I think they caged him...for what price?

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I know it cant be Trump...Trump is a good man, he seeks to do good, pure good 2.0...so who caged RFK Jr.? To head HHS?

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what good is it to head HHS if you are in a cage?

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to say that RFK Jr. will turn to support 'new and improved' mRNA, its impossible. Imposible, I tell you. something is not right.

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others can rat, not RFK Jr.

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When the boss says that the existing mRNA shots have saved 100s of millions of lives, and if the boss wants the green light given to "new and improved" mRNA shots, it could be perceived as insubordinate to disagree. Insubordination isn't usually a good idea. RFK Jr needs to tread carefully.

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new and improved is the word they are coming with to deceive us AGAIN, 'we made minor adjustments', we 'tweaked it'...I have heard from deep inside the mRNA subversive world that this is the move and the staggering issue is many who were with us fighting this will join onto the other side, they are saying if it is here to stay,

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Can't be allowed to happen.

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But why would he be in a case, unless TRUMP ALLOWED THAT TO HAPPEN???

You need to wake up, Dr. Paul.

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It’s the mk programming. “ we need our food cleaned up “ nobody remembers him addressing the childhood jab schedule? The old switcheroo .

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Just read your own comments here. If this is happening NOW under Trump, how the hell do you expect him to run this country???? Sorry, Dr. Paul, but either Trump's in on this, or else he's the stupidest person who ever walked this earth.

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G’day ..,

I’m looking at this situation and I’m thinking ..

Maybe just maybe we are in the preliminary phase of the take down. It is early days..

A scenario :

January 20th is not here yet...

Or the 5th...

This is a transnational takedown.

Global corporations are scrambling around attempting to secure their material stranglehold on 3D reality.

I just saw a video of North Carolina on the Judy Byington latest.

The governor was sitting in his large well appointed residence and a guy was standing outside giving the details of the absolute ignorance of the peoples suffering the “natural disaster” and the death and destruction that followed and nothing is being done for the people. And as the dark hearts protocols go they are attempting to “lawfully” steal these loving families children!

Meanwhile the governor is having visitors in his large warm affluent residence.

It’s not even “ let them eat cake”!!!

These days I begin to evolve my terminology ...

Sometimes four letter words appear.

Blackrock and all the other asset ghouls seem to think that this whole planet is their thanksgiving turkey !

And they make certain it’s captured by war or “ natural unnatural disasters “ and proceed to slice it up and consume it. Like the Carolina governor they have no thoughts of the people and their lives that are devastated

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nice informative post

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I have a problem, a huge problem with these “Bioweapon Injection’s” which is this.

About three weeks ago Dr Makis posted on Substack a disturbing story.

More than 30 SCHOOL AGE KIDS in America, in one week

“Didn’t Awaken For School!”

DEAD! All 30 plus kids were DEAD! In one week!

This is America!

“America is The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.” Right? Wrong!

Where are the “Free & Brave” American Politicians? This story should be HEADLINE NEWS!

“Silence has Spoken”

If a story of this magnitude is cast aside, not important, so too were the lives of each and every one of those poor kids!

If this wasn’t reported on, please do not hold your breath about anything remotely relevant to this “Bioweapon Attack!”

We can say “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings” forever! My gut feeling says, covid was “everything it wasn’t”

Duped, Duped and Duped till kingdom come.


So how could something of this magnitude happen? Not a cricketing sound, silence is the loudest sound, only when sad stories are “SQUASHED”

More than 30 school kids!

Something is so wrong it’s disturbing. Whether RFK or Trump or anyone else on the big screen is aware or are they being told what they can and cannot say?

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excellent sad post for this is real...we have many dying at dawn, dying in their sleep.

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catecholamine surge as you rise, onto a damaged myocardium with subverted electrical conduction re silent myocarditis, leaves you in trouble as the heart cannot take the stress of the adrenaline etc. as you awake and goes into atrial fibrillations and then cardiac arrest....partners awake with person next to them dead.

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Very sad Dr. I am fighting this battle for two reasons:

1. My Grandson and

2. For humanity.

What has happened to society? The obvious is so obvious and still very much,

ignoring the death and suffering caused by this “Bioweapon Attack” is worrisome.

Especially when there’s silence! I cannot comprehend why. I honestly can’t.

Thank you Dr Alexander. Thank you very much.


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Everyday I wonder why isn't every single person shouting from the rooftops about what has happened. I wonder how people go on like life is normal. I have posted and posted since 2022 about what's been going on starting with Senator Ron Johnson's roundtable. Only 2 people acknowledged what I posted. I have called and written all of my state's congressional people. Why haven't people been arrested yet? I do not understand it.

