can be beneficial to humans, in saving lives, then we should consider it! But I argue likely ALL, all vaccine, drug, medical device research the last 50 years have been fraud & false & corrupted with
I had to vaccinate my kids for high school and college. I was furious that they refused religious beliefs and my grandchildren have been vaccinated since birth. It angers me!
I can agree but we need a serious unemotional discussion too. if something benefits people and is shown necessary, safe, completely, and effective, it is needed, then we should consider it.
Show me one single vaccination which has had unimpeachable quality research over an adequate time and I will consider again the truth of the germ theory. Also explain why over 250 microbiologists specializing in germs have been murdered, or disappeared in the last 15 years and I will listen to more ...
Please answer this: Why are people so passive that they continue to not push back against all of these frauds and corrupt people to at a minimum protect their own children? I've posted this before and elsewhere but when formerly thinking civilized people begin to eat their own or allow governments to eat them, civil society is gone. The only thing left is absolute tyranny over a much reduced powerless population.
But whose word can we trust that any drug or vaccination has been tested, studied, and found to be safe -- or effective?
Whose assurances can we believe as having monitored for accuracy to formula and microscopically examined for purity the output of every production facility?
In these entire 5 years, there are a scant few who have distinguished themselves as worthy of this trust and who also have this various expertise.
(Unless of course an army of Paul Alexander "clones" with differentiated expertise were to exist.)
When they test the drugs and how many they test on is listed in their literature. Why not look at it yourself. Old drugs we know are correct. I’m sure they’ve lied about drugs made recently, but you can look up the information in the UK or Canada etc.
The pharmaceutical companies researchers don’t lie. I have found they’ve always printed the truth. They said COVID-19 was somewhat worse than a cold. I found no lies when I researched COVID-19 and later the World Economic Forum admitted Covid-19 hadn’t even been released. They wanted to find out if people would take a vaccine for the problem.
I doubt there’s vaccines from the medical community that’s been proved safe and effective. From what I’ve recently heard (I am an RN) I doubt vaccines of any kind are safe and effective. I am an RN. I believed my father who worked in the government and walked away at the age of 42 was right. When you find out something is rotten —it’s going to get much worse going down the line.
I agree with Dr Paul's life-saving point of view. Epinephrine airway closure cardio shock to methylene blue sepsis DSMO to clotting issues cardio exceptions. Each person is different. For example, Chuck Norris's wife was given the dye she had for regular contrast imaging, and she almost died. Each person is unique in their health and homeostasis of the human body down to the cell level. Many IV medications of simple saline, sugar, and potassium have been recalled along with many devices, such as baby incubators, due to contamination or defects in design. It all depends on the terrain of the body's interior, the home environment outside of the home environment, and contaminants that may become a toxic burden to the body. Today, many venoms, such as heart medication, are from snake venoms, per Dr Ardis, to even other cardiologists, and many people don't even realize the source of their medications or even the country of the peptide synthetic venoms of various species. Anyone can purchase any of the Venoms online. To be safe, a sensitivity scan of the thermal, blood, or other means is run. Know if your body has an overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or any other pathogen in the entire body system, including the mouth. It could make the difference between life and death or illness and health.
What does the person need to be well and thriving? How can illness be prevented so that, if possible, one doesn't have to encounter a hospital setting?
I got a Smallpox vaccine in 1960 to legally migrate to another country. I still have the big scar it left on my arm 65 years later. Of course, l'm glad l didn't get the Covid injection but my faith in the medical establishment, government and all the rest of the liars that pushed it is gone forever. Nobody has the right to force or impose sanctions on you to take anything you don't want.
Doc Alex: Your post should encourage me to become a paid up subscriber. I am 70 and my faith in the medical system in general has been shattered as the scales have gradually fallen from my eyes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and I put my life and the continuation thereof under his power and care. With tears in my eyes I pray for my precious grandchildren now subjected to medical and vaccine tyranny and I am compelled to pray (Isaiah 54:17 NKJV) the prayer of the profit that no weapon forged against them will prosper. I am elated that Trump and RFK Jr will work together to free us from a medical system gone evil.
yes, please support but if you cant, stay, stay free, I give same info to all paid or unpaid, the paid helps me but its ok...if one cannot dod the paid, I made it open to all...for that decide...just contribute in the comments and help drive debate. and do not threaten no one, just civil debate to inform
Dr Alexander, you should be aware of the difficulties I have encountered in the effort to renew my subscription to your substack.
