Is ANYONE looking into how the vaccines are affecting our blood supply? Is it safe to get. Blood transfusion from someone who has been vaccinated? I haven’t seen anything on this subject.

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I suspect the blood donations are mixed together, vax and unvax. Have not heard much on this topic but it's a great question.

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My son said the Red Cross and some hospitals in Oklahoma will not take blood from a vaccinated person. He is a paramedic. On the other hand, a friend of mine in California said the hospital wants her daughters blood because it is a rare type O, even though she was vaccinated. It is definitely worth looking into.

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similar question applies re: organ transplants

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If kids getting hepatitis aren't vaccinated is it possible they contract it being around vaccinated adults shedding it?

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Good question. Our doctors will never be able to add 2+2, it’ll always equal 5 to them.

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It equals 2 for big pharma and 2 for me...profit splitting with the pharma companies.

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I'm at the stage where I don't believe them when they say the kids are not stabbed. How come this is NOW happening, just as we start stabbing the kiddies in the arm?

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Is this the cause of hepatitis in kids?

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Are they really not vaccinated? CDC says you’re not fully vaccinated until 14 days after your second jab. So if they came down with this 2-4 weeks after the first vaccine, or 10 days after their second, they’d be officially labeled unvaccinated.

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I read that the kids with hepatitis weren't vaccinated, but I'm not sure. This is bbbbbad!!!!!

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no not vaccinated, but a lot had a covid antibodies so an infection at some point. the virus is bad, the vaccine is bad,

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Just one of the many thousands of possible after affects that these poisons can cause. The big question is what happens in the coming years to people who bowed down to the holy injection.

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Doc, would you please site vax associations with cancer occurrence? Thank you!

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