With Flouride in the Waters of most U.S. States and being found as a strong Nourotoxin, I wonder how many Kids/Adults had their I.Q. lowered? Producing more Sheep?

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very good point. thank you for being here in this fight, you have helped me, us...

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yes, excellent point

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Exactly Michael. You’re exactly right. What’s worse is, the combined effect of those who “Drink the Kool-Aid” and the “Bioweapon Injections”!

There’s been an increasing amount of pitifully ignorant people, when behind the wheel of a car, believe their in their living room watching tv!

I’ve driven for 35 years approximately 45K per year and I have never seen anything so bad!

Something has happened to the mindset. As you’ve said, lowering IQ’s. I believe it’s much deeper than that. Although IQ reduction has a part in it.

Nevertheless, I’ve had countless conversations with customers who have taken the shot’s and still believe they are safe and effective protocol to their survival!

Most definitely has the deliberately designed Flouride lowering additives to water been responsible for such “Injection-Stupidity”, driving I believe is something else.

How can someone “forget” how to drive? Like a bike, driving a car is difficult to forget how. One possible reason is, IMO and based on a recent study by a German Scientist who said, “Neuroinflamation” is a direct result of these “Bioweapons”!

The part of the brain where this happens is the “ hippocampus” responsible for memory. This effect may be related to the “horrendous driving” I’ve experienced, starting two years ago.

This would also make perfect sense because, if someone forgets that they’re driving while they’re driving, smash! I’ve never had to avoid so many accidents before. Even on the worst of roads at the peek of rush hour traffic.

It’s been like “Bumper-Cars” at the circus! And it not predominantly illegals. The near-encounters I’ve experienced are, in every way American drivers.

Thanks for your thoughts Michael. Every little bit helps connect the dots as I believe more and more people have started doing.


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its as if we have a society of addled minds now.

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yes yes, and this is an excellent sharing...

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It's like Mad Max out there while driving.

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Yes exactly Kathleen. Never in 35 years plus driving have I seen such unbelievable and lackadaisical behaviors behind the wheel.

I’ve never been in an accident or have gotten a speeding ticket in more than a million miles driving, but today your head must be on a swivel more than ever! People have become so incredibly incapable it seems to drive and I believe they forget they’re even driving. Brain fog on the road is an understatement! It’s beyond tiredness or late night drunkenness.

“Mad Max” is the perfect description how driving today has become.

Thank you Kathleen.


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...and the smartphone doesn't help either. Geez, I just wish people would pay attention to their driving.

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I see it differently. Similarly, but in stages. Like I've said, I am going off of my own observations and conversations with many people. Here's what keeps coming at me, in almost every case.

1. Folks have been lining up to take "preventative" shots for our whole lifetimes. They're ALREADY programmed to do it.

2. Folks (formerly myself as well) bought the narrative that we eliminated things like polio & smallpox with SHOTS. We were taught exactly that.

3. People have LONG been duped into the dumbing down of language, definitions, phrases. I've been zeroed in in this one for YEARS. It was my major in college. AS A RESULT definitions no longer matter, carry any weight, or are even properly understood my most.

4. THEREFORE, when the idiot box with the idiot yammering heads TOLD US that we had a "pandemic," nobody stopped to question what one even was!! Later, they also failed to question, then UNDERSTAND the CONCEPT of how "vaccines" even supposedly work!!!

5. Now take "covid " and BREAK IT DOWN. Folks were CONVINCED IT MEANT DEATH. DEATH!!! TO THE MASSES!!! Now what in God's green earth did you expect them to do except respond in lockstep with perfect hive-mindedness???

I could go on!!!

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excellent point: "THEREFORE, when the idiot box with the idiot yammering heads TOLD US that we had a "pandemic," nobody stopped to question what one even was!! Later, they also failed to question, then UNDERSTAND the CONCEPT of how "vaccines" even supposedly work!!!"

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its also a belief that 'I' am better than everyone else and worth more so I must take the fraud shot for I to live...I dont care about others..I want it first off the lot

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There no question everything you’ve said Susie is correct. I agree. Where I disagree is why?

I’ve grown up in the era of which you’re speaking about. Yet from the get go, I thought, if this is covid is so dangerous and people are dropping dead every where, why are the same people going about their everyday lives?

