
I am afraid to say that a lot of all around us is a lie...many you believed in and supported are seeming to be on the other side...I am examining further but it seems they have concluded they will jump on the other side to join in on the money

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Malone is a DARPA and DOD LACKY. Just research his work history online. He is said to make 10 million or so over the next 10 years working for them.

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There is no Just Over Broke job in the world that would make me give up my own creativity.

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Thank you!

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always welcomed here. I support your work...

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I understand where you are coming from..

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I am hoping and praying, RFK, Trump and the likes are only staying silent on certain topics for NOW and will not remain silent once in power.

To learn they can all be bought would be absolutely SOUL KILLING!

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will be devastating...so I too hope and will hold feet to the fire, I have no issue calling out Trump...I like him lots and think he is good but if he is fucking us, he will hear from me...in media

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Trump is obviously the only choice we currently have but sometimes Maxwell Azerello's words echo in my head, "Trump is in on it too" and I question it. Ultimately, I personally have to believe we have a chance and that not all politicians are piece of shit sellouts, just most.

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Also notice how both parties will talk about niche issues like mail in ballots and illegal voters....

But they will not ever bring up what we learned since Dubya Bush. The voting machines are closed source and the company that owns them can easily manipulate the vote.

Just like distractions of food, they distract away from how the counting of votes is easily rigged, no hacking or mail in ballots needed.

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very correct...we are dealing with monsters...I will say I give 45 credit and he is just someone IMO who was drained by the swamp but I do think he has it in him to fix it but the crooks are circling for more tax money...

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Trump needs Dr Shiva instead of bowing down to the captured agencies Even Kennedy needs Dr Shiva too. Almost all have been bowing down to the captured agencies and companies keep clean of the garbage All the money being spent on animal Labatory experiments are unnecessary and waste of money and the torture of the animals is horrible.

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Possibility that people choose to muzzle themselves for a promised seat at the table?

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exactly...so we are sold out as people like cheap whores...but we are not...I AM not...

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Just as I feared. Redfield et al should have been fired in Trumps’s first term. I even wrote Trump and told him to fire them after he brought Atlas in. Knew that wouldn’t work unless he got rid of them. Trump has a big weakness. He doesn’t hire good people all the time and has trouble getting rid of them. I am reading that Kushner is in the mix again. What’s the old saying: “Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior”.

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when he brought Scott in August, he had brought me in late April, 4 months prior...but the fuckers in the Task Force had already fucked him...thank you for helping so much...thank you...Atlas and I were fighting demons and Trump too...we needed more help but it was hell in there.

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yes, Kushner caused deaths with the ventilators...bad bad decision.

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Trump was deceived…ok. But what about today? Can we still say that up until this moment he is deceived? Hell no right…way too much cognitive dissonance there? But I agree we have no choice, but to vote Trump. It’s just that “it’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled,” and I’m talking about us not Trump. Thank you for remaining grounded through it all. With you and others like you there is still hope. As long as Free Speech is still the first amendment there is hope, and that is reason enough to vote Trump. However, he belongs in the #1 spot on the horseman list. I say put a pin on that one…

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no he cannot still be deceived...this is why I will not back down and be silent...and call it as it is...I hope he stands up and does the right thing...folk like Sasha impress me...Couey etc.

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Yeadon...2nd smartest etc.

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I know Dr. Shiva. Don't agree with him on everything. But wake up, people!

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good sharing, I will listen

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shiva is smart

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he is good

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i don't know what is "poisoning" us.

but i can tell you that "organic" isn't the necessarily the way either.

the production and use of ammonia isn't considered organic because it isn't "sustainable"

and yet, thunderstorms make ammonia, and if that ammonia gets into the rain drops and makes it to the ground, that same identical molecule will fertilize the the plants.

as far as i know, NO chemist can tell the difference between a ammonia molecule that is produced by lightning and manufactured in a man made fertilizer plant.

i also don't believe any chemist can tell the difference between Carbon dioxide molecule that each one of us produces and one that is produced by burning wood for example.

both molecules are produced even if people didn't exist on earth.

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Sasha is badly misinformed about US food supply and effect of Federal policy. First chemical intensive farming is not a high yield low cost trade off Low cost is a feature of USDA subsidy that is 90% applied to gmo commodity crops. There's also0 a high cost to the artificially low retail prices as James Bovard documente3d two decades ago in White Paper about ADM Corporate Welfare.

" Moreover, every $1 of profits earned by ADM’s corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10, and every $1 of profits earned by its ethanol operation costs taxpayers $30" https://web.archive.org/web/20210506232642/https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/archer-daniels-midland-case-study-corporate-welfare

Sasha's talent for following the money out to trigger a deep dive into former CIA James Woolsey and his ethanol scams because Green Policy and renewable energy is another taxpayer fraud.

Over 40% of crops produced go to waste so claims about needing higher yield fail on their face. Next the gmo crops also contain novel proteins they are not just from vaccines and these GMO tolerate over 10 times the strength of toxic chemicals so the residues are more potent that's before we get to the thousands of untested chemicals and additives.

Bret Weinstein's Resistance is a clown show & mRNA Transfection always an insane criminal plot but America's Roundup Ready food supply and near total failure to test ANY widely used chemicals for human health effects has created a crisis that is not in place of vaccine injury but additional.

Scorecard is Global Authority for Chemical Safety

Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe. https://web.archive.org/web/20120917041002/http://scorecard.goodguide.com/chemical-profiles/chems-profile-descriptions.tcl#basic_testing

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Pamela, love this but step back, Sasha is not food chemical expert and she is at 50,000 feet, how come I read her stuff and not taking it apart...I get the jist and what she is saying...she is saying that Townhall is a clown show...once REDFIELD is there, its a clown show

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Bobby has done more for human health & environment than all of Congress combined in my lifetime. We have a crisis w food & farming every bit as deadly as the criminal vaccine schedule. My objection is trivializing the horror of FDA approved food, that by your standard she lacks expertise to do yet makes insipid food vs vaccine argument. Not sure what thinking led to that but as an activist in both areas for decades before y'all had covidian awakenings & it gives me a big time cramp.

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OWS? Spell it out so people understand.

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operation warp speed

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