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yes, you are always right Milton, again here you are on point. its the lack of testicles. many have benefitted, made money. both sides

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IT HAS BEGUN - EU Starts Vaccination Card Rollout - America Next?


Me too, thank GOd for God so I dont mind dying THIS is the hill I am willing to do so.

Nobody will put this satanic snake juice in my body. What happened to my body my riight

Notice its fine if we want to murder a baby but not ok when we want to stay healthy & not inject dead baby fetal cells, graphene oxie, soft metals, parasites, spike proteins, nano teach...... Sounds very healthy for you doesn't it.

Graphene oxide is 6 sided & is like micro razorblades slicing up the entire vascular & vital organ system.

Milton they who are doing this to us are all on the same team. As goes Palestine so goes the world. Look into the following & you will see its is ALL the same "people" who are in control of EVERYTHING, the courts, CDC, AMA, WEF, IMF, DHS, FBI, CIA, BILDERBERG, BOHEMIAN GROVE, MASONS, JESUITS/VATICAN........all arms of the octopus The Synagogue of satan.

I would recommend you check out the following channels as shortly the truth & facts will all be gone & folks like us will be denied use of the net or to go into grocery stores. You will be shut out....

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It may be time to take control of our own destiny-I.M.O we are very close to anarchy

and perhaps the citizens need suffer one more imperceivable barn in his flesh to realize that we must stand our ground and fight like men on our feet or allow these fucking vermin to masticate the rest of us--The choice is yours- what will it be?

what say you?

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Maybe if you took off your cap lock feature when you comment you will be less angry.

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I love it

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All a farce, fear mongering and I wonder how many will line up for the untested experimental shot. We have a few that have never stopped wearing masks. No thanks. Dr Nass also has some great info confirming Dr Alexander's post. https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=746368&post_id=147249262&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MDU1OTE0NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ3MjQ5MjYyLCJpYXQiOjE3MjI1MzY3OTksImV4cCI6MTcyNTEyODc5OSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTc0NjM2OCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.UReoVoIlvx81r1SVaXedwk1jCeJpE4bbMHJSZyKhcO4

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thank you for sharing this important Nass inform, she is smart...

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Yes, I see a few wearing a mask still or again. Some just see it as another episode of illness, so will once again follow orders/protocols, no matter what they are this time. Better safe than sorry. /sarc.

And I don't mean to be too mean, but you

can't fix stupid.

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It's a sign, "do not disturb-- the disturbed".

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I will refuse any mRNA vaccines. As a retired nurse, I studied how vaccines work by triggering white blood cells to create immunity. Meaning you cannot catch or transmit the virus.

It’s a complex process but mRNA does not have this effect, you can catch the virus and transmit it despite being “vaccinated”.

I was fooled into having 2 COVID jabs but then caught it. These are not vaccines but mass genetic engineering experiments which have cause harm and fatalities to many.

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boom, boom, boom, excellent post...all is correct.

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It shedds and RePrograms our DNA with 5G- --coming soon 10G. Cell Towers- smart meters- are also bio-weapons.

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What now the birds have hooked up with the cows. Since when can they share reproductive parts even kissing is a bit difficult to believe. The virus of the common cold especially when all the children are vax it gets everyone sick every year. This is not a natural or real thing just man made rubbish, humans not so smart and they should revoke the Pulitzer prize for them mRNA junk. The humans are not smart enough to pull it off. The gov health state this has been reported here or there is a mockery. Nothing but lies spewed out 24 hours a day just trying to create much fear.



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boom...sage in here

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The vax RePrograms their Stupid.

We were warned: "Zombie Nation".

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Thank you Dr. Paul for the reminder and warning!

And for your passion!!

It feels like ROUND 2 now. It's hard to believe that these creatures have the nerve to take us down this slippery slimy path to death again!

I notice what huge amounts of food sources (chickens, both meat and egg-laying they've already destroyed, cows, etc), depriving us of those and driving up prices. Making up this FRAUD and stupidity that all these animals had "it" and so had to be destroyed.

I'm sorry! These people are nuts!!

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thank you, thanks for being in the fight and being part of the wall....

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EVIL, from The Pit of Hell!

