which may be a reason to set it aside when attempting to educate and convince.

Irony is like an inside joke for those who don't need convincing, but it only confuses the already confused or uneducated. Just saying....

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Hi nickij,

You are indeed correct.

Time and place for everything.

However, many of Paul's followers are no longer rank amateurs and are pretty well informed.

So, purely for the sake of humour or wit, irony is a good method of expressing a perspective and I credit ANW for always using it appropriately.

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Sexual ‘viruses’ could easily be parasites. We know many are cured by bacteria. Of all the viruses sexually transmitted ones are the hardest to discount transmission. The viruses that involve skin to skin seemingly are most obviously transmissible. Take Herpes, for example. Skin to skin. What transmitted? Was it actually a virus, or was it something else?

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Hi William,

During summer, as a kid, I used to get herpes simplex/a cold sore on my bottom lip in the summer.

We used to spend most of our time outdoors on the beach or riding our bikes around everywhere.

It seemed the sun always brought it out. I used certain anti-viral creams but they did nothing really.

My wife had a friend from when she lived in London who apparently caught genital herpes from a one night stand.

It demolished her sex life after that

HIV is very prevalent in my country South Africa, especially amongst the black population. Anti-retrovirals do extend people's lives but the fatigue side effect I hear is literally crushing.

In answer to your question, there is no doubt these ailments have no "cure" as such.

I watched a doccie a while back about HIV, and this British male nurse who had worked with male homosexual HIV patients had said nobody had ever explored the possible link between HIV and whether too much male ejaculate absorbed into the bloodstream might be a factor in the illness.



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Barry - ICYMI There is NO specific "HIV virus" that leads to a condition called "AIDS" as this has never been proven - which should be well-known to everyone by now. Over the past 2 decades, many excellent investigators into the HIV story have thoroughly overturned the HIV/AIDS "virus myth".

See > HIV myth, explained by Jon Rappoport (subtitled in Greek) -

84K views 14 years ago (March 24, 2009)


Video here below too in case the youtube video is taken down:

> John Rappoport - the HIV Myth (2009), Orange County, CA - CovertCalifornia - Discussion (subtitles in Greek) about his book, "AIDS Inc." by Jon Rappoport, Red Lion Hotel, Anaheim (2009)


published 1 year, 11 months ago

Rappaport's book "AIDS Inc" is also brilliant & you can read a pdf here >


Would be interested to hear back from you once you've checked these out. The so-called virology field is an invented pseudoscientific field that lacks even the most rudimentary scientific methodology to prove its claims.

See Mike Stone's substack & website for much more on this (as well as the many links I've shared here before). > https://mikestone.substack.com/

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There are NO viruses by the medical virus definition. No evidence/isolation or purification of any specific virus & no proof of any contagion or transmissibility of a virus among humans. There are simply various symptoms & evidence of dis-ease in the body that can be attributed to other processes, causes or toxins.

See for example Dr Mark Bailey's brilliant take-down of the entire field of "virology" here: Mark Bailey's paper: A Farewell to Virology


PDF: https://drsambailey.com/download/7580/

In addition, see Mike Stone's accumulated evidence at the ViroLIEgy website.

> ViroLIEgy - Mike Stone: The Path Paved by Dr Lanka - Pub August 16, 2022 -


Excerpt: "I remember early on in 2017, when I first started unraveling the “virus” lie through the examination of HIV/AIDS, to being introduced to the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka. If memory serves me correctly, my first encounter was through the brilliant House of Numbers documentary by Brent Leung. I was simply amazed that Dr. Lanka, an ex-virologist, was actually calling out the methods of his own profession. His testimony, along with that of Kary Mullis, the inventor of the misused and abused PCR technique, carried much weight with me in those early days. Their words lent credibility to the argument that the evidence for the existence of HIV and other “viruses” was entirely absent and fraudulent."

"During that time of intense research where I was desperately seeking out any and all information that I could find, I fortunately stumbled onto a few of Dr. Lanka’s articles through the VirusMyth.com website. I was engrossed in his work and absorbed much of what he had to say on the subject, especially in regards to the lack of purification and isolation of any “viruses,” the faults of the cell culture method, and the problems related to electron microscope imagery. As it did for many others, Dr. Lanka’s work formed much of the foundation for my understanding of the lies of virology. It is rare to gain such critical insight from someone who was involved in the industry. It is even more rare for someone in his position to set out and actually prove what he was saying correct yet that is exactly what Dr. Lanka has done numerous times."

