One of the long lingering theories that has had an outsized impact is that most of our oil comes from rotting dinosaurs and ancient plants. Its not true. Oil has been found at depths that preclude oxygen. Theyve found that there are oil reservoir deposits [in the Gulf of Mexico for example] where the oil levels go up after having been drawn down to a low level. Abiotic oil. It is a result of processes deep in the earth. The "oil is a fossil fuel" line has been used so long [no matter who first said it], that it ranks up there in terms of acceptance with people who deny that vaccines have caused damage like autism.

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Abiotic oil is like string theory, something people want to believe based mostly on conjecture. In this case, mostly from the eternal economic growth crowd.

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Except I've been on calls with a famous wildcatter who shared data to the same a number of years back. I'd actually reverse it and say that people who believe that oil only comes from dinosaurs and plankton and rotting veggies from millions of years ago have the bigger burden of proof. They like their "Peak Oil" hysteria that has been promoted for decades. Helps prop up the oil market. Ironically it also encourages the oil companies to discover "just enough" to keep the whole thing going. Imagine what would happen if we took 20% of what has been wasted in Ukraine and applied it to better drilling and discovery... Consumers would like it, but those 25-year CapEx plans by Big Oil wouldn't...

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You talked to a wildcatter. So we are drilling 3+miles deep in the ocean, fracking and tar sands, because conventional is abundant? That is at once an elaborate conspiracy, and also a failure of the imagination.

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Completely wrong on the red herring of “fossil fuels,” a phrase with zero scientific evidence dreamed up by a Rockefeller stooge, cuz, you know, when you’re in official High Plunder mode you need to know all about the source of your obscene wealth.

Makes it difficult to read any further.

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There are a number of theories. Theories ate what you get in a Simulation (see Gravity) while trying to figure it out. I like this one: if one accepts that Earth is a sentient being, then her bodily makeup would correspond in many ways to ours. Our forms consist of Earth material; we contain salt water, and host a myriad and complex assortment of smaller life forms.

I conjecture that what we call petroleum is something like a lymph fluid produced for a function beyond our understanding of.

Questions abound. Answers fly around like buzzards huffing gasoline.

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What is oil then?

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"In 1800, 70% of Americans were farming. Today that is less than 3%" Famine is prophesied in Revelation. (One of the "horsemen")

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One hundred million native Americans living all at once before European settlement? Thousands of tribes? Actual contemporaneous history says different. Perhaps that number cumulatively over many generations but not living contemporaneously at one point in pre European America.

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in some places it is said: good fences make good neighbors.

i haven't done anything about it, but if it keeps up, i'll bring in some rocks that should deflect cars a little bit rather than driving across the lawn.

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Thank you, good doctor Paul. Kind and generous words.

Though it seems pretty clear from the comments my topic means little to some folks here, elite globalists forcing us all into cities while they starve us, is nothing compared to my heresy of the use of the phrase "fossil fuels".

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While the general gist of the article by William Hunter Duncan has merit, there are some statements made that are just not supportable. I will point out one of them... this statement by Duncan is not entirely true... "Most “fossil fuels” are the result of plants, fish and animals settling in the bottom of seas, which over a long time get subducted underground. Much of North America was underwater 60mil years ago, which is why we have so much oil, natural gas and coal."

What we call "fossil fuels" oil, gas, coal, are actually products of the Flood described in Genesis chapter six. The Flood has formed or reformed every single geological feature on the face of the Earth. Space here does not allow me to present the reasoning, but briefly, a column of water 30,000 feet deep exerts sufficient pressure to squeeze every last drop of lipids out of every living thing...dead things because of the Flood...not to mention the tsunamis that ensued after the flood water came into contact with magma...the earth cracked open, the water in contact with magma superheated and exploded...a hydrogen bomb if you will...repeatedly causing massive hydraulic pressure in all directions...A careful re-consideration of the facts found on the ground will support what I am saying here. We have been lied to as to the origins of the resources we have at our disposal today, by the same set of people who continue to profit from killing us, indiscriminately with mis, dis, and mal-information. They do indeed censor the truth, now, as always, "pre-bunking". 60,000,000 million years ago is a far fetched and misappropriated random number that cannnot be proven true...and hardly disproven...that's why they use it. According to the Bible, the great Flood, which can be demonstrated to have easily produced all of these results...oil, gas, coal, etc., was about 4,500 years ago. and of course, it goes without saying, that the miscreants who serve themselves, not us, will not only deny these facts, but the very deity of Jesus Christ, and the existence of God Himself.

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Native Americans lived off the land no one owned any part a gift from the Creator. Yet, the land had to be owned in parcels from the French government, Spanish government while land is taken away from the original peoples. Buffalo was hunted to near extinction from the railways while the food supply is being removed given the American food, blankets, or anything else transferred to originals killing them off by infection from Europe carried over.

While today the agriculture is nothing more than genetic food supply not recognized as a nutrient. Disrupting the microbiome and then add in pesticides further poisoning people, water, air, soil. The nitrogen left over from bomb making materials depleting the soils removing the minerals and precious delicate eco systems.

There is the role of a fence to mark the property lines keeping others out of private property to national parks set aside to preserve the eco systems unique to each area. Yellow Stone most visitors are trying to antagonize the Buffalow and many other elk to bears which outweigh any vehicle some ramming the cars and people wonder why when they try to pet them as a unknown dog or cat. THEY will charge since you violate their home and space. When the cars have been totaled to being tossed while out on foot.

A person took a baby deer home and then to a vet thinking it was harmed had to be euthanized due to human exposure to being fed. There was a lady that was feeding raccoons 35+ and had to call law enforcement since she could not leave her home without being attacked. She wondered why it happened feeding them critters and they expected to be fed and when it was not done they went ballistic not relying on the normal food supply. That lady is getting charged with disturbing wildlife and feeding them. Cost include the removal of raccoons and relocation if it possible some may have been killed since they are used to automatic feeding by humans.

The white picket fence may have been the american dream of home ownership. Today we have to add in another grandmother unit adu is the dream of being able to afford the american dream. Many people have to work more than two jobs to even try to attempt to have a home. It may take several generations of family, along with renting a room to another person, it may also be another basement or attic. There may be two story or higher to cram people into a small space perhaps smaller than a studio apartment.

Years ago the bathroom and shower were not in your room. Murphy bed pull down. Some people don't have high fence to keep not so good neighbors away from your space, some add in privacy shield so no one preying into your private area.

Without fences some allow their animals and wild kids on your property to tear up your flowers and plants. I haven't heard neighbors put their laundry on a clothes line while the neighbors look at it. Today

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