The Cabal that runs this country doesn't care one iota about "immunity" because they know two things: (1) they are ABOVE the law and, (2) they OWN all key courts and judges. Thus, they need no "protection".

One more thing: Why is it that the filthy crimes that these people commit are referred to as "misdeeds" whereas you or I commit "CRIMES" if we so much as go over the speed limit? This applies to the crooks on Wall Street, financial institutions, government offices, etc. "Misdeeds" my arse! Crimes !!! For which they should be held accountable and face Lady Justice.

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boom, I am liking you more each day!

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appreciating your sage

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All the criminal members of the Biden family are CIA assets because they would all be locked up forever if they choose to prosecute them. Biden is therefore the perfect puppet for the military industrial complex who script every word he says. They are clinging on to their asset for dear life but once he is no longer useful he will likely be suicided.

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there is time

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they know that

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they went too far

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I am certain there is no shortage of willing puppets... Next puppet please...

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" he will likely be suicided" - yup, it used to be called an assassination.

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I blame Tom Cruise. He makes the CIA look like the good guys. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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He doesn’t care a bit about immunity, he always thought he was ABOVE THE LAW! He just simply HATES THAT TRUMP IS WINNING, HE IS THAT JEALOUS OF HIM.

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As Trump has said, "he doesn't know he's alive"

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They all think the law applies to bad people.

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Just read this on Twitter...er...X:

Laura Loomer:

Pool did not see the President” when the motorcade arrived outside of


’s home.

So where is he? And why were reporters who were set to travel with Biden on Air Force One today told they couldn’t do so, abruptly?

Joe Biden had a medical emergency while flying and his staff didn’t want reporters to witness it.


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I shall share

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Dear Paul,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to thank you for allowing me to participate in your bulletin board on substack for the past 4 years, and for never having censored me as a paid subscriber.

Sadly however, there is now chasm between your MAGA viewpoint and punchlines, and my utter disinterest in US politics and society.

Therefore, I will allow your next monthly subscription to go through, and then I will summarily withdraw from your substack.

Do make your - mainly USA - paid subscribers happy and give them what they want and need.

You did excellent work re covid but we are not aligned re Israel//Gaza and certain other issues.

I'm certainly not looking for an echo chamber; at the same time blind nation state patriotism and nationalism doesn't get me hard.

Wishing you and your family all the very best.

Much love ❤️


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Dear Mr. Varkel:

You know... from what I recall of history, not even Hitler's elevation to Chancellor was as breathtakingly fraudulent as the 2020 American ... election ... Poopypants Biden, patently obvious even 4 years ago he was at least moderately demented, and that cackling hag Kameltoe Harris? Slept her way to the top of the heap and blackmailed her former bedmates into keeping quiet? Were these two wretches truly the best the Demoncrats could do? As for Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? Like all the others, they support Israel if they know what's good for them. Apparently every last Congresscritter and Senator has an AIPAC baby sitter... Every last corrupt, self-serving one of them is Nero's horse, "Incitatus"...

The past 4 years of the Scamdemic and all the rest has been a Monty Python skit written by the likes of Franz Kafka, HP Lovecraft and Steven King... then you read some of the stuff uttered by our friend Dr. Paul – among many others – and... how can these people be so willfully obtuse?

Message ends.

Capt Roy Harkness

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You don't get it Alexander, THAT figure is not the real Biden, he is a masked imposter who tries like hell to be legit but those of us who have followed this conspiracy narrative for a long time, know he is not POTUS. He is an actor and I'm surprised no one has tried to rip off his mask to show the rest of the sheep for themselves.

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With all the commie actors and producers that Biden has behind him , you'd think they'd have at least one that knew stage craft.

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Democrats love to create drama and misrepresent facts to their azz kissers. Anyone with a brain knows this is their narrative. SCOTUS' ruling actually helps Biden and the other corrupt President's, Vice President's, etc. Only the woke believe such ridiculous claims.

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boom...it helps them...the idiots

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The ruling only reconfirmed what is already law.

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correct, so much so that there needed be no hearing...SCOTUS just stated what is already law etc. official duties, immune, unofficial, well you have questions to answer if you breach law...democraps knew this...they knew the SCOTUS was going to rule that way

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Exactly. The Supreme Court cannot confer upon a President more power than exists under the Constitution.

But the new ruling on immunity is a buffer against partisan lawfare.

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Only OFFICIAL actions. I love the new title "MAGA COVID News".

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What happened to the people power? Why are they letting a genuinely cognitively impaired beyond a doubt MAN lead ONE of the greatest country in the world?! What a shame. It is the responsibility of the American people to uphold the dignity and pride of your ONCE GREAT Nation! Don’t let few lunatics ruin this beautiful country! I am not an American but it’s sad to see lose it’s light and sinking. I pray that good MEN and Women of America arise and defend their beloved home.

God bless America, return to God!

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It is a complex maltter as there is an unkown time frame invoved here-no one knows the approximate time he was brain injured beyond comprehension- He illegally took classified documents from backwards of a 50 year perion- senator- vice president -president these documents were all used in a pay for play policy invented by Bill Clinton and the Hillary bitch

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So he's now the "orange man" ! He has no clue deriding the ruling,he's that shortsighted to not see his own neck in the noose shortly down the road.

Leave these "vengeful people alone while they're destroying themselves.

The pit they're digging for trump is pretty darn deep; they'll fall in it and there'll be no escape.

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