Gov. Tim "Restaurant Slayer" Walz's last legislative session is the reason I tapped out. I will not be running a business in Minnesota when the lights go out.
I won't repeat what I heard on a show today. What they were doing with aborted human
living baby parts. They were using baby parts just like Fraudchi used poor puppies and other animals for experimentation. Why is GOD missing in this equation?
I am sorry that disgusting thing is happening right here and now on soil. Just like Ukraine soldiers hurt they part them out while alive their families never get their body for funeral. Children are sold sex trade then parted out also in Ukraine to sell to the highest bidder. The studies in animal experiments have been done in part with veterans admin even more cruel than the little ones.
A long list that only a radical far-left liberal would be proud of.
The only one that doesn’t concern me is the legalization of cannabis; even recreational. Cannabis is an indigenous plant with more medicinal properties than the chemical ‘medicine’ peddled by western allopathic medicine, without the dangerous side effects. Cannabis is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotectant.
The human body has an endocannabinoid system not only for homeostasis, but also as uptake for cannabinoids which it absorbs from external sources and produces. Our bodies are designed for cannabis intake.
Big pharma, liquor, tobacco, and petrochemical industries have vilified cannabis and created a smear campaign for decades because it cuts into their profits. All of the derogatory terms for cannabis, pot, dope, weed, etc. were created as part of the smear campaign against this miracle herb.
Scientists have attempted to replicate the molecular structure of cannabis, but failed miserably. People have died overdosing on synthetic marijuana, but no one has died by natural cannabis.
Well, I will challenge you on the no dangerous side effects for marijuana: increased MVAs a certain % of which will kill or maim someone; inducing schizophrenia in a certain number of susceptible users.
I don’t think I need to go on, but there are more…
You’re a physician. I don’t know which type of physician, but you’ve been indoctrinated by the Rockefeller allopathic medicine system. The same Rockefeller allopathic medicine system that has vilified and demonized cannabis and all other homeopathic, natural medicine and pushes instead dangerous man-made chemical ‘medicine’ that has extremely deleterious effects upon health with very little healing. The same Rockefeller allopathic medicine that has maimed, injured and killed millions with the lies of vaccines, gaslighting countless parents and victims that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’. Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design.
I’ve watched as a man in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s, unable to speak or control his movements, smoked a small amount of cannabis and within minutes was speaking fluently and in control of his movement. Non-psychotropic CBD oil administered to children is effective in the elimination of seizures that may, on a broad spectrum, be vaccine neurological damage. This is but a minute sampling of cannabis’ medicinal properties.
As to your assertion that cannabis has induced schizophrenia in a certain number of susceptible individuals, you cannot prove that there wasn’t already a genetic or underlying condition that was the true cause.
You and most people for the last several generations have been indoctrinated by the Rockefellers et al that cannabis is unhealthy and morally wrong except the human body has an endocannabinoid system for homeostasis and the uptake of cannabinoids.
Read Eustace Mullins’, “Murder by Injection” which documents the subjugation of medicine by the Rockefellers, Carnegies et al. A huge deception has been perpetrated upon humanity that is no less than crimes against humanity.
Dead and maimed from DUI drivers don’t lie the numbers are up wherever marijuana laws have been liberalized. You can’t prove that MJ didn’t bring out a latent trait that would have stayed latent. Many of my Rockefeller indoctrinated colleagues currently inhale, in spite of being so indoctrinated. Life is too short to deal with your other points.
And millions, babies, children, teens and adults are maimed, injured, neurologically damaged and killed by vaccines, flu shots and mRNA injections every year, far more, millions more, than those maimed, injured and killed by MVAs caused by fools that drive impaired, cannabis or otherwise (meth, cocaine, heroin, tranq, alcohol, etc.)
