LNP gene injections platform? We are being barraged daily by the hour even now plan to send US troops & occupy? GAZA & develop condos etc. but NO OWS? No accountability? How come? Now AI & mRNA?
I would love it if he recognized it and remove the shots off the market and make the companies liable! The people who were injured by these uneffective and unsafe shots are scarred for life, and what about those who died???? Families are scareed for life. And what about those who were fired, such as my wife, a RN, who worked all thru the chaos and then fired after working for her company for over 11 years. Bullshit!
And you what is crazy right now people are being isolated when they test positive with covid???? Even though the tests are bullshit, and these people most likely have gotten the shots and boosted to the moon. The workers told to wear masks, have these so called healthcare facilities learned anything????
If he made the companies liable, Trump would be liable as well. However, he would NEVER do such a thing, as he obviously care less about the all those dead or injured or those who lost their income and he is doing the bidding of his controllers, Trump is a Trojan Horse.
Wow he is just over 2 weeks in, pardoned J6 set-up victims, got us out of the Paris accord, and WHO agreement, secured the border, is lining up some great cabinet choices, fixing the Middle East to name a few! More than the last crook did in 4 years…Give him a chance, and know he is dealing with some evil folks who are hell bent to keep lying and living off the taxpayers (another broken system). If he doesn’t have the pieces in place he can’t fix the vaccine charade. I’m betting he’s laying enough rope for the greedy Pharma groups to have there day. Be patient, he isn’t done yet… based on his initial actions, I’m betting he is not the enemy!!
I think it is clear, President Trump was extremely busy the last 4 years, and thoroughly prepared to hit the ground running. If you remember Trump also promoted alternatives to the jabs (i.e.- Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Chlorine Dioxide, they screamed Bleach!). Remember the so-called experts shut down the country, put us in worthless masks, and lied about the bioweapon. He was a one man gang going against these gestapo clowns.
Now he promotes Stargate and as a business man he brings funding to secure this technology- because he knows it will be a major tool, it will be the future, and much good can be done, even if the billionaires are pushing for the mRNA to be the kickoff project. Let’s see how this plays out.
This is a chess game, very strategic, for him to do what he’s got done so quickly shows there is a massive assault being launched on these anti-American leftists. I have to trust he knows what order things need to happen, but I’m pleasantly surprised with his roll-out, including early retirement for the government traitors (FBI/CIA), putting DOGE in place, and cutting the USAID open checkbook for their pet projects. I think we all here on this page want the best for our country and want these traitors to see justice and be held accountable. I hope RFK jr is the next confirmation to bring some wisdom and backbone to the fight! Let’s support President Trump who has proven he truly loves America, it’s a nearly impossible task but let’s give him some slack as he makes change! America 1st…WWG1WGA!!
You post and complain, while I am literally sitting here watching the President reverse sick injustices done to the women who had to lose to gross men who liked to dress up as women to defeat them in sports. A great conference.
And I checked my newsfeed and l haven't seen that Kennedy is voted in by the full Senate yet.
Give Trump and Kennedy a chance.
I am sure you did not anticipate the actions taken by Doge against USaid, and some of the other lockdowns and such that have occurred. Trump and his team have been planning many years. The man sleeps less than most of us, travels more than any of us, and is doing more than anyone expected in two weeks.
April is a decent timeframe to start evaluating how the wheels of justice and retribution begin to turn in the health realm. That isn't now.
you do not support him more than me, but I also deal with the steps that are questionable. one can be a sycophant and ask no questions and support all or one can cut it right vs wrong... I am that person.
Oh yes, keep doing what you are doing. I am more of a find options, solutions, soft underbellies kind of person. In hindsight, it is quite clear that the swamp runs deep in the Senate and a frontal attack is what they are expecting and wired up to respond to. RFK Jr is a bit of a frontal attack, this MAHA thing looks like the sort of thing one would use to distract us with, but if it can get him through, frontal attack may not necessarily be the optimal approach. Hitting them at the unexpected unprotected weak spots and have them trip over and fall is the way to make some inroads. And it is a necessity to free Congress from Big Pharma control; the Executive alone is not enough for a frontal attack.