My 2022 and 2023 paid subscriptions renewed automatically without interference from my bank.
When my December 2024 renewal was submitted to my bank, the bank rejected it as fraudulent WITHOUT consulting me. When I learned this, after the fact, I contacted the bank in exasperation and instructed them that this is an automatic subscription renewal which I had authorized three years in a row. I was assured the "freeze" on that transaction would be removed.
When the charge was resubmitted to my bank, it was again rejected as fraudulent.
Again I called the bank's Guatamalan fraud center. (No truly fluent English speakers available.) They again promised to lift the "freeze" on what they considered fraudulent activity.
Nonetheless, the bank rejected the transaction a third time.
After that, I used the substack "Manage Subscription" page to manually enter my credit card information. Another bank rejection. I tried again, entering my credit card information manually, concerned I may have entered an incorrect digit. After my effort to renew my subscription a FIFTH time was also rejected as fraudulent, I surrendered. I suspect my bank may be blacklisting "givesendgo."
Please note that my bank has never questioned ANY of my other numerous and frequent charges to my account.
I am now on record as a "Free Subscriber," despite my many efforts to pay.
Why does Kennedy say he is not anti vaccine? He supports “safe” vaccines. Even mandates. Safe by what standard? All the jab studies have corrupted data to support the “safe” narrative. I will believe no study by Pfizer or the like anymore.
Honestly if he were to say he's anti vaccines, he'll never be confirmed. What he's saying is that we need more transparency and more proper studies, so that opens the door to end the bad vaccines, (which most are)
Horse is long gone from that barn bro - closing the door on mass genetic experimentation (aka vaccinations)now is gonna be as effective as a clot-shot is at 'reducing mortality.'
Several BILLION people were subjected to the mass poisoning - OWS & it's various world wide iterations was a COMPLETE SUCCESS. Those folks are walking around with a ticking time bomb inside, and the unknown quantity of 'shedding' victims are as well
The myriad squawking magpies on substack and elsewhere shouting out about 'he did it/they did it/she's in on it'/ or 'this'll cure ya/that'll fix ya,' are merely "Peep State" assets charged with diverting attention from the ugly truth. Blame it on DOD/Chinatown /// hey lOOk -skqwrrel!
No bird flu for round 2 will be needed.
There will be an 'antidote' announced for delivery to those whose "social credit/sefirot" scores deem them acceptable,. Those not so blessed will be dying off in mass, yet 'unattributable' manner. This was all worked out long time gone. Your boy Trumpf is a janitor tasked with sweeping up the scattered assets of the 'de-selected' and channelling them to the appropriate donor parties who paid for his [s]election.
In the meanswhile, let's pass the time bashing 'feral' critters so as to displace the collective blame for what has been allowed to pass onto the easy targets, giving cover to the players behind zee curtains, shall we?
Dr. David E. Martin, who is no slouch, declared from his analysis that 7-15% of the jabs were powerful enough to incapacitate the recipients, resulting in 300 million casualties. How much more harm and early deaths will occur we can only speculate. My concern is the genetic damage will be permanent, and since the infant vaccine schedule now includes the Covid "vax", we know what needs to happen. It is as if humanity is being targeted for elimination.
They're really goin at 'er from several levels it seems. Outright "death" will indeed be the fate of millions, and painful, long-lingering 'incapacity' for millions of others... for whom death will soon seem a keening balm. But there's more to the evil of this madness than that.
Do you remember not far into the 'project' there were anecdotal reports of how jab victims felt a loss of connection to... whatever they wanted to call it - 'god,' their soul, 'self' or whatever. This I believe to have been an under-explored element of the plan.
I strongly felt at the time that this was a major goal - severing the connection to one's 'soul' has implications to longer timelines than just 'one life.' In parallel to what is now OBVIOUS to anyone who chooses to see - the overt 'de-humanization' being conducted at scale - this 'soul-snatching' removes the victims from the roster of those whose Creator blessed them with such capacity. SUB-human. Neither fully 'dead' - nor 'alive.' The fate of billions?
