Truth be told, I have ZERO confidence, all I have is a faint glimmer of hope. Let me explain:

My *confidence* will begin as soon as these people -- POTUS and down the ladder -- start taking positive, significant actions, rather than just TALKING about what they're going to do.

Never forget that we've gotten **TONS** of talk before, like "lock her up" and "drain the swamp". Did any of that happen? Was she "locked up"? Was *ANYONE* locked up? Yeah ... right.

Thus, for now I'm just (barely) clinging on to slim HOPE because, other than words, that's all we have. The ball starts rolling in 18 days. THEN we get to see who's real and who aims to con us.

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there is most of the content of this post I have to agree with

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Hard not to agree with facts. WOKE Globalists discard facts -- selectively, of course -- whenever those facts do not support their narrative / agenda. You are NOT one of those.

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I do trust and have hope too...but there is a limit. I do support 47 still. I do. but I am weary and silencing of RFK Jr. is deadly.

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Yes, you and I and essentially all people have limits. Truth be told, my limit was reached far back, to the Bill Clinton days. The came George Bush with his "Patriot Act", which was a "patriotic" as a Russian gulag. That was followed by Obama's 8-year reign of terror. Then came Trump -- who I believed was going to make things right. Bzzztttt - I was WRONG!!! Then the Globalists took over completely, using Biden as their demented sock puppet. And now we have Trump 2. Is *this* time different?

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Ya, OK, but you left out the most important 'alphabet agency' of all - in terms of PHS -HHS entities.

"BARDA plays a unique and unusual role within the structure of the US Federal Government, assisting in getting drugs, deemed essential during public health emergencies including attacks compromising US national security, to market."

A Trojan Horse, purposefully created within the PHS so as to have a pipeline between taxpayer $ and the usual "philanthropist" caste who enjoy 'special privilege' in pork troughing disguised as "public/private partnership!"

"Such assistance ranges from direct funding, procuring and stockpiling medical countermeasures (MCM’s), to helping obtain US FDA approvals, including Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) if needed. By the rare nature of such public health emergencies, the required therapies or countermeasures, while critical during the emergency, may not constitute a financially viable or profitable investment, for sufficiently large pharmaceutical companies."(lol!)

Last paragraph is especially mirthful...

"Such gaps in the US government medical countermeasures infrastructure have been described as "bridging the valley of death".In this respect, BARDA provides services similar to those offered by venture capitalists or business accelerators in private industry, although BARDA takes no financial stake in the final product once approved by the FDA."

given the similarity in function described to the 'bridging mechanisms' by which CIA/PEEP state/PhonyPhilanthropistsINC. 'fund' startups for DARPA et al and spin em off when ready.

Nothing says 'off the books BLACK BUDGET' like "business accelerator" gator!

Mary Carter Paints was a CIA cut out which got 'spun off' to a dupe cut out name o Don T Drimpf once the unpleasant aroma of state/lansky maifya 'public-private partnership' got too strong even for Jerry Ford to shuffleboard! Don got a money-losing casino out of the deal, and 'made-man' status with the peeps who count!

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A Trojan Horse, purposefully created within the PHS so as to have a pipeline between taxpayer $ and the usual "philanthropist" caste who enjoy 'special privilege' in pork troughing disguised as "public/private partnership!"

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For all these, the HHS, NIH, CDC, NIAID, FDA, there is ONLY one option. Fall on your sword, die a certain death and be buried in the depths of Hades. Despite what comes, you can never trust these scumbags again.

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Paul: Since you are an insider, is there any chance that Trump will agree to wait until after RFK Jr is confirmed before making additional nominations and appointments for HHS.

And if so, would Trump allow RFK Jr. to choose who he wants?

Also, besides the key position of HHS Asst. for Health, are there other open positions that would require Senate approval?

RFK Jr. clearly didn't agree on the pick for US Surgeon General. Doctor Janette was the only major position that RFK Jr didn't post a congratulations on.

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no, no, no, and yes

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I am on the naughty chair

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The best hope is to remove the EUA for the Covid based Spike protein mRNA jabs.

I can see Trump going along with that, only because the Plandemic is over. It would not make him look bad.

However, didn't Biden extend the EUA for another 5 yrs? Hope that isn't a problem.

Of course even removing the EUA shouldn't mean that Pfizer/Moderna can't still offer the jab and even continue advertising the jab, as I'm sure they have lawyers to make their case.

What would be involved in stopped all advertising for the mRNA drug? Would Congress have to vote? How did it work with ending Tobacco advertising?

Of course if RFK Jr can't end advertising right away, he should be able to require Pfizer/Moderna stating the side effects, whether minor or not. Can you imagine the list of possible side effects? It would be longer than the add and would scare the public. I think Pfizer/Moderna would rather not advertise than to list the possible side effects.

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he extended PREP liability protection to 2029 that allows EUA...all connected

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Well can't anything be reversed? Certainly the EUA without the liability protection repeal for now.

Of course if it is found that Pfizer and/or Moderna misrepresented the data, wouldn't that invalidate the liability protection?