"Without Dr. Lanka’s enormous contributions to unraveling the lies of germ theory, many of us speaking out today may not have been doing so. As his work was instrumental in helping me along on my own journey towards uncovering the truth, I want to highlight what I consider Dr. Lanka’s three biggest contributions to proving the fraud of virology along with many of the papers he has written on the subject. My hope is that you will be able to come away with a greater appreciation for Dr. Lanka’s monumental work as well as a clearer understanding of the deceptive practices used by virologists."

It doesn't take much research to totally destroy the "virus" myth once & for all.

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Thinking concretely is one of the hallmarks of autism spectrum disorder, although also of dementia, schizophrenia, brain injuries, and some intellectual disabilities. When Fallacy Lover drops in, it's like the television sitcom "The Big Bang Theory" on here Barry. He/she/it is Sheldon. However, he/she/it also reminds me of the Sacha Baron Cohen characters Borat and Bruno.

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Borat: "She is my sister. She is number-four prostitute in whole of Kazakhstan."

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Brilliant movie. Off topic but I see our friend Oscar is being released soon, after doing 10 years. I wonder if he'll be getting fitted with a prosthetic c*ck?

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Greetings brother ANW,

Yes, he will be out out in the new year on 5 Jan 2024.

He served half of his 13 year sentence, which made him eligible for parole.

Apparently he has found the lord Jesus Chraaaaaist and is going to become a preacher man.

About your quip about his prosthetic dick, I was speaking to a colleague about OP on the weekend.

OP was not the brightest bloke. He could've made life much easier for himself if he just came clean with the court.

He apparentlty spent £1M just on his trial, and ulitmately went down for murder when the prosection appealed.

He is completely broke and has no prospect of income. Nobody is interested in a book deal and all the movies have been made.

He does not have the gravitas of OJ Simpson.

I could have gotten him culpable homicide on a plea and sentence agreement and he will have spent max £10K on legal fees.

All OP had to concede under oath on affidavit was:

"1. I knew she was in the bathroom.

2. I never meant to kill her; I did however mean to hurt her badly. I had full and proper reasons to want to hurt her.

3. We had had a massive argument before she locked herself in the guest loo; we had been arguing constantly for the past week.

4. She told me that if I was a broke guy without legs, she wouldn't have even looked once at me; that she was only with me because of my fame and cash; that every time I hobbled into bed and attempted to screw her, she would laugh so hard on the inside, and she would only think of how she would improve her social mobility; how secretly she had many lovers on the side and all those men could make her come so very hard when they penetrated her doggy style - her favourite lovemaking position - without her vomiting at the thought of me on my stubs behind her.

5. I will pay a once off cash amount of £50,000 to her family.

6. I will pay £100,000 to a South African Non Governmental Fund for pummelled women.

7. I will be under house arrest for 5 years.

8. I will be permitted to run in the Rio 2016 paralympics under strict supervision."

Total outlay £160K.

And freedom.

The point I am making is this.

Nobody could contradict the above plea and sentence affidavit.

So, when you lie, you need to lie well.

And that means admitting to basic incontrovertible facts.

This is where lawyers go wrong, because their client's defence is really the indefensible.

In life, love, relationships, and also in law - you get out of it what you put in.

Enjoy the rest of your day, brother ANW.


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Your comments speak about your IQ louder than anything Anyone can say about them. 🤡

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You're invariably wrong Fallacy Lover and this case is no exception. The Japanese are your moral as well as intellectual superiors. This is refected in their arritudes to the religion of their leaders, as reflected in their choice of leaders. Fun fact: Although less than one percent of Japanese are Christian and up to 86% idenify as Atheist, eight Japanese Prime Ministers have. been Christians. Only 0.1% of the Japanese people are moslem. There are 11 times as many moslems in the US

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Speaking about IRONY

What point did I make and why’s IT wrong?

Fighting straw man much?


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I can picture you delivering your turds in a plastic bag to the table of your host in the middle of a dinner party in your native Kazakhstan.

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No doubt! What one visualize leads to the quality of one’s comments.

WokeHardAsleep pictures turd … 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Self-amplifying. With no “stop” signal or negative feedback, what could go wrong?

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Thank you for all your hunting and gathering here.

It proves the madness continues and there is no hope of redemption for the perpetrators.

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🤯🤬 I have always considered Japan’s moral compass being among the best.

This is truly angering!!

Left is putting to sh!t anything left touches 😢🤬

Bezmenov assured us that Japan is more resilient. Let’s see if this is true.

