
if true, his explanation on USA's pedophilia is correct.

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The world is a weird place,Dr Alexander.

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sure is

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And getting weirder by the day! smh

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This is why robots are being developed so quickly. Combined with super-intelligent AI, they will replace a lot of people, provide elder care, etc.

Replacement theory is about all humans, not just certain ethnic groups (like whites).

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very important post...IMO, I dont think AI can replace humans in terms of actual capacity and thinking etc.

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Do you know they are developing breeders? I would think that really twisted copulating with a machine. Somewhat like playboy blow up dolls. Now that is twisted. If people are stupid enough to elect LIEberals I guess that is an indication they are twisted and would do anything perverted. What about ovomit and moochelle the Clydesdale?

Only I would dare broach this subject. The current New Age morality is in reality immoral.

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Okay... I think I just threw-up in my mouth.

So, populations in the frist world are dropping. Socio-economic issues I am sure but also a loss of understanding how important family is. I wonder how many births there would be in India without arranged marriages. Not advocating for arranged marriages, but I bet the birth rate would be much lower.

If a society places importance of providing for the continuation of their culture and society, you make being a couple and having children possible for them... incentives, privileges, etc.

That is not going to happen and that society will collapse.

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yes, it would

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Take a deep breath, and swallow. Your puke is far better for you than the corruption of the media liars and whores.

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Lol, where did you find that interview with Ju-won? It's great.

Please give the url, thanks!

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deletedSep 14
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More FITH sub human trash.

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