It's sad that he can't take the knee any more like in the photo at the link. But, as we swelter through the hottest year on record, maybe now, as athletes and sports men and women continue to be struck down by it, people will start to take climate change seriously. The good news is that he at least likely died fully vaxxed and boosted. His death would have been so much worse if he wasn't. If only he had taken just one more booster this might never have happened.


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very very insightful comment.

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I read where his death was self inflicted. Right, by letting someone inflict him with the JAB and boosters.

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Well said.

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And to YOU also :-)

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I must admit you are right. He must have been at least 5 or 6 boosters behind and his negligence in not keeping up must have been the culprit.🤡👍

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Are you joking?

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Well I'm fairly sure it was climate change that killed him but if I'm wrong it was probably transphobia. If he wasn't using correct pronouns that could have done it too.

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Time for your next Booster!

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Isn't this your leader, a Mr Bandt?


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Months ago I read that Malone's sleazy attorney was in hospice, not sure if he's still amongst us. As Mark has mentioned, Malone is kinda like Killary, many body bags.

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yes, sleazy is the word...incompetent too...we wish them well. here is the key, someone like Malone, after the interview with Malik, the hubris, the derision, the condescension, it was filling, this moron thought he was beyond reproach as Malik questioned him...he was bristling with contempt yet he does not get it, we see, we smell, we get the lies, the fork tongue...he says one thing about something, then another thing about it, and no matter how much you try, both never end in same place.

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Yes! Dr. Malik's interview with Malone was a turning point where Malone lost control of his mean temper and the real Malone behind his facade was revealed for all to see. I don't see him clawing back any degree of respect after that disastrous video.

To his great credit, Dr. Malik responded to Malone's meltdown with perfect composure.

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Both with immunity🙄

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"He played for two seasons with the Patriots before signing with the Giants in 2021.

On March 17, 2022, the Giants re-signed Cunningham.

On July 22, 2022, his contract was terminated due to a non-football injury.

On October 18, 2022, the Giants signed Cunningham to their practice squad.

On November 23, 2022, Cunningham was elevated from the practice squad for the week 12 game against the Dallas Cowboys.

He signed a reserve/future contract on January 22, 2023.

Cunningham was released on August 27, 2023.

He did not play last season."

Clearly something was going on with this cat. But if it was drugs don't they usually come right out and say that? Not here..."non football injury"..... Very curious. 🤔

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yes, curious...in this era, it is vaccine until they tell you it is not. and then you still dont believe anything

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You will always have a better chance at survival if you avoid the medical mafia. Your body will always know better than any drug ever could.

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sssssshhhhh you say Dr? Why, I ask?

I understand your rationale Dr., but after four intoxicating years of these “Evildoers” being busy,

“Fundamentally Transforming America”, ( BHO),

they don’t have time to learn how these shots kill! Or find out if the “Bio-Injections” are the real cause! They know what’s killing young people. They won’t speak a word about it. Sarcastically I’ll say this, how could anyone have the time and or believe, a healthy 28 year old professional athlete, “Died Suddenly”? Every week another victim falls to these “Bioweapon Injections”!

Oh the lunacy is maddening, isn’t it?

Yes Dr most certainly,

another professional athlete’s life has been cut short because of these “Shot To The Heart” shots! We all know the truth! Unfortunately, you and me and the rest of the useless eaters aren’t supposed to know this ok? sssssshhhhh!

Rest assured Dr. they’re working on a new and improved “Bioweapon Injection”! Especially when this current “Illegitimate Administration” signs on the dotted line at the end of May 2024!

Giving the WHO, these unelected morons, full control over our sovereignty. This means they’re really looking out for all of us, right? No wrong! NOT in the least. I’m sure they have all the necessary talking points ready, the Bioweapon Injection’s ready, all in the name of “Healthcare”, because they really care, the really really care about all of us useless eaters, correct? Once again, NOT!

At this time, all they need now is a new novel virus, say from the

“stomach of a ten year old dead goat, buried deep within a cave, somewhere in China, covered by six feet of bat guano, which was ingested by a fire ant, then somehow infected a 6 legged mouse able to speak 7 languages”.

How can anyone not believe this credible story? Now that’s a “Novel Virus” isn’t it? Fret not the truth is coming. They told us so.

Sadly, the truth is, “Evil Is Evil”!

So don’t worry Dr. all the “Henchmen” you’ve so aptly named, will be brought to justice, in due time, remember these things take lots of manpower to facilitate, right? Good God not again? NO, they don’t! Lie after lie. Or completely ignored.

IMO, we’re waiting on, phase II of the WHO’s, “Lock-Em-Down” because we say so!! The new and improved “Pandemic Treaty” or as I call it, phase II, will usher in a “One World Order” takeover agenda. Which is exactly why Dr you won’t get an answer no matter how many times you ask!

