smallpox vaccine; Covid-19 experimental injections are dangerous as more injuries & deaths increase as time goes by, unfortunately, worst is yet to come...para early stage of crime against humanity
Everyone should read about the history of vaccines and you will see how exactly the same playbook has been used again and again: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk is definitely worth a read. Roman has a substack which showcases some of the information
Also if anyone has a subscription to an historic newpaper archive is it worth searching back in history for articles on vaccines. British newspapers tell of mandated vaccines where people were imprisoned for trying to save their children from vaccines. Eventually one town corporation stood with the people. The so called medical experts predicted all these anti-vaxxers would surely die and they kept predicting that for the next 20+ years.
Yes indeed, 'doctors' have been theorizing about 'disease aetiology' for millennia now - the biggest shock to longstanding means of perceiving widespread contagions came in the C14th, with the arrival of "the plague" to Europe.
Those who used empirical judgement could see with their own eyes that the old explanations were too 'shopworn' to fit the new patterns. And though the fact that what we know as 'influenza' received that name only in fifteenth century, to describe a disease thought to arise from the "influence of the stars", will be interpreted by 'moderns' as a silly pandering to 'astrological superstitions'... what we now contend with post 'kovid kaper' indicates that it may be their 'modern scientific' paradigms that are 'shopworn'... and the medievals knew a lot more than is commonly supposed!
Observing the effects and symptoms of the 'black plague,' Alphonso of Córdoba thought it sounded so unlike anything that came before that it must not have arisen from natural causes, but "per artificium." He may have been the FIRST to think along those 'conspiracy' lines, but he certainly wouldn't be the last. And the conjunction of 'the stars' with 'man made mischief is likely to prove not so far fetched either.
Combining the musings of medievals like Alfonso with the more modern ones of Hoyle & Wickramasingh can open some interesting possibilities. Their book - Diseases From Space - caused shock and consternation among the 'shopworn scientific set,' because of breaking orthodox conventions(aka sacred cows)but since Hoyle was a distinguished (and Nobel Prize winning)scientist himself, they could only fume and fulminate!
Drawing a 'fun fact' from their pages - "During the 1917-1919 pandemic, large numbers of
moose, bison, elk and buffaloes are reported to have died in Canada
and the United States, and large numbers of sheep died in England" we can begin to discern why the academy was so afraid. Moose, elk, bison and other wild critters weren't exactly 'bumping into' "contagious humans" every day, were they? Oh oh... somebody better get a 'clean up' crew to Aisle 7!!!!
Anyhoo, in the space of a comment, best that I not 'go on'... but I'll leave off with one more 'tasty morsel' of evidence which hurts the 'feelngs' of - lol - "evidence based scientists"...
Hoyle & Co., noted in relation to previous 'pandemic' events - "the spread of influenza ignores the technology of human travel"....
think bout dat! The authors sure did. And so did I! Ended up writing a post called "SPACE IS (STILL) THE SPACE." (of disease origins?) Read their book before dismissing the idea.
I wouldn't rule out directed panspermia as the origin of life on earth but the idea that pathogens are arriving here from space "all the time" and that they, and not Americans under direction or supervision from Langley, Virginia, if not somewhere in MENA, or both, account for most of the disease burden inflicted on the peoples of the world seems just a tad too convenient for those same folks at Langley and in MENA.
Yes, I can see it's overdue I haul those old posts out of hibernation and get them up on my present page. In that particular iteration of my 'substack phase' of scribbling, I was not concerned with presenting as a somewhat 'normal' writer and the content therefore was not 'somewhat normal.' When 'cleaned up' a bit, I think it would address much of your 'space hesitation.'
Not only did I get around to 'connecting some dots' between 'Cape Kennedy'(NASA),
Dugway Proving Grounds("Ground Zero" for incoming space objects of dubious purpose(Project Osiris)and the usual nexus of \'intelligence community'/ nesting sites spread along the eastern seaboard...
I also stumbled on numerous juicy quotes i'd quite forgotten all about.
"Science” explains nothing. It pretends to turn a series of postulates, backed up by nothing more than some skewed and/or (deliberately) misinterpreted “evidence” into something it calls “natural laws,” disbelief in it’s dogmas is demanded by it’s ‘hierophants’ to result in the “unbeliever” being excommunicated from the “scientific community.” Must have been 'off' my meds that day!
