For reference, nanoparticles are in the following:


Nonstick cookware

Coatings on eyeglass lenses

Synthetic fabrics

Fire retardants

Children's toys

This is only a small example of products that have added nanoparticles. If you care anything about your health, please look into this and try to eliminate them whenever possible.

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Deborah, what about the air we breath that is full of man made nanoparticles?

March 10, 2021: The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary (Geoengineering Watch) https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY

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I just shared the link from this documentary to someone from the UK and they had no idea about any of this. The gentleman was literally floored. I watch Dane Wigington's program every Saturday. I see it happening here in Wisconsin. Chemtrails no where near as prevalent this year as they were last year, but the damage is very apparent.

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Dane was interviewed by Hilda Labrada Gore on the Wise Traditions Podcast -episode 326, August 16, 2021. That’s how I found out about the documentary!! Your friend in the UK may find it interesting. I didn’t know Dane did a weekly show, thanks for mentioning!

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You can get the program direct to your email at geoengineeringwatch.org

David Nino Rodriguez did an interview with Dane in February, that's how I became aware of his work. Here is the link to that program...


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That is a fantastic documentary.

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Oh holy bovines!

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Read they coat bananas in them too. What other foods are coated and what are the metals etc. in those nanoparticles. grr!

Here's a paper these 2 Italian scientists did on metal nano contaminants in the "standard" vaccines: http://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.php

Some of them have 5 different nano-metals in them.

Their business and home were raided, and all their devices and years of hard copy research taken soon after this publication.

Current "normal" vaccines also have VLPs in them (virus like particles - that are chunks of damn viruses there's nothing "virus like" about them), animal equivalents of HIV and other xeno-proteins to "deepen the immunity." These methods became the standard since around maybe 2005 or so. pertussis vaccines are notoriously leaky, a kid in a family gets the vaccine then he sheds it, and any unvaccinated kids get pertussis. In 2006 MMR vaxes were known to wear off within 6 months. Supposedly the nano contaminants and biologically active xeno stuff prolongs vaccine efficacy. WTH.

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curious about pertussis... I worked at my husband's K-8 school in 2005. Kids were in my office on & off. I interacted with all of 'em. I got the worst cough of my life, had it for 6 weeks. Hmmm. Maybe a stretch but I don't know....

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Not impossible at all!!!

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bonus was that I lost my voice for a week & didn't have to do collections, LOL

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Thank you!

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Oh, they knew! They know. All of them and the division science heads. It's in the literature and it shows in the rat and mice study data their FDA submission overview sidestepped by claiming "nothing to see here." Those CEOs aren't just management people, they have expertise. Willful conduct, willful omissions and willful misdirection and deflections.

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Also this study

Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system

Wang et al


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thank you, adding it to this stack as evidence, huge hugs!

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Dr A, Bancel of Moderna and Kariko of BioNTech both knew in 2016 about the' toxicities' and 'dangerous side effects' of the LNP- 'especially when given in repeat doses'. They talked about it in an interview- see link below. This article is one of the chief reasons I am unvaccinated. I found it in a simple google search in April 2021 when I was doing my personal research into the mRNA technology in order to decide whether or not to get "vaccinated" . In fact, I said to my husband at the time "lol, no one is going to take these vaccines" because I (foolishly) assumed that everyone would was going to do their own simple online research. But, here we are. https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/

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Thank you Great catch!!!

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Will these cause failure of ovaries and testes when given to babies and preadolescent children. Will they effectively become eunuchs, with secondary sexual traits never developing, or dependent on external hormonal input? Puts a whole new cast on gender fluidity. What do you think, Dr?

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Yes, they will cause failure. And they prevent their immune systems from being able to train from exposure to viruses etc. They added the 3rd dose of the regiment to ensure these effects, as 2 doses seemed to not destroy the kids' immune systems sufficiently.

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Great questions

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Please watch and share. The uprisings are going on everywhere except the US because we’ve lost our way. Thousands protested trump being president but silent against true tyrants. It is other countries that give us hope https://youtu.be/WxM-0ctvhgE

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Fun fact: The German word "schädlich" literally translates to "harmful".

This irritated me a little bit at first...

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Covid Vaccine from a Hippocratic perspective:

Prevents infection ❌

Prevents transmission ❌

Low side effects ❌

Covid Vaccine from a New World Order Depopulation Perspective:

Decrease sperm count ✅

Concentrates nano-particles in Ovary & irregular menstruation✅

Highest Death rate in history for any Big Pharma "treatment"✅

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PCR Inventor Kary Mullis told us:


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Yes, many bright lights are being shone in dark corners.

Worse before better.

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