The indoctrination brain washing to believe. In the last 30 years of childhood vaccines death rates lower than the covid few years of death much greater.

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The US is sending mRNA manufacturing technology to foreign countries Janet. It's building mRNA production facilities all over the world. Check out mRNA manufacturing in the UK, Canada etc.

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This has been in the works for several years. One of our customers was over fir Thanksgiving dinner 5 or 6 years ago. The wife spoke of her job flying all across the globe the help certify biomass. I gave it no thought at the time although as the many years unfolded it was clear that she has been helping to bring death and destruction to the world as she spoke of quality certification at each lab that had to set up labs, train, test and certify each lab. As the years have g I ne by as ifvin slow motion, I became more and more angry at the thought of providing tooling to permit manufacture of strapping used to pack skids fullnof cartons, every cartom filled with poisonous biojuice from niolabs killing brazenly as their products sweep the globa from over 300 such killer biolabs globally. Labs that kill. People in labs that kill people from afar much like Drones that kill people with nombs dropped in the night by operators in the daylight. It angers me to think I worked with such evil meniacle people. So close yet so far. The couple has no children so they have nothing to lose but their own life. I can only imagine she wants to rid herself of him becsuse he hovers around 300 pounds and she is an average build, well spoken, attractive woman from England while he is a typical overweight American. I can imagine him taking each jab and booster per her recommendation whilst she abstains...

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They are NOT mRNA shots by US Supreme Court Law 2013 - according to Thomas Renz, Lawyer, they are ModRNA DNA vaccine shots, synthetic, made in a laboratory, never existed in nature ever before and thus can be patented - anything natural and of nature, cannot be patented, such as mRNA.

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Out of pfizer, moderna, J&J, astrazeneca, valneva, novavax, sputnik light, sputnik v, sinopharm and sinovac, which would you prefer to be injected with if you absolutely had to be injected with one of them Christine? If I had to do ranked choice voting I'd rank the three American vaccines last with pfizer at the very bottom and then rank the British vaccines next to last. My first choice would be either a communist vaccine or a French or Russian vaccines, none of which are readily available in the US or the US vassal states. They seem to me to be at least a bit safer, whether or not they are more effective. However, I'd really prefer none of the above.

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Nobody has held me down and forced me to have a vaccine yet, but everyone around me is vaccinated and I have to do my salt water sniffle after I get home, or after, visiting as Carers, they have gone - so shedding is entirely possible.

We are still able to say No, at least here.

I would never accept any vaccine voluntarily and if that were done< I would short my body out on a 12 volt spark plug lead from my car, by turning the engine over once, theoretically blowing the vaccines content to smithereens before it gets to my Blood Brain Barrier - or kill myself in the process.

My father got me to hold a spark plug lead when I was young and gullible to see if there was any electricity going through it, which all trusting me did and I never forgot the shock I got - it did not kill me then, so presumably won't now.

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I sgree. All government health website in all countries around the world, all health departments around the world still states on thier Public statements that C19 is safe and effective and side effects are rare and that every one should continue to take these deadly vaccines! And that includes the childhood vaccines that continue to damage children.

The government, the public health officials and many doctors has not yet grasp the massive implications to the world to humanity of continuous vaccination of human populations. We can only imagine how the other vaccines can be as dangerous as the Covid 19 injections. How can we trust the same criminals giving us a safe and effective injection. If 95% of human population have been injected with these mRNA gene editing injections, not only it dangerously messing up every human DNA , but also it continue to kill big time. The high rates of autism and ADHD and other neurological damage in children caused by the childhood vaccines is very very concerning to the future of humanity! Add the rising early onset of dementia in many people. Add the deaths from all sorts of man made crisis including wars, deliberate manipulation of climate changes to ruin people lives and the environment, etc..etc..

But most of all I dread the thought that with almost 95% of human has been injected with these gene editing injections that alter our human DNA ?? What does humanity future like??

These people behind this should be held accountable and responsible. I agree with Dr Paul Alexander!

