The first thing that needs to be done before another needle enters another arm, is REPEAL the 1986 liability law signed by Reagan giving all drug manufacturers 100% ZERO LIABILITY!

Once these bastards know the are no longer protected, maybe, just maybe we will see safer medicine. Yet the jury is out on that one.

Personally, there is no such thing as a safe vaccine, never was and probably never will be.

God gave us a truly amazing immune system, how about letting our bodies use it for a change?

We don’t need no stinking vaccines!

Hippocrates had it right from the beginning, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food “. It’s cheap, it’s simple and most importantly it Works!

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This article disgusts me. I almost want to unsubscribe from Paul Alexander for posting it.

I don't want to hear a damn thing about how better tests should be done ! F U !!!

THERE NEEDS TO BE a way to immediate STOP all experiments if a SINGLE PERSON DIES or is severely injured AT ANYTIME during a trial.. AND NOT A SINGLE OTHER DOSE APPLIED until something. I don't know what exactly. But I know the game right now is to move on from the covid GENOCIDE and start talk ab out vaccines again F U! If there is even a single data point found to be in error, then IMMEDIATE ARRESTS.. If someone dies, it must be an IMMEDIATE ARREST FOR MURDER..

1. ARREST EVERYONE INVOLVED. and jail them J6 style in solitary confinement.

2. Figure it out in court.. or maybe not ... let them rot in hell


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Better testing...lmao...impossible because big pharma will never prove that vaccines are safer and healthier than never using them.

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You are so right. Inject all politicians that promoted it...

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Rose, Well. technically, one of the problems with the injections is that 99.7% of the people will live, and maybe 93% won't even have adverse reactions .are those numbers wrong?? who knows?

The point is we need real justice.. not justice that has only a chance of doing something.

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Yes, repeal that law and give them all maximum liability. Reagan didn't know jack shit about health. He told everyone to just say no to pot, gave Pharma immunity, then got dementia and went to a premature grave. But, because Reagan plucked his health ideas out of his ass, trusted Pharma, and hated pot, he might have taken millions of Americans to that premature grave with him.


The Experiments Revealing How Marijuana Could Treat Dementia.

Slightly stoned mice show marijuana may fight age-related memory loss. | Discover Magazine


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With few exceptions, we need to repeal the whole government, and go back to traditional medicine. I had my grandmother's White House Cook book from the late 1800s. Recipes to make your own medicines. The damn government should have stayed out of it. Period.

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Didn't Obummer say about Crooked Joe, never underestimate Crooked Joe's ability to F things up, or something like that?

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Yeah, I remember that now. Thanks. That may have been when he actually had a small portion of brain left. Now, obummer needs to look in the mirror, as does doktor jill. Parading him around, destroying a country...

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Beautiful. 100% agree... Vaccines, fancy word for injury and Death. People deceived by this word. They think it is magic. I say it is SHIT..

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Well said!

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I agree 110%. Repeal that horrible law now!

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We need a total halt on all of them.

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In my world, vaccines do not exist. I am still functioning rather well after about 50 years of avoiding vaccinations. This proves they are not required to live healthy. I am not a health nut, but quit smoking in 1975, seldom drink alcohol, and avoid most fast foods. I usually walk for exercise unless my 77 year old female partner has other plans. I am not on any prescription drugs and hope to avoid them like the plague they are. Vaccine research is all faked for the express purpose of marketing endless injections that have never been proven to make a difference.

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It should be first off a criminal offence for making a virus that can be transmit-able in any forum. Secondly when an vaccine is made it should have a standard of at least 5-6 or more years to study and watch for any side effects. The cure must always out weigh the disease but as of this Covid 19 on it was hurried threw and now the world will pay for the greed of the few!!! It always comes back to ; the needs of a few out weigh the needs of the many. Sad sad times. All about money and power ,that should be stripped from those people.

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It is unfortunately not surprising to me that Benn notes the wider effect on improved childhood mortality from live-attenuated virus vaccines, but does not acknowledge the evidence that in well nourished unvaccinated infants and children given treatment with therapeutic doses of certain nutrients during illness, the actual infections do the same thing, only better, because the female children who recover from them reach reproductive maturity with the capacity to protect their newborns and toddlers from those same illnesses, while the vaccinated children never will.

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Right on!

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YES! That is music to my ears. Today, you cannot trust anything from allopathic sick care.

