court? We must get to a place where we literally imprison judges & lawyers who do this, who play the system to score political points, who work for the other side to take out an opponent, dem or repub
I've seen this document reported before...several years ago actually, and it was not on mainstream media. (I'm sure of this because I NEVER watch mainstream media anymore...20+ years). It is way past time to jail lying lawyers and corrupt judges, along with their counterparts, the politicians using them, and the CEOs that are their water boys. There is not one lawyer, judge, politician or CEO alive today that could stand what Trump has endured at the hands of these ruthless, soulless, God-hating bastards. If Donald Trump does not get elected to POTUS again, someone else had best step up to the plate to avenge him...We need Clint.
And it’s not the affair or the romance that matters:
Mr D. Pecker, and Mr M. Cohen were given specific instructions to do as they did for Mr Trump and it bore his endorsement. The instructions were explained as “capture and kill”: capture a bad story (that might get out if hand?): and kill it:
In this case the nasty rumor that Mr Trump had a “liaison” with a stripper and porn star : Stormy Daniels. Mr’s Pecker and Cohen were instructed to “lose” the story and bury it:
on specific instructions from Mr Trump to make it disappear with the specific intention that it not see the light of day because it would influence the election negatively (for Mr Trump). That, believe it or not is legally termed as election interference:
(Yeah, seriously: it IS).
Now in ordinary circumstances, this would be a misdemeanor and he’d get a nasty fine with public tongue lashing!
But (?): He LIED about doing this IN FRONT OF A GRAND JURY: and now he is contradicting (PERJURING) himself :
(Remember Mr Ken Starr??? HE got President Bill Clinton’s you know what in a ringer on that one; and nailed him on perjury : and he got impeached because of THAT.
Now, jumping ahead 30+ years:
Mr Trump is caught doing the same thing in regards to Ms “Daniels”. Whether or not they had an affair (???): is completely beside the POINT:
The point IS: He LIED about sending Mr’s Pecker AND Cohen to “fix it”: before it could get out and (?????):,
influence the coming election:
Against HIM:
His instructions AND reasoning (?);
Were VERY specific :
Kill the story :
BEFORE IT KILLS ME at the Ballot Box.
BELIEVE IT (or not (??):;
THAT is a perfectly legal tactic and it’s used a LOT.
The big sticking point of course (?); is THIS defendant is no ordinary citizen:
and he was using this perfectly legal (if highly UN ethical ), tactic to influence the outcome of a FEDERAL GENERAL ELECTION.
NEVER forget:
The Law has NOTHING TO DO with being FAIR:
It’s ALL about something Mr Trump can understand and even RESPECT:,
Simply because they were most definitely in the “room where it happened “;,
their testimony can be corroborated by eyewitness testimony by others involved, (lesser known players to be sure, but there were legitimate business transactions made, and those that made those transactions and carried them out, were also privy to Mr Trump and Mr Pecker , and saw the actions that were taken literally in front of them. Though they were never under indictment themselves their eyewitness testimony cannot be denied.
Yes, I would trust these ordinary people, who have literally been threatened with their lives,; stalked, harassed, now being treated as criminals just for being the one asked to bring a can of Diet Coke into the room.
They were given immunity : no other offer was made for them as they had no jail time in sight.
Two of the Civil Beat reporter bloggers for Truth Social and FOX are family familiars and though they could not directly mention any names : it wasn’t hard to note the people they were speaking about.
So ,
It’s not so hard to believe they would want to testify in closed chambers, what they had seen and heard right in front of them:
Mrs Pecker and Cohen’s testimony’s were 100 % corroborated: by people who had nothing to gain or lose as they were not defendants.
How comes you "know" every detail about Donald Trump's sex life - while you do NOT "know" anything about the murder of POTUS John F. Kennedy by your own American Central Intelligence Agency - although your CRIMINAL AMERICAN DEEP STATE is "officially" hiding all evidence on this biggest CRIME ever, of illegal "AMERICAN-ELECTION-INTERFERENCE" against "We The People" for now 61 consecutive years . . . ?
if you know EVERYTHING - why don't you specialize on the BIG crimes in that American SHADOW Government - that terrorizes the world in perfect Hollywood CAMOUFLAGE with their "WHO" & their Nazi American Terror Organization "NATO" & that ANTI-DEMOCRATIC MARX-ist creature World Economic Forum "WEF"?
That great ability for leaders - to differentiate - is called:
Americans have had to educate themselves diligently as the government seeks to deceive and deny them access to the truth. 50-60 years ago prominent people attempted to expose the truth behind The Military Industrial Complex (as President Eisenhower referred to it), and how it had hijacked the military, the industrial complex, had by then almost infiltrated the political and intelligence agencies and harness it to work in concert with outside forces to seize control of the entire country.
Between 1962 and 1968 four of those whistle blowers (a clergyman, a social reformer , a POTUS, and a US Senator), had been publicly murdred in cold blood.
There are many just like me who are doing precisely as you have suggested, and we have only BEGUN.
MILLIONS of Americans have taken the deadly jab like Trump told them to go get and now they are messed up, disabled, sick or dead - ALL PART OF THE PLAN - he has big financial stakes in big pharma don't think for one stinking minute he didn't know what was going on - I am sick to death of hearing how innocent he is - STOP IT
The ones who were wise and did not fall for the jab lie better be ready physically and mentally for what is about to take place
Let us not forget the neurotoxin in the water named FLOURIDE which dumbs people down - not only in the water but TOOTHPASTE - BOTTLED WATER FOR INFANTS FOR GOD SAKE
CIA, working in concert with The Mafia, removed a President from power they deemed a threat to the balance of world power.
The exact details have been nicely addressed by an Oliver Stone film, “JFK”: although he left some details unsaid, he got the main ones out in the open.
What you are saying, Patricia, is not true. Pecker testified that Trump didn’t know anything about it. Cohen’s former lawyer has also stated that it was Cohen who was having the affair with her. Even Avennati wants to testify for Trump.
Mr Pecker and Mr Cohen have sung a very different tune of late. However they have corroborated the eyewitness accounts of others less known who did indeed hear Trump say that he did know (who were the servants, the secretaries, the drivers: people of low rank who have little to gain by participating in the deception). Their testimony is on record. They have confirmed the how and the why of the “catch and kill” operation, and who ordered it.