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I have to look into that about the chickens and about the cows, that’s horrible, I raise chickens, they are the sweetest creatures.

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It is horrible! This is all part of their de-population plan. There have been many suspicious fires in larger meat packing plants, etc ..... over the course of 1 or 2 years (?) and alot of destruction of chickens in larger mass produced (?) plants now, giving this latest flu as the reason for having to put them down.

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This past year they've destroyed over half a million laying hens in the county I live in. The small egg producer I shopped at occasionally seems to have been ruined by it and has not reopened....

What the covid lockdown did to small businesses, this Bird Flu Hoax is doing to food producers.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Just what's needed to inform those that need convincing. Thank you for this professional opinion and resource.

Of course, many of us don't need convincing. We can see the corruption. Like deja vu! The Fraudulent PCR Diagnostic Test is being used AGAIN, this time also to justify destruction of farm animals RIGHT THIS MINUTE. It is criminal. It is the making of a food crisis/famine.

The biggest madness of all? It is this: Those individuals who engineered the Covid19 Scam and Depopulation Plot, and those who followed orders in complicity, and were responsible for ALL this suffering, disability, death, and economic destruction -- THOSE INDIVIDUALS were NEVER called to account, they were NEVER made to pay, they were NEVER REMOVED from the positions of control, NEVER FIRED. THEY ARE STILL EVERYWHERE DOING THIS ALL OVER AGAIN and getting rich on the PREP ACT GRAVY TRAIN with Bill Gates' "next (smirk) pandemic" all cranked up! THE SAME PEOPLE ARE DOING THIS TO US and our world AGAIN. They are sick criminal minds, and they must be stopped from perpetrating this ongoing crime against humanity.

Bill Gates and the WHO are now demanding that Military forces need to round up jab "refusers". On the contrary, the ones who need to be rounded up are the perpetrators of this ongoing "public health" depopulation program and wealth transfer and theft of public monies. Murderous Eugenicists and Thieves are in control of "public health", and it is all by devious and duplicitous plan. They are the ones that need to be rounded up!

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This whole scam and all of the people that believe it is maddening.

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Thank you Doctor and Soldier for Truth. Thank you for your courageous hard hitting backlash news.

I learned 60 years ago vaccines were evil! I warned everybody i could when C-19 first showed up. "They" have been Mafia Style "slow-killing" us decades, until IN OUR FACE- they Exposed their BIOweapon C-19, Nano DNA Programmable - snake&spider venom- fetus blood and "Luciferase" Genocide-Murder Agenda. Reported over '35' MILLION dead- disabled- fighting for their lives worldwide.

*1948- Mom(22) got MS from a polio vaccine, had to quit nursing school, delivered a gay son 1952. She always said : "Born that way"- (before the song- Gaga is a dude). I never stopped loving my brother. He couldn't live in this small town- havn't heard or seen him since 1982. *God bless you my brother*.

The damage ,chaos, anxiety and heartaches only escalate for everybody.

Add the coming Bioweapon Restrictions and Campaign of Lies & Lockdowns, Immigration Jihad Terrorist attack coast to coast - coming any day, + Civil War & WW3 escalations.

"Incoming"- the full spectrum attack to Destroy God's Creation, the Global Luciferian Agenda- is to murder- disable- control- and for God & History be deleted- replaced , and forgotten. ***OBEY!!!!!!!

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Are you thinking being gay is correlated to @vaccines” too? Along with MS?

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My mother did from about 1955-2022 when she died. "He was born that way, I knew when he was a toddler".

Makes sense. The "culture" exploded, add intentional C-19/5G Nano DNA Reprogramming by design.

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Just say NO not ever!!!!

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What is there to do against these evildoers? That is the question.

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Hi, Luc ! ! Stockpiling supplies, enough to last a month or more is a good way to start.

Water is a important thing to remember..

Figure a gallon a day for each person in your group.

That way you hold out until you.can make a plan based on the actual events that are unfolding around you.

In order to make you comply there will be shortages of everything .

You should also get a good pair of hiking boots.

This is all going to hit at the same time,so the first week will be very caohtic and dangerous.

Beans bullets bandages and liquor will be highly valued as trading supplies.

In the old West, Women's Dainties , and Makeup were often more valuable than any other trading commodities.