I believe people have gotten so lazy. So accustomed to everything they’ve been told to be truthful.

I’ve always questioned everything. I thought most people did the same. I thought wrong, in one sense. Primarily because, even when presented with study after study contradicting the ever long gated narrative, people became angry!

Angry like I’ve never seen before. These same people also became so upset they’d begin screaming!

The level of emotional abuse I was subjected to during lockdown was astounding! Till this day, many customers of mine are still “disappointed” I didn’t take the “Bioweapon Shot” to the heart shot! Why? This I haven’t figured out.

It of no concern and or interest of mine whether someone did or didn’t take the shot, but an ever growing number of people I service each day seem to make this their mission!

Right wrong or indifferent shouldn’t come between just because! I’ll never understand this “human-flaw”!

Possibly as you’ve said Susie:

“Now what in God's green earth did you expect them to do except respond in lockstep with perfect hive-mindedness???”

Honestly I’m bewildered at how many people “Lined-Up” and rolled up their sleeves. It’s beyond ridiculous at how many people refused to do their own research. I still can’t understand this.

Maybe “Humanity” has reached a tipping point of no return? Or, maybe many people realize and are now too embarrassed to admit they were “DUPED”?

Either way, the world has changed forever! Approximately “one billion” lives have been “snuffed out” because of these “Bioweapon Injections” yet many people still line up for the next round of “ Russian roulette”!

As the saying goes “you can’t fix stupid”! Or is there something else going on with the brains of millions upon millions of people? Time will tell. Certainly time may be limited, nevertheless a few more rounds and we may all have our definitive answers.

Thank you Susie for your insight. One thing is certain, I hope more people have woken.


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These ARE amazing times we are witnessing. It's the "anger" part that I find so shocking, so disturbing.

That whole "protect Grandma" thing took on a life of its own....if you don't jump on THEIR bandwagon - you're an evil fool bent on the destruction of democracy and mankind.

Truly amazing the anger and vehemence with which they speak - whether thru social media or out loud in person.

The complete takeover of our "estates". Media, for example.

Mind boggling.

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Man oh Man OnTheJump how right you are! The anger, lackadaisicalness, seemingly lost mindset’s, and then there’s the “Evilness’s” like nothing I’ve ever seen before!

Especially coming from these “Political Hacks”! Walz signed into law a “DNR” order of a botched abortion newborn is born alive! How much more will it take to wake these people the heck up in the “Lunatic-Left” as I call them today? To allow a newborn to “suffocate to death” is beyond even, the Jeffrey Dahmer’s, diabolical evilness!

Thank you OnTheJump for your insights and your understandings of how dire the situation America is in today!

All we can do is, hopefully educate others,if they’re willing to listen. Something I’ve learned seldom works! Even when I’m asked the question, the wrong answer in their mind starts a “Shouting Enzyme” to set them off! I meet customers everyday throughout the Eastern part of America. I’m still shocked at times! Some people are so mentally unstable they shouldn’t be working or driving! In my experiences since lockdown!

What else can we do? I certainly believe in prayer and the more prayer, I do believe the better. Maybe some people will wake up consciously, maybe? There’s a mindsets with some of the “Lunatic-Leftist” supporters, who can’t wait for the demise of America’s! Our destruction is also the theirs! I don’t think they get it.

Thank you OnTheJump for you insightful comments.


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You know, AJR - I feel that the only thing that will "wake up" many of these people is when it hits THEM. Loss of a loved one. Loss of those precious freedoms that we often take for granted.......... and even THEN, many will continue to be influenced by the kool-aid, I am sure.

But - we HAVE TO try, right ?

Stay strong, stay FREE, and peace to you !

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I’ve said the same thing OnTheJump, sometimes it takes a shocking loss of a loved one, etc. which I’d never wish on anyone. It deeply concerning how many people have become

“Oh Well” but still believe “Orange Man Bad”!

Honestly, I’m not sure Trump isn’t comprised. More than likely he has been, maybe he was all along, I don’t know but there’s no way we have any other choice but to vote for Him.

I went back when Trump was on Oprah and the things he said then are the same things he’s saying now. Which is why I believe he’s been compromised.

