do we praise these 5 who beat this Jewish girl near to death? for their cause? no, I say shoot the

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No Paul, don't add to the violence, rise above it. No one wants kids to be harmed, so please don't say shoot them, we must stay out of the violence, we must not call for death.

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Hannah Lehigh, noble but misguided thoughts & words. These mercenary scum are no better than any criminal throughout history: mafiosi, bank robbers Frank Dillinger or Bonnie and Clyde, train robbers in the old West, horse thieves,hooded KKK (Democrats, by the way) lynching blacks, and numerous anonymous criminals throughout history, and that nasty piece of work who killed those 4 police officers trying to serve a warrant on him in North Carolina. If they can be apprehended without endangering anyone in a jurisdiction that will keep them locked up until a trial where they will be charged & convicted of the most severe charges that will result in the most severe punishment, then so be it.

As it was that was attempted murder. A head injury that causes a concussion with loss of consciousness, is severe enough to be fatal, it's not like on TV where the hero wakes up, shakes it off & then goes an finishes off the bad guys.

Potentially lethal force should be met with

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Like manner of force, and preferably before the victim has been knocked unconscious. If that means deadly force, then so be it, especially if it occurs in one of our blue shithole cities with no bail laws and a Soros installed DA.

If some of these mercenaries suffered the ultimate consequences of their actions, there would be fewer of them that would roll the dice, as they are not going to meet a smiling Jesus.

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Precisely. If discourse doesn't work, use the language they understand.

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Whatever it takes to stop the threat.

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a new version of Antifa and BLM

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Bingo! All planned and sponsored.

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How do you defeat people who are willing to swarm someone and kill them? Except with violence.

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These are NOT legal protests, and these are NOT students - they are an organized group of paid insurgents working to divide and destroy America, paid for by the satanist Soros and others.

Violence of any kind is NOT legal, but these bastards have NO QUALMS about killing others, they do NOT abide by the law, they are LAWLESS.

Yes, lethal force must be used to stop these TERRORISTS. LETHAL FORCE!

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yes, Reagan showed us this.

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Yes his policies were very lethal towards children.

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Biden’s policies are very lethal against preborn children, and against those who are unfortunate to be born in blue cities; maybe that is who you mean.

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Thank ya Dave!,

I don’t support violence , but when others decide to make their point BY it(?):

That’s where I DRAW the line as well.

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same here, I dont support violence but these are rabid dogs

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The direct result of outside professional agitators who will stop at nothing to make their point:

They aren’t students or teachers:

They’re the same black clad, mask wearing, mob inciting actors who caused the riots around the George Floyd protests exactly 4 years ago.

These people belong to a GLOBAL MOVEMENT hired to infiltrate peaceful spaces and cause disruption: some for money some for power: some for BOTH.

It’s now a documented fact: many times over.

That’s what you see in many places:

It’s extraordinarily common.

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What % of these agitators are Jewish? 2.2% like in the US general population or more or less? Jewish agitators were prominent among those who formed the CommunistPartyUSA.

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An agitator is a hired gun:

They come from all walks of life and can be from any ethnicity or religious group. They simply want POWER : anarchists are singularly interested in what THEY want :

at ALL costs.

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Exactly! They can even be Christians although suspect Christians are few.

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This is very true. They fund and agitate to help distract the Goyim from real issues.

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Up until 2021, it was ILLEGAL to wear a mask hiding your face in the state of North Carolina. Remember your history. Remember the KKK? Current law, because of SARS-CoV2, makes mask wearing optional. There is a movement to MAKE MASKS ILLEGAL AGAIN, MMIA, in North Carolina. To stop this modern KKK, we need to make masks illegal again, except for health care facilities and a few other exceptions, and nationally might be good too. To make people accountable and identifiable, do this! Stop the KKK, fascist Antifa, BLM, Babies Lives Matter, whatever... Support this law!

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Dr Winters(?),

I find myself agreeing with you.

Masks are a very good way to spot the agitators :

Up to and including their black, head to toe “Goth” look.

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Right. Make that "look" illegal. That way we can act BEFORE the damage and attacks occur!

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With ya on this Doc!

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I don’t care who you are. You don’t go beating up on someone who has different beliefs than yours. Something’s gotta get done before someone has something even worse happen. Let’s hope a Zero tolerance policy is instated quickly. Treat any assault as a hate crime. Prosecute to the extent of the law and throw the books at everyone that participated. No excuses for laying your hands or anything else on a woman. This particular incident makes my blood boil. If I’d been there none of the perps would have gotten any sympathy from me. I probably would have hurt quite a few of them.

