I had 4 weeks of chest pain, breathlessness, left shoulder and arm pain beginning 2 days after my first moderna vaccine. It was in February of 2021. My GP, my cardiologist, and the nurse at the clinic where I had the vaccine all blew me off saying it could not possibly be related to the vaccine. No one would even check or run a test . 67-year-old female. A year later I asked my GP and my cardiologist again about the four weeks of chest pain right after my first vaccine and they both said the vaccines cause lots of inflammation but females were not getting myocarditis. I've lost all faith in medicine and the people who call themselves doctors. This study is quite interesting to me and verifies what I have thought all along. That all ages were probably having myocarditis at different levels, but they were only focusing on the young people because it's so unusual for a young person to have any heart problems. I'm sickened by how little research has gone into the side effects of these vaccines. They had perfect opportunities but they were too busy censoring and denying

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I’m so sorry you had to go through this. So much denial and disconnect from physicians. As far as I’m concerned they no longer are competent to practice medicine.

My son’s classmate 13 y/o girl was hospitalized with myocarditis last year after the jab. Multiple trips to the hospital for this young lady. The medical community and our own pediatrician tried to tell us we have nothing to worry about. I’m still trying to figure out if they really believed that myocarditis was not a problem. My kids Dr said it was a rare side effect while trying to talk me into jabbing my son. I said absolutely not. We haven’t been back to see him. He was a friend at that.

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I am so glad y'all are keeping those whackzines far away from your boy. Much too dangerous....It's very concerning that after all this time the corporate sawbones still are pushing this travesty, and that some people are still lining up for the shots.

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Good for you. The less we support these global medical fascists...the better off we all are...regardless of previous relationship.

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Dr. McCullough said up to 30% have sub-clinical myocarditis which means they don’t know yet. He also said up to age 70 years old too. I have a friend whose 19 year old granddaughter had a heart issue from the jab. The doc told her to come back in 6 months for follow up. There may have been more details but that was all his daughter told him.

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lots of myocarditis is 'silent', comes knocking 20 years down the road.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Do any of the tests or testing one could get reveal it before the 20 years? Or are there any signs/clues even though it is “silent”?

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We need to develop protocols to diagnose subclinical heart damage for vaccinated.

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So concerned for loved ones coerced into being vaxxed not to loose their careers.

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The clinicians don't know, not the suffering patients.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Saddening to read your post. My colleagues have failed the public enormously by keeping their heads in the sand and not reading through the papers that has been there from the start if you as a professional are interested to find and give proper information to people that seeks advice. To not regurgitate what some three letter paid off organisations is saying opens up your critical minds. The signals about the shots were already there in January of 2021. Most medical professionals are ‘all’ brainwashed into a religion by and from the pharmaceutical industry. We who take the non allopathic way have been ridiculed and dismissed for a very long time.

Get better sooner and stay that way and find a functional alternative doctor.

And for all people reading in here.

My advice is to never take any shots of any ‘vaccine’ whatsoever. They are not needed.

Get educated, do your own research and be in charge of your own health. The natural way does amazing things and your bodies are your own temples. Treat them like that.

Hospitals are good when it comes to trauma and emergencies which is my field. That should be the one thing they should do besides preventative medicine instead of giving out prescriptions and do useless and many times unnecessary tests or ‘treatments’.

Remember that iatrogenic deaths and injuries still persists as number three in US and many other countries around the world. Who benefits from that other than the pharmaceutical industries and the well oiled machinery that is called public health and/or private entities that are much more interested in your money then you becoming a healthy and well person in no need for any type interventions or drugs?

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I used to have a dream that a percentage of the population could go 2 generations without jabs & inoculations of toxins just to see how much healthier they would be . It is most likely not ever going to happen.

I became awake in 1986 to the dangers of the “quackcene” industry - and the longer I have researched, studies, & questioned - the more appalled I have become. And have cried more tears over the damage to immune systems by the “safe & effective” myth & scam. But, people are waking up!

