These people are so evil, they make your eyes sweat. But how could anyone not see the luring that was going on? Beware of bribes like that. If people are more aware of mind control techniques it would go a long way to improving our country and the safety of citizens. You have to understand that the government is not our friend. You have to understand that with every fibre of your being.

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exactly, I like it, makes your eyes sweat

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I cannot help the sinking feeling that there was an awareness that the jabbed children who won the drawing would never live long enough to redeem their free tuition and board.

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Just a little pin prick

There'll be more ah!

But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?

I do believe it's working, good

That'll keep you going ...

Come on, it's time to go

There is no pain you are receding

A distant ship smoke on the horizon

You are only coming through in waves

Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying


I caught a fleeting glimpse

Out of the corner of my eye

I turned to look but it was gone

I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is gone

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very troubling and welcomed sharing...it is critical that we have the voice of you ANW

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The perfect musical accompaniment to that sinking feeling I mentioned...

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Military Tribunals for these hack deep state installed governors! Our NC Roy Cooper did it too🤬

Your Shot at a Million: Governor Cooper Announces $4 Million Summer Cash and College Tuition Drawings to Encourage COVID-19 Vaccinations

Four North Carolinians 18 and Older to Win $1 Million; Four North Carolinians 12 to 17 to Win

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boom, serious tribunals with judges

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Were any kids actually given scholarships?

In Illinois- there was said to be a lottery with winners up to one million. For some reason, they never announced the winners.

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I dont think so

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Brilliantly conceived. Thousands take the poison death shot while only one or very few win a full-ride to college. The chances are, the winners will also be losers.

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Where is the list of those unfortunate children in NY who "won"? Or did Nipples just lure their parents with an empty promise? Diabolical either way

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I can remember if the students were hungry they had to get the shot in order to get 1 slice of crummy pizza nothing else darned bast****. The student gave their consent how in the hell would parent consent to that sh*t. Low life scum that prey on our children and when we don't do what they want then label us unfit parents which is false. More fucn predators preying on parents and children and gov supposed to protect innocent which is false terrorize us from within then the imports of maniac people. Gov needs to be seriously reduced to bare skeleton crew and their own skeletons too. Electronic elimination of any format of an assets and other things since they like to fake them death certs why not them too. It's only fair and equitable for them. Deport the imports or stone them with nice large rocks from quarry or anything close at hand should suffice.

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Step right up folks, enter the contest and maybe die or suffer serious adverse affects for life but it is worth it to be in a draw for a scholarship. What a joke!!!!

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Doc A...READ 👀 this...it sounds like the she-devil’s game plan. Killery will sell her soul to get that position...


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excellent by Kunstler

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Now we have already many medical experts out there warn us of the dangers of the fake jab. Here is yet another.


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Parents that went along with this = SATANIC/EVIL/GREEDY!? But I can see a little bit why! For decades people in general have trusted and put faith into EDUCATION/CHURCHES/DOCTORS/POLITICIANS etc and I up to a point I did also as a parent. My own parents did not trust DOCTORS/JABS and they lived to a ripe age. I never liked JABS and only took them when had to for travel! My own children got the JABS and lucky had no side effects. A family member not so lucky! Then I had my own disaster with doctors. My late wife was having health problems and the doctors for a year treated her for an ulcer!? After asking for a blood test----YES CANCER---- and dead in 3 months ay age of 41!?

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Well, at least he got the "life-changing" part of his sales pitch right .

Certainly hope that the "winner" of his offer remains well enough to enjoy college.....

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Well now I didn't see a pitchfork in the picture! Where did it go!

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ha ha ha

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Hate to repeat myself, but..

There is absolutely NOTHING that DIMS will not say, nor do, if there’s a chance that they might gain absolute power!

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correct, evil..and some RINO and repubs too...we need get them out

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