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shoot them, use the national guard...she has near died...so shoot them...

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thanks for being brave...

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I wonder how many of the UCLA keffiyeh wearing perps are Jewish like Columbia student leader Johannah King-Slutsky and others?

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Like the nazi's of the holocaust?

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It’s a salient question, yes:

However, you’ve also got a world wide organization of anti-capitalist/social socio pathological anarchists who have always used alienated groups (Jews being only ONE among MANY), to further their dreams of dictatorial POWER.

That type of personality will use any means, any path to CONTROL: regardless of who or what is dismantled in the process. Slaughter, genocide, annihilation of society : ALL of it is a legitimate route to monarchical dictatorship.

That IS their intimate goal.

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New story in the Gateway Pundit. Now the GOP are going after Christians, seeking to criminalize some references to the Gospel.

House GOP Passes Controversial Bill Labeling Certain Christian Scriptures as ‘Antisemitic,’ Sparking Fears of Criminalizing Religious Beliefs

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Well it is 1 party with 2 names so it wouldnt surprise me. Neither does anything for America, or Americans.

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Well now!,

This is going to go over like the proverbial “lead balloon” now ;

Isn’t it?

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I saw a video of a group of young Islamic men taking over a park in Sweden and being rude and threatening to the people who had been frequenting the park. A little elderly lady was sitting on the grass, on a wall going to the sidewalk. She said something to one of the 'men'. He turned and sucker punched her. He and his friends whooped with glee. She was on her back stunned. If a group of Swedish men, wearing balaclavas hunted that guy down and broke his legs, an arm or two, and a few ribs, then found his friends and did the same, that would have been okay in my books. Do that four or five times and guess what? Little old ladies would be safe again. They once were Vikings.

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Violence is their demon nature coming out.

In a civil society, we have rules for acceptable behavior that are codified into Law. Follow the Law. Enforce the Law. Don't let people trample on the Law. And do it in a timely manner.

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Well spoken Decode the World,

and point ON.

Thank you.

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Domestic terrorists!

They need to be charged and prosecuted as such

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Trump was right...thats all I have to say.

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boom...put them down

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Lock then up and throw away the key. Can't imagine they are students. Paid to protest surely!

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'Never again' didn't last too long.

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This is terrible. We are being attacked within our own country. Excluding the "false flag attacks" and "inside jobs" that we have already seen not too long ago.

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yes, dont be doing that

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So much for “hate crimes”. Guess it is only hate when it fits Joe Biden’s narrative, black, trans, homo, etc.

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Def homo, pedo!

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Shooting is too good for those vicious thugs.

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Excepting that you want them alive and want to know what they know.

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You might have a point if they knew anything worth knowing!

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I wouldn’t doubt that they would.

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I agree. Take thrm somewhere and get the "info" out of them. Who's organizing, paying, etc.

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Don’t waste precious metals (lead in this case) on these yahoos. Rope or guillotine are reusable. And as Dave aka Geezerman notes, these are not students. So, if you don’t want to terminate these folks, and they are illegal aliens, send them to Gaza. Same for anyone here on a green card or visa. Citizens to be prosecuted and jailed.

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The worldwide coordination of these so-called protests is funded by the usual suspects - Soros, Rockefellers and many more.

Dr Naomi Wolf’s substack post today is excellent and well worth reading in full:


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Thank George Soros for hiring actors to stir up the students across the nation. His hired shills are causing the students to become outta control. They’re so indoctrinated & easy to manipulate. They probably couldn’t even find Israel on a map, let alone know what river to what sea they chant about. I think they should be able to protest their dissent over Gaza, but not interfere with school business, other students going to classes, nor harass faculty or anyone. Violence is not called for. If these were students ganging up on another student, they should be punished appropriately. Like jail time. You can’t assault anyone. Period. They need to keep their shit together, peacefully protest! Not allow paid actors to come in & sabotage the message they’re trying to convey. Someone needs to enlighten the stupid ones to this scam. Soros should be arrested too! For going around, paying actors, & stirring up shit. He needs to be stopped because this is his game!

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They might not believe or buy into any of it. They're just signing up, being trained, paid, etc. the "crisis actors" for convid, school shootings, etc often don't even know whst they're doong, just playing a role as a "shooting victim," "pandemic casualty." And if there was any justice or honest government people like soros would be locked up. Isn't election interference illegal? Not when both parties are recipients of the $!

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