I was anti-vaxx before the man-made covid ‘pandemic’. I already knew vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design. I’d heard Bill Gates, one of the largest funders of WHO and CDC, state in his TEDTalk that “ the world today has 6.8bil people, that’s headed up to about 9bil. Now if we do a -really- great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
I knew from the jump that experimental, DNA-altering, mRNA nanotech (patent 60606, Luciferase, graphene oxide, spike protein, etc.) injections were a duplicitous lie. The experimental, DNA-altering, mRNA nanotech (patent 60606/Luciferase/graphene oxide) mRNA injections don’t prevent covid or transmission of covid; the injections protect no one. Instead, those injected are more likely to contract covid. The injections are causing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological disorders, Bell’s palsy, immune system disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, miscarriages, still births, reproductive issues, etc. and DEATH. btw, the batch or lot numbers are not the same with some being more deadly.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Biden regime mandated the experimental injections. Any mandatory medical procedure, injection, mask, etc. is MEDICAL TYRANNY which violates informed consent. Employers, schools/universities, theaters, restaurants, etc. were mandating injection of an experimental nanotech concoction for employment, enrollment, entry, etc. EVERY individual, politician, employer, school admin, etc. that coerced any individual to receive the experimental injections is complicit in medical tyranny and has blood on their hands. EVERY individual has a sovereign right to bodily autonomy. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
And as if that’s not enough, the FDA and Pfizer requested the data for the experimental injections be sealed for 75 years(!); another direct violation of informed consent. The ‘vaccine’ inserts (not the information sheets handed out by medical professionals and pharmacist) were “intentionally blank”, yet another violation of informed consent. Both the sealing of data/documents and the intentionally blank inserts were attempts to conceal the ingredients and the possible adverse reactions including death. We’re seeing the results of the mRNA injections now with a dramatic increase in strokes, heart attacks, immune system disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sudden deaths/SADS (vaxx injury exactly like SIDS), miscarriages, still births, fertility issues, etc.
The following is what began my journey as anti-vaxx.
Research the fact that the rate of ASD, SIDS, seizure disorders, cancer and childhood cancers, autoimmune disorders, etc. including childhood death, have ALL increased dramatically at the same dramatic rate as the vaccine schedule recommended by the corrupt CDC (owns and profits from at least 50-70 vaccine patents/huge conflict of interest) in the last thirty years. Both ASD and SIDS were near non-existent before the widespread inception of vaccines. Gardisil, the HPV “vaccine”, is deadly to teens and young adults. The MMR is far more dangerous and lethal to children than the CDC reveals.
And the real kicker, when children contract wild measles (not the lab-mutated strains) mumps, and chickenpox around 10-12 years they have true life-long immunity and protection from heart disease and cancer throughout their lives. Then those women pass on immunity to their babies in utero and via breast milk which protects the child until they’re old enough to contract the infections (not diseases) around 10-12. This is true herd immunity. Vaccines cannot do that.
Research the Tuskegee Experiment in which the US government, from 1932 to 1972, promised 400 indigent Black men free medical care and instead injected/infected them with syphilis under the guise of a vaccine program, then denied them medical care in order to study the progression of the disease.
Research the Cutter Incident in which the Salk polio vaccine produced by Cutter Labs proved extremely dangerous and lethal to tens of thousands of American children. Jonas Salk, inventor of the Salk polio vaccine, admitted that the vaccine increased polio.
Research SV-40 (simian virus 40) derived from the kidneys of rhesus monkeys that contaminated polio vaccines in the 50s and early 60s causing cancer. btw, polio isn’t a poliovirus or enterovirus. That’s CDC lie/cover-up. Polio is neurological damage from chemical exposure, i.e. DDT, Paris Green, etc. In the 40s and 50s healthcare professionals sprayed DDT directly on the public, including babies and children, in swimming pools, fruit orchards, etc. in an attempt to inhibit the insects/mosquitoes thought to carry the disease, instead polio increased exponentially.
Research the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic originated with a Rockefeller-based experimental vaccination program of the enlisted at Fort Riley, KS (Bill Gates’ grandfather Frederick L. Gates, also a eugenicist, was an attending physician). It wasn’t Spanish and it wasn’t flu; it was bacterial pneumonia in the “vaccines”. This is an early example of vaccine injury/death and government cover-up. Government lied; millions died. Bill Gates’ grandfather Frederick L. Gates was involved; he was also a eugenicist. No surprise. Masks were mandated then as well which increased deaths (petri dish on the face; hypoxia; hypercapnia; etc.). Fauci knew; he co-authored a paper on masks increasing illness in the 1980’s.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Congress, under pressure from the criminal pharma/vaccine industry, signed H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives full legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers. IF vaccines are “safe and effective”, WHY do vaccine manufacturers have legal immunity?