Daniel Nagase - the EMR doctor in western Canada - was forthright in his assessment of the 1st phase's permanent damage to world wide dna - and even more strident in his predictions of what the new 'replicon' vaxx from Japan will bring. Sasha Latypova - the 'R&D executive - 'schooled' him on being a 'downer' A very big disinfo element is baked into this cake of fake 'diseases.'
All to hide the greater horror yet to come. I'm convinced that the book - Island of Doctor Moreau - was 'predictive programming' in the sense that, like so many other notions which seemed purely fantastic at the time... have been eagerly pursued by the madmen in white coats, who seem to 'relish' the idea of giving the original Doctor Frankenstein a run for his money!
How God is going to intervene or work through this current distress seems to be a question and a conclusion that I have drawn, because the scope of the Problem is so large. We, as people, may be described as "a little lower than the angels" but we do like to think that we are created by God and in some way resembling the Creator. Will God abandon his creation ? If the real foe in this case is Satan himself, than we are poorly equipped to oppose such a spiritual adversary, who is described as the Prince of Power of the air, appearing as an Angel of Light, and who was cast down to earth, drawing a third of the angels of heaven with him... Surely it is our task to oppose such an evil, and to continue in the light of our religion as it has been revealed to us.
I do not intend to be lead as a sheep to the slaughter, even if death will still be imposed on all those who resist. Resist we must. It is up to God to do the rest.
Self defence up to and including killing is a Sovereign given right. Resisting evil is a topic of much controversy. Death is not feared by Believers based on the Truth of scriptures that indicate the spiritual existence is real. My friend refuses to kill even in self defence but will kill to protect his family and friends.
Yes to what you say. But their is an unknown quantity here and these "rich men" referred to in scriptures long ago as the "workers of iniquity" THAT GOD HATES are known of and were in days long past. Those who "God hates" have not and will not get away with their murdering. The reference to these people God hates are not the ordinary rich men depicted elsewhere, they are the ultra rich NWO, and WEF. These are they who shake their fists in the face of God and who everlasting punishment is reserved for unto the day of Wrath. Believe it or not, it is true. The signs today warned of by Jesus are here now. No missing them.
I went to two Bible scholars, one I have been a friend to for decades. I had to apologize to him a few years ago when I denied his knowledge about world depopulation coming by way of the NWO. He told me that and even quoted scriptures and as it got closer pointed out temporal realities WITHOUT ANY PRIDE ON HIS PART which would have made me discredit him. This is the knowledge one gets studying scriptures since he was a boy and obeying the will of God. I was wrong. He was right. And it is on track even now. This man has never been wrong through the years as my friend but I do not believe in man. He points me to the Word of God and It is always true.
I have been in many places and done many things, seen many things, experienced many things and learned much but my friend has been/done/and experienced far more by daily opening his Bible and connecting with the wisdom therein. He is way ahead of me. I believe him because he believes the scriptures which have been and are of God.
LMS, you are correct. You address the temporal reality. As does my friend. But he also addresses the spiritual with the temporal and has for many years. When they say peace and safety, then cometh sudden destruction. We are there just before that point. Wars and rumors of wars abound. A time comes of world peace. Scholars believe the "Son of Perdition" is here. Peace will come, it is ahead, then will come deception and then destruction. Timing? I have no idea. God is the Father of time and as it is written, One thousand years with Him are but a day. Only He knows, not even the Son.
I am not a minister. Or a Bible scholar. But I know things are happening that stir me. Merit? I have none. But sin increases. Wars and rumors of wars abound. Drug use as prophesied is increasing. I cannot even walk in nearby cities without seeing drug addicts "nodding" or walking with blank looks on their faces. And knowledge increases that amazes me. There are signs given in scriptures. And these are four of them.
Five words are in my mind a lot as I see the wholesale sin and organized attacks on woman. "Prepare to meet thy God." Is the time short? Consider this yourself. I listened to a heroine addict almost four and a half decades ago express gratitude to God for his salvation. He had converted and became a minister. I will think of his name later.
A young man I knew stood up and thanked God for "what God had kept him from." Even then those words hit me hard. Looking back there are more things He has kept me from. There are many others like me. But I ask how long can we count on His mercy that reaches further than from shore to shore of the largest ocean?
But I wonder as some of you might, why does God kept from harm including certain death on different occasions, specific people? It iis because He has a plan and is always in control.