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My sincere & heartfelt concerns for you. Hoping you are doing better & have good medicine to help you. 💔🤗

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It makes me so angry every time I hear from a victim of their medical tyranny. As many of us know, they've lied about everything: wet market (origin), social distancing, masks, lockdowns and finally the "safe and effective", which was always just a hypothesis, no real studies to prove anything. Scientific and circumstantial evidence points to the opposite direction.

Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson just shared the story of another victim of Moderna injection. She was a young healthy doctor, whose health was completely wrecked as her respiratory system crashed 5 days after injection. Her story is divided in two parts, the 2nd can be found below the 1st: https://twitter.com/IamBrookJackson/status/1596193342379151360?s=20&t=r4EcfUUVwXAARuHj-7m3eA

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Wow... how many lives have been wrecked by this extraordinarily dangerous and unknown injection? That beautiful healthy young woman's life destroyed, yet the medical complex has the nerve to tell her it couldn't be related to the vax. Tragic Criminal demonic

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We must wake up to see that the huge increases in allergies, autism and other potentially life-wrecking syndromes didn't come from nowhere. Please read this great article regarding to the mechanisms of adverse events, because to me, it's clear someone wants this information hidden:


In fact, no real monitoring of safety of efficacy was done with ANY vaccines. Almost all of the diseases were already in heavy decline because of food and sanitary conditions, yet the pharma took the credit (and $...).

Even more crazy, many of the current serious outbreaks are caused by the vaccines (polio being one of the nastier ones) and because of the pharma complex's damage control, the story behind Samoa's deadly Measles outbreak(s) is being hidden from the people (caused by injections by the UN). Read:


This teenager was wrecked by some other (useless) injection which is called a vaccine: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/laura-chicos-allergic-reactions-vaccines-injuries/

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Retinoid Toxicity is likely involved in the "Long Illness" following CoV or other jabs. and ME/CFS. I have written extensively about that on my SubStack.

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Makes you wonder how much her faith in "the system" that trained her will change. Have not finished watching yet...maybe she says later. Classic cannibalism in an arena we call civilization. Thanks for sharing.

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I am horrified for you and all the others who were misled. I count my blessings every day that my daughter, brother and many friends have not had a known serious adverse reaction. I know many who are dealing with new hypertension and eczema reactivation and new autoimmune and pray they resolve over time with proper treatment.

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The vaccinated think the side effects from the vaccine are actually side from the virus. Nothing will change their minds.

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Yes I run into that all the time. I have a friend boosted 2 weeks ago and she developed a pulmonary embolism later that week. But she is convinced she got the clot from a case of covid she had last summer instead of the booster she had had that week. It's incredible

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It's really so sad how easily people can be manipulated. AND, to me it's a very frightening situation for all of us.

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Wow! These people are so dee in denial they can’t be saved. I have some in my family like that.

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They'd benefit from the absence of televisions.

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Today is Boxing Day in Canada. The US version of Black Friday.

Hottest items?

Massive televisions and electronics....all instruments of spying...data collecting...and mostly...programming the masses.

Is there any question at all why electronics are pushed during these times?

Brilliant strategy by the demonic cabal....and most people who consider themselves spiritually mature....(ie- church goers).....cannot and will not figure this out. They know the television news tells them the truth and will defend their positions unto death if need be.

Lucifer has created a massive following within the so-called church...and all of them largely believing what they. are told on television is supported by scripture.

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Retailers are dealing with extreme overstocks of the most reduced items, especially electronics and clothing.

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We have so many people in our family like that. I have now realised that people don’t want to be helped. They don’t want to hear anything contrary to their beliefs.