I too am a solutions but at this point angered but the clear steps they are taking...no accountability and more of the same. I am with RFK JR. and will help him. I have hope in him. that stack I wrote prior that we were lucky whatever it was was not nefarious, is from on the inside, they are and were so dumb and clueless and we would have lost millions if it was Nipah type etc. no COVID policy worked
As I posted before. let's have Trump and RFK on the same page about putting out the solutions for helping those injured by the covid shots (we already got them btw to an extent). Just talking about that alone will light a spark, the spark will then catch fire and drive this thing the rest of the way. They worry that RFKJr will use executive powers to end them (which can then be reversed by the next guy). They are not worried about an avalanche of public opinion coming at them like a dinosaur-busting asteroid.
Obvious to anyone, they're giving attention to ANYTHING **BUT** the Covid Crime. How much more obvious does it need to get? What is without any doubt the largest, most evil crime in all history on planet Earth never even gets brought up? REALLY? Did they think we wouldn't notice?
Still observing and hoping, but it's looking darker and darker for T47 with each passing day.
because of all the evil of the children of Israel and the children of Judah, which they have done to provoke Me to anger—they, their kings, their princes, their priests, their prophets, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
You need to look at Stargate and the deal he's made with Big Pharma through AI and all the billionaires who will put mRNA in every shot and are telling us they can through AI develop a shot to cure your personal cancer. Thanks, but no thanks. Musk wants to chip all of us and he already turned over to the feds most of us on X.com. Hey, a deal was made and the World Economic Forum, i.e., UN Agenda 21/30 doesn't care about the border, shipping the illegals back or the J6ers, they just care about the ultimate goal of control. Think China's social credit is bad? Wait until you see what Oracle, Palantir, Musk and everyone else involved has planned for the entire world.
excellent...'Think China's social credit is bad? Wait until you see what Oracle, Palantir, Musk and everyone else involved has planned for the entire world.
Add to this the fact that both Usha Vance and Kash Patel are members of the globalist Pilgrim Society, started in 1903 with members like Rockefellers, Carnegie, the Dulles brothers, etc. etc. ad nauseam. And their membership today, very secretive outfit by the way, is just as nauseating...King Charles even and we know what a lover of WEF he is.
Stargate is not for curing cancer, it’s for building data centres for the digital control grid powered by AI. The mRNA bioweapons are just one part of this operation warp speed 2.0
I know that, why do you think Peter Thiel's Palantir is involved?! And you're right, mRNA is just one part of this. There are 10 centers at the cost of half a trillion given by Trump be built. One is under construction in Abilene, TX. And by the way, Peter Thiel and former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, introduced JD Vance to Trump after they got rid of Vance's TDS as he had called Trump, HITLER. Schmidt and Thiel are on the board of the Bilderbergers and Vance has attended at least one meeting. Decades ago, Phyllis Schlafly told us that every VP is chosen by the Bilderbergers. And Vance was. His wife, Usha, sits on the board of a Gates organization.
My friend Janet is writing an article on all this. I have a new puppy and don't have time, so when she had her article up on American Thinker, I'll post it to Dr. Alexander's substack.
How about an app that shows cancer cases so we can note clusters? Like a real time app? I am the 8th female of the moms on my son lacrosse team to get breast cancer and I am having a hard time finding data about local cancer rates.
Perhaps it's wise to distance yourselves from Doctors and find Herbal Medicine guides like Dr. William Li or Dr. Barbara O'Neil on YouTube for starters.