It does not matter who had the affair with Ms Daniels. It matters that Mr Trump wanted the rumor/story buried before the election, and then we have the other young woman who years earlier had another affair with Mr Trump and also knows Ms. Daniels. He didn’t want that getting out either, so that story got buried as well.
Mr Avennati is another example of someone who did many such favors for his old employer. I doubt the defense will call him for he knows too much damaging information about others involved in Mr Trump’s operation. The prosecution has also tapped him, but appears will not use his testimony :
For THIS particular trial. Let’s not forget, Mr A is serving 14 years in Federal custody for stealing money from his clients (perhaps Ms Daniels is one of them?). Not a good look for the defense, and Mr Trump doesn’t want him either.
"Michael Cohen is far from solid evidence:" Cohen's former legal advisor Robert Costello attacked his ex-client's credibility as the "star witness" in the
hush money case against former President Donald Trump.
A 2018 letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) blows another hole in Cohen’s testimony.
“In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to
Ms. Stephanie Clifford,’ Cohen’s lawyer Stephen Ryan, who worked form McDermott Will & Emery wrote.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment
directly or indirectly,” the lawyer wrote.
“Contrary to the allegations in the complaint, which are entirely speculative, neither Mr. Cohen nor Essential Consultants LLC made any in-kind
contributions to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., or any other presidential campaign committee.” he said.
There are no facts in this case. There is no actual crime listed in the indictment. And so far no crime has been exposed in any testimony. This is a travesty. It violates the kaw and constitution
Read the 6th amendment. Sadly we have too many people watching too much cable news nonsense and believing the bs they are hearing. This is a massive conspiracy controlled by Obama and bidens corrupt administration. Real justice if that even exists, would see Obama, Biden and hundreds of others get prosecuted for this treason.
(( remember very little of that exists in this country : it depends upon. WHO is interesting that law: never forget)).
Have nothing to do with this case. It IS however, about rules, rules that are being written :
By those in power and who may (or may not?):
Now, I agree with you on the specifics of underlying crimes and violations of law:
(most of which are being rendered irrelevant in the case).
27 + years ago they impeached a POTUS:
Not based on any illegal ACTIONS by that POTUS:
but for one thing:
They caught him in perjury:( it was entrapment to be sure!):
But Ken Starr got him, and used the same strong arm tactics against all people involved , just as this legal team is using to some degree of affective ends, with this case today.
I admire your dedication to law, truth and justice: and as much as I or you , would wish it to be (and I DO, just as much YOU do):
None of those things have anything to do with this case against POTUS #45.
You are rare bird 🦜: a pure breed:
today’s landscape .
I truly wish you good fortune in all the wars to come.
We are in serious trouble in this country. We can no longer take the inflation, poverty,decreasing real wages and war on top of massive gov corruption. I hope you make some wise choices come this November.
Actually the Clinton impeachment and investigation was about specific crimes. In the process they got Clinton on perjury but he was never prosecuted. In Trump's case THERE IS NO CRIME. Look up fruit of the poisonous tree.
We've been put through Obama using the cia to spy on Trump in 2015 without a legal predicate, fake Russian collusion paid for by Clinton, Obama a d the dnc, 2 fake impeachments, several insane civil suits, one where he took out loans and paid them back in full, on time and with interset, and 4 indictments where no real crimes have been committed. Biden took classified docs dating back to when he was a senator, where's his indictment, especially since he isn't covered under the presidential records act, same with Hillary.
What is equal justice.
Please spare me your tds. The NY case is pure bullshit. It's politically motivated nonsense that is being coordinated directly from the White House. Connect the dots and you see we are experiencing the largest Nass treason event in human history.
That's your response after all I've shared here? What we are witnessing in these Trump persecutions is disgusting, unlawful and unconstitutional. These attacks on Trump started the day he first announced with cia spying fake russian collusion paid for by hillary and pushed by the scumbag traitors obama and biden, 2 pathetic impeachments, one to cover traitor joe's blatant crimes and the other for an insurrection that never happened, massive lawsuits based on total bullshit and 4 indictments based on non crimes. And all you can say is 'there have been far far worse'? WE ARE WITNESSING THE LARGEST MASS TREASON EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY AND IT'S FULLY DOCUMENTED! I COULD SHARE SOME OF THOSE DOCUMENTS BUT I DOUBT YOU'D SPEND ANY TIME READING THEM.
Trump repaid cohen listed as legal fees after the election, how could Trump have made those payments to effect the 2016 election? He didn't know cohen took out a personal loan to pay stormy.
Why didn't the bs 34 count indictment mention the underlying crime?
Trump and his lawyers didn't have any written notice of the crime they were suppose to be defending against. That kind violates the U.S. Constitution, not that it matters to the most corrupt regime in U.S. history!
Mr Trump has a knack for making statements for the sake of bravado and making the impression of toughness. He made the statements in front of other people:
Their testimony is what started all of this.
Sadly , petzanpnz, he seems to be unable to stop talking (especially in front of the wrong people). Those who did indeed hear him say these things are not going to be courtroom witnesses: (they’re the “little people” of no consequence: unless of course you are aiming to convict someone who isn’t “little” figuratively and literally!).
Constitutional, unlawful, (??):
Both terms that have been trampled upon of late by SCOTUS, and many of the other hired guns on the bench of our national judiciary.
When have that kind of disregard for the “rule of law” coming from that level now(?):
Why does his surprise (???).
You are passionate , I am cynical and have lived too long to see this and much worse.
We’re in for quite a ride, and though I’m very concerned (?);
From what I see you don't like Trump's 'bravado', but what's that have to do with the facts of all these bogus cases?
This is very simple, I say this often, you have 2 choices, vote for Biden, inflation, poverty, decreasing real wages and war, or vote for Trump and a good chance at a strong economy and PEACE!
What I'm seeing from our treasonous corrupt regime is mind bending.
You type a lot of words but they have little meaning. The testimony of liars should not be taken seriously. Again ill ask, what is the crime listed in the indictment? What us the underlying crime required by the statute?
Story admitted there was no affair! The fec and doj couldn't find a crime to prosecute. So what is going on?
So you've seen worse? Please explain.
Traitor Obama spied on a candidate, and a duly elected President with the aid of foreign countries that are not exactly our allies. Trump was impeached asking questions about bidens corruption. Trump was impeached for asking a crowd to peacefully and patriotically March to the capitol to have their voices heard (first amendment right). The sued him for taking out a loan that he repaid in full and on time. They indictedv4 times for non crimes and you take the side of a convicted liar?