There’s more. This is but a mere sample of the long, sordid history of vaccines and a huge reason I no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry or allopathic medicine and its professionals.
Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
Your post is pure whataboutism. Doesn’t excuse any of the maiming or killing from THC DUIs.
Goody for you! It took me too long, but don’t I get any credit for becoming an anti vaxxer, and escaping that swamp? (I was always ready to write a vax exemption, & never through a family out of my practice for vaccine refusal. I am old, but you can’t blame ’40s & 50s practices on me, much as your reparations Nazi soul would like to do so. Yeah, I read Turtles all the way down as well.
Are you going to submit your post as a masters thesis? It is not going to bring
And I know of Gates, Rockefeller, Fauci , & all their sins (I Read the Real Anthony Fauci as well).
I haven’t read “The Real Anthony Fauci”. My research was done before its publication. I appreciate your statement that you wrote vaccine exemptions and didn’t remove patients who refused vaccination from your practice. It seems you may be retired from practice now as the CDC does not take kindly to medical professionals that refuse to play by its rules.
Don’t be rude. Do not equate me with the Nazis. The true Nazis descended from Noah’s great grandson, Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3), and are the AshkeNAZI Khazar Jews that gained power through the Bolsheviks, the Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews) and the Rockefellers (Sephardic Jews). They practice dark arts, Kabbalah mysticism and follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They are the Zionists that rule every facet of this temporal world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news/entertainment). Their agenda is the NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation and absolute control over humanity. The UN with its library/publishing house Lucis [Lucifer] Trust is their nascent one world government.
YHWH warns of false Jews, the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
Gov. Tim "Restaurant Slayer" Walz's last legislative session is the reason I tapped out. I will not be running a business in Minnesota when the lights go out.
How can people stand to live in Minnesota with a tyrant like him in charge. Sounds like he is
running a baby parts operation. He has NO regard for a human life.
I won't repeat what I heard on a show today. What they were doing with aborted human
living baby parts. They were using baby parts just like Fraudchi used poor puppies and other animals for experimentation. Why is GOD missing in this equation?
I am sorry that disgusting thing is happening right here and now on soil. Just like Ukraine soldiers hurt they part them out while alive their families never get their body for funeral. Children are sold sex trade then parted out also in Ukraine to sell to the highest bidder. The studies in animal experiments have been done in part with veterans admin even more cruel than the little ones.
A long list that only a radical far-left liberal would be proud of.
The only one that doesn’t concern me is the legalization of cannabis; even recreational. Cannabis is an indigenous plant with more medicinal properties than the chemical ‘medicine’ peddled by western allopathic medicine, without the dangerous side effects. Cannabis is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotectant.
The human body has an endocannabinoid system not only for homeostasis, but also as uptake for cannabinoids which it absorbs from external sources and produces. Our bodies are designed for cannabis intake.
Big pharma, liquor, tobacco, and petrochemical industries have vilified cannabis and created a smear campaign for decades because it cuts into their profits. All of the derogatory terms for cannabis, pot, dope, weed, etc. were created as part of the smear campaign against this miracle herb.
Scientists have attempted to replicate the molecular structure of cannabis, but failed miserably. People have died overdosing on synthetic marijuana, but no one has died by natural cannabis.
Well, I will challenge you on the no dangerous side effects for marijuana: increased MVAs a certain % of which will kill or maim someone; inducing schizophrenia in a certain number of susceptible users.
I don’t think I need to go on, but there are more…
You’re a physician. I don’t know which type of physician, but you’ve been indoctrinated by the Rockefeller allopathic medicine system. The same Rockefeller allopathic medicine system that has vilified and demonized cannabis and all other homeopathic, natural medicine and pushes instead dangerous man-made chemical ‘medicine’ that has extremely deleterious effects upon health with very little healing. The same Rockefeller allopathic medicine that has maimed, injured and killed millions with the lies of vaccines, gaslighting countless parents and victims that vaccines are ‘safe and effective’. Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design.
I’ve watched as a man in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s, unable to speak or control his movements, smoked a small amount of cannabis and within minutes was speaking fluently and in control of his movement. Non-psychotropic CBD oil administered to children is effective in the elimination of seizures that may, on a broad spectrum, be vaccine neurological damage. This is but a minute sampling of cannabis’ medicinal properties.