The drink we have here 3 to 5 days per week has, A pinch of Celtic Sea Salt, 1/4 ts each of fine ground Cayenne pepper and turmeric, the juice from a whole lime or lemon in 12 to 16 OZ. water in a jar with a lid. Shake well before each drink. All at once or a couple ounces at a time. It's better than alcohol and no adverse side effects. A slight burn on the first and last drink. It heals you from the inside out.
If you are interested to investigate alternative treatment. Review Dr. Bill McGraw videos on Rumble is a good start/resource for treating cancer. In the meantime start detoxing asap and eliminate sugar and processed carbs. I followed his protocol to successfully eliminate my prostate cancer, confirmed via both MRI and biopsy. Wishing you and yours good health going forward.
This would be a good study, indeed. Ivermectin and Fendbendazole have given good results on some cancer (+cancer prevention?) for a start, and a carnivore or keto diet.
Remember when Trump said this ? "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan's large commercial district. "It's, like, incredible."
Well, his "Warp Speed 1.0" killed or injured Millions of Americans, including many children and he didn't lose any voters as far as I know, except for my vote. I was shadow banned on ALL major Conservative Platforms, for bringing this up during his last campaign. Now Trump gives us another death jab, "Warp Speed 2.0" and there's nothing but Crickets from The Gateway Pundit, Alex Jones, The War Room etc. We have been had.
Dr. Alexander: You know many people in the Trump Administration. Have you contacted anybody explaining this situation? Ed Dowd wrote an article and he's not for Stargate.
I would believe him. Looks like Netanyahu is going to get want he wanted all along.
Who's paying for it? Good old USA? Trump needs to be concerned about building
up the US after JOE and his Commies tore it down for four years. I am sick of Netanyahu
getting his way. Why is it always the JEWS? There are other nationalities.
they know how I feel...I am in communication with Bobby Jr. if he is confirmed I will work with him but I actually am not sure if I want to be part of that anymore. for true
The tearing down of the USA began in 1971 when Nixon took the Dollar off of the Gold Standard. Everything since is a symptom of Monopoly Money $. None of US win. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree
The tearing down of the USA I think really began with the evil - and semi-secret - introduction of the 'Federal Reserve' in 1913 - which people had been trying to resist for many years.
The dollar finally publicly going off the gold standard in 1971 was because the US could no longer keep up the charade that the US dollar was backed by gold. France actually sent a Naval ship in August 1971 to New York to retrieve France's gold.
LBJ had actually removed the requirement that 25% of US dollars be backed by gold (the "Gold cover"), three years earlier in 1968 and things went rapidly downhill from there, with huge Government debts being racked up.
Yep. AI and MANDATORY vaccines are 2 things that keep me untrusting of this Administration. Until they answer to that, I’m not “all in” on the Trump Train.
I read that Senator Bill Cassidy had a meeting with RFKjr and gave him his list of demands in order for him to give Kennedy a yes vote. The demands were not good especially concerning the CDC IMO.
You just can’t help yourself, Dr Alexander. He appointed RFK Jr, Bhattacharaya, Makary, is surrounded by people like Tucker, Hegseth, tulsi, Patel,and until they’re confirmed, he can’t do much more.
I’m very sorry he overlooked you. Maybe he had a reason. Maybe it’s the way you’re behaving now.
I was not overlooked, I am in discussion near daily...it is I who will decide if I will sell out Americans for meme coins and a job etc. I guess I/we cant count on you. I will not insult you...I should. you just do not know what you said here. sorry
I agree with Dr Alexander on much of everything, but this is not the time to tear down the admin. Get RFK Jr, Bhattacharaya, Tulsi and Patel confirmed first and let them take down the entirety.
THAT is what I’m saying! And since you don’t know me, I’ve been bitching at the Doc for the pass he’s given Trump for the past few years. For starters, not exposing the fact the fucking thing was created right here in the good ‘old USA! DARPA, Fauci’s past, Event 201, WHO, WEF, UN… that he hasn’t implicated Pence, Mitch, Haspel, Gates, Baric, Daszak, the DoD or taken responsibility for his own errors in judgment, particularly blabbing to Woodward at the snake, Lindsey Graham’s behest.