Pecker testified that Cohen acted without Trump's knowledge. Cohen paid Stormy from personal funds without Trump's knowledge.
Simply put, Trump is being prosecuted for NOTHING....
Trump is being charged with a bookkeeping entry for an affair that never happened....would obama be charged with such a crime? What is equal justice under the law?
Trump is being charged with having classified documents that he was authorized to have under the P.R.A., biden who knowingly and willfully took and shared classified info while not being authorized isn't being charghed, same with hillary who according to james comey had over 2,000 classified documents on her home server and sent or received 110 while they were marked classified and she was never charged... Your heart has to be filled with hatred and ignorance not to see the blatant double standard!
The fake stream media uses these tactics on a daily basis. What did they report about the fake russian collusion sham? The documents had been released clearly showing clinton and the dnc paid for russian disinfo that obama's corrupt fbi/doj used to illegally spy on a candidate, a transition team and a duly elected president.
Pecker testified that cohen acted without Trump's knowledge.
Stormy admitted the affair never happened, wouldn't that be blackmail?
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance
of Counsel for his defence.
cohen paid off stormy without Trump's knowledge. Trump then repaid cohen between Feb of 2017 to Dec of 2017....How can Trump's payments made in 2017 effect the 2016 election?
Anyone who can't see what is going on here is blind or willfully ignorant of any of the facts in this B.S. case!!!
The western world is finished - because America is finished - and America is finished, because it has lost all it's inherent structure & integrity & it's love for truth & it's love for freedom.
No, it hasn’t. And one of the ways we know that is the insane level of demonization that the Democrats/progressive socialists in the US and assholes like Soros and that fruitcake Karl Schwab are pushing.
Because Juan Merchan and Alvin “The Whale” Bragg are both corrupt Democrat operatives that are colluding with Barry Obama and his meat puppet Biden to use the judicial system and the courtroom as weapons to knock off Trump.
That’s why.
Will they destroy the system in the process?
But they don’t give a shit. That’s just an added bonus from their unlawful attempt to destroy their enemy before he can lawfully destroy them.
Something to keep in mind whenever you hear leftist tools like any of those judges and prosecutors making arguments appealing either to morality or “facts” or law is something I’ve observed for a long time, that Mark Levin has written about in American Marxism and Democrats Hate America, and that Dan Bongino frequently discusses:
The Left is never about facts and being concerned about how close or far away people are from them.
The Left (like jihadist Islam) has always had a single goal, which is the complete control of society. Because of this, the only important thing to secular or religious totalitarians is the process by which that goal can be realized.
In practical terms, it’s very simple: whatever they adjudge will move them toward that goal is good.
They will do whatever they believe will get them there.
It makes no difference whatsoever that they say mutually contradictory things to different sets of people.
It makes no difference whatsoever that they say mutually contradictory things to the same group of people at different times.
They may tell a lie in service of their goal.
They may tell the truth in the service of a lie in the pursuit of their goal.
And since their revolutionary ideology is the supreme definition of reality, then anything goes in the attempt to actualize it.
So because THEY are the servants of that supreme authority, whether communist ideology or Allah, anyone getting in their way is, by definition, the enemy to be dealt with in whichever way is most expedient:
the ignorant are to be “re-educated,”
the fools are to be manipulated or isolated in some way,
and deliberate opposition is to be crushed.
Because either group believes the existing world order to be their primary enemy, and since different groups of people that make up the existing order are essential for its perpetuation, they set out to do anything and everything to co-opt those groups and turn them against each other.
They try to undermine longstanding cultural values, not so much because they don’t believe in them, but because getting people to doubt them, to hold them in contempt, to believe them to be “only” opinions, to consider them to be tools of oppression used by the rulers of the existing order to keep them in line or to deprive them of their rights, to believe that doing the opposite will liberate them—all of that will serve to weaken the sense of overall cultural cohesion.
Because people who don’t value something highly won’t fight to defend it.
And people who have become convinced by propaganda that the system they live in is wrong will be more likely to stand by and do nothing when it’s attacked or even join the attack (like that Hasan guy who shot up Ft. Hood).
They are deadly enemies of human civilization in exactly the same way that infectious diseases are enemies of the body and should be treated as such.
They are all opportunistic, sick fucks who don’t care who or what they destroy as long as they come out on top.
So do unto them what they fully intend to do unto you--hell, they’re already doing it. Get mobilized and get to work before it’s too late.
Don’t shed a tear over their demise any more than you would over the fate of some home invaders coming up against homeowners with a plan and the means and the will to carry it out.
And pay no attention to their propagandists saying shit like, “So, you care more about your property than you care about human life?”
Yeah, because it’s your property and they don’t give a shit about your life as long as they can take it.
You delivered a great description of the current globally organized STEALTH MARXIST WAR against "We The People" - which is highly attractive to all INSANE leaders of the world - that should rightfully be called the "Mentally INSANE", whom we label as the real criminal "PSYCHOPATHS".
Thanks, Paul. We’re faced with the single greatest threat since the Civil War, because it’s the same one as in the Civil War but with a twist. The twist is the miscegenation of the Democrat Party with the progressive socialists as organized by WDP Bliss, Boston Congregationalist minister and Christian socialist, and his (apparently) short-lived American Fabian Union of the mid-1890s. It didn’t fall apart any more than the Socialiste Internationale did after Engels moved it from Europe to Philadelphia in the latter 1800s. It just publicly disbanded to embark on Bliss’s plan of infiltration and takeover of American institutions, public and private, one by one, in what would later be called “the great march through the institutions.”
Some think this was the creation of Gramsci in Italy, but he was literally a child of 3 or 4 when Bliss set it into motion, Hitler was about 6, Lenin was about 25 and Stalin was about 15.
The American socialist groups were many and the Democrat Party history and tactics were studied assiduously by the Nazis in Germany and the Afrikaners in South Africa.
With the socialists’ surreptitious union with the Democrat Party they were able to take advantage of A. Democrat machine politics in the largest cities throughout the US, and B. the essentially asshole nature of Democrats all the way back to the Trail of Tears. With the extremely large number of socialist groups throughout the US (even back before Bliss they were very big in the major Eastern, Midwest, and West Coast cities), this enabled the Democrats to get ratified the 16th Amendment (federal income tax) and the 17th Amendment (the abolition of the representation of state governments in the federal government in the Senate and a check and balance against the directly elected House). Once state senators were elected by popular vote, there was nothing to stop the crooked Democrat machine politics from making serious inroads into taking over the federal government and having all the federal money they needed to push the socialist agenda.