Reject if you want. It is the right He gives you. But I learned but by the rough way. The Truth set me free. I am still rough but the Truth is real and for some reason He set my course for where I am now and grateful to be here. My minister knew me the moment he met me. He told me what I already knew. He said, "you are rough...then hesitated and said but you are a diamond in the rough. That was my choice, became my destiny, but by a different route.
Many have tried to make extinct the Word of God and all have failed. The beginning of true Christianity was thought to be its end but It lived by and through and from Death of He who was slain from the foundation of the world. Can you feel it now? Do you feel that hallowed Presence now and again but when It comes it overwhelms you? In my roughness I still feel it. Have for years. Even in my youth. There is no mistaking it. I have been and am privileged to have had in my life good men and good women.
All are precious, but which do I favor and adore? That category is abused women whose trust is hard earned and for good reason. It is worth the time, money, effort and gentle persistence. Behind the pain, hurt, despair and agony, is always to be found God's most beautiful and precious creation.
Seems I have a lot to say on many counts but I came by that honestly. My mother was a fighter, I inherited her grit and perseverance. She takes all the credit. I am angry about the sh*t going on everywhere.
I think nature has built us in a way that to inject any substance directly in our bloodstream is bad. It is going against what nature has intended and is therefore poisonous to the human body. So I am against all vaccines, period.
I am anti-VAX with my children, and those jabs are not necessary.
correct, these jabs are never were never needed
I had to vaccinate my kids for high school and college. I was furious that they refused religious beliefs and my grandchildren have been vaccinated since birth. It angers me!
The injected material is all poisonous
I can agree but we need a serious unemotional discussion too. if something benefits people and is shown necessary, safe, completely, and effective, it is needed, then we should consider it.
thats the piece that was missing, no one is asking ;is this needed, is it necessary'
Show me one single vaccination which has had unimpeachable quality research over an adequate time and I will consider again the truth of the germ theory. Also explain why over 250 microbiologists specializing in germs have been murdered, or disappeared in the last 15 years and I will listen to more ...
Please answer this: Why are people so passive that they continue to not push back against all of these frauds and corrupt people to at a minimum protect their own children? I've posted this before and elsewhere but when formerly thinking civilized people begin to eat their own or allow governments to eat them, civil society is gone. The only thing left is absolute tyranny over a much reduced powerless population.
But whose word can we trust that any drug or vaccination has been tested, studied, and found to be safe -- or effective?
Whose assurances can we believe as having monitored for accuracy to formula and microscopically examined for purity the output of every production facility?
In these entire 5 years, there are a scant few who have distinguished themselves as worthy of this trust and who also have this various expertise.
(Unless of course an army of Paul Alexander "clones" with differentiated expertise were to exist.)
When they test the drugs and how many they test on is listed in their literature. Why not look at it yourself. Old drugs we know are correct. I’m sure they’ve lied about drugs made recently, but you can look up the information in the UK or Canada etc.
READ the DRUG information!! Dear Gads!
Sorry you didn't understand my post.
The pharmaceutical companies researchers don’t lie. I have found they’ve always printed the truth. They said COVID-19 was somewhat worse than a cold. I found no lies when I researched COVID-19 and later the World Economic Forum admitted Covid-19 hadn’t even been released. They wanted to find out if people would take a vaccine for the problem.
You READ the research! Or ask a physician, or nurse to read the research and let you know.
Silly you. SMH.
Because we've been able to trust all the research heretofore?
I doubt there’s vaccines from the medical community that’s been proved safe and effective. From what I’ve recently heard (I am an RN) I doubt vaccines of any kind are safe and effective. I am an RN. I believed my father who worked in the government and walked away at the age of 42 was right. When you find out something is rotten —it’s going to get much worse going down the line.
Let's start this discussion with Germs/Terrain theories'''
I agree with Dr Paul's life-saving point of view. Epinephrine airway closure cardio shock to methylene blue sepsis DSMO to clotting issues cardio exceptions. Each person is different. For example, Chuck Norris's wife was given the dye she had for regular contrast imaging, and she almost died. Each person is unique in their health and homeostasis of the human body down to the cell level. Many IV medications of simple saline, sugar, and potassium have been recalled along with many devices, such as baby incubators, due to contamination or defects in design. It all depends on the terrain of the body's interior, the home environment outside of the home environment, and contaminants that may become a toxic burden to the body. Today, many venoms, such as heart medication, are from snake venoms, per Dr Ardis, to even other cardiologists, and many people don't even realize the source of their medications or even the country of the peptide synthetic venoms of various species. Anyone can purchase any of the Venoms online. To be safe, a sensitivity scan of the thermal, blood, or other means is run. Know if your body has an overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or any other pathogen in the entire body system, including the mouth. It could make the difference between life and death or illness and health.
