
question is what did his handlers allow him to humiliate himself to the whole world???

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"what did his handlers allow him" hmm, I guess they didn't allow, but ordered him to implement and Joe the Sheeple meekly went for it.

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See my comment (Jorge Fernandez) about "set-up".

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I think that whatever they needed use him for has been completed. Just like it's forbidden to criticize a vaccine until a new one is ready to be brought to market, it appears the Dems have someone ready to take Joe's place, so they will show him in a realistic light for all the world to see. And the people will beg for a new candidate.

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The world knew he was bonkers when he flew to Canuckistan to accompany turdo on his dead seagull fart sucking escapades.

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Well said Dr. Alexander. I look forward to watching this unfold. It’s beginning already as the left start to turn on each other. #GodIsGood 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Me too! They eat their own, lol. This movie is almost over! 🙌

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Don't be silly. These guys are made out of different cloth. There will be no pitchforks. They need approval from what they perceive is their group their leader, their cause. If their leader and cause is fake they will crumble and die.

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What will the truly ignorant do when they find out that the boosters they took are a death sentence?

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I hope they go ask Fauci and Bourla questions

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The sad thing is David if they haven’t worked that out yet, even with all the medical papers and legitimate scientific podcasts we have given them the links too, then they never will. They will go to their graves not realising they could have tried several protocols to rid their bodies of this lethal toxin!

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If they don't know by now, no wonder they keep believing in the JAB.

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They will kill themselves. That is the trend. They will blame themselves and be so distraught for trusting. They will not fight. Do not impose a fighter spirit on these guys they only fight in large cult like groups like large groups of fish but alone they just self destruct.

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I am not so sure that they will ever realize these things. I don't think that they want to realize it or question any of the bovine manure that their government has been feeding them. Most of them seem to have IQs at or near room temperature and most of them either never took, or failed, high school biology. How many of them even know what a virus is and that it is NOT a bacterium? How many know that no one has ever seen a virus and that the images of CV are computer generated? How many of them know what mRNA is? How many of them know that viruses are not living things as they do not respire or eliminate waste and that the proper term for a 'live virus' is really "replication competent." The issues here are complex and it is far easier to just accept what you have been told by "experts" than to even try to learn what it is all about.

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I think Dr Ardis was explaining that the word really means venom, poision, we have been poisoned! See "Watch the Water" 1 & 2 at "StewPeters.com"

Also: "DIED SUDDENLY" there at Stew Peters!

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Not sure I know what you are talking about.

Dr. Ardis explaining a word???

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Finger-pointing is an art form in Washington......get ready to watch the artists at work.

Have YET to hear any apologies to the American people - and expect none will be coming, either.

BIG changes needed - at ALL levels of govt ..... Start "local". Let's get'r done !

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So do you really think these people will believe it? No way. People are too blind and they don’t wanna know the truth.

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I.M.O. I think we have to see the reactions of the left /globalists when the actuarial data start to confirm the deadly effects of Mrna- Up til now the Globalists, under the protection of Manipulated alphabet agencies and their mad quest to “ Protect the Emergency Powers Act” which Fauci and the fucking rat bastards of Big Pharma have been hiding behind - But The accumulation of lawsuits keep piling up from the Sanitation Workers NYC Vs Adams Ripped to shreds by Scotus Judge Porizio - To a Biological Scientist working at Blue Shield Blue Cross who was fired for refusing the shot Tanya Benton -675,000.00 award against BS/BS--My question

to my colleagues in this marvellous medium we have been gifted is; What on God’s Good Earth

has stopped the GOP members of Congress to (1) end the funding of any Pharmaceutical formulation found to have been given “ Rights of immunity fro prosecution under the Emergency ;powers act (* Which has a clause denying immunity if fraud is cited and proven?) how long do we have to wait ? how many more dead and injured? Is this not as well a RICO case demanding the confiscation of earmings from a rotten tree- as recited by opinion after opinion- Is not

the Pharmaceutical industry as Guilty as Al Capone??????????

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boom, so well said Milon, excellent. GOP is bought out too

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Dr Paul, In all good Conciousness , where do we go from here?- We are a ship stuck without a rudder (“ moving in circles chasing our tails”) We have a balance of congress either unable, or unwilling to “Rise up and climb Mt Surabachi” to take the enemies positions. Are we without the protection of the USC?--Did in fact 9-11 end

the USC with the advent of “The Patriot Act”- Now here comes the WHO without any legal standing having been approved to Run the US Health Care and related institutions- Who surrendered our rights- This entire commission is in violation of it’s own Charter-Where is our General Patton to lead the charge- “ they have our Leader 45 Tied up in knots- Half of his party are Fuckling rotten deadwood- It is the biggest

farce in global history - we have 2 sets of rules where one party observes none of the rules of law but the very same party demand sgtrict adherance to it’s umlawful actions and mandates- Will some one give me a cogent response ? wy are we doping


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I have sent a complaint with regards to the “ mandatory use” of article 25 to the CIA

this Morning- i am advising my Colleagues of this as a matter of personal insurance

as the “ reference code 7G16W91E may very well be my geographicaal co-ordinates

i am not fearful of taking these fucking misfits on - I am suggesting to my fellow patriots to ‘ LAY SIEGE” via phone and email t o these theives and robber barons who are protecting first class felons-

happy 4th

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Longing for the day

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They have not figured it out YET.

