So the 'left' goes nuts batshit crazy when they see their boy Uncle Joe Biden in REALITY, in the raw & heads explode, they did not know he was not of sound mind & non compos mentis & the media &
handlers were it covering up for 4 years, deepstate, REAL people who RUN America for Biden (as he isn't); well, they will shit themselves when they come to learn that COVID pandemic & mRNA was a LIE
it is coming, the REALIZATION is coming, and they will go INSANE…still have their heads up their assess, many…'‘none is as blind as he who just won’t see’; when the truth hits them…and as they realize that (as they come to terms with the fact that Biden is an elderly man who has stages of Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, mental decline etc. and really never was RUNNING America):
1)COVID was never a pandemic, they will go batshit crazy, INSANE, learning that it was all a lie, a 100% PCR-created ‘out of nothing’ lie…underpinned by the lie of asymptomatic transmission and equal risk of severe outcome if exposed or infected regardless of baseline risk or age, they will go fucking batshit crazy! they will be fit to be tied…
and soon it will happen…we are there, we know, we knew…they will come to realization soon and it won’t be pretty for the media…
2)insane when they realize fully that it was created as is H5N1 and H5N2 and H5N8 fake avian bird flus being now created, MANUFACTURED out of NOTHING, using the over-cycled RT-PCR ‘process’ (not a diagnostic test) that could test anything you want it to test as POSITIVE…just wait, they will be running to their government offices…I hope CDC and NIH and FDA and HHS etc. is prepared for a ‘run’ on them when the left understands what the media did with them, the government officials and the fuckers like Leana Wen and Peter Hotez and Sanjay Gupta and Marc Siegel etc. Those types. When they understand what Bourla, Malone, Bancel, Weissman, Pfizer, Sahin, Kariko, BioNTech et al. did to them…the lies, the bullshit, the shilling, the deceit…you just wait…wait, all the bullshit limited hangout garbage, mass formation bull will fall to the side as people come looking to you for answers for what you did and the lives lost on account of you…you mRNA INVENTORS and vaccine makers…
3)wait till the left, wait till they learn that school closures and lockdowns only functioned to harm and kill innocent healthy people, their own, that they were fooled with the lie of asymptomatic transmission….where the burden of morbidity and mortality was shifted to the poor and lower middle class etc.; that healthy children, young people, teens, adults killed themselves is desperation…not from any fake virus
4)that businesses never ever had to close, and it too was a lie; they will go insane for many of them lost their businesses and killed themselves and have friends who did…they will turn to Redfield, Hahn, Fauci, Birx etc. I hope these crooked Task Force people have bought homes in other nations…as will need a vacation when the left finds out…as they will want answers.
5)that the medical management of their own families and friends, is what killed them, not no virus, but the polices of isolation, DNR orders, denial of antibiotics, fear, sedatives like propofol, midazolam, diamorphine, fentanyl that killed their loves ones, you just wait and you will see what normal ‘left’ will do…when they learn that dehydration, the brutal treatment via the COVID ‘protocol’ money making scheme killed their loved ones, that the kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir killed their parents, that the ventilator blew holes in their parents and granny’s lungs and caused ventilator-associated pneumonia…wait, oh you just wait…there will be no pitchforks in any hardware when they find out.
And I am salivating for I want them to ‘run’ on all who committed criminal acts especially medical doctors, yes, our medical doctors…you fuckers, you beast criminal doctors killed our loved ones with your fucking greed, your ineptness, your God-like hubris as you watched people die…when you could have saved lives…
There will be hell to pay! When the left finishes its nightmare ‘come to Jesus’ moment on Biden and the TRUTH of Biden…Soon they will find out about COVID and the vaccine that at this stage, they have taken 9 shots…7 boosters and on to their tenth…! When the left comes to term with the truth about cognitively devastated Biden and the lies, when they also think about COVID and what our doctors, our health agencies and their officials, our government officials did to us…WAIT!
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question is what did his handlers allow him to humiliate himself to the whole world???
Well said Dr. Alexander. I look forward to watching this unfold. It’s beginning already as the left start to turn on each other. #GodIsGood 🙏🏻🇺🇸