It was a big experiment, one could even argue executed deliberately to cull the elderly and/or other "weak humans", or they were just OK with such outcomes "for the greater good" and so on, everyone with a brain knows that you cant possibly stop society from working and try to micromanage society with top-down rules + mRNA and not expect harm and deaths along the way, especially if your interventions, masks, isolations, drugs , treatment death protocols, mRNA bioweapons can only produce harm and death. In a sane society the mainstream media would cover the crimes all day, but sadly they are captured. One could even say that they should try to bring a bird flue or other fake pandemic here, this time will be different, I dont think the West as we know it would survive it.
I also dont think that the perpetrators create fake-pandemics for nothing, there is alawys a reason, and I think they rationalize if they can bring it now or if its too soon and what the consequences were if they would "bring it" now.
This the reason that for almost 5 years banners at rallies around the globe called for Nuremberg 2. Hanging in other words. This what was done to humans is a dystopian horror.
Don't you think it would be easier to do this if the US and Canada were merged? One Nation, One People, One Leader!
Bulwark, how do you think Canada will be annexed into "Greater America"?
And do you agree with Joe Rogan that Mexico should be annexed too?
If so, what is to be done with the Mexicans?
Can they be driven out, to the south?
From the river to the sea (or "American Canal"), Greater America will be free?
But back to Canada.
Obviously, economic force alone will not be sufficient to achieve annexation.
Trying to merge, or swallow, a constitutional monarchy into a Republic would be a long and drawn out process.
Thus, I expect it will be done by military force.
What do you think will be the casus belli?
Obviously, the US can't fabricate a pretext exacly like the Gulf of Tonkin and WMDs pretexts used to launch the wars of aggression in Vietnam and Iraq.
Been there, done that.
I think it will be a border dispute.
Perhaps Poilievre will be accused of not doing enough to stem the flow of illegals and/or drugs across the border, leading to the placement of US troops along the border to provide greater security.
Next could be a border skirmish, followed by a limited or full scale invasion.
What would happen next?
Would the US push straight through to Ottawa?
The US created a plan ("War Plan Red") in the mid-1920s to invade Canada in the event of war with the UK and has invaded Canada multiple times previously, although has always been defeated, including during the War of 1812, the American Revolutionary War, and the Patriot War.
In the War of 1812 the US launched three unsuccessful invasions of Canada:
Detroit: The US army surrendered at Detroit; Queenston Heights: The US army surrendered at Queenston Heights; New York: The U.S. army withdrew after a minor skirmish north of New York.
The history of US military adventurism around the world is a long legacy of defeat, usually by third world peasants, despite superior US manpower and equipment.
Will next time be different?
Can the US with its IQ deficit, ranked only 31st in the world for mean IQ, threaten and defeat a neighbor with a smaller population but with a mean IQ in the top 10 group of countries?
Yes, it's a rather bland mixture, too much 'black n white' ... needs spicing up...
thankfully the PLAN is too bring the brown breed on board as well... \CANAMEX/... NOT your ordinary 'messy taco'...
but a 'well integrated' mega-state with delicate overtones of Chinese influence(fentanyl), basking in a bed of 'locally grown' Canuckistani (gmo)cannabis with hints of \\\middle eastern///organic organ transplant gangs in genuine 'blue corn' wrapping for those worried about their 'wheat allergies.'
Don't forgot about those 'mata gringo' cubano hot peppers that will doubtless be illicitly placed in harmonious counterpoise to the haitian wild 'long dog' slices.
I can understand that not everybody supports the idea yet but Canada is rich in natural resources. There is a lot of wealth in Canada that could be redistributed to US elites in line with thinking that dates back to the origins of the zzzRepublican Party and Lincoln's friendship with Karl Marx.
September 2020 I was at a protest in EDINBURGH and I am sure that DELORES CAHILL said that people would be dying for years to come because of the JAB!?
Dr. Cahill was one of co founders of The World Freedom Alliance in Stockholm , Sweden , Nov 2020. Already than prominent scientists , personalities knew what is coming, they warned against taking the coming "vaccine", most humans did not have any idea because of censorship. Dr. Cahill is brilliant. She knew what the shot will do. The criminals blocked truth.
"But now, the government has decided to bring back the vaccine because of fears that terrorists, or Iraq could use it as a weapon." CBS 60 Minutes on "The Most Dangerous Vaccine - Smallpox." December 11, 2002. Iraq for Christ's sake. You can't make this stuff up.