I believe you give them too much credit.

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no, this is why I said wait till....then you will see what happens...the media et al. will not be able to hide

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It has been in plain sight all along.


I hope you are correct.

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well, look how they are reacting to the truth about Biden...yes heads were up their asses...many pretended....but at some level they know the US is in danger and something stinks.

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I’m afraid they will not want to admit it. Will just prefer to get on with their lives. But I have to say this shock about Biden has surprised me. Still trying to decide if it is faked ?!!

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it is not fake, what is fuzzy is they are trying to control the truth that is plain...still trying to misdirect....

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this was always the case....you knew.

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OMG are you kidding me??? The fact he was senile and Obama was pulling the strings was obvious from day 1!!! Even the complicit MSM couldn’t hide all the trips stumbles blank stares and signs of dementia. The real footage was all over social media while MSM cut and pasted out all the evidence of senility. The cabal and media would go to any lengths to keep the Demonrats in power to further their evil OWO agenda! I cannot believe that in 2024 ANYONE is still saying the truth about Biden came as a shock??? Best if you go over all the other so called conspiracies too, and do a reality check in them as well - such as the lethal bio weapon C19 vaccine and get up to speed on how many that is still leading to an early grave! Also check out the border fiasco where it is now estimated that 30 million YES 30 million illegal aliens have crossed under Biden. Mostly criminal terrorist military aged men have infiltrated America and spread out through the states’ veins like poison. These men that Biden welcomed with open arms (just for the vote) will now spew out from the Trojan horse and attack America from within, civil wars and riots, murder, rape and mayhem will be instigated by them!** Did you not notice the majority of border insurgents were all military aged men. Hardly a little girl, mum or baby to be seen. (Except those they were using for child trafficking purposes!) Some have openly admitted that NATO is paying them $500 a month to come to America?????


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I agree that Obama is the puppet master. I do believe the dumb ass dems DO NOT KNOW what is really going on because they are too hypnotised. I have a former friend who REALLY THINKS (and I use the word thinks) that Trump is a bad man and the dems are correct for all they feel and do. THEY REFUSE (not conscious) TO LOOK AT THE TRUTH!!!!!!

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Obiden is a fake, these are actors with masks and doubles. The real Joe has been gone, as in dead since Jan 20th, 2021. There are many many pics that prove it. You've been watching a movie 🎥. President Trump has given many comms during his speeches and rallys. 🇺🇲

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I know what you are talking about. You cannot change earlobes and Biden in 2000 had diff earlobes then whomever is sitting in office now has.

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I don't know what the reason. But, the actor JOE was told to perform this way at the debate. Everyone of them have their roles to play.

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There are two or three groups of doctors, the ones who knew and couldn’t afford to lose their jobs and felt just had to follow orders because they had bought too big a house, had their past and their children’s future loans to pay , and they are or will suffer what is known as moral injury the pain & shame of being complicit with evil; and those that thought they were doing right and many of them will go to their grave still believing, and the Tony Fauci’s of the world who don’t care, there was money to be made and a dirty job to be done. I have some sympathy, but not complete sympathy for the first group, because they betrayed their oath. The others not so much.

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It is hilarious and infuriating to watch the lying trash clutch their pearls.

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Well gal, the magic moment for me occurred the few days after covid was identified and the canuckistani crazies went wild. In all the insanity the worst case scenario I witnessed was some soy boy sop driving his sh*tbox piss cutter car into his driveway across from the property I was working at. The driver was hardly visible as he turned into his laneway and when he opened the door many rolls of toilet paper fell out. The damned car was filled from floor to ceiling with toilet paper as he emerged triumphant and proud as he looked at me with a smug grin and smirked as if he had just saved the world. BEHOLD THE HERO WHO SPENT EVERY DAMNED CENT HE HAD ON TOILET PAPER ALL BECAUSE SOME CHEESEHEAD ON MEDIA HAD WARNED OF TOILET PAPER SHORTAGES!!!!

I wondered if the fool had even thought about food shortages but maybe wiping his soy boy ample ass was the first priority on his pea brained mind. People then emerged from hiding with many "ooooooohs and ahhhhhhhhhs" as they heroified this patron saint of survival. WHAT A HERO!!!!!!!

