
we know 45 must negotiate with congress etc. and it is how the govn works but this time 45 has to lead...make decisions and get the result. get Johnson out of there...fucking traitor.

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my stacks are seeking to be public service too

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coming to rape, stab, murder Americans...sit back, watch...this will be Europe 2.0

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I hope you realize that Trump has to follow the Constitution. He can only enforce laws on the books. He also has to adhere to supreme court rulings like their daca ruling. He can't just call in the army and hunt down every alien who crossed over the border. What he can do and what he said he will do is deport aliens who have committed crimes once they have entered the country. He will have to make deals with congress which is a co equal branch of government. During his first presidency we had the most secure border in recent history. I understand that you want 30 or 40 million people evicted from the country but it's not that simple. What will happen is lots of really bad hombres will be going home and there's plenty of data out there that supports mass deportation. Those who aim to harm or have previously been convicted of any violent crime will be leaving. If he gets and increases republicans in the house and gets a super majority in the senate new laws can be created to extend his powers to deport all who have entered the country illegally.

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thats the key, super majority and always prescient

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petzanpz you always inform. the issue is I know it will be hard but we set lofty goals and go for them

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we want all 40 million evicted...all and if its super majority we work for it...maybe get some libertarian people in congress and senate too...

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its time we get a third party...the 2 are too close in votes so we need a honest broker...its time who can use leverage to do right by america

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love you

petzanpz for you keep it real

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I have great faith that Mr Trump is setting monumental goals. But he's is one person in a vast bureaucratic machine. I would love for him to deport every illegal alien and prosecute all the traitors and make sure every law is enforced to the fullest. If he were a dictator he might get some of that done. When you list your lofty goals that you want done to your readers it might appear that he can do it just using presidential powers. He can do a lot but still needs the other 2 branches. Our congress is a mess, filled with money stealing traitors. I always say this, when you let the bad guys take a step in the wrong direction without accountability, they will keep taking those steps in the wrong direction. Trump is a good leader with solid ideas but the real power lies with the people as per the 10th amendment. First we need an informed electorate, then we can force the scum in our government to take steps in the right direction.

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This calls for some good old American bravery. Send in the Uvalde police.

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ha ha ha those fuckers caused deaths

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question is why?

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as much as I do not support illegals in the nation, were those kids expendable? did the police decide NOT to help them?

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Kenyan-born and CIA plant Obama is destroying America.

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boom, he never stopped, if Biden get back in, will be Obama's 4th term...we cannot let it happen...we must get Trump back there, our only hope

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My "like" button still doesn't work on Substack.

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The country knows where and who the problem with this illegal invasion is within our government

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...and those people who allow it to happen think they will be exempt from the crime and destruction these illegals will commit.

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we need to punish those who did this and doing this

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Trump and other national security experts are fearful that the tens of thousands of illegal military age single men are forming an Army against Americans. I fear they are right.

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he is correct but we will remove them

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I feel that if they were to organize, Americans and thier 130 guns per 100 people in the states would gladly defend the country! I know I would!

Be sure to stock up on ammo

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yes, we will defend our land

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You sure?

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Go to gun shows.

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Yes. They are. What will Americans do?

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we showed we would go to revolution war and civil war...we will war with ourselves if we have too...Americans are misjudged this time...only issue is as Rush would say, it wont be pretty

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If we get into a civil war, are we actually fighting the true enemy?

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we could hope the right people are on our side but I fear a civil is the way the nation is headed.

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blacks wont take much more of this

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New video of Hamas brutalizing captured female IDF has quickly been censored to make it less shocking. But these women, supposedly from one of the most highly trained militaries in the world, were no match for the terrorists who were clearly far stronger, more muscular and better trained. The IDF were like little girls, scared out of their wits. And Hamas raped the males too. One of the most highly trained militarily in the world. So yeah, when Hamas comes at Americans, what will Americans do?

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fuck them up bad...every conquest, every war the islamists have fought across history they lost...they are a weak pusillanimous feeble warrior.