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Dear Dr A - You're prob not trying to still fearmonger all of us re: the mRNA/spike bizness but ICYMI ...

Jun 26, 2023 - There is No Spike Protein - mRNA is not causing such a thing. - Amandha Dawn Vollmer

[clip] "There is no mRNA creating a spike protein and certainly no coronavirus. As I've been saying since the beginning, this show is just that, an illusion, a con, a trick."

"The popular scientists who have dominated truther circles have been misleading people. Take the time to read this important article based on an interview conducted by Torsten Engelbrecht with author and researcher Stefano Scoglio so you can gain confidence on this topic and help others to see the truth." > https://off-guardian.org/2022/11/07/that-mrna-vaccines-cause-cells-to-produce-spike-proteins-is-a-fairy-tale/

"If you want to understand more about the sham of modern science and the fraud of virology, we've got you covered with our upcoming The End of COVID Summit starting July 11th. We discuss all this and more…"

On the other hand, there's probably lotsa lab peeps coming up w/toxic poisons to keep killing us. :/

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They just won’t let it go and seem to be doing these projects in different places to keep it quiet. 800 people really........ no one in their right mind would take this..........

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Pls discuss among yourselves & share your responses to any/all of these brilliant C19 evidential points.

We all have to step out of the medical nonsense/falsified belief system re: viruses & the "COVID" myth.

Since the jabs are clearly killing people world-wide, it's due to the jabs' toxic, poisonous ingredients. :/

ICYMI - This substack below summarizes the problems w/so-called "Origins of Covid" & Congressional hearing (as it asked folks to contact the hearing back in March 2023). Good review of "no virus" proof.

> What COVID? What Virus? What Pandemic? - TIME SENSITIVE! Action Needed: "COVID Origins" hearing - Please contact these US Congress Reps about "COVID Origins" hearing - Bill Huston -

Mar 7, 2023 [All of these no-virus- NO COVID19 points still stand.]


See esp > Dr Mark Bailey's paper is key evidence that what we've all been told is complete fabrication.

Mark Bailey's paper: A Farewell to Virology


PDF: https://drsambailey.com/download/7580/


Article: TIME SENSITIVE! Action Needed - Please contact these US Congress Reps about "COVID Origins" hearing - Bill Huston - Mar 7 (2023)


> Bullet Points:

- It is impossible to discuss the “Origins of COVID”, because COVID is not a real phenomena. COVID-19 fails to meet the requirement for a new disease, and there was never any pandemic.

- There is NO VIRUS called “SARS-CoV-2”. SARS-CoV-2 is nothing more than a Computer Model, not based on any material thing.

- There is NO New, Unique, or Distinguishing Syndrome for COVID.

- There is no symptom or collection of symtoms which are pathgnomic for COVID.

- There is NO TEST for “SARS-CoV-2” calibrated to Real World Reference Materials.

- There is NO PROOF the phantom, CGI pathogen causes the non-distinguishing syndrome.

> Specific Asks:

- Please ask Committee Members to ask witnesses if SARS-CoV-2 exists.

- Cite Christine Massey FOIs, SOVI, Mark Bailey’s “Farwell to Virology”

(see references below)

- Please ask Committee Members to hold another hearing, [so] experts on the No Virus... can testify.

- Invitees should include:

Dr Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Kevin Corbett

Drs Mark and Sam Bailey

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Eric Francis Coppolino (journalist),

Jon Rappoport (journalist),

Mike Stone/viroLIEgy (researcher),

Christine Massey, MSc (FOIs)


* Christine Massey’s FOIs: 213 institutions / 40 Nations:

All agree: NO RECORD that SARS-CoV-2 Exists

http://TinyURL.com/NoRecordFound AKA: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

* All FOIs: Click "Download All" https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1okJiB4PdWN3tiei_g67zTUfok92kuqqS

* Excel Spreadsheet: All FOIs: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Institution-list-for-website.xls

* Mark Bailey's paper: Farewell to Virology

- https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

- PDF: https://drsambailey.com/download/7580/

* Kaufman, Cowan, Morell: “Statement on Virus Isolation (SOVI)”: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/

- PDF: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Statement-of-Virus-Isolation-SOVI-by-Morell-Cowan-and-Kaufman.pdf

> Don't forget to watch "The Viral Delusion" 5-part documentary proving that viruses are a fantasy.

"The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology"

Episode - Part 1 - Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2


"Amazing. Should be translated into every language on the planet." -Dr. Vicci Costa

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefan Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amanda Volmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Episode One: Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2.