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They've been trapped in a hypnotic trance just like your side has been. The spread, shed, and injected versions as well as almost all the other vaccines trigger up to many thousands of adverse reactions in some number of people. Fun things like this: AI disorders, blood clots, cancers, chronic pain, cognitive impairment, crippling fatigue, diabetes, heart attacks, hemorrhaging, excessive hair loss, GI disorders, hearing loss, inflammation in every organ of the body, menstrual irregularities, nerve damage, paralysis, seizures, skin eruptions, strokes, vision loss up to blindless, and on and on and on.

The other side views your side as crazies because for over 2.5 years yours has claimed the spread version then later shed version are nothing more than the flu or cold. Some infectees do indeed experience such symptoms. The rest don't. Your group has been shunning and vilifying the latter since the beginning.

Per a recent US Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey, an estimated ~29% of infectees have been suffering symptoms three months or longer. Around 4 million have been severely impaired. Some have been bedridden since early 2020.

From what I've been seeing, the vast majority of jabbed don't develop side effects soon after a dose. That's a myth your side created. Something else typically happens between the jab and side effects appearing. They're commonly being shed on by other jabbed, taking another vaccine, and/or taking various drugs.

Examples: In 2021, a researcher linked blood clots appearing in young women receiving AstraZeneca with using a certain brand of IUD. In 2022, a cosmetologist became symptomatic six months after taking a shot from a customer shedding on her. This woman ignored her severe headache, took Nyquil, went to sleep, then died.

The other side defaults into believing a fictitious virus is responsible for all the harm. Your side defaults into believing only the jabbed are at risk since only the injected version is dangerous. Each has written off the other as destined to die early. The reality is all three versions are dangerous. One study showed even those with no to mild symptoms are still experiencing vascular damage from this poison. Some doctors treating vaxxed and non-vaxxed infected and injured said all their patients tested positive for blood clots. Only the fully recovered clear these.

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A brilliant comment Serena.

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While this may be true for many, share compassionate truth as the opportunities arise. I have seen many slowly change their minds and one who suddenly had the light turn on.

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People starting to just drop now where I am..getting scary. They are functional one second and on the ground the next. Noticed the ambulances stopped using the siren's, but seeing them about twice a day now. It's funny, a friends husband, only 45, had an aortic dissection just yesterday and the hospital claims he is also positive for Covid so she can't see him in shock trauma. He had no Covid symptoms before the dissection.

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We had a 45 year old dad drop dead playing catch with his son a few weeks ago here in town. No previous history. Tragic and traumatizing for the boy and family.

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I should have added that the wife (age 44) of the gentleman mentioned above had a stroke shortly after her second round of gene therapy. They are boostered to the max now in order to maintain state licensure for a business they run. She will be on blood thinners for the rest of her life. These were relatively young and healthy people before these incidents. "Prayers up" everywhere, but no one involved dares breathe a word about what is really going on. The thing is, all of their beautiful children were jabbed as well.

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Hopefully his son will learn from his father's error.

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Same here - used to see ambulance maybe once every two weeks - now every day & often with no siren on - only lights. It’s like a terrible, tragic play. Awful what the big Harmass have done to folks

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I'm hearing them so much more frequently.... there may be even more as you've described with no sirens on. I intend to watch for that possibility now.

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because it is cardiac arrest and not arrythmia or a heart attack it just stops beating. this can happen exactly with or post myocardities!! you cant really resusitate neither with this and no pain in chest before cause it isoften no clot so blood flows to heart it just cant beat anymore.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

I do wonder about women post menopause who have lower estrogen. Do they have jab myocardities too but the signal is missed due to their age??

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Yes, some do after the first or second dose. I ran across a perimenopausal woman who was infected in Mar 2020 then developed Long COVID. She believed the cruel rhetoric that the shots would eliminate her long-term symptoms. After the second Pfizer dose, she developed myocarditis and over 200 other signs and symptoms. Eventually, these went into remission with the help of over a dozen supplements and drugs. Then, she decides to take the first dose of Novartis as a booster. She ended up myocarditis again for I think 3 weeks.