As to your assertion that cannabis has induced schizophrenia in a certain number of susceptible individuals, you cannot prove that there wasn’t already a genetic or underlying condition that was the true cause.
You and most people for the last several generations have been indoctrinated by the Rockefellers et al that cannabis is unhealthy and morally wrong except the human body has an endocannabinoid system for homeostasis and the uptake of cannabinoids.
Read Eustace Mullins’, “Murder by Injection” which documents the subjugation of medicine by the Rockefellers, Carnegies et al. A huge deception has been perpetrated upon humanity that is no less than crimes against humanity.
Dead and maimed from DUI drivers don’t lie the numbers are up wherever marijuana laws have been liberalized. You can’t prove that MJ didn’t bring out a latent trait that would have stayed latent. Many of my Rockefeller indoctrinated colleagues currently inhale, in spite of being so indoctrinated. Life is too short to deal with your other points.
And millions, babies, children, teens and adults are maimed, injured, neurologically damaged and killed by vaccines, flu shots and mRNA injections every year, far more, millions more, than those maimed, injured and killed by MVAs caused by fools that drive impaired, cannabis or otherwise (meth, cocaine, heroin, tranq, alcohol, etc.)
I was anti-vaxx before the man-made covid ‘pandemic’. I already knew vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design. I’d heard Bill Gates, one of the largest funders of WHO and CDC, state in his TEDTalk that “ the world today has 6.8bil people, that’s headed up to about 9bil. Now if we do a -really- great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
I knew from the jump that experimental, DNA-altering, mRNA nanotech (patent 60606, Luciferase, graphene oxide, spike protein, etc.) injections were a duplicitous lie. The experimental, DNA-altering, mRNA nanotech (patent 60606/Luciferase/graphene oxide) mRNA injections don’t prevent covid or transmission of covid; the injections protect no one. Instead, those injected are more likely to contract covid. The injections are causing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological disorders, Bell’s palsy, immune system disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, miscarriages, still births, reproductive issues, etc. and DEATH. btw, the batch or lot numbers are not the same with some being more deadly.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Biden regime mandated the experimental injections. Any mandatory medical procedure, injection, mask, etc. is MEDICAL TYRANNY which violates informed consent. Employers, schools/universities, theaters, restaurants, etc. were mandating injection of an experimental nanotech concoction for employment, enrollment, entry, etc. EVERY individual, politician, employer, school admin, etc. that coerced any individual to receive the experimental injections is complicit in medical tyranny and has blood on their hands. EVERY individual has a sovereign right to bodily autonomy. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
And as if that’s not enough, the FDA and Pfizer requested the data for the experimental injections be sealed for 75 years(!); another direct violation of informed consent. The ‘vaccine’ inserts (not the information sheets handed out by medical professionals and pharmacist) were “intentionally blank”, yet another violation of informed consent. Both the sealing of data/documents and the intentionally blank inserts were attempts to conceal the ingredients and the possible adverse reactions including death. We’re seeing the results of the mRNA injections now with a dramatic increase in strokes, heart attacks, immune system disorders, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sudden deaths/SADS (vaxx injury exactly like SIDS), miscarriages, still births, fertility issues, etc.
The following is what began my journey as anti-vaxx.
Research the fact that the rate of ASD, SIDS, seizure disorders, cancer and childhood cancers, autoimmune disorders, etc. including childhood death, have ALL increased dramatically at the same dramatic rate as the vaccine schedule recommended by the corrupt CDC (owns and profits from at least 50-70 vaccine patents/huge conflict of interest) in the last thirty years. Both ASD and SIDS were near non-existent before the widespread inception of vaccines. Gardisil, the HPV “vaccine”, is deadly to teens and young adults. The MMR is far more dangerous and lethal to children than the CDC reveals.
And the real kicker, when children contract wild measles (not the lab-mutated strains) mumps, and chickenpox around 10-12 years they have true life-long immunity and protection from heart disease and cancer throughout their lives. Then those women pass on immunity to their babies in utero and via breast milk which protects the child until they’re old enough to contract the infections (not diseases) around 10-12. This is true herd immunity. Vaccines cannot do that.