We can only hope eventually, parent and or children of someone who’s passed unexpectedly, etc. begin to come forward and speak out!

IMO, we’ve entered this new phase. As I like to call it,

Phase II. It’s become more than obvious, nobody within the power structures, will go into the rabbit hole of why, a 28 year old professional athlete “Died Suddenly”! Especially since four years have passed! Which I now call Phase I of this new “One World Order” takeover!.

What’s most important Dr is this. Many people know what’s happened. Most people, not all won’t ever be injected with anything ever again. In the big picture, this is the best outcome for all of US, the “Good Guys & Gals” side of humanity!

The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and the Military Industrial Complex have joined forces, along with private sector companies such as BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Obviously an important component when structuring and forcing “Rules For Thee, Not For Me.” agenda.

This new government overreach coupled with the above, both public and private sectors, have created an “Us Against Them” scenario. They’re most definitely hellbent about a “One World Order”, complete takeover! Which again is why, they’ll never tell even though we know.

There’s your long answer to an even larger problem “We The People” face today.

Thank you as always Dr for your continued “Presence of Pressure”! We can’t forget what has been done to us, not for us!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I cannot say it clearly enough, all involved must be punished...they knew what they did and were doing

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You have my complete support Dr! No doubt something must be done.

Of course the purveyors of “truth In Lies”, otherwise known as, the MSM and Media Outlets, who have, overwhelmingly been providing cover, while promoting propaganda against anyone and everyone, who believes differently, must be STOPPED!

How else can anyone en masse become aware? It’s simply impossible when the establishment’s and all their propaganda arms, have been silent! They coverup any truth and destroy anyone who believes differently. They continue to be silenced in submission! This is part of their agenda!

I understand we must continue and try to persevere. I have never given up on anything I have ever started, I certainly won’t stop until, all “Henchmen” are brought to justice!

But how Dr? How is the main question I keep asking. This is the same question over and over, we’ve been trying to answer. The fact is, the “army of evil”, against the “army of goodness”, is far too organized, funded and corrupt! Remember their motto,

“The Ends Justify The Means.”

Of course it’s possible, how probable is the main question?

When we look around at how much money is being spent on the “evil of doom”, whether it’s paying protesters to show up on college campuses or paying off each politician to vote against


Their combined sum, far outweighs, the total combined amount of interested, well funded people, like ourselves. We could counter this nonstop attack, with an organized counterattack, but not without tremendous amount of funding. Provide a guaranteed, solid plan of execution as well as provide a list of objectives and expected outcomes. Which would be, bring

the “Henchmen” to justice!

There isn’t any appetite for such, which is exactly why it hasn’t happened to date!

You know Dr when our entire political establishment has stolen more than $150 Billion Dollars, or better yet, laundered, to the most corrupt and undermining country in the world, Ukraine, you tell me how? How can we possibly bring anyone to justice? Not while the corrupt politicians continue to flush America down the toilet or out with the bath water!.

I ask you Dr., what can we possibly do? What?

I have had it! But I’m only one as you are Dr, one voice, in a sea of drowned out voices, by forces much greater than you or me, who actually give a damn!

The rule of law has been, the undermining factor, from which good people go to jail and bad people continue to “Rule The Roost”, am I wrong?

Sadly, we’re waiting for something to happen, myself included. I am sick of waiting! IMO, be on with it and let the cards fall where they may. The longer this drags on, the greater the chance “We The People” lose this battle of our lives!

I truly appreciate all your posts and continued “presence of pressure” Dr. I’m certain, nearly all your readers do as well. But we’re a small percentage, when compared too a much larger amount of forces we’re going against. Who, by the way, are preparing to do us all harm! Believe me you, that’s exactly what they’re doing! There’s no denying what’s coming! The question is when?

As optimistic as I have always been in life, nobody can deny why, so many people are able to skate / escape justice. Why law abiding citizens are facing constant persecution! We know why.

May God Bless you and your family Dr Alexander! Thank you for all you do!

I do believe this spiritual war will be defeated. But only if the steadfast goodness’s of the American people, rise up! Certainly not without tragedy and loss of life in the process, a small price to pay, in order to save America!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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But it's even worse than that.

Read Dr. Jack King's book "They Want to Kill Us: Here's How and Why."

The 'Why' is about saving money for the globalists, of course. Also, less people on the planet would prove more manageable for the elite class.

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grateful sharing, I will read this asap...huge hugs

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Not all is gloom and doom. We are gaining momentum! A friend of mine pointed out the following: "Take heart - small wins add up...

It's easy to get discouraged in the face of all the threats and challenges we face in the battle to preserve freedom and democracy.

But there are small victories to celebrate all the time...

Here are just a few recent 'wins' you should know about:

#1 The Scottish government has formally acknowledged that it won't reach one of its key (totally unrealistic) Net Zero targets – that of reducing carbon emissions by 75% by 2030.