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Yes, either that, or Trump is in it up to his ears.

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Both Trump and Harris were in agreement that the mRNA shots saved hundreds of millions of lives. Both encouraged people to get the shots. Under Harris you would be lucky to even get a choice of which arm to be injected in with the mRNA shots. That's how little medical freedom you would have. Under a Trump administration, if you decide to listen to the encouragement to get the shots, you will most likely at least get a choice.

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I agree Margaret. I agree 100% with you. This short piece I cut and pasted from another Substack article says it all! And I mean all. Read the answer given why “double Blinded Placebo” isn’t necessary to validate the Childhood’s Vaccine Schedule of shots and whether they are beneficial or not! Talk about “Russian Roulette?”

Good God it’s no surprise why our children are so messed up!

Thank you Margaret.


Without a saline placebo as comparison, no claim can be made about a vaccine’s safety profile. Sorry Dr. Wharton, you are wrong and one doesn’t need a medical degree or a masters degree in public health to know this. If this isn’t obvious, why then are medicines trialed against saline placebos if it isn’t necessary to establish a safety profile? Could it be because vaccine manufacturers are not liable for damages caused by their vaccines but are liable if their medicines cause harm?

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Nobody is more feared and loathed by PIG pHARMa, the Deep State and the DNC than RFK Jr, in their eyes the most radical and dangerous politician they have ever had to contend with. Compared to RFK Jr, President Trump is like Obama or Reagan from the perspective of PIG pHARMa, the Deep State and the DNC. When he was rising in the polls in the early days of his presidential candidacy they feared him more than Trump. They saw Trump as the lesser evil and they covertly threw their support behind Trump to knock RFK Jr out of the race. That he is now in contention for HHS Secretary is a nightmare to them. He has a potential that others in Trump's circle don't have to cut through and gain support across the political spectrum, even in deep blue states. PIG pHARMa, the Deep State and the DNC are desperately hoping for him to be outspoken and create controversy now before he achieves any real power and have the money to pay the RINOS in the Senate to ensure RFK Jr is not confirmed. He is a shrewd politician and is very wisely keeping himself in a cage until he in office.

Even in blue Colorado, vaccine advocates worry about RFK Jr’s appeal and ‘medical freedom’ movement


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very nuanced white space writing

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Yes. I'm hopeful RFK Jr's recent reticence is a strategy to secure approval of his HHS nomination, by depriving his Senate enemies of ammunition against him in hearings on his nomination.

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if it works...lots afoot. see my next stack coming

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I am poking and writing to ensure they dont pull it off

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Yes, that's hopefully what it is. By the way, did you see the (not so) "new" reports of spike protein persistence in the brain after covid infection, leading to dementia? A report on it with a click bait headline from some crappy Indian newspaper showed up in my news feed and from there I tracked down the study they were referring to. I just posted the links to it and the news article here. It makes a dubious claim that the vaxx reduced (although did not eliminate) spike accumulation in the brain post infection.

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its all bullshit...yet they post no study...reports

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Thanks for the reference! I'll check out the link you posted.

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Found your post w links. Will be my after-breakfast reading. This issue is an interest and concern of mine after experiencing the most debilitating head pain of my life with "covid."

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If we look back in history, whether it was, we begin to understand that, once a set number of people die / are killed / or murdered, say 5 million, there seems to be no appetite for answers.

Once 10 million or more deaths occurs, silence grows louder and louder. Only those who have compassion, empathy and respect for humanity, give a damn!

“I give a damn!”

We’re watching this play out before our very eyes.

So what’s the big deal many may ask? What’s the big deal? I’ll tell you what the big deal is:

Some reports say 17 Million People worldwide have been killed / murdered by these “Bioweapon Injections!”

This is the big deal!

Unfortunately, I believe this number is much higher, millions and millions higher. But what the heck, what’s another 50 million or say

4 Billion more, right? Which is exactly my point.

Once a certain number has been reached, nobody cares anymore. Time gone by, water under the bridge, don’t cry over spilled milk, we’re told!

Once again, when a certain number of deaths occur, the rest is, well history. This is exactly what’s happening right now right here.

History has already been recorded so I guess we can call Covid, a win for the “Evildoers.” A loss for humanity, especially the unsuspecting souls who have perished at the hands of these evil bastards!

But who’s counting right? Does it really matter how many people have died? Have been murdered? NO and NO!

To put this into context, I copied information below of the worst “Evildoers” from times gone by:

But what the hey, what does it matter now, they’re all dead, right? That was a long time ago, right? Oh the sheer “Magnitude of Madness”

The world is heading for the next history in the making, which has already been made and recorded, now before it happens. Yes, before it happens, how can this be?

