And, as Mark Levin and Dan Bongino have pointed out, under the 25th Amendment the Vice President and members of the Cabinet have a duty under the Constitution to report when the President is unable to discharge his duties and to initiate the procedures described in the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

Kamala Harris has not only failed to do this but has refused to do it and, so, has failed to discharge her Constitutional duties. This should disqualify her forever from occupying any seat of public trust. What she and the members of the Cabinet have done in this matter definitely rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors for impeachment and conviction.

Whether or not Biden is pulled out of office prior to Inauguration Day, Harris should be impeached for her willful violation of the 25th Amendment.

And so what if Democrats and swampy Republican block it. That would be only another strike against them.

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You nailed it!!! We are witnessing the complete failure of our elected officials and appointed cabinet members to carry out their sworn Constitutional duties. They have all sworn an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution and every single one of them have violated their oath!

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Could you actually stomach Cackles being sworn in and given the codes instead? Then she appoints Gayvin and resigns handing over the keys to the kingdom to an unelected traitor. Fuuuuck that!

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Agree with everything you said, cept for any compassion at all for that senile killer

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hhhmmm....look, I know how you feel and many same...I try to separate the good self of a person from the evil self of the person...and deal with the humanity but I may be the wrong one here and you model may be best

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Where did you get any idea I wanted compassion for Sloppy Joe?

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Beginning the 25th amendment is handing the Democrats the keys to fight another day. Why would you advocate such a thing? In the words of the greatest warrior ever on the planet, Sun Tzu in his writings of the Art of War he writes clearly, paraphrasing "never disturb your enemy as he is defeating itself, do not interfere". I agree with Sun Tzu.

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Paul, please do not let your natural goodness and kindness compel you to feel compassion for this incarnation of evil, this monster biden.

This scum bag would in cold blood kill you and all you love, please save the sentimentality for someone worth of it, not this monster who is not suffering enough.

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Think about how deep, the so called “Deep State” must be?

The American have been lied to at such an epic level it’s not funny anymore!

Aside from Biden being the most corrupt congressman ever in history of our great nation, he’s completely dishonest, disgraceful of a human being! I can’t describe accurately how despicable of a, of an evil bastard he always been!

Think about who’s fooling who? Something is so very wrong in every aspect of this illegitimate president and his administration! What is the end game?

This isn’t about using a “dead man” to close out a bank account! This is far worse! What the “Deep State” or whoever the players are, goes beyond the obvious question “should elder abuse charges” be levied against Biden’s family and handlers?

Of course charges should be levied against everyone involved! Does anyone honestly believe anything will happen? Absolutely NOT! Which explains how deep the “Deep State” really is!

Americans have no country to call home! Not until the power of the state is restored to

“We the People”! Which one can argue, the people never had power! It’s always been some kind of “Deep State” cabal running everything from Drugs, to money laundering to sex trafficking!

Game, set, match!

“Say hello to your imaginary friend”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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It’s been a busy day:

This morning, I convinced people that they could save humanity by killing themselves with petroleum based mRNA injections.

This afternoon, I co-opted Liberals to support and finance the war machine aka The Military Industrial Complex.

My cocktail hour was interrupted by the failed assassination - aka Deep state fuck up.

But tomorrow I hope to make up for what has to be the biggest deep state fuck up in modern history by getting several enormous government contracts for building nuclear power plants.

I’m going to dog and pony the first round of the investor pitch that nuclear is a Tech Play.

You know … For The People

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nice post

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Remember Lord Acton?

Probably not; but his quote: power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely! Most have heard.

Those in power can't give up any. They are addicted to it. No way Jill the shill will willingly give up her position.

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Can you say elder abuse? Pax

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You're never one to mince words Dr Paul....🤣🤣🤣 but many of us know its not the old dried up husk of a man (Biden) trying to hang on but that loathsome wife and maybe the drug addict son Hunter. The so called "first lady" wants a heavy duty Golden Parachute package in place b4 she pulls the old man from the stage, once that's in place you'll be able to count on both hands how long it takes her to shove him into a memory care facility and forget all about him.

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it is pretty humiliating for Jill.

Joe is just in another zone...

Jill is the one suffering greatly. How awful to have a husband in diapers and refuses to use a rollator

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I'm really not sure about that. Jill seems extremely eager to keep this charade going.

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