Yeah, totally, and what's this bullshit about the "Spanish flu." It was the "American flu." America's gift to the world, not unlike Ralph Baric's "SARS-CoV-2, the first documented case of the so-called "Spanish flu" was in Kansas in March 1918. The US military spread the virus quickly, with outbreaks reported in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and California. It was called the "Spanish flu" because it was first widely reported in Spain, which was neutral during World War I and unlike the US didn't censor news of the illness.
Pretty much like Greenland today, although the US with no hindrance from Denmark or Greenland already has control of the Pituffik Space Base in Greenland and is the de facto dominant military force in Greenland so at first glance it's hard to see why Greenland is needed for national security.
However, Greenland is rich in rare earths lithium and cobalt and currently does have two significant rare earths projects with large reserves: private company Tanbreez Mining's Tanbreez project and Energy Transition Minerals' Kvanefjeld project. In terms of total reserves for rare earths projects globally, they placed first and third, respectively, with 28.2 million and 10.2 million metric tons of total rare earth oxides.
Greenland is known to have radioactive riches like uranium, too and the island's copper and feldspar deposits offer plenty for myriad industries.
Tapping of traditional hydrocarbons can also not be discounted via its coking coal deposits and potential for offshore oil and gas drilling. The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland estimates that Greenland's west coast alone contains about 18 billion barrels of oil and 148 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas.
Greenland has valuable fishing resources, and the fishing industry is a vital part of the country's economy, accounting for over 90% of the country's exports. In 2021, the value of fish products exported from Greenland was DKK 4.4 billion.
Greenland has agricultural potential. The growing season has lengthened in southern Greenland, allowing for the expansion of existing crops and the introduction of new ones like apples, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and carrots.
Greenland has a diverse and unique, and still largely unexploited, wildlife population, including polar bears, musk oxen, reindeer, mountain hares, Arctic foxes, humpback whales, minke whales, sharks, birds, bearded seals, and ringed seals.
Greenland has tourism industry potential: Tourism is Greenland's second-largest export, after fishing. Cruise ship tourism is a major driver, with a 74% increase in passengers from 2022.
It's easy to see how seizing this wealth from the few people who own it at the point of a gun and redistributing the wealth to US elites, as well as making whaleskin hubcaps etc, although it may sound like "robber baron" style communism, is vital to US national security interests.
concerning: 'It's easy to see how seizing this wealth from the few people who own it at the point of a gun and redistributing the wealth to US elites, as well as making whaleskin hubcaps etc, although it may sound like "robber baron" style communism, is vital to US national security interests.'
These fuckers and their vaxxsasination ass and big pharma are going to get themselves killed if they keep this shit up believe it there’s millions of pissed off people that want their pound of flesh from these mother fuckers
What is missing from the discussion is the fact that focusing on boosting the immune system toward off all pathogens should be priority number one! My father survived the Spanish flu during World War I in France because I believe he had a double immunity Gene. The RNA injections degrade the immune system, which just enhances the profitability of our bloated out of control medical system. I hope RFK Junior understands this and addresses this as priority number one in his new role in turning the sickcare system into a prevention program for all citizens of the United States.
For at least 100 years, the medical establishment has been downplaying the value of prevention for maintaining the health of our citizens. There was a magazine called prevention magazine that was trying to educate the American public as to how to stay healthy. It took some time but the medical mafia finally, took over the prevention magazine and trashed it.
This was always the cause of wildfires in the USA. Malicious illegal aliens. This bastard needs to be imprisoned and tied up 8 hours a day naked on its bed in a prison specializing in homosexual prisoners until it gets HIV and dies.
He's not from Orange County is he? From the look of him it could be the boyfriend of a RINO guy there who wrote in Nikki Haley in the election because he was pissed at Trump for not being supportive enough of Ukraine. He's actually in the US legally and would very much enjoy some of what you're suggesting.
I've been reading and following vaccine studies, testimonies, etc. from around the world for over 40 years and exposing them to the public for close to 30 years.
"All" vaccines are toxic and designed to kill or maim and create lifetime patients for the pharmaceutical and medical cabal 💉☠️⚰️🪦
👉Nothing you are told about vaccines is true! All vaccines have been pharmaceutical brainwashing of the public!
👉They are all death and maiming poisons.....