And now we are seeing the fruition of that deliberate strategy begun in the mid-1890s. To make matters even worse, the same strategy was adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood that refers to it as cultural jihad, the origin of jihadist Islam being at the hands of proselytizing socialists and Marxists in European universities in the latter 1800s where rich Muslims from around the world sent their sons to be educated. So it’s really no wonder at all to see Barry Obama, a Muslim and a Marxist, Barack Obama, his putative father, a Muslim and a Marxist, Lolo Soetoro, Barry’s adoptive father, a Muslim and a Marxist. Nor was it surprising to see Middle Eastern Muslims all gaga over Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sending Muslim troops to help Hitler and being the source of the so-called “Final Solution.”
All of those groups were unified around the world because of American progressive socialists’ hookup with the Democrat Party.
There's a remote possibility the fake news will report this. If I was a Biden strategist I'd be looking for a distraction. Quick, find some peasants somewhere to bomb!
I think this is old news. She will claim she was forced to write that statement as a condition of being paid the Hush money.
However, how do we know that Stormy didn't blackmail Trump to pay the Hush Money?
It is not illegal to pay Hush Money, as everyone has been saying.
Doesn't prove he had an affair, only that the perception would be that she had an affair.
As long as there would be doubt that Trump paid her to protect his family (even though there wasn't actually a sexual affair) there is no case.
Of course the statue of limitations has long expired.
But otherwise it would be just a misdemeanor if can be proven it was to help his election chances.
However, the Dems are trying to use some trickery to make it into a felony.
Its only going to help Trump and if Trump would be found guilty, he would win in an appeal, because there is so much wrong. The Jury was never told it isn't a crime to pay Hush Money.
ALSO I’m not sure why Paul is only just reporting this, or why Trump seems to have only recently posted this - (? I can’t see a date) because I have sighted that document months and months ago????
I'd love to see her testify and watch as she (IF she) tries to deny her prior signed statement.
Stormy and Michael Cohen both have the impossible task of taking back past statements exonerating DJT if they are to be of any assistance to the NYC DA in prosecuting this baseless, senseless, partisan "case."
They’ll do it. Perjury carries a nasty charge. Taking back statements is easy, lying under oath(?), all but impossible (if you want to stay out of jail).
I entirely agree. Unfortunately, the NYC legal authorities responsible for bringing a charge of perjury -- Judge Merchan and/or the DA's Office -- would more likely suborn Stormy's and Michael Cohen's perjury than prosecute it. (imo, of course)
Yes but if she wrote that name it would have NO BEARING on the case that involves a person known by the name of Stormy Daniels. This is her hooker name and she was involved under that name so it makes sense to use her given name.
Judge Juan Merchan warned that if Trump continues to violate the order, he could impose “an incarceratory punishment.”
I would impose a verdict on him in the court of public opinion and Sue him for defamation of character, breaking the 1st amendment right to free speech,, and interferring in Trump's right to run for the presidency unhindered by the clown show that Merchan is putting on in the criminally insane court system. In fact he should be disbarred and fired as a justice because he wouldn't know what justice was if it bit him in the behind.
It is just one distraction after another - COVID was a HUGE distraction - All this dog and pony show court garbage with trump HUGE DISTRACTION - So you will not see all the Chinese miliary men coming over here freely illegally and being strategically placed and just waiting on orders
What I don't understand is this: What was Sormy Daniels paid for? I realize that NDAs happen all the time...but if she said that an affair never took place between her and Pres Trump, why did she receive money?
I heard that and saw letter awhile ago, I also heard she was actually having an affair with Cohen, the lying lawyer that is in jail now. That he concocted the story to get money out of Trump. The problem remains, he said, she is now saying and a New York judge, jury and lying DA!
Stormy Double D. at some point claimed she'd had an affair with The Donald. As many wealthy men do, Trump decide to pay the money rather than go through the process of litigation, not because they are guilty but because it's dirties their name or "brand".
Now there's is this letter from Stormy Double D. stating there never was an affair. If the letter is real, isn't Stormy Double D. admitting she committed extortion?
Shouldn't then the Double D's and her attorneys be on trial rather than Trump?
I've seen this document reported before...several years ago actually, and it was not on mainstream media. (I'm sure of this because I NEVER watch mainstream media anymore...20+ years). It is way past time to jail lying lawyers and corrupt judges, along with their counterparts, the politicians using them, and the CEOs that are their water boys. There is not one lawyer, judge, politician or CEO alive today that could stand what Trump has endured at the hands of these ruthless, soulless, God-hating bastards. If Donald Trump does not get elected to POTUS again, someone else had best step up to the plate to avenge him...We need Clint.
yes, we do
At 90+ years of age (?):
Clint ain’t the ticket:
And it’s not the affair or the romance that matters:
Mr D. Pecker, and Mr M. Cohen were given specific instructions to do as they did for Mr Trump and it bore his endorsement. The instructions were explained as “capture and kill”: capture a bad story (that might get out if hand?): and kill it:
In this case the nasty rumor that Mr Trump had a “liaison” with a stripper and porn star : Stormy Daniels. Mr’s Pecker and Cohen were instructed to “lose” the story and bury it:
on specific instructions from Mr Trump to make it disappear with the specific intention that it not see the light of day because it would influence the election negatively (for Mr Trump). That, believe it or not is legally termed as election interference:
(Yeah, seriously: it IS).
Now in ordinary circumstances, this would be a misdemeanor and he’d get a nasty fine with public tongue lashing!
But (?): He LIED about doing this IN FRONT OF A GRAND JURY: and now he is contradicting (PERJURING) himself :
(Remember Mr Ken Starr??? HE got President Bill Clinton’s you know what in a ringer on that one; and nailed him on perjury : and he got impeached because of THAT.
Now, jumping ahead 30+ years:
Mr Trump is caught doing the same thing in regards to Ms “Daniels”. Whether or not they had an affair (???): is completely beside the POINT:
The point IS: He LIED about sending Mr’s Pecker AND Cohen to “fix it”: before it could get out and (?????):,
influence the coming election:
Against HIM:
His instructions AND reasoning (?);
Were VERY specific :
Kill the story :
BEFORE IT KILLS ME at the Ballot Box.
BELIEVE IT (or not (??):;
THAT is a perfectly legal tactic and it’s used a LOT.
