Standard staged polls! Before yesterday Harris was disliked more than Trump and that’s flipped in 24 hrs 😂😂. Don’t think so.

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As fake as the elections!

"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain


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Someone's paid a lot of money for that poll. It'll breath life into her election campaign like ventilators breathed life into covid patients.

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That's funny, well not for the 'covid patients' I guess.

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And we know how that ended for many.

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Of course she does, they are going to keep telling you that America prefers inflation, war, and the sexualization of children. That way you will not question the fraudulent election when they tell you that the democrat won.

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She is also the abortion queen.

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Another Lizard . Just what we need. For all we know she's already done old Joe in.

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Don't be surprised when she wins.

They really know how to rig an election.

I bet it will be a sloppy win,everyone will know .

And we won't be able to do anything about it

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If that happens again WATCH THE HELL OUT!

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Yes it will be followed by a massive storm of left wing violence, and they will blame it on us

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LOL. So true!

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They riot when they win and they riot when they lose.

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Many of the grass roots left wing have been poisoned, by Mandate. And so have their kids, and others who are close.

A good few on the right have also been poisoned.

Hit with a bioweapon (by all legal and moral definitions) they were; a bioweapon deployed by your own effin' Government.

What say you we come together - string the Globalists up - then go back to hating each other?

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Won't happen this time.

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Are you sure,Dave?....

I remember how shocked we all were when Trump lost last time.

All we need is a lock down starting November 1st.

That simple.

They win.

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Not if you don't lock down! Say HELL NO!

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All out coups

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Never get complacent but this poll is as fake as Kamala is

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This is exactly how they steal it. Make you think it's in the realm of possibility and then call AZ 10 minutes after the polls close. Stay frosty people!

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No f'ing way.

If, and I mean if it is true, Putin should just put us out of our misery right now.

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With F-16s getting ready to dogfight Russian jets,it won't be long.

What would we do if she picked Hillary Clinton's clone as a veep ?

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Who do think will be flying those F-16s?

Not the Ukrainians, that for sure.

So...US and NATO pilots.

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Wondered about how the Western countries are hiding the body count? I thought, at least in the US, the coffins come back draped in flags, with a suitably solemn President looking on.

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...with Biden checking his watch.

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Please no! That's a ticket straight out of hell

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Putin's smart (if he's the real one, not a rrn clone/double), and apparently wants to be remembered as the Great President who brought the Russian Empire back again. Not as a pile of radioactive rubbish I assume, so what will he do?

He's already stated the Gobalists are a Terrorist threat - so maybe he will wipe them out en masse (they stupidly all gather once a year like sheep), or one at a time. Either way he would be a hero to the Peoples of the West.

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He has the GPS coordinates for Davos.

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Are you sure about that?? I'm not ready to go

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Vladamir For President!

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At least Putin loves his country...not like those idiots in the White House now.

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Let her open her mouth a couple of times, the disenchantment will soon happen.

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Every-time her mouth opens she blows her chance.

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well, figuratively and literally, it has worked for her....

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Yes and yes!! She has talents.

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Did you hear when she said " When We Invest in Clean Energy, Electric Vehicles, and REDUCE POPULATION More of Our Children Can Breathe Clean Air…'’ . WOAWWW 'said WHAAAAAT????

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how can you take anything Reuters does seriously...

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Nonsense. And once she starts talking she will plummet.

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If I'm getting your point, I think that you have too much faith in our dumbed down fellow citizens.

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The free America, Canada is a lost when people started supporting socialism they never lived in noe ever vitnessed on their own skin. When the Berlin wall came down, the west didn't run to the east side to enjoy life...

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Pffftttt! BS "polls". Let's not forget 2016 - the "polls" said that Clinton had a wide margin over Trump.

Do not trust these "polls" -- they are made-up BS. Concentrate on preventing the election crimes.

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Don’t believe that BS !!!

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"Well, they've done it again - sampling 426 Democrat voters vs. 376 Republicans and 341 Independents."


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Interesting. That’s a possible “tell”.

This might mean they are sticking with Kamala vs Michelle Obama. If Kamala polls miraculously stay high… Michelle will not be the replacement.

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Big Mike is lazy.

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Oh oh. A RINO just introduced article of impeachment for Kamala!!!!!

They had a different plan to get Michelle in? Scary. With Michelle they will steal it.

Cross your fingers and let’s hope I’m wrong.

In the meantime vote that rino out!!!!

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I tried to "like" your comment but got a message saying I was blocked from "liking".

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refresh and try again. Silly substack

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And also vain. Hillary has the best chance for VP

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Not in a million years. Kamala is self serving. She knows she wouldn’t last a year as Pres with Hillary as the heir apparent. As if Hillary wouldn’t kill her.

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Thanks for answering. Saved me a few minutes. H would do that! Beyond entitled

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Nah. She just likes the good life and hobnobbing with billionaires all the time

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Big Mike for VP then.

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Seek help.

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What if they get Nikki Haley

as giggles veep?

Wouldn't that be fun?

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Nikki Haley is enough of a pig to do that...

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Yes, Kathleen. That's the point. It's an easy win for Kamala if they pick her.

A war pig,and a clown.

I Can actually see it .

All we need is a nuclear flash .

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NO it would not

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Still it could happen. Giggles is just going to be a good girl,and pick whomever they choose

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I'll skip over the good girl part to ask, why would "they" pick a republican? Isn't she one, or at least a rino? They've got so many stars (no offense) they could showcase to the

American citizenry ....

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that poll is pure hogwash. Both RFKjr + DJT topping her in multiple polls already. All current polls are MSM spins at this moment. Spider spinning a new web..

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