I do believe Trump loves this country and all Americans! Disturbingly corrupt people have done to him what they’ve done to others such as Elon or Bush or Cheney. As long as you don’t cross the line, they leave you alone, somewhat.

Certainly nobody has taken as much grief and threatening attempts as he has, but then I ask myself, “How Come So Much Violence Towards Him and Lawless People going after him they way we’ve never seen anything like this before?

It begs the question, IMO, has all of what we’re seeing been staged? In order to 1

. Keep peaceful people peaceful and

2. Make things seem like there really is something other than we supposed to believe or know.

Quite frankly I’m not sure anymore why such drama and sort of “out of nowhere”! They got away with Biden, everyone knowing Biden was

“Non Compos Mentis” before he was placed in the White House.

Something is off, wrong and over the top suspicious, IMO.

I pray I’m wrong about this. America is the greatest nation ever and as imperfect as America is, we still live in the greatest country on earth!

Time will tell. Thank you OnTheJump. Peace to you as well and stay safe!


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Remember way back when Fraudchi said there were too many independent thinkers in our Country.

I even made a sign about it.

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It won't be an easy one since they flock in this together. Indeed, this is the perfect crime. They ruin the population's health with vaccines, and then they offer MAiD.





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Dr Paul, did you see that Jeremiah Hosea left his contact details for you as you requested so he can interview you for his podcast. Medical freedom activist, martial artist, chess teacher, and bassist, vocalist and producer. Looks like he would reach an interesting audience.

"My email is jeremiahHosea@gmail.com -- I think you're one of the strongest voices out there and I'd be truly honored to have you as my guest. My program airs weekly on the Progressive Radio Network, at 1pm every Friday."

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Wasn't the excuse for rolling out the mRNA and AVV jabs and doing an EUA that a "vaccine" was needed quickly and the West led by the USA couldn't produce traditional vaccines quickly? And yet the communists in China and the Russians and other countries appear to have had no problem in quickly rolling out traditional inactivated virus and then protein subunit vaccines? Then the US spread lies in Asia that these traditional vaccines were less effective? Yup! So Americans and other Westerners got Spike protein to the max and other populations didn't Now, finally a live attenuated viral vaccine that is to be delivered by nasal spray and which provides nasal immunity and "trains" the immune system a la Geert Vanden Bossche, after nearly half a decade of trials, about to be rolled out but it took the Indians, not the USA, to develop it? Well at least the US learnt to love the Spike protein and Bancel and Bourla got richer. Were there kickbacks to those who approved and pushed these mRNA and AVV jabs? Bravo Mike Pence, the architect of OWS!

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Indeed, this is the perfect crime. They ruin the population's health with vaccines, and then they offer MAiD.

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Stockholm Syndrome is supporting the guy who fast tracked the said NANOTECHNOLOGY bioweapon

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If you were actually paying attention, you would know that covid the bioweapon, and the covid "vaccines" which are also bioweapons, were created long before Trump came into office.

Try listening to Dr. David Martin, Sasha Latypova, Karen Kingston, and others. They have the patents and the receipts.

You should be more focused on the murdering psycho Tony Fauci who served 7-8 Presidents.

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They never do their research. They let the MSM do it for them😂🤣

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Of course not...they are too lazy.

Easier to push Orange Man Bad.

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From Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience" Volume 15 - 2021

"The SARS-CoV-2 virus triggers endothelial senescence by usurping host serine proteases, the renin angiotensin system, and mitochondria.

- Senescent endothelial cells disrupt the BBB tight junctions, allowing stress molecules, including ANGc II, ET-1 and PAI-1, access to the amygdala, hippocampus, and mPFC, increasing the susceptibility for PTSD and other stress related disorders.

- Virus-damaged mitochondria predispose to PTSD by shifting cellular metabolism from OXPHOS to glycolysis in a Warburg effect.

- Virus-usurped furin and plasmin alter the pro-BDNF/BDNF ratio, predisposing to PTSD."

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The mad scientists at DoD wrote a paper about using prions as a bioweapon...and it was published in an UK defense magazine in 2019.