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Most countries that have UN peace keepers the people have been disarmed America will be different

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I say it again Trump takes his rallies to the inner city, he garner the support of the minority citizen. The visual will be undeniable and that minority group will not stay patient and wait for big brother to help. They will take matters into their own hands and secure thier communities! These minority groups ,legal, have faith and courage and will stand forcibly in thier convictions. I don’t think they will quietly let the illegal take thier city away from them. 🙏🏼

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boom, and this is what we need, minority groups must stand up...use courts, civil, legal means but must stand up

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Horrible what is happening in the poorer neighborhoods where illegal aliens are housed for free and the American children suffer.

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boom, I know of this, it is horrendous

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My Friend told me back in Southwestern PA small towns are housing these illegals.

She said some of the areas have Haitians carrying dead chickens down the street.

So, where do they get them? The Mayors, School Districts, etc. have been bought

and paid.

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A person told me that there are a ton of Haitians in Charleroi, PA (just south of Pittsuburgh).

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Is that where the white women are at?

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they love the white women, blond, blue eyed. go read about Europe and what they sought...I refer to the islamist.

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That preference appears to have evolved as a pathogen detection method. Blonde blue eyed women are preferred in areas with high pathogen prevalence. It's easier to appraise the health status of blond blue eyed women. Kaposi's sarcoma and otherskin lesions are more obvious on fair skin and jaundice contrasts more with blue eyes. In Scandinavia many men find blue eyed blonds boring and prefer the sultry Latino types.

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Are you from that area?

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Look on the bright side. Now you can get free chicken feet on your doorstep. Bonus if you need to hex someone.

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I live in Florida now. But, I grew up in Washington County, PA near the California University of PA. They changed the name now.

Charleroi wasn't that far away from where I grew up. I can't believe what happened to that place. Hello neighbor :-)

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Voodoo chile. Welcome to PA.

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With a swig of Iron City Beer.

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Sounds like a nice change from setting fire to cop cars and looting and burning businesses. When did antifa and BLM decide to not quietly let the illegal take their city away from them.?

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they are cut form same cloth

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Paid political militia groups have direction and a paycheck, when it comes to to livelihood , home , & health! Thier motive may differ?

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these men.. (the illegals).. will surface again as

UN soldiers here in the United States….

and they will have been granted citizenship by then …

The illegals will then have the power to arrest us.. the rightful citizen- who has lived here and

worked- contributed- paid taxes…

think about that..

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We all have to be ready no matter what happens. Remember, there were not many that beat

back the British or we would be under their rule today. That definitely is worth fighting for!

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Yeah but the British are pussies. The jihadis are all on steroids and captagon (middle eastern stimulant similar to meth). They are in the gym all day or at the rifle range. And they're used to being bombed and hit with missiles etc. What chance have weak Americans got?

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Well… we better get ready FAST!

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I almost forgot to mention, in Clayton Morris’s podcast “Redacted”, JJ Carroll has been documenting the movements of these “military age men”for his documentary, called “Treasonous”.

He mentioned a Ramada Hotel south of San Diego, which is fenced off and circled with bar wire. Nobody gets in! There’s security personnel also surrounding the hotel. 1500 meals / day are brought in! 1,500 meals means roughly 300 Military Age Men inside!!

If anyone thinks this is normal, please take your head and place it back where it belongs! This is only ONE HOTEL! JJ mentions there’s 3 in that area alone!

The reality is, as JJ mentions, the way to take down an adversary is by “occupying” said territory! What does anyone think is happening here? They are “occupying” American territory!

This cannot end well! From coast to coast, this same situation is happening! Exactly the same, from Boston to Chicago to LA! And all points in between! Maybe this is why Congress isn’t doing a damn thing? Maybe this is why there’s “SILENCE” from anyone with any authority? Maybe it’s too late?

I know one thing is true, JJ Carroll is not the only person documenting the movement of military age men into and all around America! All paid for by, yes you guessed it, Taxpayers!

Americans will be caught off guard, Americans will be at the mercy of this “INVASION” of military age men!

Forget the mothers and children illegal’s, they’re clueless as well. They’re being used as pawns. Pawns to cover the real problem which is the takedown of “America From Within”!!