The big sticking point of course (?); is THIS defendant is no ordinary citizen:
and he was using this perfectly legal (if highly UN ethical ), tactic to influence the outcome of a FEDERAL GENERAL ELECTION.
NEVER forget:
The Law has NOTHING TO DO with being FAIR:
It’s ALL about something Mr Trump can understand and even RESPECT:,
(consult Ms M. Lewinsky for further details).
and you believe Mr D. Pecker, and Mr M. Rat, oh sorry, I meant Cohen?
Simply because they were most definitely in the “room where it happened “;,
their testimony can be corroborated by eyewitness testimony by others involved, (lesser known players to be sure, but there were legitimate business transactions made, and those that made those transactions and carried them out, were also privy to Mr Trump and Mr Pecker , and saw the actions that were taken literally in front of them. Though they were never under indictment themselves their eyewitness testimony cannot be denied.
Yes, I would trust these ordinary people, who have literally been threatened with their lives,; stalked, harassed, now being treated as criminals just for being the one asked to bring a can of Diet Coke into the room.
They were given immunity : no other offer was made for them as they had no jail time in sight.
Two of the Civil Beat reporter bloggers for Truth Social and FOX are family familiars and though they could not directly mention any names : it wasn’t hard to note the people they were speaking about.
So ,
It’s not so hard to believe they would want to testify in closed chambers, what they had seen and heard right in front of them:
Mrs Pecker and Cohen’s testimony’s were 100 % corroborated: by people who had nothing to gain or lose as they were not defendants.
Hello Patricia,
How comes you "know" every detail about Donald Trump's sex life - while you do NOT "know" anything about the murder of POTUS John F. Kennedy by your own American Central Intelligence Agency - although your CRIMINAL AMERICAN DEEP STATE is "officially" hiding all evidence on this biggest CRIME ever, of illegal "AMERICAN-ELECTION-INTERFERENCE" against "We The People" for now 61 consecutive years . . . ?
We also know about the election interference from 1860, 1879, 1889, 1904, 1912, 1929, 1947, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, 2010, 2016, 2020, and 2024.
So ,
It’s an old sweet song.
if you know EVERYTHING - why don't you specialize on the BIG crimes in that American SHADOW Government - that terrorizes the world in perfect Hollywood CAMOUFLAGE with their "WHO" & their Nazi American Terror Organization "NATO" & that ANTI-DEMOCRATIC MARX-ist creature World Economic Forum "WEF"?
That great ability for leaders - to differentiate - is called:
How do you know that I haven’t ?
Americans have had to educate themselves diligently as the government seeks to deceive and deny them access to the truth. 50-60 years ago prominent people attempted to expose the truth behind The Military Industrial Complex (as President Eisenhower referred to it), and how it had hijacked the military, the industrial complex, had by then almost infiltrated the political and intelligence agencies and harness it to work in concert with outside forces to seize control of the entire country.
Between 1962 and 1968 four of those whistle blowers (a clergyman, a social reformer , a POTUS, and a US Senator), had been publicly murdred in cold blood.
There are many just like me who are doing precisely as you have suggested, and we have only BEGUN.
MILLIONS of Americans have taken the deadly jab like Trump told them to go get and now they are messed up, disabled, sick or dead - ALL PART OF THE PLAN - he has big financial stakes in big pharma don't think for one stinking minute he didn't know what was going on - I am sick to death of hearing how innocent he is - STOP IT
The ones who were wise and did not fall for the jab lie better be ready physically and mentally for what is about to take place
Let us not forget the neurotoxin in the water named FLOURIDE which dumbs people down - not only in the water but TOOTHPASTE - BOTTLED WATER FOR INFANTS FOR GOD SAKE
Actually it’s now very well known that The
CIA, working in concert with The Mafia, removed a President from power they deemed a threat to the balance of world power.
The exact details have been nicely addressed by an Oliver Stone film, “JFK”: although he left some details unsaid, he got the main ones out in the open.
What you are saying, Patricia, is not true. Pecker testified that Trump didn’t know anything about it. Cohen’s former lawyer has also stated that it was Cohen who was having the affair with her. Even Avennati wants to testify for Trump.
Mr Pecker and Mr Cohen have sung a very different tune of late. However they have corroborated the eyewitness accounts of others less known who did indeed hear Trump say that he did know (who were the servants, the secretaries, the drivers: people of low rank who have little to gain by participating in the deception). Their testimony is on record. They have confirmed the how and the why of the “catch and kill” operation, and who ordered it.
It does not matter who had the affair with Ms Daniels. It matters that Mr Trump wanted the rumor/story buried before the election, and then we have the other young woman who years earlier had another affair with Mr Trump and also knows Ms. Daniels. He didn’t want that getting out either, so that story got buried as well.
Mr Avennati is another example of someone who did many such favors for his old employer. I doubt the defense will call him for he knows too much damaging information about others involved in Mr Trump’s operation. The prosecution has also tapped him, but appears will not use his testimony :
For THIS particular trial. Let’s not forget, Mr A is serving 14 years in Federal custody for stealing money from his clients (perhaps Ms Daniels is one of them?). Not a good look for the defense, and Mr Trump doesn’t want him either.
If you are so knowledgeable about this, why aren't you a witness for the prosecution? 🤔
Probably because I wasn’t in the room where it happened. The prosecution is using eyewitness testimony: (smart move on their part!).
Knowing someone who was there, does not substitute for being there.
"Michael Cohen is far from solid evidence:" Cohen's former legal advisor Robert Costello attacked his ex-client's credibility as the "star witness" in the
hush money case against former President Donald Trump.
A 2018 letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) blows another hole in Cohen’s testimony.
“In a private transaction in 2016, before the U.S. presidential election, Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to
Ms. Stephanie Clifford,’ Cohen’s lawyer Stephen Ryan, who worked form McDermott Will & Emery wrote.
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment
directly or indirectly,” the lawyer wrote.
“Contrary to the allegations in the complaint, which are entirely speculative, neither Mr. Cohen nor Essential Consultants LLC made any in-kind
contributions to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., or any other presidential campaign committee.” he said.
The FEC voted 4-1 to close the inquiry after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when
his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair.
Cohen was convicted in 2018 of lying to Congress, tax evasion and other charges relating to the payments to Daniels and other women. He served three
years in prison.
Why did the doj and former ny da vance refuse this case? Even bragg when he first took office turned this case down, what changed?
