Same story 'they' didn't know what they were doing then and 'they' don't know what they are doing now - or do they?

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Long long ago, I read somewhere (Time? Newsweek?) that the massive amounts of aspirin administered contributed mightily to the death count assigned to the Spanish Flu. Now, we have the clot shots adding to the death toll. We do not learn, do we?

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How many years of snake oil?

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K2, specifically MK4, mitigates the toxicity of aspirin’s & is the cure for Reye’s syndrome. 15,00mcg of K2 will overcome any negative side affect of aspirin. It was the overdosing of aspirin without the knowledge of that K2 should be taken with it. That knowledge escapes most today and is evidenced by this writing thst includes no reference to the mitigating affects of the k2. If you do X you should also do Y. Stacked therapies. The pneumonia was very likely caused by the use of cloth face masks even then to stop the spread. Aspirin belongs with K2 as does vitamin d3. And if you are going to take d3 I would add magnesium L-threonate. The soldiers were the ones who go the Spanish Flu because they were the ones who had been vaccinated for small pox. 😳😬🤔🤦‍♂️

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Maybe Aspirin was so easily accepted as treatment because people remembered old willow bark home remedies? Sadly humans accept in dire times if a little is good, a lot is even better. I wonder about the “everyone should take baby aspirin” advice from doctors?

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So now we know how the Grim Reaper was kicking asspirin during the Spanish Flu?

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☝️15,000mcg of k2

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Although I don't have source on hand I have read the problem was that aspirin depletes vitamin c. So if taking aspirin take c. Also less potential for intestinal issues if it is dissolved in warm water.

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They didn’t prescribe antibiotics because once the famously inaccurate PCR test indicated you had the covid virus treatment with antibiotics was out the window. How many people treated with Remdesivir died of undiagnosed bacterial pneumonia? I shudder to imagine.

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Forget the aspirin etc., just drink your own urine:

The delegate from South Africa, Credo Mutwa, had a very interesting story to tell. Mr. Mutwa said that 70 years ago urine therapy saved thousands of lives in South Africa. Not many people remember the terrible ‘flu at the end and after the first World War. This flu claimed around 100 million lives, many times the loss from the war itself. He said:

”A man had two women, a black one and a white one. These women cared for the people infected by the ‘flu and eased their suffering in the few days until they died and buried the dead. Anyone else who had worked so close to infected people would have got the ‘flu themselves but not these two women. They told others to start urine therapy, the only protection against the killer disease. The word spread and many thousands started the treatment. Not one, not one of the people drinking their own urine died”.


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What was the main treatment for children’s earaches and sore throat’s in the 50’s? What drugs were given if tonsils were surgically removed in 1955?

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Adding to the aspirin catastrophe, the Spanish flu started in a DOD lab in the US (yes, an army experiment back in those days), the start of radio towers as well..., as the S flu vaccines rollout started in a vast campain mainly to soldiers and their family). Somehow the poor folks in the country did not get sick from the Spanish flu strangely...

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Does anyone realize what size dosages were administered back in the early 20th Century? How can someone claim toxicity is alarming or even surprising when that 4000 mg dosage is over a dozen aspirin? Drink a dozen glasses of vodka or even water and you’d be lucky to survive, for goodness sake!

This is a ridiculous article. The same people who dismiss the fraudulent Ivermectin clinical trials where Big Pharma administered megadoses of that miracle therapeutic in order to ensure toxicity so they could make the ludicrous claim “horse paste” is dangerous now are saying aspirin is dangerous.

Any substance reaches a level of toxicity at some point! People who want to commit suicide can accomplish that by taking a handful of aspirin. But why base a medical article on suicidal dosages?

Taking one or even two aspirin every four hours, as a bottle of aspirin suggests, exposes an adult to 325/650 mg of acetylsalicylic acid -- way below anything toxic. Children’s aspirin is 25% of adult strength. I can’t understand the reason for publishing such an inflammatory article about one of the safest, most effective therapeutics ever invented - unless one was trying to sell Advil or Tylenol!

And Ivermectin has a safety profile even more benign than aspirin.

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This is the first time I've heard anything negative about aspirin, why is that? So, is taking a couple aspirin a day ill-advised?

Thank you for sharing this info.

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Yes, this material of early misuse of aspirin ODs was released way back. Don't recall the early author. Paul, WWI was a basket case on so many levels with chemical warfare of bizarre types used to overcome the trench stalemate. The entire mess was caused by early Bilderberg War racketeers leveraging Kaiser's efforts to secure oil out of Iraq via rail. Same players, different generation, and ass Wilson was a CFR patsy, House was the CFR asset. FDR, was clone of Wilson. So much going on here.

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