A child could get in a successful head shot from 130 yards using a bolt action with no scope. The patsy reportedly fired off at least 8 rounds with an AR 15. I wonder what he was drugged with? I doubt it included a beta blocker.

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something stinks...

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Let us know what you find out.

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They will try and hide every little detail. But they can’t because they are arrogant and sloppy. Drunk on their hate for Trump. They screw themselves over time after time. No good deed goes unpunished as they say. These nefarious plotters of everything bad that has happened over the last 8 years are the epitome of evil and they won’t stop. Pray.

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Did you see the man in the Fedora hat behind Trump who also gave the clenched fist pump . His wife was a little in front of him ?

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Exactly 👍


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Word has it the FBI probably scrubbed all his social media. They wouldn't want to

tell on themselves, now would they?

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You always write good stuff👍👍

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Thank you Tex. So do you!

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What's your take on this Tex?

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On Bannon or Trump?

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Well let me paste what I said previously on Dr. Alexander’s stack and excuse my languino:

The deep state tried to kill President Trump and is using a dead patsy just like they used Oswald when they accused him of being the shooter of President Kennedy. It’s all BS! We all know this!

But man, you gotta hand it to Trump😂he threw his fist up and said “fight, fight, fight” three times and was basically telling the deep state FUCK YOU…I’M STILL ALIVE FUCKERS🤣

Trump knows he’s a target and he probably knows who’s behind it and it’s a lot of deep staters….😂

I’m dying to hear what Ivan Raiklin says about this. He put out a big warning that if anything happens to any of the three candidates, they will assume it’s the deep state. Ivan has all the goods on all of these criminals!

As far as Bannon, I think he is basically sending a warning that he and Trump have the armor of God and it is GAME OVER for the criminals😀

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I have to check out Ivan Raiklin. I certainly agree, especially, with your last

sentence. Trump and Bannon have the Armor of GOD+

Thanks for another great explanation :-)

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This was another warning for President Trump from our own Leftist government. To show

he can't be protected properly. I believe JOEBAMA wants to force Trump to dropout.

Other countries will look at this and laugh. This is a disgrace to our nation.

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JOE was a mental case in the picture above. This whole situation was an

inside job for sure since they named the so called head of the SS. When it's

the Conservatives it's just accusations. But, if this happened to JOE it would

be stated right from the start as a murder attempt. The Republicans better work on

getting BANNON out. I fear something bad could happen to him. He

shouldn't be in prison anyway. The SC rendered their decision. The

J6 committee needs to be in prison.

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Yeah, what the hell is Mike Johnson doing. He is such a coward little man!

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What did he do now?

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I don’t see him doing nothing!🤷‍♂️scared little puppy!

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A family member of the person killed at the Trump rally posted thus on X:


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Steve sits in prison. Fauchi, Mayorkas, Hillary, Blinken Austin Milley Hunter and even actor Baldwin do not.

Deep state needs deep demise.

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Trump needs to spend money on private security and get rid of most of his SS detail.

If not, this will be the ultimate pennywise pound foolish example of thriftiness ever.

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Agreed. He needs a dedicated praetorian guard vetted by himself and his team not Mayorkas and the regime.

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Agree! I said the same thing. He’s got to. The left has infiltrated at every level.

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DEI was also the excuse that let 10/7 happen. DEI was the excuse for Boeing planes falling apart. DEI is a tool for plausible (but, really weak) deniability.

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I see DEI also an imbecilic statement of the Marxists’ manifesto.

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It’s difficult not to see where this is going. Between the overwhelming influx of illegals, criminals, Jihadist and everyone in between to Steve Bannon serving prison time and all the frivolous lawsuits against Trump to now an assassination attempt,what’s next?

If a 20 year old can fire off however many rounds at a former President of America rally, then what’s next?

Additionally, it didn’t make a bit of difference to the MSM, when a Biden is quoted saying and I’m paraphrasing

“we must put a bullseye on Trump”!

The MSM is 100% complicit and along with their “nastiest of evil”WACKADOS!

The most hateful media organizations ever! Who are stoking the flames of hate! 24X7! Is it any wonder a 20 year old attempts this never mind gets off a few rounds? Not at all! As a matter of psychology, there are so many people accused America who have been “enflamed” by these MSM hack-jobs! Yes America, you paid for it! I call for everyone to “CANCEL COMCAST”! Stick it to the MAN! The man being in part listed below:

Paid for by Comcast Joy Reid, Laurence O’Donnell; Paid for by Disney; The View & Joy Behar, Paid for by CNN’s CEO: Mark Thompson and his goons especially Jim Acosta; Abby Phillips; This is only a few!