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What you write is true, but there is another truth not fully disclosed that attacks the "wanted" babies being born.  They are weakened by clamping off their umbilical cord before their placenta is birthed and before all pulsation ceases in their umbilical cord. 

These babies will have low blood volume and are terribly blood anemic especially in their now deprived mature red cells.  The weakened babies are then injected with stuff and some males are circumcised. 

It is mostly

these children who then struggle with medically caused ADHD and Autism, and cerebral palsy.  And many will have learning and behavior disorders.

The vaccines add to their medically caused birth disorders.  The policy used to impose premature umbilical cord clamping is called Active Management. 

The parents must have a witnessed and signed Birth Contract to stop the policy of Active Management, plus a court restraining order. Have healthy babies again, save the babies brains, SOBB, as a term used by Dr. George Malcolm Morley.   

This is best achieved by leaving the baby's quality of lifeline alone. 

All Babies will thrive if left as what I term, a biological, reciprocal and sealed unit. 

The baby's placenta and cord will fall away in two or three days and there will be no cut cord infections that may kill over 500,000 babies every year. 

Help Make the world healthy again by stopping criminal medical protocols and harmful medical standard of care policies. 

I am a volunteer birth policy reviewer since 1998. 

Please, do PICK Up the Gauntlet and fight, fight, fight. 

Be a strong person for Facts, Truth and Justice.

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My eyes are wide open. Nothing surprises me today. Evil is in charge currently and fools believe otherwise.

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Trump didn't lose 2020. It was VOTER FRAUD.

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WOW! Read Steve ... missed some of this information.

a MUST VIEW - the personal anecdotes :


.......... I mean, holy crap ! How do you gaslight ALL these people, and ignore them as "crackpots" and trouble makers and conspiracy theorists?

To do so is to ignore the POSSIBILITY - to ignore THE SCIENCE.

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Dr. Makis from Canada, tweets nearly data the deaths caused by the mRNA experimental biologicals. Everyone knows at least a dozen people dead or injured from these poisonous injections. President Trump lost the election in 2020 in part because he showed no decorum in his final,year and because the elections were tampered with. The globalists will do all they can to keep,him out again in 2024. However, inflation may be the one thing that gets President Trump past the winning line. I hope so. If not we can all say farewell to,our once great country.

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The only reason people "still" believe that the vaccines are safe and effective and continue to take them is nearly all attributable to the absolute lack of anything at all to the contrary. I took the first two Moderna in April/May 2021. It wasn't until late 2023 that I was able to have definitive confidence in the small amount of information that I'd been able to research on my own and so begin to realize what had in fact been done to myself and so many others. The sheer gravity and magnitude of the claim of genocide/democide was mentally and emotionally a mountain almost to gigantic to climb, it screamed inside every fiber of my being this was just not something that could be realistically possible! Not in America, some third world dictatorship maybe, but in America, and I'm 61 years old so have successfully taken a fair share of vaccines with complete safety, and the biggest obstacle to wrapping my head around this particularly elusive acknowledgement of truth to myself in the face of ever growing factual documentation was "Why"! Why would the required numbers of people and infrastructure and outright divergent government, state, county and local systems who are well known for not being able to fight their way out of wet paper bags with anything even remotely resembling expertise, or competence for that matter, going to suddenly possess the prowess to pull off a global-level mass-murder campaign suddenly pull together to exterminate their very own families and friends and communities? "How" is a hell of a second runner up, also, if it were possible to get past the damning "why", but that was simply my own personal quandary and resultant paralyses of my faculties and merely delayed my discovering and easily accepting the truth. "We were all perfectly fine and relatively healthy prior to Covid/Vax and we were dropping like proverbial flies after the introduction of the vaccines into our bodies!" Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning would drop us all at this unfortunate truth without any of the years long distracting and dividing social-media sparing that ensued, not to mention the at least 200 "other" calamities that were befalling, in staccato, one right after the other fashion and their absolutely even more insane responses not undertaken by the sitting administration, that made all of it, every statistically impossible reality we were trying so desperately to deny to ourselves was happening, because to admit such was to inform oneself that "the end" had already come and gone and we all of us were just too incomprehensibly clueless and unawares to even take notice, let alone do anything about it, further reinforcing our own already festering latent fears that, as per our very meticulously programmed internal response database will only allow us to respond, we all still chose Door-C because it was the only one that would allow for personal absolvement!