Sure the vax is free, why? Because once the side effects ruin your health, Big Harma comes in for the kill! Deriving you of every last cent until your broke and bankrupt on their alleged poison cures.

Kudos to you, well done grasshopper, lol 😂.

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Yes the free jab offers are a bit reminiscent of someone hanging around a school offering free hits of heroin, saying "I'm offering this to you out of the goodness of my heart" when the kids ask "What's the catch?"

I remember seeing a rumble clip of Fauci going door to door in DC offering free jabs.

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Yeah, I thought I had heard everything but... Can't copy and paste, sorry. The Defender,

4/26/23 - "Pfizer Gave Millions to 'Independent" Groups, to Push COVID Vaccine Mandates"

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Thank you Time. I understand your anger I feel it too. Yet, I’m not as kind as you are.

No jail time, straight to the Gallows with these vermin. They cannot be rehabilitated, they are a cancer on society and must be excised immediately.

What is truly horrifying is that this is one big coup being perpetrated on the people by our very own gubment. They screwed up, overspent, stole our money and must hide these deeds, so what better way than to kill off the very folks they robbed? Germany was in the red on paying out retirement funds, now they have an excess, because they are killing off the base.

Yet, none of this is new it’s been in the works and been honed for years. Look up Operations Dark Winter and Operation Lockstep, we are smack dab in the middle of it right now.

Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. Yet the more folks we can awaken, the harder it will be for round two. And yes it’s in the works as I write this. Once we start hanging these bastards for crimes against humanity we may see the tide turn, yet it cannot be done unless we stand up and speak out!

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Sadly, too many non-functioning brain ded bye den acolytes. Before the gallows, I recommend doing to them what fakesey did to the poor Beagle puppies.

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What an excellent paper! Thank you for sharing this.

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Translated from Japanese by Google

Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science Pfizer's mRNA vaccine had plasmid DNA, so when I checked it, I was surprised to find the SV40 sequence.

SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses, and the presence of this sequence facilitates the translocation of DNA to the human nucleus. easier to enter the genome.

Even though it's a sequence that is completely unnecessary to make an mRNA vaccine. Why SV40?

The plasmid DNA map submitted by Pfizer to the EMA (European Medicines Agency) does not appear to include SV40. Why did you hide it?

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Rupert, this seems very important. I hope you are sharing this far and wide and repost it to get Dr. Paul Alexander's attention.

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UNITE For retribution against these evils for murder of friends, loved ones, human life

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damn the white coats





Those damn doctors are nothing but the retail division of the Pharma Genocide MOB.

People need to REALLY start waking up.

Tens of Thousands of DEATHS in VAERS that ARE IGNORED !!! and Paul is talking about "testing" MORE vaccines ??? FU

NOT A SINGLE VACCINE of any type should be given, until there is JUSTICE !

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All vaccines and the jabs are based on psuedo voodoo science and fraud. It was always a money grist mill- we were the target of torture and experiments by very monstrous people and systems. It is time to stop the merry go round of explanations except the truth is it not?

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How many unintended consequences have we had throughout the years as a result of routine vaccines? How would we know, poor clinical trials and monitoring if any for vaccines seems to be the rule not the exception. I dutifully lined up for past vaccines with no thought of longterm effects on my health, I am actually grateful that this covid debacle has opened my eyes to the potential risks we may be subjecting ourselves to. Why do we have to cause so much irritation by using adjuvants on our immune systems resulting in inflammation to produce a result. I regret lining up for my flu vaccine but I am thankful I managed to wake up early enough to refuse the covid injection.

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Based on the current state of issues, all the reforms you suggest should be immediately implemented and immediate actions should be taken to protect infants from the autism epidemic. I am approximately 80 years old and I think the only vaccinations I got were smallpox and polio, which were both pretty dangerous. But there are 8 billion people on the Earth, and this ridiculous childhood vaccination program has been going on only part of my lifetime, why do people think that a bunch of imbeciles in white jackets can handle the situation as well as nature when we have been around several hundred thousand years?

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The also didn’t give any shots until the baby was 1 yrs old in the good ol days because they recognized that an infants immature kidneys and liver couldn’t handle the adjuvants.

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No vaccines for new borns period..

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They don’t need the hepatitis shit as they are not sexually active. TotoL horse-shit.

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How about they just stop experimenting on us, as though we are mere lab animals.

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Obviously they are not going to stop until WE MAKE THEM STOP.

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