None of what went on behind the scenes was “ incompetence”. It was a deliberate coup and all the warning signs were public. If it would have cost him the presidency to blow the whistle, so be it. It cost him the presidency not blowing the whistle and doubling down on the ridiculous claim of all the “ lives that were saved”.
How the hell he was unaware of what was going on or Fauci’s past history is anathema. Everybody else was. I was and I have no political ties. Just a weirdly vast memory storage.
He had Hatfill aboard early on in his presidency. The is no doubt in my mind that Hatfill apprised him of everything. Or RFK Jr, who he’d also been talking to. Frank Gaffney was in touch with him.Or Atlas, Montagnier, Smith, Oswui,Zelenko… he had to have seen Harvey Risch on Levin. He spoke with Lee Smith… but he let Pompeo, Pence, Mitch , Birx, Jerome Adams, Bill Gates, Slavin lead him around.
How did he not know about the Anthrax lies, Operation Dark Winter, the players, Bush, Cheney, Mueller and Rumsfeld’s roles? How did he not know about Fauci and the 17,000 HIV/AIDS victims who were tortured to death with AZT and denied the simple sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim, that would have spared them from suffocating to death in agony from PCP pneumonia? How did he not know about the orphans and handicapped wards of state who were used as guinea pigs by Fauci-Mengele at one of the “ Catholic Charities” orphanages in New York, many buried in a mass grave and covered up? Why did he give Bloomberg the contract for “ data mapping”? Yeah, China was complicit, but only because we were the real villains.
Why didn’t he expose Avril Haines?
But what pissed me off most was his dressing down of DeSantis and Ladapo, who actually did the right thing.And he convinced Netanyahu to ditch Dr Michael Levitt for the shit clot shots. Netanyahu was using the HCQ regimen, donated six million complete doses to Trump’s admin and Team Faustus confiscated it.
So while Dr Alexander made excuses for Trump and is now suddenly trashing him when this can be made right if RFK Jr, Patel and the others are confirmed.. and it’s been Musk leading the charge to put Fauci on a gurney.. Dr Alexander is trashing him .
Heck no as the same playbook will be used for the next fake pandemic. A special deadly mRNA cancer causing poison is being tested right now by fizer, bio-n-tech and moderna.
Fueled by super A/i retards, the plan is going according to gates's demands and that includes the end of all humanity. Since all the OWS mandates remain in place, the government has a green light to continue to murder its citizens.
Yeah, it's insulting to have to endure their bioengineering flukes, chemtrails, the poisoning of our waters, their processed food, toxic farming and agriculture, medication and shots that give us cancer in the first place. And then they present the project as a "savior"? C'mon, it's infuriating!!!
"Where money speaks, the truth is silent."
(Also there's a huge liability earthquake that will swallow much of the government whole should the truth about the killshot ring free.)
I so admire a man of your position speaking nonstop truth to power Dr. Alexander. You're a true patriot.
thank you Sir...
I would love it if he recognized it and remove the shots off the market and make the companies liable! The people who were injured by these uneffective and unsafe shots are scarred for life, and what about those who died???? Families are scareed for life. And what about those who were fired, such as my wife, a RN, who worked all thru the chaos and then fired after working for her company for over 11 years. Bullshit!
pure bullshit...that is what we are being fed...
Some of us know that money talks and bullshit walks!
And you what is crazy right now people are being isolated when they test positive with covid???? Even though the tests are bullshit, and these people most likely have gotten the shots and boosted to the moon. The workers told to wear masks, have these so called healthcare facilities learned anything????
If he made the companies liable, Trump would be liable as well. However, he would NEVER do such a thing, as he obviously care less about the all those dead or injured or those who lost their income and he is doing the bidding of his controllers, Trump is a Trojan Horse.