It was then I knew we were all in trouble and it unfolded like biDUMB taking a power dump and walking away without wiping his ample ass, washing his hands and pulling up only his undies but not his pants.

It was thereafter the mindless grazing herd for months was lining up at facilities to take the jab with many in the weeks following suffering serious side effects and even dying.

As I puked I walked away from the fools that now had hoisted the hero on their shoulders and marched down the street cheering this valiant sop. I wondered though if the fool had considered his food supply at all.

Entropy is a bitch when it applies itself to sub humanity.

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They are steeped in confirmation bias. So they felt a little tremor maybe, but their capacity to think critically has probably dried up like a raisin in the desert.

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you may be right...there is hope

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So I am also waiting for the truth to hit them if they believed all the propaganda and indeed got the vax, and now they or their loved ones are hurt or dying, yes, I am waiting for them to realized they took it too far! And now they also will pay a price but theirs will be higher!

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Yes still they keeping it hidden but their loved ones are sick n even worse but they won't stop the graveyard parade, why? so more have to die for them to save face

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boom exactly huge love and respects Michael and Sharon and all...thank you all for being here and sharing knowledge and views

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Michael The Archangel my namesake. Go forward with the direction of the ONE. Yshweeh, Jehova, God who created all times all universes. Knows all outcomes millennialiums ahead but favors his eathly children with a second chance. Armor of Platinum unfettered. No worries. Amen and Amen!

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If you took the whole damnoCRAP ASSministrations of the ovomit and the biDUMB and the sum total of all their IQ's you would have a total of minus 4 when you added the moochelle Clydesdale to it.

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But why the vaccines. Why did The WHO mandate the vaccines from 2020 after disinformation laws had been put in place in all of the 196 member WHO countries which donate to WHO, from early 2020 to 2023 and nudging to get the majority of you all vaccinated by telling you their vaccines were safe and effective and what did those vaccines legally make you - do you really want to know the legal back story:

“The Supreme Court (2013) ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:

Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.

Patentability of human genes (mRNA and DNA)

Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.

Gene therapy is irreversible.

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Once you've been injected, you're no longer made in God's image, just like the gender dysphoria freaks who think there are more than 2 genders & mutilate their sex organs.

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I don't agree with Queer sex, I like the Muslim method of dealing with Queers, but that aside, if natural mRNA DNA is the key to Heaven after death, what door does the ModRNA DNA key open, from a patented synthetic vaccine, made in a laboratory and are the many baby deaths due to there not being enough Spirits getting back to Heaven, to be the life force inserted, which a baby needs to be born alive?

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So sad & terrible!

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I have worked with the brain injured for most of my career. I submit this is not regular dementia. I submit the man has brain cancer and does not know it, No one may know it because they have not scanned his brain ( after all he is better than ever and as sharp as a tack) and if they did, they aren't saying anything... Tumor(s) in the left temporal-parietal areas.

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Are you saying “the handlers will shit themselves” because they didn’t know? If the handlers DIDN’T KNOW, GOD HELP US!!!

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no, the left public...oh the handlers knew...

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I added 'it'

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Of course they knew! But they didn’t care, because how easy was it for them to dope him up, chill him down, then put a pen in his hand while saying “sign here Mr President”!!!

OBama was running the show right from the get go. Just in his “civilised” quiet little way, he was the most evil president we have ever had, setting the whole WOKE train in place with the tracks set to run off the cliff. America is doomed at this point unless Trump truly can drain the swamp!

But how clever to bring in the legislation now preventing Biden and OBama from ever being tried for crimes against humanity. It was never to “save” Trump from any more trials, but it sure was to save the evil Demonrats hides!!!

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HOW would you not KNOW! Could it be WILLFUL BLINDNESS

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

I know that I'm not alone in thinking that this entire thing was a set-up. I mean, let's get real. It has been OBVIOUS for years - likely as far back as before the 2020 elections - that Biden is mentally 'gone', a brick wall with most of the bricks missing. Why else was Biden kept locked-up in a basement for most of the 2020 campaign? They knew - I'd bet anything that THEY KNEW!

Therefore, knowing that Biden was mentally deficient and could not - NO WAY!! - give a successful performance at the debate, then a clear purpose for allowing Biden to participate was so that he could fail miserably - which he did. Now, with Biden's dismal failure in hand, they have the justification to remove Biden. In appearance, it's all "legit".

The funny thing is that Biden and wife are fighting them tooth-n-nail --- the controlling powers want to flush him but Biden doesn't wanna go. Something has to give, and it'll be soon - they are out of time.

Now, if my hypothesis is correct, then we'll see Trump escape from every attack launched at him - legal, political, financial, social, etc. - and once again sit in the Oval Office in 2025. Furthermore, I predict that NOT A SINGLE Fat Rat criminal will be sent to the gallows under Trump. I'd love to be wrong on this.

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