Steve Kirsch gets it & we disagree on some yet at times he is refreshing & returns to form as a PURE non-thieving money-whore grifter as his buddies are! "The COVID vaccine: all risk, no benefit";
this is tremendous Steve & you remain (some say controlled op, I say Malone & Brett, not you) IMO a warrior; now go ask Malone (who pimps off of you) why he will not go under oath & explain his mRNA
deadly technology work with Bourla and Weissman and Bancel and Sahin and Kariko etc.? Why not Steve? Malone et al. killed people with the mRNA gene-based technology shot. So, stop going around in circles and go to source. Love you brother but it is time, it is time you add to this clarity, real stones…ask Malone, ask the others groveling for donor money, ask them how come they are silent and have never asked him about his death mRNA work…don’t tell me it’s not your issue, it is your issue, you play in this game so this is where you can gain absolute credibility.
And RFK Jr. can endorse Malone’s past book, and Malone pimps that like a badge of honor. Who cares, I call people to endorse my shit all the time and they call me, and we stroke each other, I endorse you and you tell me what to write, and you endorse me when I come around, we know Steve how it works, a book endorsement is as worthwhile today in this bullshit era as used toilet paper. Book endorsements are garbage.
So RFK Jr. will one day and sooner than later, need to explain how come he is silent on Malone’s (et al.’s) deadly mRNA technology vaccine and the fact is Bobby Jr. knows no more immunology or virology or vaccinology than I or you Steve…but that too is bullcrap…
what is factual is the Malone et al. mRNA gene-based vaccine kills and killed and they fucked Trump with it in OWS knowing it did not work, could not work and that it was untested and unsafe yet stood silent until the deaths accrued…and made money and gained fraud fame…like stolen valor, stolen fame based on lies…Stockholm Syndrome…Malone et al. have benefitted with Stockholm Syndrome on the US population…and they could stay silent no more….Bobby Jr. will need explain his silence on that and also the new silence (I do not know but it seems so to me and many) on OWS deadliness, the deadly lockdowns etc. Bobby Jr. has gone silent in an area that gave him fame and money and credibility, since endorsing the Trump campaign. This is WRONG, on many levels and there is a silencing. Bad bad bad.
Every single fucker I name here (the ones we know clearly about but there are others), Malone, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin, Weissman, Kariko, Tureci et al.) must be taken into courts, under oath, separately, not like the cigarette CEOs, no no no, separate, yet all at the same time, and questioned as to what they did, what they knew about the harms of mRNA technology and the vaccine, and when…and what they did about it. And their clear roles. We need this once and for all to decide who must face punishment. We need justice, accountability and they must explain how they fucked Trump for they did. He lost the election because of the failed OWS lockdowns, and the mRNA vaccines devised when it was never needed. They fucked Trump complete, and he would have won 2020 had it not been for the fraud PCR-manufactured fake non-pandemic called COVID…after the 2 weeks to bend the curve, he should have told them fuck to hell off and opened up, but he could not. I know what they did to him and they costed him the election, Fauci, Birx, Hahn, Azar etc. All those mRNA technology and vaccine people and the Harris and Biden administration harmed us more and even more with more ‘hardened’ lockdowns and mandating of the deadly vaccine that all the vaccine makers and mRNA people knew was ineffective and would kill.
Thank you, Steve, for this great article for it adds to the evidence. Props!
‘Executive summary
There are literally hundreds of “black swan” data points consistent with the hypothesis that the COVID vaccines killed more people than they saved.
Here I summarize for you four different data types that make this crystal clear.
The anecdotes
Personal stories are my favorite because they cannot be gamed, they can be verified directly by third parties, and they are often so statistically significant that a single anecdote is sufficient to prove the point. Taken together, they simply cannot happen if the vaccines are not killing massive numbers of people.
For example:
6 members of FDNY died within 3 months of the COVID vaccine rollout. This is unprecedented. Normally, they might see 1 and at most 2 deaths in a year for active duty firemen. If you run the numbers, the chance of this being a “coincidence” is 2.7e-7. In short, something killed a whole lot of really healthy young people and if it wasn’t the vaccine, what was it? It wasn’t COVID and it wasn’t bad luck.