What does the person need to be well and thriving? How can illness be prevented so that, if possible, one doesn't have to encounter a hospital setting?
I got a Smallpox vaccine in 1960 to legally migrate to another country. I still have the big scar it left on my arm 65 years later. Of course, l'm glad l didn't get the Covid injection but my faith in the medical establishment, government and all the rest of the liars that pushed it is gone forever. Nobody has the right to force or impose sanctions on you to take anything you don't want.
boom, I have same scar. today we know the small pox vaccine killed as many
I’m fortunate my dad prevented the school from giving me vaccines. By the time my youngest was a Senior, she had already taken vaccines.
Doc Alex: Your post should encourage me to become a paid up subscriber. I am 70 and my faith in the medical system in general has been shattered as the scales have gradually fallen from my eyes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and I put my life and the continuation thereof under his power and care. With tears in my eyes I pray for my precious grandchildren now subjected to medical and vaccine tyranny and I am compelled to pray (Isaiah 54:17 NKJV) the prayer of the profit that no weapon forged against them will prosper. I am elated that Trump and RFK Jr will work together to free us from a medical system gone evil.
yes, please support but if you cant, stay, stay free, I give same info to all paid or unpaid, the paid helps me but its ok...if one cannot dod the paid, I made it open to all...for that decide...just contribute in the comments and help drive debate. and do not threaten no one, just civil debate to inform
Dr Alexander, you should be aware of the difficulties I have encountered in the effort to renew my subscription to your substack.
My 2022 and 2023 paid subscriptions renewed automatically without interference from my bank.
When my December 2024 renewal was submitted to my bank, the bank rejected it as fraudulent WITHOUT consulting me. When I learned this, after the fact, I contacted the bank in exasperation and instructed them that this is an automatic subscription renewal which I had authorized three years in a row. I was assured the "freeze" on that transaction would be removed.
When the charge was resubmitted to my bank, it was again rejected as fraudulent.
Again I called the bank's Guatamalan fraud center. (No truly fluent English speakers available.) They again promised to lift the "freeze" on what they considered fraudulent activity.
Nonetheless, the bank rejected the transaction a third time.
After that, I used the substack "Manage Subscription" page to manually enter my credit card information. Another bank rejection. I tried again, entering my credit card information manually, concerned I may have entered an incorrect digit. After my effort to renew my subscription a FIFTH time was also rejected as fraudulent, I surrendered. I suspect my bank may be blacklisting "givesendgo."
Please note that my bank has never questioned ANY of my other numerous and frequent charges to my account.
I am now on record as a "Free Subscriber," despite my many efforts to pay.
How does a person pay? I have pushed subscribe and I never have found a site to apply. I have an iPhone and no longer have a computer.
All vaccines are poison!
I could agree
Yes. But vaccines aren't made in a vacuum. It's those who poison them we need to get of.
Beautiful. 🎯
First, prove necessity of a 'vaccine' , or medication.
Next, if deemed legitimately necessary - run it thru a proper, revamped regulatory approval process.
Lord knows enough money and time is wasted needlessly and frivolously.....what a country we would be if we demonstrate that We The People come first.
thats the piece that was missing, no one is asking ;is this needed, is it necessary'...boom
RSV vaccines were just given a FDA warning for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
Why does Kennedy say he is not anti vaccine? He supports “safe” vaccines. Even mandates. Safe by what standard? All the jab studies have corrupted data to support the “safe” narrative. I will believe no study by Pfizer or the like anymore.
Because he knows he won’t get confirmed. Let’s see what happens once he’s in.
Honestly if he were to say he's anti vaccines, he'll never be confirmed. What he's saying is that we need more transparency and more proper studies, so that opens the door to end the bad vaccines, (which most are)
Horse is long gone from that barn bro - closing the door on mass genetic experimentation (aka vaccinations)now is gonna be as effective as a clot-shot is at 'reducing mortality.'