The Rockefellers were behind the death of 100 million people in the so-called Spanish flu, including the polio out breaks. Their current experimental gene therapies, which they are calling covid vaccines, are killing and maiming hundreds of millions right now worldwide 🌎.
***Where the Spanish flu actually came from.
***Rockefellers should be tried for crimes against humanity...
***The Rockefellers are part of the same globalists group that created this fake virus planedemic hoax and are trying to vaccinate the entire planet!
I have for many years tried to impress upon people that this total fraud of vaccination was spooled up by Rockefeller and Carnegie in order to profit from disease that their own industrial waste caused in the first place. Only the very elderly ever understood what I was saying because they either remembered or had close relatives who remembered the attack on Naturopathy at the time. To go over all of this again until people get it may be the greatest silver lining of the whole Covid scam. Great Stack Dr A!!
There needs to be a proper open and honest debate about where the big improvements came from in peoples health!? Also a timeline of events and improvements. I say it was the improvement in water/housing/sewage etc
. People living in less cramped spaces and on top of one another. But governments/MSM/medics etc all claim it was PHARMA. Who pays them millions of pounds/dollars etc?
THIS WAS SENT TO ME--- "Yes! You can clearly see from various graphs that most diseases that we currently vaccinate against dramatically fell in incidence _before_ the introduction of the vaccine against it, for example:
The two most written about in UK are London and Edinburgh but I am sure other cities shall have had their problems with plague and illness where the poorer people of society lived in squalid conditions! YES/NO?
I have not visited any of the areas where the London plague was at it's worst but I am sure it would have been the poor in society that would have been mainly decimated!? People better off would have been living in better houses and also been able to escape to the country side etc. They would not have been LOCKED UP!?--
The poorest people remained in London with the rats and those people who had the plague. Watchmen locked and kept guard over infected houses. Parish officials ...
EDINBURGH Mary King's Close – Edinburgh's Plague Infested Street I can only go on what I have read and seen in Edinburgh. In my eyes it is clear that the EDINBURGH PLAGUE decimated by far the POOR PEOPLE living in squalid conditions. I have not been in MARY KINGS CLOSE but have been in other under ground cellars where people lived in and the cellars were built on top of one another and the people LITERALLY SHAT ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER!? Little wonder there was a plague of the poor whilst the leaders and rich etc lived in far better conditions and were not harmed etc!? ----- Once rife with the plague, a narrow close is buried underground in Edinburgh's City Chambers. Mary King's Close is located in the centre of Edinburgh's Old Town, next to the Edinburgh City Chambers. The close was named after Mary King in 1630, a fabric merchant who built her own business after her husband's death.------- GARDYLOO is well documented in SCOTTISH/EDINBURGH history and was the practice of throwing the contents of the 'shit bucket' out of a window and shouting GARDYLOO to warn people below that they were going to be splattered!? The GARDYLOO was kept in peoples minds with the ship called the GARDYLOO THAT SAILED FROM Leith with Edinburgh's CRAP and dumped it in the North Sea not far from the Isle of May. I think that 'DIRTY PRACTICE' ceased in 1998? But living in Anstruther in earlier times one would hear oh there goes the GARDYLOO Maybe the fish loved the feeding time from the GARDYLOO, do not let onto the visitors as they loved their 'fish and chips' at Anster! So, it is clear that an open and honest debate is required regarding the improvements of people's health and the truth and facts be told and not lectured to by PERFIDIOUS POLITICIANS/NHS/DOCTORS/MSM/WEF/WHO etc who are all on the payroll of the PHARMA SATAN GATES CULT! Roy R M McIntosh.
Everyone should read about the history of vaccines and you will see how exactly the same playbook has been used again and again: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk is definitely worth a read. Roman has a substack which showcases some of the information
Also if anyone has a subscription to an historic newpaper archive is it worth searching back in history for articles on vaccines. British newspapers tell of mandated vaccines where people were imprisoned for trying to save their children from vaccines. Eventually one town corporation stood with the people. The so called medical experts predicted all these anti-vaxxers would surely die and they kept predicting that for the next 20+ years.
Yes indeed, 'doctors' have been theorizing about 'disease aetiology' for millennia now - the biggest shock to longstanding means of perceiving widespread contagions came in the C14th, with the arrival of "the plague" to Europe.