How about this wacko,Liz Cheney? And the fraudulent January 6th attack by Pelosi and company! And yes when the “truth” is deliberately covered up, IMO, January 6th was an attack! An attack on political opponents!

And last but certainly not least yes, Paid for by, The Washington Post: This nut-job Jennifer Rubin;

All the above are largely responsible, their “Propaganda Machines” are running 24X7! Repeating the same “Warfare Propaganda”! Yes, they started this “War of Wills”! The will to be “Peaceful vs Violent”. We know who’s who here.

These people are so vile, so dangerous which is exactly why I am saying they’re largely responsible! They’re the ones over and over calling half of America various names like Nazis or White Supremest!

Is it any wonder why this 20 year old would attempt to assassinate President Trump? Regardless of this kid’s political view and in. I way an I giving this man a pass! Absolutely not! Think about when you were in your 20’s? His brain is so easily molded and so simple to “REIMAGINE”!

This is Obama’s vision of a

“Fundamental America” OK?

I must include /connect Obama to this as well!

The shooter is another example of what this “Hateful Rhetoric” is designed to do. It’s designed to instill fear and hatefulness. Fear in essence can make anyone go ballistic!

Who knows why this man, this kid in my mind, could have possibly been thinking? Sadly, angrily as “We The People” SHOULD BE, we must direct and control our anger to where it belongs, “The MSM”!

People have been duped, been lied to repeatedly, have been made to believe Hitler has risen from the grave!

This is in part and 80% part IMO, blood on the MSM hands and the owners!

I experienced an awful experience yesterday when picking up a pizza. The owner had Fox News on and the caption said: Biden needs to go he’s mentally compromised and when I said “Biden shouldn’t have ever been President in the first place” all hell broke loose! This man, 80 years old, had the same look and angry diatribe stare, attacking me verbally!

He literally regurgitated every single talking point the MSM makes! Especially MSNBC! I played stupid, said I didn’t know anything and paid for my pizza and left. Aside from him yelling at me and saying Trump’s responsible for Afghanistan withdrawal, not Biden, it’s Trump that should be in jail, it’s all Trumps fault! Including January 6th! I shut my mouth and left! Never to buy another pizza from him again! Done!

But he had one last point to make. He told me I needed to read “America 2025”before I vote for Trump. He told me Trump is going to take America back to 1925 and he’s going to everyone in jail! You can’t make this stuff up. How brainwashed this man is.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump held a rally here where I live and this man would IMO, concern me. The MSM has created nearly half of Americans into delusional and

“Hateful People”! Far too many people are acting like this man, who in his 80’s should know better!

Thank you Dr Alexander.


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If we ask evil Dems a rhetorical question of the Trump assassination violence, the most likely answers are a bunch of nonsense about the destruction of “democracy” perpetrated by you and me if Donald Trump is re-elected. An unconsealable, hearty smile on their faces are to be expected.

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Yang you are so correct.

Think about the level of deliberate and intentional deception, the MSM has concocted and perpetuated against Americans? It’s staggering!

Lie after lie or worse, IMO, they’ve manipulated every story against Americans and especially President Trump,to fit their “Evil Agenda”! This is malicious, premeditated and intentionally designed behavior! Part of which I can guarantee motivated the 20 year old’s assassination attempt against President Trump and America!

We mustn’t forget, “We the People”, yes the MAGA people,

are also sighted in their “Bullseye”! Silence is NOT AN OPTION! Now we must “SCREAM

LOUDER” without violence most of all. This is what they’re hoping for.

Which is why I am completely convinced, President Trumps “Bloodied Face” paints a clear image, reflecting how this MSM speaks at people, not with people. The combined intellect, of all these people is nothing short of 0.0! They’re propagandist and very dangerous ones at that!

“Evil is not intelligent”! Evil is ignorance, dangerous ignorance! At the lowest possible levels!Yesterday’s attack on our beloved President Trump, reflects an unchecked MSM bias against him! Against America and against every American Citizen!

They have and they are, mainly responsible for an incredible bias towards, all Americans! With such a level of injustice’s ever against any one man!