Episode Two: Monkey Business. Polio, the Measles, and How It All Began...

Episode Three: The Mask of Death: Smallpox, The Plague and The Spanish Flu

Episode Four: AIDS - The Deadly Deception

Episode Five: Genetic Sequencing The Virus That Isn't There

The Viral Delusion trailer - (this trailer is the 6th part to the 5 part documentary)

Trailer - 'The Viral Delusion' A Six Part Documentary Series (Trailer)

[Feb 11, 2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/U7bsdyFYUG81/

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ICYMI - This substack below summarizes the problems w/so-called "Origins of Covid" & Congressional hearing (as it asked folks to contact the hearing back in March 2023). Good review of "no virus" proof > What COVID? What Virus? What Pandemic? - TIME SENSITIVE! Action Needed: "COVID Origins" hearing - Please contact these US Congress Reps about "COVID Origins" hearing - Bill Huston -

Mar 7, 2023


See esp > Dr Mark Bailey's paper is key evidence that what we've all been told is complete fabrication.

Mark Bailey's paper: A Farewell to Virology


PDF: https://drsambailey.com/download/7580/


Article: TIME SENSITIVE! Action Needed - Please contact these US Congress Reps about "COVID Origins" hearing - Bill Huston - Mar 7

> Bullet Points:

- It is impossible to discuss the “Origins of COVID”, because COVID is not a real phenomena. COVID-19 fails to meet the requirement for a new disease, and there was never any pandemic.

- There is NO VIRUS called “SARS-CoV-2”. SARS-CoV-2 is nothing more than a Computer Model, not based on any material thing.

- There is NO New, Unique, or Distinguishing Syndrome for COVID.

- There is no symptom or collection of symtoms which are pathgnomic for COVID.

- There is NO TEST for “SARS-CoV-2” calibrated to Real World Reference Materials.

- There is NO PROOF the phantom, CGI pathogen causes the non-distinguishing syndrome.

> Specific Asks:

- Please ask Committee Members to ask witnesses if SARS-CoV-2 exists.

- Cite Christine Massey FOIs, SOVI, Mark Bailey’s “Farwell to Virology”

(see references below)

- Please ask Committee Members to hold another hearing, [so] experts on the No Virus... can testify.

- Invitees should include:

Dr Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Kevin Corbett

Drs Mark and Sam Bailey

Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer

Eric Francis Coppolino (journalist),

Jon Rappoport (journalist),

Mike Stone/viroLIEgy (researcher),

Christine Massey, MSc (FOIs)


* Christine Massey’s FOIs: 213 institutions / 40 Nations:

All agree: NO RECORD that SARS-CoV-2 Exists

http://TinyURL.com/NoRecordFound AKA: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

* All FOIs: Click "Download All" https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1okJiB4PdWN3tiei_g67zTUfok92kuqqS

* Excel Spreadsheet: All FOIs: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Institution-list-for-website.xls

* Mark Bailey's paper: Farewell to Virology

- https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

- PDF: https://drsambailey.com/download/7580/

* Kaufman, Cowan, Morell: “Statement on Virus Isolation (SOVI)”: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/

- PDF: https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Statement-of-Virus-Isolation-SOVI-by-Morell-Cowan-and-Kaufman.pdf

> Don't forget to watch "The Viral Delusion" 5-part documentary proving that viruses are a fantasy.

"The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology"

Episode - Part 1 - Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2


"Amazing. Should be translated into every language on the planet." -Dr. Vicci Costa

Featuring: Andrew Kaufman, MD; Tom Cowan, MD; Stefan Lanka, Virologist; Torsten Engelbrecht, journalist; Claus Kohnlein, MD; Kevin Corbett, PhD RN; David Rasnick, Biochemist PhD; Mark Bailey, MD; Dawn Lester and David Parker, Authors; Stefan Scoglio, Biochemist PhD; Saeed Qureeshi, Chemist PhD; Celia Farber, Journalist; Harold Wallach, PhD; Pam Popper, PhD, ND; Charles Geshekter, PhD; Amanda Volmer ND, Jim West, Author; Larry Palevsky MD; and more.

Episode One: Behind The Curtain of The Pandemic. The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV2.

Episode Two: Monkey Business. Polio, the Measles, and How It All Began...

