Do you begin to see the merit in the wisdom/research of Sage Hana…we’ve been sparred. The bad guys own both sides…if Trump wins, we’ll be sold a pile of….”they did the best they could under trying times” and now, we have “experts” to make sure we get it right, like Malone and Kirsch. Give me a break. That’s politics, baby.

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kaboom, I am so dismayed by it all...but I remain unwavering and I ain't cupping balls or washing balls, I seek nothing. These, most of them are pure money whores sell outs...it is why America suffered in COVID because while the Task Force fucked us, real doctors and scientists helped them and sold us out...

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beware the pandemic treaty is not dead in the water as many believe

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thank you Clive

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has been saying it all along, “Bobby Kennedy Jr. is a scum bag grifter!”

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I dont want to make it personal and I know Bobby Jr and my dealing have been productive and good...I dont go by what is in the media...so I have nothing BAD to say about him....however, I now see he is silent since joining Trump and speaking on everything but OWS and the deadly Malone et al. vaccine...its shameful...there is no price and I hope that this is not so and I await Kennedy Jr. finding his stones once again...he seems to have misplaced them. I am serious now. I am shocked at this, seems he was silenced and it is bad for USA if this is how they are playing it.

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It’s not RFK Jr or Trumps will, IMO Dr Alexander, it’s something more sinister, something or a group of someone’s much more in control! Which means potentially or possibly, America is totally screwed, perhaps unrepairable? Without a complete “civil-war” of sorts and Americans haven’t the atom for this, or so we?

I’d like to think, both Trump and RFK Jr. and the entire world of “we know the truth” doctors and scientists, would be out front leading the charge about OWS and especially these, ever-most deadly, totally destructive Bioweapon Injections, but they’re not, why?

Why, when more and more studies, more and more reports and very more and more prominent individuals, such as yourself Dr., have been outraged and quite vocal, about the dangers of these

“weapons of mass destruction”these “Bioweapon-Injections” which have been thrusted upon the world.

Almost as if a UFO, hovering over Washington DC, demanding all conventional weapons worldwide be destroyed, immediately, or else! What in Gods name is happening? What has happened to all the logically thinking, rational thinking, members of society we all looked up to when times were tough? When the chips were down Americans and people of the world came together, figured out how and solved the problem. Today, we have the solution, though everything has been

“flipped upside down”!

Now what! There’s many very intelligent, sincere and honest people who can’t say a word, not a single word about this entire “attack on humanity”! Now, we’re all supposed to “shut-up” sit down and listen to? Listen to who exactly? We know Biden wasn’t running a bath for himself, never mind the most powerful nation of the “free-world”, so who’s in charge? I think most people have a good idea who, the problem is, most people can’t do a damn thing about it. And so we wait for November, we wait to hear Trump won or Trump lost. Then what? Regardless if Trump wins, IMO, it ain’t going to matter! I hate to say this but simply look back and think about how the past few years have gone? How terribly bad the past few years has been! How much has changed in this short span? How much has changed and without a solid, in charge President, Americans can put any faith in, left or right!

Which is why so many people from both sides of the aisle are joining forces to try and stem the tide of corruption completely overturning our democracy! I do pray I’m wrong Dr Alexander, my gut instincts tells me, I not. America is heading down some unknown, unchallenged, uncertain trajectory of global domination! “We the People” are not and have not been in charge for decades and now the “chickens are coming home to roost” or should I say, the “Marxist” are taking over America! Either way, something is terribly wrong with our country! We have a “UNIPARTY” totalitarian style rule presently and this will become

“etched in stone” if something or someone group of patriotic Americans doesn’t stop this!

Thank you Dr always for your tireless work. We must all remember, ultimately our fate, comes down to our individual beliefs.

Another words, we must, those of us who believe, thank our “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” for His blessings and mercy, for times in America and the world have reached a “feverish pitch” of overwhelming and profound

“Satin- Worshipping”

God hating “Marxist Democrats”!

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I tried to tell you Paul but now you're waking up to how corrupt both sides are, I hope you have a way to unwind, you sound like your heads' ready to explode.

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I go to the gym, I read, I sip wine, whisky...I hold out hope and I believe in goodness...I agree both sides are fully corrupted and the people pay the price

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Dr. P, you are worrying me; usually, you're much more optimistic on DT + RFK.

