i have one small edit.

6)Codify into law that no vaccine will ever be mandated in the USA. end it right here. if you say (especially for work or school attendance) bureaucrats will find things that aren't work or school attendance and mandate them for those. how about "for entrance into a church? a bar? a restaurant? a sporting event? so strike this"(especially for work or school attendance)".

strike this as well: "and the discussion will only ensue if there is a proven societal benefit." if you leave open that door, even a crack, then teams of public health "experts" will always find some societal benefit to prove. they will fake data, come up with theories, do whatever it takes and soon we'll be right back where we started. it has to be absolute.

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Codify into law that no vaccine will ever be mandated in the USA. And nullify the 1986 Vaccine manufacturers protection act. Then start on the rest of it.

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The only questions politicians should be ask are how they plan on fighting the NWO WHO/UN Agenda 2030...

One World Government.

One world cashless currency.

One world central bank.

Ending national sovereignty.

End private oened property.

End of family unit.

One world military

Depop, population control.

Mandatory vaccines.

Universal basic income.

Microchipped society.

Social credit system.

Appliance connected to 5g.

Government raised children.

Goverment controlled schools, universities, etc.

End private transportation.

Businesses owned by government.

Restriction of unnecessary air travel.

Human beings into human settlements/15 min cities.

End of irrigation.

End of private farms., grazing.

End of single family homes.

Restricted land use that serves human needs.

Ban non-synthetic, naturopathic medicine.

Nothing else matters.

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Amen! I want government out of my health decisions.

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I received food stamps many years ago. Back then (early 1970s) you could NOT buy junk foods, soda, candy, etc. with food stamps. You also could not buy expensive imported foods. Today when I go in the local supermarkets, I see SNAP recipients buying mostly junk foods. Some buy multi-packs of sodas. I see people in those mobile shopping carts buying mostly junk food and most of them are very obese. Very few of those people are so handicapped that they couldn't walk around a supermarket. Most are just very, very fat, Used to extreme obesity was very rare, especially in young people. Today about 50%+ of people I see are obese especially in my area of Virginia.

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Yes, I totally agree. People eat too damn much with junk food. I hate eating junk food and especially now with more pesticides and everything else they add to it. We take our nutrition very serious and that may be one of the reasons we have never and will never take medicine. I will research natural alternatives first and I have! I do believe medicine 💊 causes most all the problems today because it may help you in one part of your anatomy but it is messing up another🤷‍♂️ Come on!

I knew this in my 20s! The religion of medicine always fascinated me because it was BS!

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They give junk in hospitals as food, so no surprise..

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In addition: 1.REFORM medical school! Teach methods of treatment, nutrition and not the constant be all end all of vaccines as the holy grail of medicine. Revive DO NO HARM and abolish DEI!!!

2. Seek and find those responsible for the murderous hospital protocols. Charge them with mass murder and crimes against humanity.

3. Require yearly, short courses in medical ethics emphasizing the value of human life over and above all else. Every nurse, doctor, hospital administrator must complete this training or have their license revoked!

4. Ensure protection for whistleblowers blowing the lid on those who purposely DO HARM in the hospital.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

There's a TON to comment on here. I'll restrain myself to just one point. Dr. Alexander's 2nd item is:

"Set up a victim compensation fund for anyone hurt by the lockdowns or mRNA vaccine."

My comment is this: There isn't enough money on Earth to adequately compensate EVERY victim of the lockdowns or the "vaccines". IOW, the victim compensation fund would exceed the US GDP 100-fold!

Thus, while the thought is commendable, it could never be materialized - victims would be "compensated" by pennies on the dollar at most.

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We are lucky to have all three of you.

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Why give praise to the very man who demanded everyone be vaxed. How quickly most forget that he said everyone sounds get the jab. Then when it became popular he decided to speak out against the jab. Of course he takes ask the credit for the information he states as his own when in fact most if not all of this information comes from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai whom it was plagiarized from. He is the true hero not RFK Jr!!

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agree fully Bos, he was one who said take vax and he did himself...then he went against them...you may have a point...

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I agree that RFK jr. and others are not the real heroes...there are others more deserving and this post by you makes me realize that we are on the right side......its what this COVID is...you believe nothing but then there are people with good intent too.

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Kirsch nor rfk plan on doing anything but help pump poison into people.

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Definitely good content in this post, no matter who the authors are or what the history is. Somebody should make this list and put it up any and everywhere that it would make a difference. The VA is still offering Covid Vaxxes. The Kirsch list is direct and to the point, whether it's his or not. Thanks for all your work on this Paul.

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Steve Kirsch still refuses to accurately name mRNA transfections but sticks to vaccine that is only similar in syringe delivery.. He has done squat to tie together Bill Gates GMO food and GMO human risks w transfections.. dude is the biggest grifter with an ego big as the Grand Canyon.

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agree on ego...I know him well...but he got his own money, he is not the classic grifter...but points taken...his tips are good...if I do not approve of someone if they can help I will listen...its the ones purely in it for themselves. if you read he seems to be pulling away from the grifters but maybe I am reading it wrong

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Snake in the grass rich guy that is ok with the eugemics program, as long as its not him or his family.

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Has he ever mentioned Bill Gates as the king daddy? Kirsch is not stupid. To me, that would be the real test of understanding this guy. I read that he worked for the psycho at one time. Did he?

Jury is still out as far as I’m concerned.

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When was US healthy, dr Alexander? Just asking.. A Probably before the government involving in health care? B Before the big agriculture and farming? C Before the water fluoridation? D Or all the above?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

I read Steve Kirsch’s sub stack and I would say one thing about both of their respective plans. Nothing should be mandated by the government. Diet and exercise are things we are all aware of and we should be free to choose how we steward our health . I don’t need the government or the nanny state to compel me to do those things.

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6)Codify into law that no ***MEDICAL OR PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTION*** will ever be mandated in the USA. Full stop.

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It's all been a big con since inception...


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