Bannon is tremendous! real soldier

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Hey Paul. Great interview. You said something that Steve kind of glanced over. That is Trump is a businessman and not a scientist. Most importantly, I believe he truly loves this Country and the people in it. However, that is the thing that parasites like Fauci and Birx exploit. Trump wanted people safe during pandemic and (unfortunately) did not realize how psycopathic Fauci truly is... he trusted him to help him keep us all safe. Problem is that when Trump discovered Fauci is truly psycopathic, the plandemic train had already left the station. It was game over. Trump was checkmated simply because he is truly a good man inspite of all his faults.

But now Trump must right the wrong. He MUST acknowledge his missteps with Fauci and definitively act. If Trump truly loves the Country as much as he says he does then its vital he takes legal action on ALL those who by plandemic design caused generational damage to our Country. No mercy. No pulled punches. Justice for us all.

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excellent post and I like this...'You said something that Steve kind of glanced over. That is Trump is a businessman and not a scientist. Most importantly, I believe he truly loves this Country and the people in it. However, that is the thing that parasites like Fauci and Birx exploit. '

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boom...'But now Trump must right the wrong. He MUST acknowledge his missteps with Fauci and definitively act. If Trump truly loves the Country as much as he says he does then its vital he takes legal action on ALL those who by plandemic design caused generational damage to our Country. No mercy. No pulled punches. Justice for us all.'

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Yes. Insightful with very good advice.

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Yes, Great interview. Of course they knew what they were doing. And the State of Alaska is recommending the Covid Vax to this day ! and the Veteran's Administration is offering the Covid Vax. How long will this continue ? The Covid Scam was all about getting people vaxxed up with the mRNA genetic modifiers. Somewhere between 7-15% of the vaxxes were hot batches, designed to kill or maim for life. That's from the work of Dr. David E. Martin who has tracked the progress of this death cult since 1999, and he's still alive as far as I know. A lot of people are guilty as hell, and a lot of people who know are going to need protection. The magnitude of this crime against humanity cannot be overstated, it's the greatest of all time.

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thank you for this excellent sharing.

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Paul, thanks for going on Bannon. You did a great job. I admire your sincerity and passion.

I read the Iodannis paper circa March 15, 2020, and began to form the opinion this was just another strain of the common cold, a nothing burger that I had survived prior flu seasons.

The pandemic narrative was propaganda orchestrated by the UN and other Globalists to sow fear in the public, to persuade innocent people to believe the government and to take the jabs in 2021.

A very evil time.

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such excellent posts

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Dr. Paul, it's not that they didn't know, it's that they are part of the fraudulent scam. Some may not have known, but I can assure you, many DID know. They were just part of the scam.

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Telling it like it is. No shilly-shallying. Good on ya.

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In my eyes this was the yearly FLU that was grabbed hold of for a SATANIC EVIL AGENDA!? Since day dot there has been colds/flu/mumps/measles etc and it was worse 100 plus years ago when people lived in cramped conditions with poor sewage and drinking water. The plagues round the world hit the poor in society and the well off living in better condition were spared a lot of the illnesses! The new ailments in my eyes are not natural illnesses but human produced SATANIC ACTIONS aimed at the poorer in society. My view and sticking to it!

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boom, excellent

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Dr Paul - I watch the War Room daily! But I somehow missed your interview .. I’ll go back & find it! Also I watched this today and I really really want you to please watch and write up your thoughts & what you know on it. I dismissed some of this a couple years ago but after watching this I think he may be right…too right!! OMG… very interested in your honest assessment.


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You absolutely rock, Dr. Paul. I love your passion!

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God will repay Amen! 🙏

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Thank you for your fight Dr. Alexander! Just ordered your book! I hope you are a part of the Trump administration and let him know who needs to be tried and delt with and hopefully you can be part of the healing for all! Please Keep fighting.

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I just ordered your book Doc...look forward to receiving it. I am convinced it will be fascinating.

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The truthtellers, Steve Bannon and the FLCCC

Would we be where we are today without them fighting for us, NO THINK NOT

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FABULOUS Friggin' interview!!!!!!! Kudos, Dr. A!

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thank you...

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