This is truly just the tip of the iceberg as far as the reasoning and rationale are going to let us live with ourselves, there was so very much going on at every given time during Covid, but it none of it matters one tiny bit. There are probably a few centuries of debatable documentation and evidence of all the "Whys" and "Hows" and with the perpetrators absolute unheard of enthusiasm for their one critical requirement to truly pull this whole thing off, even semi-successfully, and is, by the way, the absolute cornerstone of the the system that did make it possible, and continues to make same possible ongoing for the foreseeable future, and not just in the current scientifically dumbed-down field of practices... CENSORSHIP!

Myself, a veritable nobody, am aware of three different instances of where the current US administration was told to cease and desist it's censorship mechanizations across government, corporate and civilian systems, and primarily because it is direct and serious violation of our most holy of holy documents, beliefs and literally our very way of life! And so yes, everyone reading this is instantly transported to the next logical inquiry which answer to said inquiry is a resounding NO! As a matter of record and fact their efforts in such Communistic Endeavors increased exponentially and with utter impunity, much the same way they have been doing since taking office in 2020 with every single thing they touched from day-1!

So, yes, none of this endless debate and bouncing one theory off the others is necessary or helpful at all, in fact it's done nothing but allowed these invaders to establish themselves rather nicely and probably without a snowballs chance in hell of ever completely removing the problem from our country, systems and so our very lives for the foreseeable future, inclusively! It really could very easily be claimed that "the science" of it all and the ways of science were the biggest distraction and delay in launching any sort of meaningful response to the first, only and probably last direct attack by an enemy force upon the United States of America, God rest its soul!

The censorship allowed to run unchecked insured our country and all its citizens would remain oblivious to the high profile, continuous and parallel direct offensive enemy attacks upon our country and thus produced the "newly-touted" psychological subservience and pathetic excuse of far too many supposedly American citizens who knew enough to sound an alarm of any kind and still chose to remain silent. Again, the reasons why the remained silent do not matter at all! they were threatened, were recorded on video diddling children, have financial skeletons packing multiple closets, it does not matter what excuse they give, day one it became known there was "anything" with a status of imminent attack upon our shores and/or borders, every single American then had a "duty" to sound off and not stop even at the cost of their own life, to alert every American citizen, every state government, the federal government and every branch of the American military. There is a similar duty in every country of any worth upon this planet! We, as a fully indoctrinated and forever warring species with every single thing of planetary and political worth gained through such violent and murderous acts, all every one of us know instinctively this is the only proper response to such actions no matter the players and their positioning. In almost four years now, there have been an unending tsunami of attacks upon our country and every critical system, agency and bit of required infrastructure and upon the minds and bodies of our very own citizens and it has been allowed to continue absolutely unchecked this entire time. According to the second amendment of our governing constitution, "anyone" who aids and abets in the introduction of foreign agents and provides them with shelter, the sustenance to retain their fighting effectiveness and readiness and/or the means and/or tools to carry out their attacks is inexcusably guilty of treason against our country and its citizens and is required they be executed for such These are but a couple of the laws that have existed since the inception of our country, are currently in full effect and are impossible to amend or delete. There are so many other laws, just as critical and important enough the founding fathers thought to include them that have been repeatedly and grievously violated with absolute impunity, going on nearly four years now! Any one of these violations were reason enough to push the "under attack and at war" button by so many government officials from countless organizations and agencies it would seem absolutely insane to a reasonable person that in any way, shape or form the alarm would not, or did not, get raised. The sheer numbers of opportunities, required by law as is a representative's or appointee's absolute and immutable sworn duty in which they have taken an oath to uphold "So help you God!" And just as i say none of the other really matters, it is for these very reasons they do not. The alarm should have been raised by thousands of sworn American citizens who understood fully the responsibility they were accepting, and agreed to! Had they been faithful and loyal citizens or representatives, etc. None of these conversations, revelations or desecrations here in Substack would have ever filled the millions of digital pages if but one American had done his/her duty! Yeah, it feels kind of simplified, but that's only because it really is just that simple! Complications, confusion, unknowns, chaos, etc. All tools of your common, garden variety scammers and not-so-talented con-artists and communist regimes planet-wide! Here's a perfect example that everyone can relate to and knows is the God's honest absolute truth: Major Carrier Unlimited Cell Phone Bills! This is that special realm where things can be called things and even really look like the things they're called, but when it comes time to have you hand over money for these things you gotten, all of sudden everything is totally different, nothing is what it is or is called what it actually is and truth, clarity and even sanity just get tossed right out the open window and nothing is as it seems, even though you have an entire army of people swearing to you that everything is exactly as it should be as you're looking at your unlimited "high-speed" data plan's actual and based in complete reality currently operating speed which is so clearly, as indicated, running at 2G as they're still swearing upon their blessed mother's buried bones that it's just a software glitch that makes the 2G led light glow!!!