Wow 😮
Wow he is just over 2 weeks in, pardoned J6 set-up victims, got us out of the Paris accord, and WHO agreement, secured the border, is lining up some great cabinet choices, fixing the Middle East to name a few! More than the last crook did in 4 years…Give him a chance, and know he is dealing with some evil folks who are hell bent to keep lying and living off the taxpayers (another broken system). If he doesn’t have the pieces in place he can’t fix the vaccine charade. I’m betting he’s laying enough rope for the greedy Pharma groups to have there day. Be patient, he isn’t done yet… based on his initial actions, I’m betting he is not the enemy!!
I never said he is the enemy.
I think it is clear, President Trump was extremely busy the last 4 years, and thoroughly prepared to hit the ground running. If you remember Trump also promoted alternatives to the jabs (i.e.- Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Chlorine Dioxide, they screamed Bleach!). Remember the so-called experts shut down the country, put us in worthless masks, and lied about the bioweapon. He was a one man gang going against these gestapo clowns.
Now he promotes Stargate and as a business man he brings funding to secure this technology- because he knows it will be a major tool, it will be the future, and much good can be done, even if the billionaires are pushing for the mRNA to be the kickoff project. Let’s see how this plays out.
This is a chess game, very strategic, for him to do what he’s got done so quickly shows there is a massive assault being launched on these anti-American leftists. I have to trust he knows what order things need to happen, but I’m pleasantly surprised with his roll-out, including early retirement for the government traitors (FBI/CIA), putting DOGE in place, and cutting the USAID open checkbook for their pet projects. I think we all here on this page want the best for our country and want these traitors to see justice and be held accountable. I hope RFK jr is the next confirmation to bring some wisdom and backbone to the fight! Let’s support President Trump who has proven he truly loves America, it’s a nearly impossible task but let’s give him some slack as he makes change! America 1st…WWG1WGA!!
You post and complain, while I am literally sitting here watching the President reverse sick injustices done to the women who had to lose to gross men who liked to dress up as women to defeat them in sports. A great conference.
And I checked my newsfeed and l haven't seen that Kennedy is voted in by the full Senate yet.
Give Trump and Kennedy a chance.
I am sure you did not anticipate the actions taken by Doge against USaid, and some of the other lockdowns and such that have occurred. Trump and his team have been planning many years. The man sleeps less than most of us, travels more than any of us, and is doing more than anyone expected in two weeks.
April is a decent timeframe to start evaluating how the wheels of justice and retribution begin to turn in the health realm. That isn't now.
you do not support him more than me, but I also deal with the steps that are questionable. one can be a sycophant and ask no questions and support all or one can cut it right vs wrong... I am that person.
Oh yes, keep doing what you are doing. I am more of a find options, solutions, soft underbellies kind of person. In hindsight, it is quite clear that the swamp runs deep in the Senate and a frontal attack is what they are expecting and wired up to respond to. RFK Jr is a bit of a frontal attack, this MAHA thing looks like the sort of thing one would use to distract us with, but if it can get him through, frontal attack may not necessarily be the optimal approach. Hitting them at the unexpected unprotected weak spots and have them trip over and fall is the way to make some inroads. And it is a necessity to free Congress from Big Pharma control; the Executive alone is not enough for a frontal attack.
I too am a solutions but at this point angered but the clear steps they are taking...no accountability and more of the same. I am with RFK JR. and will help him. I have hope in him. that stack I wrote prior that we were lucky whatever it was was not nefarious, is from on the inside, they are and were so dumb and clueless and we would have lost millions if it was Nipah type etc. no COVID policy worked
As I posted before. let's have Trump and RFK on the same page about putting out the solutions for helping those injured by the covid shots (we already got them btw to an extent). Just talking about that alone will light a spark, the spark will then catch fire and drive this thing the rest of the way. They worry that RFKJr will use executive powers to end them (which can then be reversed by the next guy). They are not worried about an avalanche of public opinion coming at them like a dinosaur-busting asteroid.