Obama said it many times!

“Fundamentally Transform America”,

Well can anyone tell me this isn’t what’s happening?

“Obama’s Dream”! Transform America into,

“Islam” the new America! With all the trimming’s of “Sharia Law”!

Now this war on “Women” makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Good God!


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yes, that is and was Obama's aim, to transform USA to shariah islam.

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I believe it was Bill Blowjob Clinton who brought all the islamists maybe Syrians if I’m not mistaken? He brought thousands of refugees North of Minneapolis. Didn’t take long for Omar to take her seat and now they have Sahara law in Minnesota USA! They did not assimilate to western society nor did they want to. We can’t allow this to happen elsewhere. Bad enough it’s there and is tolerated!

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yes Bob, go visit Hamtramck Michigan, you would think in Yemen

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I don't know how the US Citizens put up with it. I didn't know that Slick Willie was involved. I like your added name to Clinton better :-)

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Willie did many bad things.

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He sure did.

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Agree with all you said. That's why they want to belittle women in sports and who knows from there. Islam doesn't respect women. Where's all those PINK hat liberal ladies that came out

against Trump in 2016? Why aren't the Commie Hollywood women coming out in support.

Did the Me Too women disappear.

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boom, I have something in cue on this

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Honestly Lynn, I’m convinced the “me too woman” were part of this entire attack. In order to get people believing in something, they use a different approach, such as the “me too” movement which all of a sudden, “Disappeared”. It’s amazing how many people are involved and are willing to do anything to “deconstruct” and ultimately be part of “destroying” America, from within!

From DEI to CRT, to Title

IX to transgendered extremism,

each component, Marxist ideologies, are designed to erode or “slow boil Americans”!

As I’ve said many times, a frog will not jump out of warm water.

Slowly but surely Americans have been and are still being,

“Slow Boiled”!


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boom...I have a stack in cue wrote 4 days ago...you will like

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We saw the ME TOO women in DC. We went to Trump's Inauguration. There were women marching down the streets in DC topless. What a sigh to see. There were also groups of men shouting nasty things to us when we showed support for

President Trump.

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prepare to go again...thank you for all you do here and everywhere

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I don't want to



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once life is threatened, we can do that

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What if they are real UN soldiers brought in as civilians? Guns hidden etc? Waiting for…?

Someone is paying them to live

and buy food? Do you see them in food stores? In churches? Do they meet up anywhere? Do locals in small towns know they are there?

If true, who is coordinating all of

This? Surely not our military?

Just wondering?

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Michael Yon is the substack 😀

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I’ll find the stack & share it.

There’s a Vet down at Darien Gap & he border … He explains all the camps set up for Chinese men in America 🇺🇸

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They (tens of thousands) are not here to open and work ethnic restaurants. They have disappeared throughout America in silence. These are not lone wolf criminals. Like disciplined soldiers, they likely organizing and waiting on orders.

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boom, and a Bataclan attack is coming...law enforcement knows it

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we are on our own but he ride with the 2nd, so we use it

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we kill any and everyone who threaten our lives

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we ensure our daughters know how to use their firearms, legal ones in defense of life against the mujahadeen 6th century neanderthals

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It is despicable and evil that this is allowed to go on, all day, everyday and no one is stopping it.

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That is just for recreation …they are here to take out bridges and the grid when given the orders to do so.

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I just read an article that UN has set this up with multiple governments. 😳 Why would any government agree to this?? I see this happening in UK, Italy etc... this is crazy

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With all due respect Dr, 45 has to come clean on the OWS? Does he not?

Many of the bad actors and entities involved with misleading him are still in position to do it again.

How in the world does he stop anything without acknowledging this fact! He must “REAGAN” the establishment/swamp . If he don’t fire almost every single person in the old administration and start with his own he will fall victim to his own demise .

My opinion of course.

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Everyone appreciates your articles and how you bring awareness to specific subjects, but what is your plan to stop this madness? Trump can't stop them.

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he can but must go in this time with nothing to lose, no re-election and legacy on the line...all these are yes...2.0 is loaded for bear

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why would you say he cant stop them?

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