Well maybe it has something to do with the number 3 official at the doj quitting his high ranking job to work under a lowly ny da:
Matthew Colangelo, 48, worked in the Obama admin as a senior Labor Department official joined the DA’s office as senior counsel in Dec. 2022.
He was appointed acting associate AG in 2021 when Biden took office, the third highest-ranking at the DOJ.
Traitor pretty much admitted what he was doing:
Biden knew he could not legitimately beat Trump.
Here he is admitting he would collude with the courts to keep Donald Trump from becoming President again.
This ny case is the dumbest most illegal nonsense this country has ever witnessed!
Those ARE the facts (of this case).
There are no facts in this case. There is no actual crime listed in the indictment. And so far no crime has been exposed in any testimony. This is a travesty. It violates the kaw and constitution
Read the 6th amendment. Sadly we have too many people watching too much cable news nonsense and believing the bs they are hearing. This is a massive conspiracy controlled by Obama and bidens corrupt administration. Real justice if that even exists, would see Obama, Biden and hundreds of others get prosecuted for this treason.
I can agree with on the legalities of this case:
Facts, and rule of law :
(( remember very little of that exists in this country : it depends upon. WHO is interesting that law: never forget)).
Have nothing to do with this case. It IS however, about rules, rules that are being written :
By those in power and who may (or may not?):
Now, I agree with you on the specifics of underlying crimes and violations of law:
(most of which are being rendered irrelevant in the case).
27 + years ago they impeached a POTUS:
Not based on any illegal ACTIONS by that POTUS:
but for one thing:
They caught him in perjury:( it was entrapment to be sure!):
But Ken Starr got him, and used the same strong arm tactics against all people involved , just as this legal team is using to some degree of affective ends, with this case today.
I admire your dedication to law, truth and justice: and as much as I or you , would wish it to be (and I DO, just as much YOU do):
None of those things have anything to do with this case against POTUS #45.
You are rare bird 🦜: a pure breed:
today’s landscape .
I truly wish you good fortune in all the wars to come.
I appreciate the kind words.
We are in serious trouble in this country. We can no longer take the inflation, poverty,decreasing real wages and war on top of massive gov corruption. I hope you make some wise choices come this November.
Actually the Clinton impeachment and investigation was about specific crimes. In the process they got Clinton on perjury but he was never prosecuted. In Trump's case THERE IS NO CRIME. Look up fruit of the poisonous tree.
We've been put through Obama using the cia to spy on Trump in 2015 without a legal predicate, fake Russian collusion paid for by Clinton, Obama a d the dnc, 2 fake impeachments, several insane civil suits, one where he took out loans and paid them back in full, on time and with interset, and 4 indictments where no real crimes have been committed. Biden took classified docs dating back to when he was a senator, where's his indictment, especially since he isn't covered under the presidential records act, same with Hillary.
What is equal justice.
Please spare me your tds. The NY case is pure bullshit. It's politically motivated nonsense that is being coordinated directly from the White House. Connect the dots and you see we are experiencing the largest Nass treason event in human history.
Oh! No petzanpz,
There are and have been far , far worse: (believe it or not).
That's your response after all I've shared here? What we are witnessing in these Trump persecutions is disgusting, unlawful and unconstitutional. These attacks on Trump started the day he first announced with cia spying fake russian collusion paid for by hillary and pushed by the scumbag traitors obama and biden, 2 pathetic impeachments, one to cover traitor joe's blatant crimes and the other for an insurrection that never happened, massive lawsuits based on total bullshit and 4 indictments based on non crimes. And all you can say is 'there have been far far worse'? WE ARE WITNESSING THE LARGEST MASS TREASON EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY AND IT'S FULLY DOCUMENTED! I COULD SHARE SOME OF THOSE DOCUMENTS BUT I DOUBT YOU'D SPEND ANY TIME READING THEM.
What exactly was Trump's crime here?
cohen paid stormy without Trump's knowledge.
Trump repaid cohen listed as legal fees after the election, how could Trump have made those payments to effect the 2016 election? He didn't know cohen took out a personal loan to pay stormy.
Why didn't the bs 34 count indictment mention the underlying crime?
Trump and his lawyers didn't have any written notice of the crime they were suppose to be defending against. That kind violates the U.S. Constitution, not that it matters to the most corrupt regime in U.S. history!
Mr Trump has a knack for making statements for the sake of bravado and making the impression of toughness. He made the statements in front of other people:
Their testimony is what started all of this.
Sadly , petzanpnz, he seems to be unable to stop talking (especially in front of the wrong people). Those who did indeed hear him say these things are not going to be courtroom witnesses: (they’re the “little people” of no consequence: unless of course you are aiming to convict someone who isn’t “little” figuratively and literally!).
Constitutional, unlawful, (??):
Both terms that have been trampled upon of late by SCOTUS, and many of the other hired guns on the bench of our national judiciary.
When have that kind of disregard for the “rule of law” coming from that level now(?):
Why does his surprise (???).
You are passionate , I am cynical and have lived too long to see this and much worse.
We’re in for quite a ride, and though I’m very concerned (?);
I’m not fearful either.
I applaud your hutzpah sir!
From what I see you don't like Trump's 'bravado', but what's that have to do with the facts of all these bogus cases?
This is very simple, I say this often, you have 2 choices, vote for Biden, inflation, poverty, decreasing real wages and war, or vote for Trump and a good chance at a strong economy and PEACE!
You've lived too long?
I too have lived too long.
What I'm seeing from our treasonous corrupt regime is mind bending.
You type a lot of words but they have little meaning. The testimony of liars should not be taken seriously. Again ill ask, what is the crime listed in the indictment? What us the underlying crime required by the statute?
Story admitted there was no affair! The fec and doj couldn't find a crime to prosecute. So what is going on?
So you've seen worse? Please explain.
Traitor Obama spied on a candidate, and a duly elected President with the aid of foreign countries that are not exactly our allies. Trump was impeached asking questions about bidens corruption. Trump was impeached for asking a crowd to peacefully and patriotically March to the capitol to have their voices heard (first amendment right). The sued him for taking out a loan that he repaid in full and on time. They indictedv4 times for non crimes and you take the side of a convicted liar?
Pecker testified that Cohen acted without Trump's knowledge. Cohen paid Stormy from personal funds without Trump's knowledge.
Simply put, Trump is being prosecuted for NOTHING....
Trump is being charged with a bookkeeping entry for an affair that never happened....would obama be charged with such a crime? What is equal justice under the law?