Q: Do you know RFKJr personally Dr. Alexander?
I agree let's get RFK confirmed he is smart enough to know how to man the Trojan horse. Let's pray it all works out be positive people.
Well done Dr Paul. I do hope that he will not disappoint.
Agree. Give them a chance. They are exposing all of them strategically.
We have waited long enough.
Obvious to anyone, they're giving attention to ANYTHING **BUT** the Covid Crime. How much more obvious does it need to get? What is without any doubt the largest, most evil crime in all history on planet Earth never even gets brought up? REALLY? Did they think we wouldn't notice?
Still observing and hoping, but it's looking darker and darker for T47 with each passing day.
you are 100%
~ Jeremiah 32:32
because of all the evil of the children of Israel and the children of Judah, which they have done to provoke Me to anger—they, their kings, their princes, their priests, their prophets, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
You need to look at Stargate and the deal he's made with Big Pharma through AI and all the billionaires who will put mRNA in every shot and are telling us they can through AI develop a shot to cure your personal cancer. Thanks, but no thanks. Musk wants to chip all of us and he already turned over to the feds most of us on X.com. Hey, a deal was made and the World Economic Forum, i.e., UN Agenda 21/30 doesn't care about the border, shipping the illegals back or the J6ers, they just care about the ultimate goal of control. Think China's social credit is bad? Wait until you see what Oracle, Palantir, Musk and everyone else involved has planned for the entire world.
excellent...'Think China's social credit is bad? Wait until you see what Oracle, Palantir, Musk and everyone else involved has planned for the entire world.
excellent words
Add to this the fact that both Usha Vance and Kash Patel are members of the globalist Pilgrim Society, started in 1903 with members like Rockefellers, Carnegie, the Dulles brothers, etc. etc. ad nauseam. And their membership today, very secretive outfit by the way, is just as nauseating...King Charles even and we know what a lover of WEF he is.
Uh oh...
Here's more Dr.
Stargate is not for curing cancer, it’s for building data centres for the digital control grid powered by AI. The mRNA bioweapons are just one part of this operation warp speed 2.0
I know that, why do you think Peter Thiel's Palantir is involved?! And you're right, mRNA is just one part of this. There are 10 centers at the cost of half a trillion given by Trump be built. One is under construction in Abilene, TX. And by the way, Peter Thiel and former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, introduced JD Vance to Trump after they got rid of Vance's TDS as he had called Trump, HITLER. Schmidt and Thiel are on the board of the Bilderbergers and Vance has attended at least one meeting. Decades ago, Phyllis Schlafly told us that every VP is chosen by the Bilderbergers. And Vance was. His wife, Usha, sits on the board of a Gates organization.
It’s really really scary.
Mark of the beast type stuff, preying on fear. Do not comply.
we must not.
A breath of fresh air! Thank you
My friend Janet is writing an article on all this. I have a new puppy and don't have time, so when she had her article up on American Thinker, I'll post it to Dr. Alexander's substack.
Sounds like Mad Max to me!
How about an app that shows cancer cases so we can note clusters? Like a real time app? I am the 8th female of the moms on my son lacrosse team to get breast cancer and I am having a hard time finding data about local cancer rates.
Perhaps it's wise to distance yourselves from Doctors and find Herbal Medicine guides like Dr. William Li or Dr. Barbara O'Neil on YouTube for starters.
I use a lot of Barbara O’Neil’s tteatments like the celtic sea salt. I will look up Dr I.
I have been using lemon juice, olive oil snd cayenne pepper each day as well.
The drink we have here 3 to 5 days per week has, A pinch of Celtic Sea Salt, 1/4 ts each of fine ground Cayenne pepper and turmeric, the juice from a whole lime or lemon in 12 to 16 OZ. water in a jar with a lid. Shake well before each drink. All at once or a couple ounces at a time. It's better than alcohol and no adverse side effects. A slight burn on the first and last drink. It heals you from the inside out.