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Very simple calculations make the orange man bad, no research on that required

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Exactly…even when you prove his magnificent record to the idiots😀


They still act 🤪

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Vote for Harris/Walz.

Don't complain when your kids or grandkids get drafted to support the Dem and neocon's forever wars.

It will be you standing on the tarmac at Dover AFB watching the flag draped aluminum transfer cases coming off that Air Force plane.

Your choice.

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I wouldn’t live in the US, my vote would be Shiva.

So trump saying that targeting the Iranian nuclear power plants is a good idea is not Indicative of war? He will start a war, his minders will force one.

My children will never fight for anyone, I’ve got a sailboat, I’ll take off to wherever is free.

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If you don't live in the US, why the fuck are you here commenting?

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I think I’ve been paying attention, enough not to have any of it, or a test. Covid vaccine bioweapons I go with, covid is just seasonal flu. David Martin is a 33 degree Freemason and controlled, Karen Kingston is genuine from what I can see, I don’t know about SL. I go for them all, anyone that had ANY part of it, no one should ever ever see a role again, they all should be in prison or better still executed.

If you did your research you would find out who exactly is running the show, what it’s all about, anyone supporting trump either hasn’t done the research or is controlled. It’s all about nanotech and linking humans to the cloud through self assembly and 5g, transhumanism

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No one is forcing you to vote for Trump.

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Yes Mark and there’s plenty of “said people”!


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Mike Pence.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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I and one of my five children saw through the SCAMDEMIC early on and did not fall for the mask or the jabs! But 4 did and it caused what you could say a bit of friction. Shall never trust them again or many so called friends. DOOR IS SHUT ON THEM! I often wonder how many of those that fell for it and even some of those maimed or had a family member murdered by the JABS still believe the COVID PANDEMIC NARRATIVE!?

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VA still believes it...they are still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 and over.

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Was Floride introduced without doing research? Or will we see lots of " We didn't knows"?

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I just remembered something from when vax first started out, remember the issue with blood clots landing in reproductive sites, Ovaries, etc? Maybe, because the shots did not kill enough people yet, the other purpose was to sterile the AMERICAN PEOPLE! Remember the ILLEGALS DID NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE VAX! Just thought about that, because the push for abortion by left and the whole talking about sterilization from shots disappeared really quick. Just another theory but A definite possibility? What say you?

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can we STOP, PLEASE!? you can call is mass formation or hypnosis or broken brains from propaganda, whatever you like. who cares? why take the time and trouble to call the concept of Mass Formation "bullshit to misdirect you?" which is basically accusing Mattias Desmet of being some kind of "operative" instead of an observer of psychological behavior who came up with a "term" to describe what he was seeing. obviously, it's not the term you prefer. but who cares? we should be allies, working together against a common enemy instead of quibbling over terms. this "my term is better than your term" BS is going to kill us.

the term Mass Formation has within it a political component that maybe the term Stockholm Syndrome doesn't but again WHO THE F CARES?

what happened to people was wrong, it was bad, the government ran a scam against us using our tax dollars to pay for it. we lost lifelong friends and family members and they're still alive! doctors played along with real serious consequences. people (like me) lost their jobs. you can call what happened whatever you want. but PLEASE STOP FIGHTING AGAINST PEOPLE WHO ARE ON YOUR SIDE SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T PASSED YOUR PURITY TEST. THIS IS JUST LIKE CANCEL CULTURE!!! HE USED THE WRONG WORDS SO I GET TO CONDEMN HIM. IS THIS REALLY WHAT WE WANT?

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If you follow the US laws and cultures then you have stockholm syndrome.

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Agreed. In many ways (not just regarding the jabs)) most people exhibit Stockhold Syndrome.

One example outside the jabs is with regards to government in general. In spite of the many, MANY instances where the government is *obviously* the cause of hardships and harm, people continue believing that the government is there to "help", that they are "a force for good".

WRONG! In just about every area, government is an evil, oppressive entity that imposes its rules and decrees by force, for the benefit of a few "special" people or groups. "Do what we tell you, or else!"

Then they gaslight us to no end. They make people believe that they are "smarter, better and do more good " than the people that they are supposed to be serving, when the when the fact is that they are the *CAUSE* of most of our problems. And so we the people end up serving *THEM*, instead of the way that it's supposed to be.