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I was under the impression that Malone had become one of the good guys by admitting the down sides of his contribution to the  development of the mRNA Spike Proteins vaccines and source of fat the Protein is covered with:  fish, bat, bird, plant, animal or human fat.

Malone can seek immunity to  criminal charges in order to testify in a criminal court why the Covid-19 vaccines could cause injury or death to anyone, in any age group, from one or more injections. 

Yes, Malone's moral duty is to help to do criminal Laying of Information, to any Federal Supreme Court Judge.

  The Corporations stated that have known complicity and are found guilty of endangering those being mandated injected will be fined.  Big enough fine in order to compensate their victims.

It is possible that the individual corporation's policy makers will be tried, individually, and may go to prison for any one death of a victim who was coercion or mandated injected. 

It is possible that 90 percent of the Covid-19 vials were placeboes for lowering the body's injury, none there but with the exception of a "bubble" going into the fat muscle or vein or artery, causing pain at the injection site.  

The 10 percent of any city"s vial's shipments are likely the "hot  experimental vials" and are causing the one in every thousand injections the injury and/or death by one or more injections of the same Lot Identification label code.

Only the present supplies of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines will give the facts on any randomized testing of the vials and their digital label Codes. 

This randomized testing was not to be done on any city's received Covid-19 shipments.  A conspiracy, of course.

Autopsies were not to be done on those who died after getting one or more Covid-19 injections.  A conspiracy, of course.

That conspiracy was true for any brand of these type of Spike Protein Covid-19 vials. 

Thank you for caring and sharing harmful injections health concerns.

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There was a story doing the rounds at the start of the vaccines drive,where a herd of cattle were injected with the Covid vaccines to see what would happen and all of the cattle died pretty much immediately, with the exception of one Cow which lasted 9 days, before it died too - then guess what - into Human arms after that.

It has always been my impression that the vaccines were expected to kill and that they have not killed as many as expected, as above, makes me wonder what "they" have on their timetable now.

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I will still defend Bret Weinstein who I believe is an honest freedom fighter. He and his wife were slaughtered by the "system" and had to leave academia. I don't see how they can be controlled by the very system that put them out of a job. I have for 15 years worked with people who are expelled from academia because they insist on scientific honesty, and it is my experience that they hold the moral high ground. Bret being an evolutionary biologist is my natural enemy, but I still think he is an honest scientist who is on the right side of the covid/vax debacle. If it can be shown that he is profiting from his work against the injections, I will consider changing my position.

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Trump is the deep state actor (fake assassination attempts) who takes orders from the big boys and who still brags about the millions of lives he saved under Warp Speed.

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You cannot fake bullets that killed a fan and injured others. It was predicted three or four months before the attempt to murder Trump, that he would get an ear injury. It is Online.

GOD spared Trump as God has a plan for Trump, a strong man, being used by God.

God is in control.

It is the Anti-Almighty God persons causing our human problems. All humans do have a choice for repentance, if they believe John 3:16. The freedom of this CHOICE is the same for the unsaved Jews and unsaved Arabs, too...

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You are delusional, sir.

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