Trump is being charged with having classified documents that he was authorized to have under the P.R.A., biden who knowingly and willfully took and shared classified info while not being authorized isn't being charghed, same with hillary who according to james comey had over 2,000 classified documents on her home server and sent or received 110 while they were marked classified and she was never charged... Your heart has to be filled with hatred and ignorance not to see the blatant double standard!
The fake stream media uses these tactics on a daily basis. What did they report about the fake russian collusion sham? The documents had been released clearly showing clinton and the dnc paid for russian disinfo that obama's corrupt fbi/doj used to illegally spy on a candidate, a transition team and a duly elected president.
Pecker testified that cohen acted without Trump's knowledge.
Stormy admitted the affair never happened, wouldn't that be blackmail?
Adult film star Stormy Daniels said in a statement on Tuesday the alleged affair with Donald Trump never occurred.
Keith Davidson, a lawyer for Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, confirmed the statement was authentic but didn’t offer any further
Adult film star Stormy Daniels, in the midst of a publicity tour fueled by past allegations of a 2006 sexual relationship with a then-married
Donald Trump, said in a statement on Tuesday the alleged affair never occurred.
Keith Davidson, a lawyer for Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, confirmed the statement was authentic but didn’t offer any further
The indictment is unconstitutional in that it doesn't address the specific underlying crime:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance
of Counsel for his defence.
cohen paid off stormy without Trump's knowledge. Trump then repaid cohen between Feb of 2017 to Dec of 2017....How can Trump's payments made in 2017 effect the 2016 election?
Anyone who can't see what is going on here is blind or willfully ignorant of any of the facts in this B.S. case!!!
The western world is finished - because America is finished - and America is finished, because it has lost all it's inherent structure & integrity & it's love for truth & it's love for freedom.
No, it hasn’t. And one of the ways we know that is the insane level of demonization that the Democrats/progressive socialists in the US and assholes like Soros and that fruitcake Karl Schwab are pushing.
"Ihr Wort in Gottes Ohr!" (in my native language)
"Your word into God's ear!"
Unfortunately you are so right 😞
One would certainly think so: (and who could blame them right now?).
A Clue (?); it’s not quite over (till the proverbial “fat lady” “sings”).
She is about to let loose the first song
AMEN - we are a laughing stock to the whole world
Why are we here?
Because Juan Merchan and Alvin “The Whale” Bragg are both corrupt Democrat operatives that are colluding with Barry Obama and his meat puppet Biden to use the judicial system and the courtroom as weapons to knock off Trump.
That’s why.
Will they destroy the system in the process?
But they don’t give a shit. That’s just an added bonus from their unlawful attempt to destroy their enemy before he can lawfully destroy them.
Something to keep in mind whenever you hear leftist tools like any of those judges and prosecutors making arguments appealing either to morality or “facts” or law is something I’ve observed for a long time, that Mark Levin has written about in American Marxism and Democrats Hate America, and that Dan Bongino frequently discusses:
The Left is never about facts and being concerned about how close or far away people are from them.
The Left (like jihadist Islam) has always had a single goal, which is the complete control of society. Because of this, the only important thing to secular or religious totalitarians is the process by which that goal can be realized.
In practical terms, it’s very simple: whatever they adjudge will move them toward that goal is good.
They will do whatever they believe will get them there.
It makes no difference whatsoever that they say mutually contradictory things to different sets of people.
It makes no difference whatsoever that they say mutually contradictory things to the same group of people at different times.
They may tell a lie in service of their goal.
They may tell the truth in the service of a lie in the pursuit of their goal.
And since their revolutionary ideology is the supreme definition of reality, then anything goes in the attempt to actualize it.
So because THEY are the servants of that supreme authority, whether communist ideology or Allah, anyone getting in their way is, by definition, the enemy to be dealt with in whichever way is most expedient:
the ignorant are to be “re-educated,”
the fools are to be manipulated or isolated in some way,
and deliberate opposition is to be crushed.
Because either group believes the existing world order to be their primary enemy, and since different groups of people that make up the existing order are essential for its perpetuation, they set out to do anything and everything to co-opt those groups and turn them against each other.
They try to undermine longstanding cultural values, not so much because they don’t believe in them, but because getting people to doubt them, to hold them in contempt, to believe them to be “only” opinions, to consider them to be tools of oppression used by the rulers of the existing order to keep them in line or to deprive them of their rights, to believe that doing the opposite will liberate them—all of that will serve to weaken the sense of overall cultural cohesion.
Because people who don’t value something highly won’t fight to defend it.
And people who have become convinced by propaganda that the system they live in is wrong will be more likely to stand by and do nothing when it’s attacked or even join the attack (like that Hasan guy who shot up Ft. Hood).
They are deadly enemies of human civilization in exactly the same way that infectious diseases are enemies of the body and should be treated as such.
They are all opportunistic, sick fucks who don’t care who or what they destroy as long as they come out on top.
So do unto them what they fully intend to do unto you--hell, they’re already doing it. Get mobilized and get to work before it’s too late.
Don’t shed a tear over their demise any more than you would over the fate of some home invaders coming up against homeowners with a plan and the means and the will to carry it out.
And pay no attention to their propagandists saying shit like, “So, you care more about your property than you care about human life?”
Yeah, because it’s your property and they don’t give a shit about your life as long as they can take it.
I like your content
and I like your style
of writing
'They may tell a lie in service of their goal.
They may tell the truth in the service of a lie in the pursuit of their goal.'
Dear Gregorio Enrique Sandova
You delivered a great description of the current globally organized STEALTH MARXIST WAR against "We The People" - which is highly attractive to all INSANE leaders of the world - that should rightfully be called the "Mentally INSANE", whom we label as the real criminal "PSYCHOPATHS".
Thanks, Paul. We’re faced with the single greatest threat since the Civil War, because it’s the same one as in the Civil War but with a twist. The twist is the miscegenation of the Democrat Party with the progressive socialists as organized by WDP Bliss, Boston Congregationalist minister and Christian socialist, and his (apparently) short-lived American Fabian Union of the mid-1890s. It didn’t fall apart any more than the Socialiste Internationale did after Engels moved it from Europe to Philadelphia in the latter 1800s. It just publicly disbanded to embark on Bliss’s plan of infiltration and takeover of American institutions, public and private, one by one, in what would later be called “the great march through the institutions.”