The DOJ could begin a liability suit, claiming false representation. That would force Pfizer and Moderna to release all records unredacted. Failure to do so could result in a temporary court ruling to suspend mRNA usage until resolved.

Could be tied up in court for a couple of years, while the repeal of the EUA is in effect.

During that time, more data of the harms of mRNA could be presented if the correct people at HHS grow some balls, besides RFK Jr.

And regarding RFK Jr's stance on advertising, can you imagine if all the major side effects have to listed. Would anyone take the semi-toxin in that case?

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You’ve named a lot of agencies. Can anyone please tell me who actually is in control? What role does NATO play?

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Paul: Since you are an insider, is there any chance that Trump will agree to wait until after RFK Jr is confirmed before making additional nominations and appointments for HHS.

And if so, would Trump allow RFK Jr. to choose who he wants?

Also, besides the key position of HHS Asst. for Health, are there other open positions that would require Senate approval?

RFK Jr. clearly didn't agree on the pick for US Surgeon General. Doctor Janette was the only major position that RFK Jr didn't post a congratulations on.

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The perps like Fauxi and Gates ,Bourla etc. must be made to compensate the vaccine damaged and killed from their own ill gotten treasure first. They say there is no justice for the rich criminals ,but there is always the first time.

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I'd like to see two overarching contributory factors removed in order to facilitate and hasten the critical recommendations made in this article.

1.) The demise of "Obamacare" by the most efficient legal means available.

2.) The strict prohibition of direct-to-consumer advertising by pharmaceutical companies.

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These are all nazi organizations who despise humans. They will be finished doing their dirty work.

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Or what?

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I love this post for it is true

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That's a very good point. Removing these jabs all at once is a clear, open admission that they are *NOT* what was advertised. Even the stupidest of all sheeple will then realize that they've been had, and could be "vax injured". Heck, some of these dolts may even begin connecting a few dots for once in their life. Wouldn't that be something!!

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so we are trapped...? I agree but we go to move on this. they are coming with 2nd generation mRNA, transitioning all vaccine to mRNA...you dont have a choice.

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The solution, Dr. A, is so simple that a child can grasp it. There's ONE catch - and it's a LULU!! The catch is that Trump *MUST* genuinely be a 'good guy' *AND* be willing *AND* be courageous *AND* damn all torpedoes just ***DO IT***!!!

The reason why that's 'THE' catch is because until now Trump has **NOT** shown himself to possess those necessary attributes. On large, crucial, all-important issues, he's a *talker*, not a *doer*. That's what his record shows to this point.

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Supposedly they aim to put it in mosquitoes, chem trails, food, & all injectables. Now how’re they gonna account for dosing? If I get bit by a mosquito on multiple days, how’s that gonna factor in with how much of this “vaccine” we will be unwittingly dosed with? So we get dosed with mRNA LNP every meal? Every breath? Every bug bite? Is that their aim? These people are psychopaths to the core! It’s utterly insane!

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Not entirely sure WHY you suppose said woolly ones will 'react' to Anything other than removal of their netflix/onlyfans/porn accounts... but,

supposing your precis to be true for the moment

it's still not factoring in two important things; a)attention span deficit disorder is endemic; b)the 'next big thing' has already been moved on.

Even tho shares of Pfizer. BioNtech, Moderna are temporarily having a recovery, that's DUMB MUNKNEE pouring in. I would encourage you to THINK LIKE A BILLIONAIRE (philanthropist that is!)and thereby realize that the SMART MONEY is already in position for the next BIG profit roundup.

"Food n Drug" ain't no slip o the tongue; the drugs be goin into the food supply, and are intended to engineer 'effects' which bring loot to the next gen of Lucky Larry's who always seem to be 'in the wrong place... at the right time!'

Pork producers are already slippin mRNA into your bacon n ribs with the blessing of the same alphabet agencies Booby Jr is hilariously supposed to be poised to 'clean up.' And that's only starts... the rest of the food supply is gonna be equally doused n loused up without a peep - from AGENT ORGANGES orangotang gang. But NOT mRNA's as you've come to know and love em!

he heh he.... satan never sleeps they say! Split your 'porkfolio' evenly between healthcare stocks and pharma(biotech only)... and then go to the beach house in the islands and party like it's 1984!

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so you are saying that the orange prophet will bring mRNA again? more pandemic? I like this phrase above "he heh he.... satan never sleeps they say! Split your 'porkfolio' evenly between healthcare stocks and pharma(biotech only)... and then go to the beach house in the islands and party like it's 1984!"

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Since Americans (and Europeans, Australians, and others) are already being lied to by omission of the Truth about mRNA technology-related "vaccines," and every day that passes without pulling mRNA injections from market results in more sudden, prolonged, and future Deaths and Disabilities, RFK Jr may as well issue a carefully worded declaration that the mRNA products have served their purpose (without specifying their purpose was death and destruction) and pull them all from market and distribution. Let the 'snowflakes' have a meltdown.

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he sure does have a purpose and the silencing of him is part of it. devastating to his legacy

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