Several BILLION people were subjected to the mass poisoning - OWS & it's various world wide iterations was a COMPLETE SUCCESS. Those folks are walking around with a ticking time bomb inside, and the unknown quantity of 'shedding' victims are as well
The myriad squawking magpies on substack and elsewhere shouting out about 'he did it/they did it/she's in on it'/ or 'this'll cure ya/that'll fix ya,' are merely "Peep State" assets charged with diverting attention from the ugly truth. Blame it on DOD/Chinatown /// hey lOOk -skqwrrel!
No bird flu for round 2 will be needed.
There will be an 'antidote' announced for delivery to those whose "social credit/sefirot" scores deem them acceptable,. Those not so blessed will be dying off in mass, yet 'unattributable' manner. This was all worked out long time gone. Your boy Trumpf is a janitor tasked with sweeping up the scattered assets of the 'de-selected' and channelling them to the appropriate donor parties who paid for his [s]election.
In the meanswhile, let's pass the time bashing 'feral' critters so as to displace the collective blame for what has been allowed to pass onto the easy targets, giving cover to the players behind zee curtains, shall we?
Dr. David E. Martin, who is no slouch, declared from his analysis that 7-15% of the jabs were powerful enough to incapacitate the recipients, resulting in 300 million casualties. How much more harm and early deaths will occur we can only speculate. My concern is the genetic damage will be permanent, and since the infant vaccine schedule now includes the Covid "vax", we know what needs to happen. It is as if humanity is being targeted for elimination.
They're really goin at 'er from several levels it seems. Outright "death" will indeed be the fate of millions, and painful, long-lingering 'incapacity' for millions of others... for whom death will soon seem a keening balm. But there's more to the evil of this madness than that.
Do you remember not far into the 'project' there were anecdotal reports of how jab victims felt a loss of connection to... whatever they wanted to call it - 'god,' their soul, 'self' or whatever. This I believe to have been an under-explored element of the plan.
I strongly felt at the time that this was a major goal - severing the connection to one's 'soul' has implications to longer timelines than just 'one life.' In parallel to what is now OBVIOUS to anyone who chooses to see - the overt 'de-humanization' being conducted at scale - this 'soul-snatching' removes the victims from the roster of those whose Creator blessed them with such capacity. SUB-human. Neither fully 'dead' - nor 'alive.' The fate of billions?
Daniel Nagase - the EMR doctor in western Canada - was forthright in his assessment of the 1st phase's permanent damage to world wide dna - and even more strident in his predictions of what the new 'replicon' vaxx from Japan will bring. Sasha Latypova - the 'R&D executive - 'schooled' him on being a 'downer' A very big disinfo element is baked into this cake of fake 'diseases.'
All to hide the greater horror yet to come. I'm convinced that the book - Island of Doctor Moreau - was 'predictive programming' in the sense that, like so many other notions which seemed purely fantastic at the time... have been eagerly pursued by the madmen in white coats, who seem to 'relish' the idea of giving the original Doctor Frankenstein a run for his money!
How God is going to intervene or work through this current distress seems to be a question and a conclusion that I have drawn, because the scope of the Problem is so large. We, as people, may be described as "a little lower than the angels" but we do like to think that we are created by God and in some way resembling the Creator. Will God abandon his creation ? If the real foe in this case is Satan himself, than we are poorly equipped to oppose such a spiritual adversary, who is described as the Prince of Power of the air, appearing as an Angel of Light, and who was cast down to earth, drawing a third of the angels of heaven with him... Surely it is our task to oppose such an evil, and to continue in the light of our religion as it has been revealed to us.
I do not intend to be lead as a sheep to the slaughter, even if death will still be imposed on all those who resist. Resist we must. It is up to God to do the rest.
Self defence up to and including killing is a Sovereign given right. Resisting evil is a topic of much controversy. Death is not feared by Believers based on the Truth of scriptures that indicate the spiritual existence is real. My friend refuses to kill even in self defence but will kill to protect his family and friends.
Yes to what you say. But their is an unknown quantity here and these "rich men" referred to in scriptures long ago as the "workers of iniquity" THAT GOD HATES are known of and were in days long past. Those who "God hates" have not and will not get away with their murdering. The reference to these people God hates are not the ordinary rich men depicted elsewhere, they are the ultra rich NWO, and WEF. These are they who shake their fists in the face of God and who everlasting punishment is reserved for unto the day of Wrath. Believe it or not, it is true. The signs today warned of by Jesus are here now. No missing them.