Some think this was the creation of Gramsci in Italy, but he was literally a child of 3 or 4 when Bliss set it into motion, Hitler was about 6, Lenin was about 25 and Stalin was about 15.
The American socialist groups were many and the Democrat Party history and tactics were studied assiduously by the Nazis in Germany and the Afrikaners in South Africa.
With the socialists’ surreptitious union with the Democrat Party they were able to take advantage of A. Democrat machine politics in the largest cities throughout the US, and B. the essentially asshole nature of Democrats all the way back to the Trail of Tears. With the extremely large number of socialist groups throughout the US (even back before Bliss they were very big in the major Eastern, Midwest, and West Coast cities), this enabled the Democrats to get ratified the 16th Amendment (federal income tax) and the 17th Amendment (the abolition of the representation of state governments in the federal government in the Senate and a check and balance against the directly elected House). Once state senators were elected by popular vote, there was nothing to stop the crooked Democrat machine politics from making serious inroads into taking over the federal government and having all the federal money they needed to push the socialist agenda.
And now we are seeing the fruition of that deliberate strategy begun in the mid-1890s. To make matters even worse, the same strategy was adopted by the Muslim Brotherhood that refers to it as cultural jihad, the origin of jihadist Islam being at the hands of proselytizing socialists and Marxists in European universities in the latter 1800s where rich Muslims from around the world sent their sons to be educated. So it’s really no wonder at all to see Barry Obama, a Muslim and a Marxist, Barack Obama, his putative father, a Muslim and a Marxist, Lolo Soetoro, Barry’s adoptive father, a Muslim and a Marxist. Nor was it surprising to see Middle Eastern Muslims all gaga over Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sending Muslim troops to help Hitler and being the source of the so-called “Final Solution.”
All of those groups were unified around the world because of American progressive socialists’ hookup with the Democrat Party.
Don’t look now Mr Sandoval:
But they’ve quite effectively infiltrated what’s left of what once was The GOP.
It’s advancing apace…
Sadly Mr Sandoval,
The other side sees no problem now using the exact same tactics : which I fear will bite them in the end.
That kind of retaliation never ends well.
That is called: "An eye for an eye!"
It stems from the OLD Testament!
It is a devils GUARANTEE for WAR,
There's a remote possibility the fake news will report this. If I was a Biden strategist I'd be looking for a distraction. Quick, find some peasants somewhere to bomb!
I think this is old news. She will claim she was forced to write that statement as a condition of being paid the Hush money.
However, how do we know that Stormy didn't blackmail Trump to pay the Hush Money?
It is not illegal to pay Hush Money, as everyone has been saying.
Doesn't prove he had an affair, only that the perception would be that she had an affair.
As long as there would be doubt that Trump paid her to protect his family (even though there wasn't actually a sexual affair) there is no case.
Of course the statue of limitations has long expired.
But otherwise it would be just a misdemeanor if can be proven it was to help his election chances.
However, the Dems are trying to use some trickery to make it into a felony.
Its only going to help Trump and if Trump would be found guilty, he would win in an appeal, because there is so much wrong. The Jury was never told it isn't a crime to pay Hush Money.
ALSO I’m not sure why Paul is only just reporting this, or why Trump seems to have only recently posted this - (? I can’t see a date) because I have sighted that document months and months ago????
Paul reports what Paul wants to report...there is no method to his madness...
Is "Stormy" on the prosecution's witness list in the "hush money" show trial?
She might be ,
I'd love to see her testify and watch as she (IF she) tries to deny her prior signed statement.
Stormy and Michael Cohen both have the impossible task of taking back past statements exonerating DJT if they are to be of any assistance to the NYC DA in prosecuting this baseless, senseless, partisan "case."
They’ll do it. Perjury carries a nasty charge. Taking back statements is easy, lying under oath(?), all but impossible (if you want to stay out of jail).
I entirely agree. Unfortunately, the NYC legal authorities responsible for bringing a charge of perjury -- Judge Merchan and/or the DA's Office -- would more likely suborn Stormy's and Michael Cohen's perjury than prosecute it. (imo, of course)
It’s the most efficient way of handling the situation right now.
Actually that “statement,” Dr. Paul, looks fake. And her real name is Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford. So IDK if we can trust this at all.
Yes but if she wrote that name it would have NO BEARING on the case that involves a person known by the name of Stormy Daniels. This is her hooker name and she was involved under that name so it makes sense to use her given name.
SORRY Stormy I used the wrong word. I meant to say “escort” name.
Haha. I understand the sentiment. 😏
I still question whether or not the statement is legit. Tough to know.
'cause there are two major political parties here. Let's become all independent Americans!
I like your style !
Judge Juan Merchan warned that if Trump continues to violate the order, he could impose “an incarceratory punishment.”
I would impose a verdict on him in the court of public opinion and Sue him for defamation of character, breaking the 1st amendment right to free speech,, and interferring in Trump's right to run for the presidency unhindered by the clown show that Merchan is putting on in the criminally insane court system. In fact he should be disbarred and fired as a justice because he wouldn't know what justice was if it bit him in the behind.
It is just one distraction after another - COVID was a HUGE distraction - All this dog and pony show court garbage with trump HUGE DISTRACTION - So you will not see all the Chinese miliary men coming over here freely illegally and being strategically placed and just waiting on orders
What I don't understand is this: What was Sormy Daniels paid for? I realize that NDAs happen all the time...but if she said that an affair never took place between her and Pres Trump, why did she receive money?
Doesn’t matter. Truth doesn’t matter. Getting rid of Trump in any possible is truth.
Possibly Sharon,
This may not be their true intent.
The other two trials will be the deal breaker:
Due to the questionable delays (?), they won’t see a courtroom until ‘25….?).
Should be interesting.
(Mr Trump’s incarceration is not the end game here).
I heard that and saw letter awhile ago, I also heard she was actually having an affair with Cohen, the lying lawyer that is in jail now. That he concocted the story to get money out of Trump. The problem remains, he said, she is now saying and a New York judge, jury and lying DA!
So let me see if I understand this.
Stormy Double D. at some point claimed she'd had an affair with The Donald. As many wealthy men do, Trump decide to pay the money rather than go through the process of litigation, not because they are guilty but because it's dirties their name or "brand".
Now there's is this letter from Stormy Double D. stating there never was an affair. If the letter is real, isn't Stormy Double D. admitting she committed extortion?
Shouldn't then the Double D's and her attorneys be on trial rather than Trump?
Just tabloid crap........
AND ..WTF cares anyway!!