Those who used empirical judgement could see with their own eyes that the old explanations were too 'shopworn' to fit the new patterns. And though the fact that what we know as 'influenza' received that name only in fifteenth century, to describe a disease thought to arise from the "influence of the stars", will be interpreted by 'moderns' as a silly pandering to 'astrological superstitions'... what we now contend with post 'kovid kaper' indicates that it may be their 'modern scientific' paradigms that are 'shopworn'... and the medievals knew a lot more than is commonly supposed!
Observing the effects and symptoms of the 'black plague,' Alphonso of Córdoba thought it sounded so unlike anything that came before that it must not have arisen from natural causes, but "per artificium." He may have been the FIRST to think along those 'conspiracy' lines, but he certainly wouldn't be the last. And the conjunction of 'the stars' with 'man made mischief is likely to prove not so far fetched either.
Combining the musings of medievals like Alfonso with the more modern ones of Hoyle & Wickramasingh can open some interesting possibilities. Their book - Diseases From Space - caused shock and consternation among the 'shopworn scientific set,' because of breaking orthodox conventions(aka sacred cows)but since Hoyle was a distinguished (and Nobel Prize winning)scientist himself, they could only fume and fulminate!
Drawing a 'fun fact' from their pages - "During the 1917-1919 pandemic, large numbers of
moose, bison, elk and buffaloes are reported to have died in Canada
and the United States, and large numbers of sheep died in England" we can begin to discern why the academy was so afraid. Moose, elk, bison and other wild critters weren't exactly 'bumping into' "contagious humans" every day, were they? Oh oh... somebody better get a 'clean up' crew to Aisle 7!!!!
Anyhoo, in the space of a comment, best that I not 'go on'... but I'll leave off with one more 'tasty morsel' of evidence which hurts the 'feelngs' of - lol - "evidence based scientists"...
Hoyle & Co., noted in relation to previous 'pandemic' events - "the spread of influenza ignores the technology of human travel"....
think bout dat! The authors sure did. And so did I! Ended up writing a post called "SPACE IS (STILL) THE SPACE." (of disease origins?) Read their book before dismissing the idea.
I wouldn't rule out directed panspermia as the origin of life on earth but the idea that pathogens are arriving here from space "all the time" and that they, and not Americans under direction or supervision from Langley, Virginia, if not somewhere in MENA, or both, account for most of the disease burden inflicted on the peoples of the world seems just a tad too convenient for those same folks at Langley and in MENA.
Yes, I can see it's overdue I haul those old posts out of hibernation and get them up on my present page. In that particular iteration of my 'substack phase' of scribbling, I was not concerned with presenting as a somewhat 'normal' writer and the content therefore was not 'somewhat normal.' When 'cleaned up' a bit, I think it would address much of your 'space hesitation.'
Not only did I get around to 'connecting some dots' between 'Cape Kennedy'(NASA),
Dugway Proving Grounds("Ground Zero" for incoming space objects of dubious purpose(Project Osiris)and the usual nexus of \'intelligence community'/ nesting sites spread along the eastern seaboard...
I also stumbled on numerous juicy quotes i'd quite forgotten all about.
"Science” explains nothing. It pretends to turn a series of postulates, backed up by nothing more than some skewed and/or (deliberately) misinterpreted “evidence” into something it calls “natural laws,” disbelief in it’s dogmas is demanded by it’s ‘hierophants’ to result in the “unbeliever” being excommunicated from the “scientific community.” Must have been 'off' my meds that day!
Wow! So even when only few take the Coved shots now, the extra death do not slow down? Bad news for those who took it.
yes, bad news
It was a big experiment, one could even argue executed deliberately to cull the elderly and/or other "weak humans", or they were just OK with such outcomes "for the greater good" and so on, everyone with a brain knows that you cant possibly stop society from working and try to micromanage society with top-down rules + mRNA and not expect harm and deaths along the way, especially if your interventions, masks, isolations, drugs , treatment death protocols, mRNA bioweapons can only produce harm and death. In a sane society the mainstream media would cover the crimes all day, but sadly they are captured. One could even say that they should try to bring a bird flue or other fake pandemic here, this time will be different, I dont think the West as we know it would survive it.
excellent post
I also dont think that the perpetrators create fake-pandemics for nothing, there is alawys a reason, and I think they rationalize if they can bring it now or if its too soon and what the consequences were if they would "bring it" now.
always a reason
This the reason that for almost 5 years banners at rallies around the globe called for Nuremberg 2. Hanging in other words. This what was done to humans is a dystopian horror.