The climbdown is accompanied by a telling shift in policy – the abandonment of an approach which enshrines such targets in law. The Scottish Government has missed legally binding targets for eight out of the past twelve years. Another victory for Team Reality!

#2 In Newcastle, another Low Traffic Neighbourhood bites the dust. Bollards closing off residential roads in Heaton will be removed after an eighteen-month trial ended.

It's the third LTN to fall in the city, demonstrating the power of public protest against restrictions which don't make sense and limit our ability to go about our lives.

#3 Elsewhere, overreach by councils is being stopped in its tracks by the threat of legal challenge. Some local authorities have been using Public Spaces Protection Orders to impose fines for behaviours they think may cause 'harassment, alarm or distress' such as swearing and loitering, with two London councils effectively setting new laws across the entire borough.

Following representation from campaigners, councils in Redbridge and Cumberland have agreed to end the measures.

#4 Australia's Supreme Court has ruled that Covid vaccine mandates imposed on police and ambulance workers in Queensland were unlawful because they failed to consider the human rights implications.

There are more such cases to come, giving politicians a clear warning about the dangers of breaching people's rights to informed consent and bodily autonomy.

And, while it may be too early to call this a win, the Culture, Media and Sport Committee has called for an independent review of the Government’s Counter Disinformation Unit which gained notoriety for monitoring the public's social media and encouraging social media companies to censor content during Covid.

MPs have expressed concern about 'the lack of transparency and accountability of the CDU and the appropriateness of its reach'.

Together has been working hard on all these issues. We played a key role in ending the vaccine mandates on British health and care workers and are running a high-profile campaign against destructive Net Zero and anti-mobility policies.

If you'd like some more wins - please join us as a member HERE so we can campaign harder!

And always remember - small victories add up!


Together's Glasgow event - watch the recording

We had an excellent event in Glasgow last month with entertaining and illuminating speakers including Donald MacLeod, Ben Pile, Penny Lewis and Michael Bergson - watch it all online HERE.

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We've responded and created both WhatsApp and Signal groups you can now join to get this material each day:

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Note: you will need either WhatsApp or Signal e.g. on a smartphone to access these groups.

Shop And Do Business In The "Parallel Economy"

Wouldn't it be better to give your cash to independent businesses run by real people who believe in freedom, than faceless mega-corporations who often seem to hate you?

'Course it would... and that is where the Together Directory comes in!

The Directory makes it easy for you to tap into the "Parallel Economy" of freedom-loving businesses locally and nationally.

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Why not browse our Shopping section for gifts, or the Tourism & Accommodation section for a short break?

The Directory is not just for consumers either - if you are in business Business Services is a great starting point to work with and mutually support like-minded suppliers or partners.

You'll find a wide spectrum of business in the Directory… here are some of our featured Together members:

Price Value Partners

“Price Value Partners: asset managers, not asset gatherers.”

(Watch our recent interview with Tim Price, "The War on Cash," HERE.)


“The government-run monetary system is failing the public. With TallyMoney you can protect your money from bank and government meddling. Grow the value of your money over time instead of losing it to inflation. Choose money designed by the people for the people. Download the TallyMoney app to open an everyday account.”

Swynford Manor - Exclusive Wedding Venue

“Boasting a heady combination of romance and glamour, Swynford Manor is a delightfully different exclusive-use wedding venue. It's THE stunning wedding venue to say 'I do' in. Close to Cambridge and only minutes from Suffolk, Essex and Hertfordshire.”

Jupiter VC

“We offer a uniquely innovative consultant lead approach to visual production. Deploying our proprietary range of methodologies and products, Jupiter always deliver off the scale results on time, on budget and with the least complication.”

Hiisi Consulting Limited

“Agile consultancy for all businesses”

AFD Group - The Postcode People

“AFD Software serves some of the UK's largest (and smallest) organisations across every sector with a host of solutions that validate Name, Address, Email, Phone and Bank data within business-critical systems and applications.”

Plus: Alan Chapman, David de la Harpe Music & Filmmaking and Langstone Cliff Hotel.

Enjoy browsing, and finding new freedom-loving businesses... tell them you found them in the Together Directory!


We are always stronger and better #together"

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this is such an eye opening sharing, thank you Luc

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Blue city mayors need to get busy and push the mandating of the vaxx. Constituents should be on their 9th booster according to the CDC. Force the issue. Set up innoculation booths at polling stations. Follow the science!!!

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Should we ask....POTUS Trump?

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Did Trump force him to poison himself?

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But it’s Trump’s fault😂

It’s always Trump’s fault.

We blame Trump for everything and no one else🙄

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I've noticed😉 He's also blamed for the carnage caused by Bush, Obama and Biden. Cheeto Man lives rent free in so many empty heads🤣

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ha ha ha

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Orange man bad😁and he also hurts my little feelers with his tweets🥲🥲🥲🥲too😆🤣

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