This had deluded any truth and had created monsters such as yesterday’s shooter. Time will confirm how much MSM contributed to this man’s desires to assassinate President Trump.9

President Trump is an absolute legend, he’s a “Godsend”! God has protected him for all Americans to wake the hell up!

A Good and just God does good and just, does great things! Yesterday was no exception.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ protected Trump yesterday! Yes you could say, “God had Trumps back” yesterday.

Trump didn’t need and never needed to run for president, nor did he need to be impeached or convicted! He’s doing this for “Love Of America”! Wake the blank up America!

This illegitimate president and administration, being run by a shadow government, is IMO a “coup” and should redefine the meaning of the word! Aided by a corrupt nationwide propagandizing MSM with their continuous lies and attacks, completes my definition!

IMO, the above statement is the “absolute definition” of a coup! Regardless of what Wikipedia tells you!

Yesterday’s assassination, attempt blew the lid off the “pressure cooker”! This level of continuous, unchecked pressure was inevitable! We all knew President Trump was the sole target, with those who support him are also in the line of fire!

This all points, without any doubt, diet at this

“Evil Entrenched MSM Propaganda Machine”!

I have never embraced nor do I believe in boycotts. Today, after this assignation attempt on President Trump yesterday, I have concluded we must, “We the People” must, boycott Comcast! Give Comcast a taste of their own medicine!

Cancel all cable and phone accounts with this “Evil Entity”! Americans can survive without Comcast! There’s other providers who align with “We The People”!

Show Comcast what it truly means to be a true

“Patriotic American”! F….K You Comcast and all your “Evil Spewing Liars” your payroll supports! Damn the hypocrisy and make Comcast pay in the pocket!

There’s far too many unsuspecting Americans, who are have become completely “Delusional-Delusions”. Again what worse, they’ve become very angry people! And they don’t know why. I’ve talked with three last week alone, plus another individual yesterday, a successful

“Pizza Shop Owner”.

This evil rhetoric has to STOP! If they won’t then “We the People” must show them how! Boycott their asses to Hell, where they belong!

Thank you Yang. Again you give me great insight and when my instincts are right, I write.

Thank you again Yang.


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Clear demonstration of DEI=DIE. There is a video ,(after he is in the car )of a pack of 5 foot tall pony tail girls , secret service girls all collected in a hysterical pack jerking around the car , ponytails flying . and clearly unfocused and panicking. Useless losers .

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The Secret Service chief will be promoted and he accidentally finds out a bank account in Switzerland has been opened to honor his excellent service to the Deep State.

Bank account or not, no accountability of the potential crime is what we will see.

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Yes this is true

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Who’s investigating the fBi? They’re investigating usss.

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Reminds of the 2 brothers Kennedy in 63 with Johnson taking over. The other one killed 63 was Robert Kennedy. Operation Aphrodite ballistic missile bunkers France with explosives on the plane blew up before being able to eject from the plane Joseph Kennedy. Younger sister Kathleen died in plane crash at 28 years of age in 1948. Saoirse Kennedy Hill died at home. Ted Kennedy survived plane crash blamed on pilot error. 1984 David Kennedy died of alleged drug overdose age 28 in Florida. Michael Kennedy 39 died during ski accident. Rosemary Kennedy had part of brain removed intellectually slow dies 1985 age 86. Ted Kennedy son Edward Jr with cancer lost leg bone cancer. Ted Kennedy diagnosed with brain tumor 2008 surgery died over year later.

The Kennedy family has been hit with tragic death for many years and people. With most of them gone the perceived threat is neutralized for the political sides. The democrats of the time of the Kennedy being in office as president have sure changed over the years yet the same mechanism that operates the country has gone berserk not even an assemblance of the prior. Turning into a free for all let the industry police itself while people are dying right and left when industry buys government it's a disaster time to uncouple these things and get independent of one another. Theory that secret was involved with the individual being run by them jerks that need to uncouple forever. The strange part is that most of our rights have been eroded away from enactments of law or agreements done in secret that we know nothing about. Ever since chlorine and fluoride in water systems of city or county we lost it just about all.

Good hygiene and sanitation solved a lot of disease problems. Like texas the hurricane say boil the water the contaminants in the water won't even be affected by the boil for 2 minutes it may help but won't get rid of everything. There was supposed to be clean water for all a basic human right we'll never see it due to the cab poison water ways.

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