Don't you think it would be easier to do this if the US and Canada were merged? One Nation, One People, One Leader!
Bulwark, how do you think Canada will be annexed into "Greater America"?
And do you agree with Joe Rogan that Mexico should be annexed too?
If so, what is to be done with the Mexicans?
Can they be driven out, to the south?
From the river to the sea (or "American Canal"), Greater America will be free?
But back to Canada.
Obviously, economic force alone will not be sufficient to achieve annexation.
Trying to merge, or swallow, a constitutional monarchy into a Republic would be a long and drawn out process.
Thus, I expect it will be done by military force.
What do you think will be the casus belli?
Obviously, the US can't fabricate a pretext exacly like the Gulf of Tonkin and WMDs pretexts used to launch the wars of aggression in Vietnam and Iraq.
Been there, done that.
I think it will be a border dispute.
Perhaps Poilievre will be accused of not doing enough to stem the flow of illegals and/or drugs across the border, leading to the placement of US troops along the border to provide greater security.
Next could be a border skirmish, followed by a limited or full scale invasion.
What would happen next?
Would the US push straight through to Ottawa?
The US created a plan ("War Plan Red") in the mid-1920s to invade Canada in the event of war with the UK and has invaded Canada multiple times previously, although has always been defeated, including during the War of 1812, the American Revolutionary War, and the Patriot War.
In the War of 1812 the US launched three unsuccessful invasions of Canada:
Detroit: The US army surrendered at Detroit; Queenston Heights: The US army surrendered at Queenston Heights; New York: The U.S. army withdrew after a minor skirmish north of New York.
The history of US military adventurism around the world is a long legacy of defeat, usually by third world peasants, despite superior US manpower and equipment.
Will next time be different?
Can the US with its IQ deficit, ranked only 31st in the world for mean IQ, threaten and defeat a neighbor with a smaller population but with a mean IQ in the top 10 group of countries?
What do you think Bulwark?
fascinating but cant happen...Canadians will not allow that. Americans dont want that. I would say this makes for good debate
Rogan said that? link?
Joe Rogan suggests US 'go right into Mexico' after taking Canada
If US invade Greenland, they invade NATO, article 5 would need to be invoked...
but set that aside, the talk etc. sounds more like Xi and Taiwan or Russia Putin talking and Ukraine.
America and Canada should not be combined.
never be never will
Yes, it's a rather bland mixture, too much 'black n white' ... needs spicing up...
thankfully the PLAN is too bring the brown breed on board as well... \CANAMEX/... NOT your ordinary 'messy taco'...
but a 'well integrated' mega-state with delicate overtones of Chinese influence(fentanyl), basking in a bed of 'locally grown' Canuckistani (gmo)cannabis with hints of \\\middle eastern///organic organ transplant gangs in genuine 'blue corn' wrapping for those worried about their 'wheat allergies.'
Don't forgot about those 'mata gringo' cubano hot peppers that will doubtless be illicitly placed in harmonious counterpoise to the haitian wild 'long dog' slices.
I can understand that not everybody supports the idea yet but Canada is rich in natural resources. There is a lot of wealth in Canada that could be redistributed to US elites in line with thinking that dates back to the origins of the zzzRepublican Party and Lincoln's friendship with Karl Marx.
How Karl Marx Helped Shape the Republican Party
so this is it...who has the bigger gin win? we can take whatever we want? if it benefits us? we dont care about others?
September 2020 I was at a protest in EDINBURGH and I am sure that DELORES CAHILL said that people would be dying for years to come because of the JAB!?
will be
Dr. Cahill was one of the very first to warn us.
brilliant...admire greatly
Cheers for confirming that----my memory ha ha ha
She actually scared the crap out me with her warnings.
I credit her and Dr. Francis Boyle for giving me the information I needed to refuse the covid DeathVax.
Dr. Cahill was one of co founders of The World Freedom Alliance in Stockholm , Sweden , Nov 2020. Already than prominent scientists , personalities knew what is coming, they warned against taking the coming "vaccine", most humans did not have any idea because of censorship. Dr. Cahill is brilliant. She knew what the shot will do. The criminals blocked truth.
very brilliant...we learnt lots...
"But now, the government has decided to bring back the vaccine because of fears that terrorists, or Iraq could use it as a weapon." CBS 60 Minutes on "The Most Dangerous Vaccine - Smallpox." December 11, 2002. Iraq for Christ's sake. You can't make this stuff up.