Episode Three: The Mask of Death: Smallpox, The Plague and The Spanish Flu

Episode Four: AIDS - The Deadly Deception

Episode Five: Genetic Sequencing The Virus That Isn't There

The Viral Delusion trailer -

Trailer - 'The Viral Delusion' A Six Part Documentary Series (Trailer)

[Feb 11, 2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/U7bsdyFYUG81/

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I can understand why many doctors & scientists refuse to engage with Dr Stefan Lanka & Dr Steven Scoglio, due to possible bans, black-balling & professional dismissal, but THIS IS AN EMERGENCY.

All hands on deck, Dr Anderson. We need you & your colleagues to stop obfuscating re: mRNA BS.

Aside from the medical farma/industry fiction re: how allegedly cool it is & what mRNA can do, pls prove that it's actually in the C19 jabs & can do what the farma liars tell us it can do. p.s. No one can.

See more clear evidence that medical overlords (& gatekeepers) etc. are lying out da ass re: "mRNA".

NO mRNA has ever been found in the C19 so-called "C19 vaxx vials" > The Last Theorem - Proton Magic - Oct 9 (2023) - Is mRNA in the C-19 shots? An infinite number of cases of unsolved medical fraud have been known since antiquity and Proton Magic conjectures that RNA fraud is ongoing today.... https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/protons-last-theorem

Excerpt: Proton’s Last Theorem states that:

"No paper satisfies definitive proof that RNA related to any “Sars-CoV-2” sequences exists in the C-19 injections vials, nor that RNA from these sequences in shots or so-called virus can integrate into the human genome. An infinite number of cases of unsolved medical fraud have been known since antiquity, and Proton Magic conjectures that RNA fraud is ongoing today."

"The question of whether RNA was in Covid shots got reignited when reader John H. asked Proton to critique this paper from 2021..."

"Summary & Discussion

- Paper 1 says RNA cannot integrate into the host’s genome, but papers 2 and 4 seem to think it can integrate."

- "Paper 2 in Vero cells says Sars-CoV-2 RNA CAN integrate into the host’s genome."

- "Paper 3 using vials, says Sars-Cov-2 RNA oligonucleotides are matched in the shot vials on mass spectroscopy."

- "Paper 4 in liver cancer cells says, vax mRNA can integrate into host genome."

> > "Using the term “Sars-CoV-2” in these papers mean high-level researchers are either intentionally avoiding or ignorant of the fraud of non-discovery of any virus, the latter completely incongruent with their research skills." < <

- "Paper 1 is not about Sars or injections and is not the subject of method analysis here, it is just to show you that some researchers say RNA cannot get into your DNA, a contradiction to 2 of the other papers."

- "Papers 2 & 4 used PCR, paper 2 with no ct specified (that I could find), paper 4 at 35 cycles which is on the high-side, and PCR is not a direct measurement of the independent variable only a partial surrogate marker with many other problems."

- "Papers 2 and 3 used software analyses to confirm sequences which can easily be fabricated."

- "Paper 2 had mock samples but no blind and used non human Vero cells known to have abnormal genetic material."

- "Paper 3 had unblinded decoy controls, paper 4 had controls but no blind, used cells with disordered chromatin instead of normal human cells. Paper 3 may have found RNA on mass spectroscopy, but the methods do not prove any RNA was related to Sars-CoV-2 specified sequences. This study would need to be reproduced by independent and blinded researchers and validated on finding RNA itself. Since the sample was not independently purified this could also lead to questions about whether there was an independent validation of the spectroscopy callibration which I didn’t delve into."

- "Papers 3 & 4 used the Cominarty formulation, not the EUA in actual use. Thanks to Dr. Mark Bailey for directing me to read papers 3 & 4."

- "Papers 2,3,4 show limitations to direct measurement of the variables in question."

"Now, Proton’s Last Theorem isn’t fully proven, because you never know when the miracle paper will appear that has researcher blinded mock samples showing purified and direct sequenced mRNA in the shots, how much RNA, what it does, consistency by batch etc."

"👉 But be sure, RNA can be purified! Why do all this merry-go-round cell culturing, pcr. & mass spectroscopy? Let’s first directly confirm that it is in the shots and how much!"

So... Doctor, if you agree w/Sage here & both of you base your entire argument of mRNA dangers & contamination on BIG FARMA shysters just telling us that mRNA works thru the alleged "Covid19- SARS-COV2" "virus", and yet both these so-called - "C19" & "SARS-COV2" "viruses" have NEVER been proven to exist, then the entire mRNA argument crumbles, is completely fallacious & totally BS-bunk.

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Dr Paul, thanks for hi lighting Sage Hana .

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