Who knows ? After the storm is over you may wind up owning a Saloon 💅

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Darkstar, once again you prove invaluable and always balanced and respectful, lots of key information, thank you. you help us.

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.Meanwhile our enemies are growing in power.


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Let’s talk about water. I am on well water and have a whole house generator. I have been storing away supplies snd food for awhile. But the water part scares me. So very needed. What are people doing about water? Cases of bottled water?? All that plastic!!

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Reliable sources- autopsies- 99% of human beings have microplastic and Round Up in their bodies.

Add Stratosheric Aerosol Injection CHEMtrails- Geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Where I live,the water is undrinkable Thus I buy cases of bottled water, and I don't worry about the plastic

Water will be the primary reason people stay ,or leave.

As it was in the old West, so it will be again.

It will be inconvenient, but it will also be fun.

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Fun? I want to get to that mind-place you are at that says 'fun'! Haven't been able to get past the sick and dying and the predatory dangers to see that aspect of this! Help if you have a method to share....

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Sure thing . I've lived in various places that most folks would consider dangerous.

It all depends on your attitude. You can say this is awful, and give up , or you can ride it like an untrained stallion. Riding it is definitely more fun.

The predators will start falling into hunting patterns in about two weeks .

It will take at least a month to stabilize to a point where you can travel safely. Travel only with armed caravans. The safest bet is to stay nomadic as you'll find trade being a safe way to make a living.

Enjoy it. Life is more precious when each day brings new threats and new opportunities ✨️.

The fun comes when a woman in your caravan gives birth.

The thought of a new generation always brings hope and joy.

Watch a few John Wayne movies.

With every trun joy and tragedy go hand in hand.

Life's entire drama will unfold in front of you.

How cool is that?

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I get it.

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Hi Luc I hope you get a chance to look at this 12 minute video..


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these people have so little imagination. do they really think we'll fall for the same BS a second time (well, ok, some of us didn't fall for it a first time!)? but seriously, who is going to be stupid enough to take that shot?

bird flu generally causes "pink eye" in humans and conveys a protection against cancer. this has been known for decades. years ago, MSKCC was studying Newcastle Virus, which can be lethal to chickens, for cancer. you have to wonder why that research was never heard from again...

it was very common for old time small farmers to get conjunctivitis from constant proximity to their flocks.

on regenerative farms, they have no problems with Newcastle Virus or other bird flus. their birds are healthy and live as nature intended without vaccines and constant veterinary attention.

we visited a farm in georgia years ago. their chickens started coughing, wheezing and dying. the vet told them to cull their entire flock, about 1000 birds(!) and buy new ones, which he would then vaccinate.

this didn't make sense to them so they decided to let the virus play out. here's what happened. one third of their chickens got the virus and died. one third got the virus and survived. the final third never got sick at all- if they had the virus, they certainly had no symptoms.

since that time, all their chickens are descendants of those original surviving chickens, who either had innate or acquired immunity and they've never had a problem with Newcastle Virus again and have never vaccinated their birds.

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It seems people ALREADY are falling for this again. The farmers are allowing their farm animals to be destroyed without any scientific basis, just a Fraudulent PCR Diagnostic TEST scam AGAIN!

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There’s no Catastrophic Contagion 2025 either, but act surprised when it rolls out?

Another “synthetic pandemic”…


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Population control and mind control combo. Brandon Biggs, intercessional prayer warrior, prophecied months ago that a plague death would take 350 million. He also prophecied Trumps ear and falling before God.

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Targets for human micro rnas in avian influenza virus (h5n1) genome


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I read that Gates is funding gain of function to achieve migration from animals to human beings!

They already have EUA and development contracts w/Pfizer/Moderna for bird flu mRNA vaccines😣🙏🏻

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Friend of a friend "tested positive for covid" finally went to the doctor and was prescribed Paxlovid and told to take the whole course. He had rebound. I told him don't take Paxlovid, take ivm, paste if you gotta, where to buy it, how much to take. He is now sicker, he is also on statins. Just thought it crazy they're still prescribing and in the later stage of sickness and while on statins with no mention of interactions. He didn't listen to me. He doesn’t know me from Adam, but hopefully he gets better.

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