At least, there is not so long to go now, before we know for sure.

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I have been loyal to DJT and still am, I support him, he is the only option but I can still talk my mind...no? Trump said today in Pennsylvania that he did great in COVID and OWS...is this right? I cannot stand by while this is said for it is untrue.

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I beg to differ with you but i just listened to Mr. Kennedy speaking by the Washington Monument in DC at “Rescue The Republic” and he did speak about Covid and the lockdowns, etc.

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This man has no credibility. I still remember him saying how important masks were, when I know he knew they didn't work. Did he have a Come to Jesus moment or is he just doing a CYA thing.

Maybe he is just trying to get a lighter sentence. What would impress me is if starts to sing with some real dirt on his fellow traitors and murderers.

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CYA, he wants a job...yes, he said the masks worked, he is inept, sorry and now is cupping RFKs Jr.'s nuts for a possible job...shameful...8 years did nothing...last 4 was silent.

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Now, more than ever, America needs millions of

“Rosa Louise McCauley Parks”! A brave and a righteous woman, who justified her actions and the actions of all Americans! Isn’t it time, regardless of skin color,

“WE THE PEOPLE” must take a stand the same way Rosa Parks did? Her bravery and her courage must be recognized today and duplicated en masse!

For “We the People” all bleed the same color blood!

I am so sick and tired of these

“Washington-Cowards” telling me and trying to convince others, false and misleading information!

They’re the “MISINFORMATION” spreaders! They’re the cause of all the suffering happening today in America! They’re responsible!

There’s a bit of “Rosa Parks” in every one of us! It’s time to live up to such an amazing Woman and keep her legacy alive by making her sacrifices “OURS” for our children and grandchildren’s future!

Good God America wake the hell up!

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement, best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott. The United States Congress has honored her as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement".

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kaboom AJR, what a significant piece here...few carry her strength and it was pivotal, so was Harriet Tubman.

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Yes Dr I failed to mention Harriet Tubman, she was so instrumental in utilizing the Underground Railroad to free enslaved family and friends as well as serving as a scout during the Civil War. Both Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks were “All American Hero’s”!

Thank you Dr for reminding me.


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Every one of these

“Putrid Do Nothings” sicken me to no end! They’re disgusting people! They’re evil people thinking they’re better than anyone! I am so sick of these people Dr! Below is another example of how corrupt they are! All of them will meet their match one day! Certainly if I have my way, they will I promise you that!

“We the People” have been “Shit-On” long enough! It’s time “We the People” take what’s OURS! And send them back to where they belong “PRISON”! Every last rotten one of them! Never before have Americans been so “LOOKED DOWN UPON”!

“The Biden-Harris administration is now facing a fresh investigation led by House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), focusing on allegations of taxpayer-funded resources being used for political purposes in the 2024 presidential campaign. The investigation stems from claims that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was flown to Pennsylvania on a U.S. Air Force aircraft, potentially to aid Kamala Harris’s campaign in the key battleground state.”!

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Additional comment: Just wanted to add that Dr. Shiva has called out Dr. Malone for not speaking up sooner before the vaccines were rolled out and given. "Delayed truth is deadly".

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Bobby Jr, is part of the "not so obvious establishment" that says one thing but does not go far enough to call those responsible for vaccine/injuries out. See Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Biological Engineer Massachusetts #shattertheswarm or vashiva.com for his analysis "How the FEW Control the Many. What WE do to Break Free." Dr. Shiva has called out Bobby Jr. on his duplicity on vaccinations. Though Dr. Shiva can speak eloquently, he is not afraid to use the Right swear word on the Right Scumbag at the Right time. He says it is important to call out the not so obvious establishment as they mislead the citizens. He has a grassroots movement for TRUTH FREEDOM HEALTH. I have gotten use to his style of communication.

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And more people are still dying Dr!

Yes, two more friends of mine came down with “mouth cancer”! Never sick a day in their lives now, cancer!

And cancer of all kinds have been up ticking, beyond the limits of understanding! “Turbo Cancer” as these quick acting, death resulting, cancers have become!


Ask Dr McCullough?

He’ll tell you why! I’m not a doctor but I can read and as I’ve learned, our bodies immune systems have been destroyed by these bioweapon injections! Our front line T-cells, or the guardians of our wellbeing, go to sleep as Dr McCullough explains. Once this happens, our bodies are susceptible to all sorts of illnesses. The same thing happens with our “cancer cells”! Or those cells that battle and keep cancer in check.