Yeah, totally, and what's this bullshit about the "Spanish flu." It was the "American flu." America's gift to the world, not unlike Ralph Baric's "SARS-CoV-2, the first documented case of the so-called "Spanish flu" was in Kansas in March 1918. The US military spread the virus quickly, with outbreaks reported in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and California. It was called the "Spanish flu" because it was first widely reported in Spain, which was neutral during World War I and unlike the US didn't censor news of the illness.
thank you for sharing this...good to know this aspect. what I do know is most who died was due to bacterial pneumonia and potential aspirin toxicity.
not any influenza
National Security.
Pretty much like Greenland today, although the US with no hindrance from Denmark or Greenland already has control of the Pituffik Space Base in Greenland and is the de facto dominant military force in Greenland so at first glance it's hard to see why Greenland is needed for national security.
However, Greenland is rich in rare earths lithium and cobalt and currently does have two significant rare earths projects with large reserves: private company Tanbreez Mining's Tanbreez project and Energy Transition Minerals' Kvanefjeld project. In terms of total reserves for rare earths projects globally, they placed first and third, respectively, with 28.2 million and 10.2 million metric tons of total rare earth oxides.
Greenland is known to have radioactive riches like uranium, too and the island's copper and feldspar deposits offer plenty for myriad industries.
Tapping of traditional hydrocarbons can also not be discounted via its coking coal deposits and potential for offshore oil and gas drilling. The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland estimates that Greenland's west coast alone contains about 18 billion barrels of oil and 148 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas.
Greenland has valuable fishing resources, and the fishing industry is a vital part of the country's economy, accounting for over 90% of the country's exports. In 2021, the value of fish products exported from Greenland was DKK 4.4 billion.
Greenland has agricultural potential. The growing season has lengthened in southern Greenland, allowing for the expansion of existing crops and the introduction of new ones like apples, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and carrots.
Greenland has a diverse and unique, and still largely unexploited, wildlife population, including polar bears, musk oxen, reindeer, mountain hares, Arctic foxes, humpback whales, minke whales, sharks, birds, bearded seals, and ringed seals.
Greenland has tourism industry potential: Tourism is Greenland's second-largest export, after fishing. Cruise ship tourism is a major driver, with a 74% increase in passengers from 2022.
It's easy to see how seizing this wealth from the few people who own it at the point of a gun and redistributing the wealth to US elites, as well as making whaleskin hubcaps etc, although it may sound like "robber baron" style communism, is vital to US national security interests.
concerning: 'It's easy to see how seizing this wealth from the few people who own it at the point of a gun and redistributing the wealth to US elites, as well as making whaleskin hubcaps etc, although it may sound like "robber baron" style communism, is vital to US national security interests.'
Yes, we have to protect ourselves from the DOD. They are the threat to our national security. Not Iraq and the terrorists.
These fuckers and their vaxxsasination ass and big pharma are going to get themselves killed if they keep this shit up believe it there’s millions of pissed off people that want their pound of flesh from these mother fuckers
What is missing from the discussion is the fact that focusing on boosting the immune system toward off all pathogens should be priority number one! My father survived the Spanish flu during World War I in France because I believe he had a double immunity Gene. The RNA injections degrade the immune system, which just enhances the profitability of our bloated out of control medical system. I hope RFK Junior understands this and addresses this as priority number one in his new role in turning the sickcare system into a prevention program for all citizens of the United States.
nice post Thomas
For at least 100 years, the medical establishment has been downplaying the value of prevention for maintaining the health of our citizens. There was a magazine called prevention magazine that was trying to educate the American public as to how to stay healthy. It took some time but the medical mafia finally, took over the prevention magazine and trashed it.
RSV vaccines now have a FDA warning for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
How many people do you know that ran to get it?
This was always the cause of wildfires in the USA. Malicious illegal aliens. This bastard needs to be imprisoned and tied up 8 hours a day naked on its bed in a prison specializing in homosexual prisoners until it gets HIV and dies.
He's not from Orange County is he? From the look of him it could be the boyfriend of a RINO guy there who wrote in Nikki Haley in the election because he was pissed at Trump for not being supportive enough of Ukraine. He's actually in the US legally and would very much enjoy some of what you're suggesting.
*Vaccines & Polio
I've been reading and following vaccine studies, testimonies, etc. from around the world for over 40 years and exposing them to the public for close to 30 years.