Thank you. I will try this.
great sharings
If you are interested to investigate alternative treatment. Review Dr. Bill McGraw videos on Rumble is a good start/resource for treating cancer. In the meantime start detoxing asap and eliminate sugar and processed carbs. I followed his protocol to successfully eliminate my prostate cancer, confirmed via both MRI and biopsy. Wishing you and yours good health going forward.
Thank you. I have eliminated sugar as well.,
Good idea.
This would be a good study, indeed. Ivermectin and Fendbendazole have given good results on some cancer (+cancer prevention?) for a start, and a carnivore or keto diet.
I didn’t get the Covid shot. I did have Covid twice though and my husband got the shot.
Do you believe the breast cancer cases are related to covid jabs in your area? Or another cause?
Sending well wishes.
Remember when Trump said this ? "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan's large commercial district. "It's, like, incredible."
Well, his "Warp Speed 1.0" killed or injured Millions of Americans, including many children and he didn't lose any voters as far as I know, except for my vote. I was shadow banned on ALL major Conservative Platforms, for bringing this up during his last campaign. Now Trump gives us another death jab, "Warp Speed 2.0" and there's nothing but Crickets from The Gateway Pundit, Alex Jones, The War Room etc. We have been had.
I think so. and he has given them jobs, in PENTAGON PRESS ETC.
Yes and NO. They can’t. Because I am convinced the majority of the power rests with the
“Deep State Globalist!”
Something isn’t right here Dr Alexander. Something is drastically wrong.
something is very drastically wrong...call me Paul always
Ok I will.
Thank you Paul.
Dr. Alexander: You know many people in the Trump Administration. Have you contacted anybody explaining this situation? Ed Dowd wrote an article and he's not for Stargate.
I would believe him. Looks like Netanyahu is going to get want he wanted all along.
Who's paying for it? Good old USA? Trump needs to be concerned about building
up the US after JOE and his Commies tore it down for four years. I am sick of Netanyahu
getting his way. Why is it always the JEWS? There are other nationalities.
they know how I feel...I am in communication with Bobby Jr. if he is confirmed I will work with him but I actually am not sure if I want to be part of that anymore. for true
But, you have exposed what's going on. You can't quit now.
Dr. Alexander's reach is likely shadow banned.
I don’t blame you. I would be afraid the stench would never wash off.
Why? Do you feel like you are getting nowhere on this matter?
If you are called, you must go.......
The tearing down of the USA began in 1971 when Nixon took the Dollar off of the Gold Standard. Everything since is a symptom of Monopoly Money $. None of US win. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree
you remain brilliant Sir thank you
The tearing down of the USA I think really began with the evil - and semi-secret - introduction of the 'Federal Reserve' in 1913 - which people had been trying to resist for many years.
The dollar finally publicly going off the gold standard in 1971 was because the US could no longer keep up the charade that the US dollar was backed by gold. France actually sent a Naval ship in August 1971 to New York to retrieve France's gold.
LBJ had actually removed the requirement that 25% of US dollars be backed by gold (the "Gold cover"), three years earlier in 1968 and things went rapidly downhill from there, with huge Government debts being racked up.
Yep. AI and MANDATORY vaccines are 2 things that keep me untrusting of this Administration. Until they answer to that, I’m not “all in” on the Trump Train.
hhhmmm, it is very concerning. that startled us...akin to the GAZA condos
Kabuki Theater perhaps?
I read that Senator Bill Cassidy had a meeting with RFKjr and gave him his list of demands in order for him to give Kennedy a yes vote. The demands were not good especially concerning the CDC IMO.
It get more absurd by the day.
You just can’t help yourself, Dr Alexander. He appointed RFK Jr, Bhattacharaya, Makary, is surrounded by people like Tucker, Hegseth, tulsi, Patel,and until they’re confirmed, he can’t do much more.