Research the Tuskegee Experiment in which the US government, from 1932 to 1972, promised 400 indigent Black men free medical care and instead injected/infected them with syphilis under the guise of a vaccine program, then denied them medical care in order to study the progression of the disease.
Research the Cutter Incident in which the Salk polio vaccine produced by Cutter Labs proved extremely dangerous and lethal to tens of thousands of American children. Jonas Salk, inventor of the Salk polio vaccine, admitted that the vaccine increased polio.
Research SV-40 (simian virus 40) derived from the kidneys of rhesus monkeys that contaminated polio vaccines in the 50s and early 60s causing cancer. btw, polio isn’t a poliovirus or enterovirus. That’s CDC lie/cover-up. Polio is neurological damage from chemical exposure, i.e. DDT, Paris Green, etc. In the 40s and 50s healthcare professionals sprayed DDT directly on the public, including babies and children, in swimming pools, fruit orchards, etc. in an attempt to inhibit the insects/mosquitoes thought to carry the disease, instead polio increased exponentially.
Research the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic originated with a Rockefeller-based experimental vaccination program of the enlisted at Fort Riley, KS (Bill Gates’ grandfather Frederick L. Gates, also a eugenicist, was an attending physician). It wasn’t Spanish and it wasn’t flu; it was bacterial pneumonia in the “vaccines”. This is an early example of vaccine injury/death and government cover-up. Government lied; millions died. Bill Gates’ grandfather Frederick L. Gates was involved; he was also a eugenicist. No surprise. Masks were mandated then as well which increased deaths (petri dish on the face; hypoxia; hypercapnia; etc.). Fauci knew; he co-authored a paper on masks increasing illness in the 1980’s.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Congress, under pressure from the criminal pharma/vaccine industry, signed H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives full legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers. IF vaccines are “safe and effective”, WHY do vaccine manufacturers have legal immunity?
There’s more. This is but a mere sample of the long, sordid history of vaccines and a huge reason I no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry or allopathic medicine and its professionals.
Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections are biowarfare, bioengineering, and eugenics, by design.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
Your post is pure whataboutism. Doesn’t excuse any of the maiming or killing from THC DUIs.
Goody for you! It took me too long, but don’t I get any credit for becoming an anti vaxxer, and escaping that swamp? (I was always ready to write a vax exemption, & never through a family out of my practice for vaccine refusal. I am old, but you can’t blame ’40s & 50s practices on me, much as your reparations Nazi soul would like to do so. Yeah, I read Turtles all the way down as well.
Are you going to submit your post as a masters thesis? It is not going to bring
And I know of Gates, Rockefeller, Fauci , & all their sins (I Read the Real Anthony Fauci as well).
I haven’t read “The Real Anthony Fauci”. My research was done before its publication. I appreciate your statement that you wrote vaccine exemptions and didn’t remove patients who refused vaccination from your practice. It seems you may be retired from practice now as the CDC does not take kindly to medical professionals that refuse to play by its rules.
Don’t be rude. Do not equate me with the Nazis. The true Nazis descended from Noah’s great grandson, Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3), and are the AshkeNAZI Khazar Jews that gained power through the Bolsheviks, the Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews) and the Rockefellers (Sephardic Jews). They practice dark arts, Kabbalah mysticism and follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They are the Zionists that rule every facet of this temporal world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news/entertainment). Their agenda is the NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation and absolute control over humanity. The UN with its library/publishing house Lucis [Lucifer] Trust is their nascent one world government.
YHWH warns of false Jews, the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
Wow, he really accomplished a lot didn’t he? What a loony tune this individual is. 🤡
Tampon Time with Timmy.
Boyfriend outa town..??
Can't have your fudge packed right now?
Just shove in a tampon.
Clown world, but at a state level.
It's a quite comprehensive list of Walz's "accomplishments". Let's waltz out Waltz in a rhythm 1, 2, 3... un deux trois, hop. la la la,.
I don't get this one "Banned no-knock warrants;" but I can browse it here and there, and not Google i
The founders are spinning in their graves.
Nah man, you gotta say it in the right order, it’s “Tampon Tim”.
Jes’ like dat, don’t you know?