"All" vaccines are toxic and designed to kill or maim and create lifetime patients for the pharmaceutical and medical cabal 💉☠️⚰️🪦
👉Nothing you are told about vaccines is true! All vaccines have been pharmaceutical brainwashing of the public!
👉They are all death and maiming poisons.....
The Rockefellers were behind the death of 100 million people in the so-called Spanish flu, including the polio out breaks. Their current experimental gene therapies, which they are calling covid vaccines, are killing and maiming hundreds of millions right now worldwide 🌎.
***Where the Spanish flu actually came from.
***Rockefellers should be tried for crimes against humanity...
***The Rockefellers are part of the same globalists group that created this fake virus planedemic hoax and are trying to vaccinate the entire planet!
*Consider sharing...
Watch the truth about polio & vaccines
👉Consider sharing...
Never ever take a single vaccine for anything!
Some of us have known this for a long time but the psyop has been extremely successful. Time for it to end!
I have for many years tried to impress upon people that this total fraud of vaccination was spooled up by Rockefeller and Carnegie in order to profit from disease that their own industrial waste caused in the first place. Only the very elderly ever understood what I was saying because they either remembered or had close relatives who remembered the attack on Naturopathy at the time. To go over all of this again until people get it may be the greatest silver lining of the whole Covid scam. Great Stack Dr A!!
There needs to be a proper open and honest debate about where the big improvements came from in peoples health!? Also a timeline of events and improvements. I say it was the improvement in water/housing/sewage etc
. People living in less cramped spaces and on top of one another. But governments/MSM/medics etc all claim it was PHARMA. Who pays them millions of pounds/dollars etc?
THIS WAS SENT TO ME--- "Yes! You can clearly see from various graphs that most diseases that we currently vaccinate against dramatically fell in incidence _before_ the introduction of the vaccine against it, for example:"
The two most written about in UK are London and Edinburgh but I am sure other cities shall have had their problems with plague and illness where the poorer people of society lived in squalid conditions! YES/NO?
I have not visited any of the areas where the London plague was at it's worst but I am sure it would have been the poor in society that would have been mainly decimated!? People better off would have been living in better houses and also been able to escape to the country side etc. They would not have been LOCKED UP!?--
Great Plague of 1665-1666
The National Archives › resources › great-...
The poorest people remained in London with the rats and those people who had the plague. Watchmen locked and kept guard over infected houses. Parish officials ...
EDINBURGH Mary King's Close – Edinburgh's Plague Infested Street I can only go on what I have read and seen in Edinburgh. In my eyes it is clear that the EDINBURGH PLAGUE decimated by far the POOR PEOPLE living in squalid conditions. I have not been in MARY KINGS CLOSE but have been in other under ground cellars where people lived in and the cellars were built on top of one another and the people LITERALLY SHAT ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER!? Little wonder there was a plague of the poor whilst the leaders and rich etc lived in far better conditions and were not harmed etc!? ----- Once rife with the plague, a narrow close is buried underground in Edinburgh's City Chambers. Mary King's Close is located in the centre of Edinburgh's Old Town, next to the Edinburgh City Chambers. The close was named after Mary King in 1630, a fabric merchant who built her own business after her husband's death.------- GARDYLOO is well documented in SCOTTISH/EDINBURGH history and was the practice of throwing the contents of the 'shit bucket' out of a window and shouting GARDYLOO to warn people below that they were going to be splattered!? The GARDYLOO was kept in peoples minds with the ship called the GARDYLOO THAT SAILED FROM Leith with Edinburgh's CRAP and dumped it in the North Sea not far from the Isle of May. I think that 'DIRTY PRACTICE' ceased in 1998? But living in Anstruther in earlier times one would hear oh there goes the GARDYLOO Maybe the fish loved the feeding time from the GARDYLOO, do not let onto the visitors as they loved their 'fish and chips' at Anster! So, it is clear that an open and honest debate is required regarding the improvements of people's health and the truth and facts be told and not lectured to by PERFIDIOUS POLITICIANS/NHS/DOCTORS/MSM/WEF/WHO etc who are all on the payroll of the PHARMA SATAN GATES CULT! Roy R M McIntosh.
At this point people should had already woken up twice. Following the science will take you to the grave early
The pharmaceutical industry is a blood sucking parasite on the back of humanity.
I can prove that criminals are not born, but are made.
I know psychologist experts who are onside with me.