I’m very sorry he overlooked you. Maybe he had a reason. Maybe it’s the way you’re behaving now.
I was not overlooked, I am in discussion near daily...it is I who will decide if I will sell out Americans for meme coins and a job etc. I guess I/we cant count on you. I will not insult you...I should. you just do not know what you said here. sorry
Dr. Paul has just been keeping it real.
Dr. A has just been stating it like it is, as he sees it. It says more about you that you cannot see that.
thank you
I agree with Dr Alexander on much of everything, but this is not the time to tear down the admin. Get RFK Jr, Bhattacharaya, Tulsi and Patel confirmed first and let them take down the entirety.
THAT is what I’m saying! And since you don’t know me, I’ve been bitching at the Doc for the pass he’s given Trump for the past few years. For starters, not exposing the fact the fucking thing was created right here in the good ‘old USA! DARPA, Fauci’s past, Event 201, WHO, WEF, UN… that he hasn’t implicated Pence, Mitch, Haspel, Gates, Baric, Daszak, the DoD or taken responsibility for his own errors in judgment, particularly blabbing to Woodward at the snake, Lindsey Graham’s behest.
None of what went on behind the scenes was “ incompetence”. It was a deliberate coup and all the warning signs were public. If it would have cost him the presidency to blow the whistle, so be it. It cost him the presidency not blowing the whistle and doubling down on the ridiculous claim of all the “ lives that were saved”.
How the hell he was unaware of what was going on or Fauci’s past history is anathema. Everybody else was. I was and I have no political ties. Just a weirdly vast memory storage.
He had Hatfill aboard early on in his presidency. The is no doubt in my mind that Hatfill apprised him of everything. Or RFK Jr, who he’d also been talking to. Frank Gaffney was in touch with him.Or Atlas, Montagnier, Smith, Oswui,Zelenko… he had to have seen Harvey Risch on Levin. He spoke with Lee Smith… but he let Pompeo, Pence, Mitch , Birx, Jerome Adams, Bill Gates, Slavin lead him around.
How did he not know about the Anthrax lies, Operation Dark Winter, the players, Bush, Cheney, Mueller and Rumsfeld’s roles? How did he not know about Fauci and the 17,000 HIV/AIDS victims who were tortured to death with AZT and denied the simple sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim, that would have spared them from suffocating to death in agony from PCP pneumonia? How did he not know about the orphans and handicapped wards of state who were used as guinea pigs by Fauci-Mengele at one of the “ Catholic Charities” orphanages in New York, many buried in a mass grave and covered up? Why did he give Bloomberg the contract for “ data mapping”? Yeah, China was complicit, but only because we were the real villains.
Why didn’t he expose Avril Haines?
But what pissed me off most was his dressing down of DeSantis and Ladapo, who actually did the right thing.And he convinced Netanyahu to ditch Dr Michael Levitt for the shit clot shots. Netanyahu was using the HCQ regimen, donated six million complete doses to Trump’s admin and Team Faustus confiscated it.
So while Dr Alexander made excuses for Trump and is now suddenly trashing him when this can be made right if RFK Jr, Patel and the others are confirmed.. and it’s been Musk leading the charge to put Fauci on a gurney.. Dr Alexander is trashing him .
That’s where I’m coming from . It’s not helping
Heck no as the same playbook will be used for the next fake pandemic. A special deadly mRNA cancer causing poison is being tested right now by fizer, bio-n-tech and moderna.
Fueled by super A/i retards, the plan is going according to gates's demands and that includes the end of all humanity. Since all the OWS mandates remain in place, the government has a green light to continue to murder its citizens.
Yeah, it's insulting to have to endure their bioengineering flukes, chemtrails, the poisoning of our waters, their processed food, toxic farming and agriculture, medication and shots that give us cancer in the first place. And then they present the project as a "savior"? C'mon, it's infuriating!!!
There are no mandates now