I went to two Bible scholars, one I have been a friend to for decades. I had to apologize to him a few years ago when I denied his knowledge about world depopulation coming by way of the NWO. He told me that and even quoted scriptures and as it got closer pointed out temporal realities WITHOUT ANY PRIDE ON HIS PART which would have made me discredit him. This is the knowledge one gets studying scriptures since he was a boy and obeying the will of God. I was wrong. He was right. And it is on track even now. This man has never been wrong through the years as my friend but I do not believe in man. He points me to the Word of God and It is always true.
I have been in many places and done many things, seen many things, experienced many things and learned much but my friend has been/done/and experienced far more by daily opening his Bible and connecting with the wisdom therein. He is way ahead of me. I believe him because he believes the scriptures which have been and are of God.
LMS, you are correct. You address the temporal reality. As does my friend. But he also addresses the spiritual with the temporal and has for many years. When they say peace and safety, then cometh sudden destruction. We are there just before that point. Wars and rumors of wars abound. A time comes of world peace. Scholars believe the "Son of Perdition" is here. Peace will come, it is ahead, then will come deception and then destruction. Timing? I have no idea. God is the Father of time and as it is written, One thousand years with Him are but a day. Only He knows, not even the Son.
I am not a minister. Or a Bible scholar. But I know things are happening that stir me. Merit? I have none. But sin increases. Wars and rumors of wars abound. Drug use as prophesied is increasing. I cannot even walk in nearby cities without seeing drug addicts "nodding" or walking with blank looks on their faces. And knowledge increases that amazes me. There are signs given in scriptures. And these are four of them.
Five words are in my mind a lot as I see the wholesale sin and organized attacks on woman. "Prepare to meet thy God." Is the time short? Consider this yourself. I listened to a heroine addict almost four and a half decades ago express gratitude to God for his salvation. He had converted and became a minister. I will think of his name later.
A young man I knew stood up and thanked God for "what God had kept him from." Even then those words hit me hard. Looking back there are more things He has kept me from. There are many others like me. But I ask how long can we count on His mercy that reaches further than from shore to shore of the largest ocean?
But I wonder as some of you might, why does God kept from harm including certain death on different occasions, specific people? It iis because He has a plan and is always in control.
Reject if you want. It is the right He gives you. But I learned but by the rough way. The Truth set me free. I am still rough but the Truth is real and for some reason He set my course for where I am now and grateful to be here. My minister knew me the moment he met me. He told me what I already knew. He said, "you are rough...then hesitated and said but you are a diamond in the rough. That was my choice, became my destiny, but by a different route.
Many have tried to make extinct the Word of God and all have failed. The beginning of true Christianity was thought to be its end but It lived by and through and from Death of He who was slain from the foundation of the world. Can you feel it now? Do you feel that hallowed Presence now and again but when It comes it overwhelms you? In my roughness I still feel it. Have for years. Even in my youth. There is no mistaking it. I have been and am privileged to have had in my life good men and good women.
All are precious, but which do I favor and adore? That category is abused women whose trust is hard earned and for good reason. It is worth the time, money, effort and gentle persistence. Behind the pain, hurt, despair and agony, is always to be found God's most beautiful and precious creation.
His name is Angel Valentin.
great sharing
Seems I have a lot to say on many counts but I came by that honestly. My mother was a fighter, I inherited her grit and perseverance. She takes all the credit. I am angry about the sh*t going on everywhere.
Things have become macabre these days, haven't they...
best one word description we are likely ever gonna see for this 'Carnival of Souls' in the making.
Do any of them have true safey trials? And what is the absolute risk reduction compared to a true placebo?
Read "Turtles all the Way Down" There are no safety trials
Yep, I have the book. It is crazy, but I have doubted the CDC and Fda since late 1990s
No to your first question
Vaccines are poison. To test their safety you have to inject them into test subjects, which is unethical.
Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections, etc. are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
So would you say Dr Robert Malone had a change of opinion of the vax?
I think nature has built us in a way that to inject any substance directly in our bloodstream is bad. It is going against what nature has intended and is therefore poisonous to the human body. So I am against all vaccines, period.
No vax of any kind in our home