Harry Fisher saw 20 vaccine deaths as a paramedic. Assuming he’s the largest cherry in the probability distribution (at the very tail end of the Poisson distribution of 200,000 people), the mean value would be about 6. There are over 100,000 paramedics in the US. 6*100,000 is a big number. See what I mean about one anecdote? Even after assuming he’s on the far end of the Poisson distribution, this is devastating. And this is just one of hundreds of such stories.
And more including:
Observations from doctors, nurses, and paramedics in the US. The comments are stunning.
A police officer in a large US metro who reports that “natural deaths” went up by more than a factor of 2 after the shots rolled out. I’m trying to validate those statistics independently now.
Jay Bonnar lost 15 friends unexpectedly since the shots rolled out. Four of them died on the same day as their shot and 3 of the 4 were 30 or younger. Before the shots, his death count was 0. This is statistically impossible (5e-22) and his story is verifiable.
The CFR data shows there was no COVID mortality benefit
If the COVID vaccine saved lives, the case fatality rate (CFR) should have dropped after the vaccine rolled out. It didn’t. It went up. So there was NO BENEFIT.
We can see this in the official aggregate US COVID statistics and also we can see the same thing in the US Nursing home data. These are both ground level gold standard datasets. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than that.
The Czech Republic record-level data shows the vaccines killed people
See this article for a summary of the Czech Republic data.
To date, no epidemiologist in the world has produced an analysis showing that both vaccines are safe.
I’ve updated the github with a new ASMR analysis by dose. This shows that the Moderna vaccine had a 30% higher 1-year from the shot age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) than Pfizer. So even if Pfizer was perfectly 100% safe, Moderna should be immediately pulled from the market. By doing a brand comparison, we mostly neutralize any confounder that can bias the result.

I also did two other studies:
If you restrict people to dying in months of no COVID, the mortality of the Moderna shots was still high in all age groups. This means that the mortality difference wasn’t because Moderna saved any lives from COVID. During months of no COVID, there should be no mortality difference. And yet, there it was. You can see the details in the analysis tab of vax1.xlsx spreadsheet which shows the mortality rates by month of vaccination of people who died in no COVID months. If the vaccines are safe and were randomly distributed by brand, there should be no difference in the mortality rate by brand. And yet we find that for ages 60-69, for every month of vaccination without exception, the mortality was significantly higher in non-COVID months for Moderna.
In order to show the mortality difference wasn’t due to some unknown systemic or systematic bias, I did another analysis looking at mortality rate differences by sex. If there are differences in the mortality rate ratio (MRR) calculated for males vs. females for a given 5 year age bracket, then this wasn’t selection bias; it has to be the drug doing that (i.e., the drug had a differential effect on females in certain age groups vs. males). If it was selection bias, it would vary by brand, not by sex.
You can see the details in the MRR by sex and age tab of the vax2.xlsx spreadsheet.I also did a 95% confidence band calculation just to make sure the differences were statistically significant. It’s wide, but still statistically significant: 95% Confidence interval for 1.5: 1.08 to 2.16
Large scale increases in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
This analysis of the UK data is hard to explain. There are so many other examples.
It’s unlikely the COVID vaccine was safe. There are too many “coincidences” that cannot be explained away. In this article, I tried to summarize it down to the essence:
There was no COVID benefit because the case fatality rate (CFR) didn’t go down after vaccine rollout (OWID data and Medicare nursing home data). FULL STOP. We’re done. YOU SHOULDN’T DEPLOY A VACCINE WHERE THERE IS NO MORTALITY BENEFIT (unless it stops transmission which this one doesn’t do). This data has been in plain sight for years and NOBODY has noticed this except for a few misinformation superspreaders ;).
The Czech data clearly showed a 1-year mortality increase for Moderna over Pfizer. The magnitude was huge: an ASMR increase of 30% that was highly statistically significant. This effect cannot be explained by selection bias. And 8 other methods confirmed the observation of increased mortality. The only explanation consistent with the observations is that the vaccines increased all-cause mortality.’
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
The indoctrination brain washing to believe. In the last 30 years of childhood vaccines death rates lower than the covid few years of death much greater.
My eyes are wide open. Nothing surprises me today. Evil is in charge currently and fools believe otherwise.