The Stockholm Syndrome is manifested in how people line up to greet and cheer government officials, the very same monsters that are stealing from them and making them indentured servants.

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If this is true, if people have been or still are suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome” than how can the “WACKADO” tree hugging tree huggers, not be all over these deliberately designed wars? Kabooms must cause climate change, no?

One might think, with all these kabooms happening around the world, “We’d” all be dead due to “climate change”! What say the “tree-hugging” WACKADOS?

Isn’t it so damn obvious to people, how managed, how manipulated we’ve been?

This is what infuriates me most! Everything is a designed “manipulation”! EVERYTHING!

Maybe this is why I learned early on how dangerous the mRNA technology was. Or maybe this explains why, so many people believe, “Chicken Little and the sky is falling?” Or maybe people are just plain dumb, lazy and too damn trusting? Or all of the above? There’s a way to narrow this down, become

“critical thinkers”.

Whatever the reasons behind so many “Clusters-Fuzks” of manmade tragedies, going off like clockwork, today I believe people have “thrown” in the towel?

I’d like to believe most people are “good & decent” but what has become clear, this may be true but instead people have become “lazy & dumb” which is an entirely different matter. When it’s “self-inflicted” you’ve got to figure it out yourself.

While “Moronic-Activists” throw tomato juice on a priceless piece of artwork, these same people become silent about exploding kabooms, depleting our atmosphere even further. If this was actually true that is!

I believe our planet heals itself. I’m not saying “garbage” should be left everywhere! For every stupid person alive, there’s another stupid person being born.

Hereditary is very real. Maybe this is why “Yuval Hariri” wants to destroy humanity?

So they can create the


Oh there really are “Unicorns & Rainbows” awaiting us all. Mom, Dad, Utopia does exist! There really is a “Utopian-Society” somewhere out there. My teachers,they told me so!

See how ignorant people can be?

Why? Does it really matter if in fact, manmade climate change is real? Absolutely not! Which is such a simple deduction how the “hypocrisy” is flabbergasting!

Which is why I don’t believe people are so ignorant as much as they are “lazy & dumb”

Event after event, tragedy after tragedy, connected together. Ever since the “George Floyd-Summer of Love” rioting began, one after another, we’ve been subjected to trains derailing or tankers crashing into bridges, illegals taking over apartments and hurricanes exploding over land! People are overwhelmed!

So much in fact, many people have now become tuned out. This is so dangerous, which has left millions of people “Numb & Dumb”! Maybe a lot more sex is needed which in turn triggers endorphins and thus, “Critical Thinking”!

People are sick of it all today and have left the station while leaving

“the lights on and nobody’s home”

What else can it be? Why would select “climate-activist” pick and choose their “climate-anger” targets and take out their demented beliefs on one thing but not the other?

Hypocrisy? Sure, but if these same people truly believe in what they’re doing everything would be on the “tables of destruction”!

We’re being manipulated, that’s factually correct. Some won’t fall for the manipulation the same way, some didn’t take the “Shot”.

The overwhelming majority will still fall for and allow themselves to be manipulated. These same people, who now believe they better off believing someone else who’s “Superior-Intellects” must be telling the truth. Yet to their own demise, their own instincts knew better, yet they’ve left behind their own critical thinking skills for the “Judas-Goats” of society!

For every “Judas-Goat” they’ll always be “sheeple”. The numbers, the amount of “Sheeple-People” is what matters and must change. This would mean a significant “change to change” our societal structure system for the better. Right now, people are scared, nervous, agitated and downright angry.

Which means they can’t possibly think “critically” but act out their emotions. A very dangerous situation which has been designed by the “manipulators of society”!

Then there’s those who will always think through. Ask lots of questions, and want to know what’s wrong and what next. Most people have this “innate-ability” yet they choose to ignore it and follow the narrative, for fear is a most powerful tool.

Until people become aware of their own reality, not a manmade false reality, we’ll continue to

battle this “Fish Out of Water” MSM, narrative driven mentality. People have the ability too, but haven’t a clue how, to tap it.

Thank you Dr. Alexander for always firing up your supporters!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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