A “perfect-storm” of toxins ravaging those who took these “shots to the heart” shots!

A “perfect-storm” for a “PfizerForAll.Com!

Yes there is a reason

for everything and Pfizer

is no exception!

As damaging as these shots are, Pfizer and Moderna were the drug pushers while the DoD was the “drug maker’s”! As I understand it. These shots were “ready to go”!

So now “PfizerForAll.com” can maximize profits and enforce all people to sign up or else! As the

“Soup-Nazi” on Seinfeld said, “No Soup For You” so too will Pfizer say “No Meds For You”! Unless you sign up with PfizerForAll! The same way “Obamacare” was forced upon millions of Americans! So too will “PfizerForAll” mark my words!

This is part of their “One Health” bullshit! “No-Body No-Choice”!They own you! They own or will own all of us, when all is said and done!

From “Turbo-Cancer” to full blown “Neurological Inflammation” and everything in between. This is why these shots were forced upon unsuspecting Americans and is the real big payoff “Big-Pharma” is expecting to capitalize on! The results of damaged people is a “gigantic cash cow” for PfizerForAll!

If the person doesn’t die first!

One thing’s for sure, the Redfield’s of the world will be coming out of the woodwork Dr! Not because they give a damn, because they see an opportunity to “Grift” Americans, once again! Truth has no heart with people like Redfield and Malone and the other 120 or so horsemen!

I don’t think there’s any reason to believe Trump will solve our problems.

The same way the movie “Mr-880” with Burt Lancaster, Edmund Gwen and Dorothy McGuire, was about, a long time low-end counterfeiter! Slowly but surely Mr.880 was able to keep the Treasury off his back simply because he wasn’t greedy and he had lots of patience. Lot’s and lot’s of patience. So too have been these “Marxist Democrats”!

Little by little, these

“Marxist-Democrats” have “slow-boiled” America and today they’re harvesting the “fruits” of their crimes!

This is exactly why Trump won’t be able to solve much!

And “as the world turns”

so will the facts of our lives and the truth remain a moving target!


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Why the silence from people who may be a breath away from? Why Bobby silent? The medical mafia and big pharmaika? Get rid of the vermin with a big parasite detox! The 3 letter circus rummers in the kangaroos court of secret and public arenas. They like to hide behind the skirts veil of secrecy all thousand approximately not to be in public to be seen. Very simple break the business running the country and all the people whoring after the sickening politicians on both sides.

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I agree. Very good essay.

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Chameleons are quick change experts. I have been watching some of the big players. I am watching Dr. Malone carefully and my worth of a man is based on whether he takes a position even inherently wrong and later if he sees the fault in his judgments recants not just by words but by actions in abandoning his previously erroneous position and gravitating to the right side. I see Dr. Malone has and is doing that by actions undeniably proper that will place him in a position of being "enemized" by his former friends. I would look to see if Dr. P sees what I see and accepts what I see as Dr Malones re positioning on OUR side.

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dr. m is a chameleon!!! I saw that when he boasted that he was the inventer of the mRNA for vaccines when the "virus" started spreading and there was talk about a vaccine!. Then, when people started having severe issues from that vaccine, he totally changed directions!!!

A 180 if you will. He's a disgusting person. He flip flops all over the place!

There's no love lost here for

the man.

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kaboom, huge hugs you got it right.

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You've got it totally correct on Malone. Wanted praise and admiration UNTIL the deaths went up and up. He wanted to be in the spotlight like some messianic savior. Then, he managed to charm many people with his phony sincerity gig, fooling them thoroughly. I knew when I saw that squint.......

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kaboom, he is more bizarre, I stood in a tent with him defeat the mandates couple years ago and one of his pals told me the squint is he tries to look like Clint Eastwood and the black jacket that day was someone told him helps him look Presidential...someone standing next to us vomited a bit...ha ha...in my dealings, he is a pure fraud. ask Kaitlin Kariko, she worked with him on mRNA, said he lives in his own mind, a fraud...what I am angry over is the people who gave the fraud and many frauds their hard earned money.

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...and the wrath of a woman...So there are two of you who think he is a villain. But he is now on our side. I am puzzled. Perhaps you are right. Spoken like a conservative woman.

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