In "The Real Anthony Fauci," RFK, Jr. points out that in Africa AIDS/HIV was a disease that infected everyone (including more females and children), while in America this virus, for some reason, only killed promiscuous homosexuals and IV drug users who share needles.
So why is the disease/virus different on different continents?
In "The Real Anthony Fauci," RFK, Jr. points out that in Africa AIDS/HIV was a disease that infected everyone (including more females and children), while in America this virus, for some reason, only killed promiscuous homosexuals and IV drug users who share needles.
So why is the disease/virus different on different continents?
In "The Real Anthony Fauci," RFK, Jr. points out that in Africa AIDS/HIV was a disease that infected everyone (including more females and children), while in America this virus, for some reason, only killed promiscuous homosexuals and IV drug users who share needles.
So why is the disease/virus different on different continents?