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Yes I do think there is a hormonal link. Dr. MALONE says it might be high testosterone I think its low estrogen which is low in teenage boys. So yes then peri and post menopausal women are at high risk of jab myocardities.

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I have been taking serrapeptase or nattokinase nightly, and use pomegranate peelfor diuretic and other benefits. Passive exposure is a risk too. I am worse after jab season illness, than 2020 CoV like illness.

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Injured reported aortic dissection as an adverse reaction to the COVID and flu shots. So, the spread and shed versions of the two may also trigger it in others.

Suggest your friend check her husband a few times each day via phone. Doctors and nurses have been major players in premature deaths.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Every jabbed is at risk.

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All 2x + vaccinated ALL have a % of myocarditis.

When exertion intersects with heart tissue damage = silent heart attacks.

The vaxxed are so screwed.

6 months to a max of 5 years to live.

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What I see is new onset Atrial Fibrillation that doctors are having trouble handling.

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Magnesium is likely low. Chelated supplements or topical would likely be needed rather than ionic supplemnts.

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Maybe, just maybe, this is the same demographic that moans about "long Covid" all the while sipping Frappuccinos and munching on crisps?

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Long COVID is real. The spread, shed, and injected versions trigger up to many thousands of adverse reactions. Fun things like this: AI disorders, blood clots, cancers, chronic pain, cognitive impairment, crippling fatigue, diabetes, heart attacks, hemorrhaging, excessive hair loss, GI disorders, hearing loss, inflammation in every organ of the body, menstrual irregularities, nerve damage, paralysis, seizures, skin eruptions, strokes, vision loss up to blindless, and on and on and on.

Everyone has not been experiencing the same ones. To have a disease, there needs to be a distinctive group of signs and/or symptoms all infectees share. So, WHO slapped the label COVID on a small collection of them to fool everyone into believing this is a respiratory condition caused by natural virus microbes.

Big Gov, Big Med, and the public have been shunning and villainizing anyone suffering the vast majority of the symptoms. In 2020, someone in this group coined the term "Long COVID" to refer to these sufferers as existing. This group is basically the same as the shot injured. It doesn't fit the narrative hammered and soldered into your brain every day. Your demonic friends' poison can be spread both inside and outside ampules.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Dear God. I pray for my nieces and daughter. This, after the puppet says he's going on his vax-up 'merica tour. Disgusting and unconscionable

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higher estrogen in women protective until a certain spike treshold is reached? low estrogen in teenage boys lower protective affect so damage earlier visible but give women enough of it and it hurts them too just as bad. so news are spikes are bad. yet they will hold on onto asymptomatic covid which damages people now without them noticing....lol the invisible boogy man when the real culprit right in front of us.

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Well, let's see where all of this blind obedience to the "narrative" gets them. Feel most bad for the children that didn't have a choice.

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Both genders can benefit from abstinence from the "vaccines."

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Tick,, tick, tick,,tick..........

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Nice article! For anyone who wants a traditional style TV show news source:


I'm constantly covering vaccine injuries and related news.

You are one of my sources!

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When will doctors be reinstated?

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Just heard a Doc from whose Emory 17 year old died. Myocarditis/heart. Surely, the awakening will happen soon to the truth!

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When this becomes well known past our circles i do not want to be the jabbed. The horror. But this is when you say just shoot it in.

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They say the one virtue that politicians have is their fear of how they will be viewed in the history books. Maybe the vaccinated should think of that?

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“40 had increased troponinemia, in 18 causes other than the vaccine were identified that could explain the elevated troponinemia, in the other 22 (2.8%), the vaccine was defined as the cause.

‘The incidence of myocardial lesions is 2.8% or 800 times higher than the usual incidence of myocarditis.”

So they were only expecting to find 1 case at most yet they throw out 18 cases? That’s incredibly suspicious. How many males were in that population?

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