Because death tolls continue to escalate, never before cancers have become commonplace and a host of other diseases are on the rise!

“History or Science?”

1. Mao Tse-tung (also spelled Zedong) was the principal Chinese Marxist theorist, soldier and statesman who led his nation's Cultural Revolution.

His policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims of starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his regime has been described as totalitarian.

2. Joseph Stalin:

Estimates of the number of people killed by Joseph Stalin's regime range from 3.3 million to 20 million or more:

3. Benito Mussolini:

The Italian dictator responsible for millions of deaths is Benito Mussolini. He was the leader of the Fascist Party in Italy and held dictatorial power during World War II, leading to the deaths of many civilians and soldiers.

4. Adolf Hitler:

According to historical records, during Hitler's invasion of Russia, known as Operation Barbarossa, the Soviet Union suffered over 800,000 confirmed deaths, with millions more wounded or captured, while Germany experienced close to 775,000 casualties, making it one of the deadliest military operations in history.

In conclusion, my points are simple, all of these monsters above, had the same powerful destructive abilities.

Today, who will be remembered to the likes of these monsters? Maybe this is why nothing is being done about this and nothing is be spoken aloud? Since we haven’t heard from politically powerful speakers, their

“Lips have been Sealed”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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There is one name….starts with “F”

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If “F” stands for “Fauci” you’re absolutely correct!

He’s one of the most evil people on earth! His history of being involved is so many “BAD-BAD” virus bombshells, coverups, experimenting on people and animals is nothing short of “Diabolically-Evil!”

Thank you LAE, sadly, there’s so many people involved with this “DOD Attack” I don’t believe we’ll ever see justice!

And if the numbers pan out than it won’t matter for half of the world’s population. Simply multiply 74% X 5.5 Billion People Worldwide Dosed Once = 4.07 Billion Deaths approximately within 10 years or less IMO. Not scientifically proven except for the math above.

That is if 2+2 still equals 4? The insanity is real, the nuts are running the asylum.


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Still seeing reports of people succumbing suddenly. All those younger people with the stroke-like symptoms too, or the recent athlete that collapses on the field….they get to the ED for treatment and no etiology is found. Puzzling. 🤨

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Yes LAE, 2 weeks ago, Dr Makis’s Substack Page Posted an Article about more than 30 School Kids in America died in one week!

More than 30 across America, AYKM? The death toll has not leveled off whatsoever. It’s still increasing! Unbelievable!

Thank you LAE.


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Quick answer, yes! Yes they have silenced RFK, Trump and anyone else deemed a threat.

Honestly Dr Alexander, I have said this many times before. America / The American people were attacked by a Weapon of Mass Destruction!

How, rather why, has nobody mentioned this? Is it because of panic? Or because of fear of unrest? Or maybe it’s because, every one of

(the 118+ Horsemen) have deeper roots than we suspect?

Whatever the reason, speculation is speculative. Answers are exactly what

“We the People” want to know, need to hear and most importantly, deserve!

The only way I can look at this entire Covid / Bioweapon, fraudulent campaign, against humanity is through the lens of “Honorable Truth Tellers” such as yourself Dr.

Don’t worry all the weight of the world, I cast not upon your shoulders, but plethora of “Honorable Shoulders.”

The world’s greatest warriors are “Truth-Tellers!” You see it takes courage, bravery, unity and unwavering dedication and loyalty, for “Truth-Tellers” combined wisdoms for the greater good of mankind.

On the other hand you have the “Evil-Liars” the fraudsters, the murderers, etc..Unfortunately our country our world has been overrun by such “Evil-Elites!”

This is in no way a “Stalemate” not by far. The evildoers have been planning, executing and destroying, by design, their actions as we’ve been spoken aloud in their own words, with their own

“Poisonous-Venom” as defined below:

“a poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes”

However we look at this, one most important of our lifetimes has happened. The silence from all parties involved, is deafening with one giant question, WHY?

My entire life I have never been so angry about anything such as this deliberate covid planned attack!

Every single heart beating human being should be as angry!

When millions are killed around the world and those in power are “SILENT” we all need to ask WHY. Are we so foolish? Are we so indispensable, a heard waiting for slaughter?

Because that’s exactly how I interpret “Silence” about the most deadly attack on humanity EVER SEEN!

If you can’t hear my passions coming off this read, all I can say is, I’m sorry for not being passionate enough.

Thank you Dr Alexander for stoking the fire, the flames for humanity’s survival.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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So many people are still succumbing to it and many are not putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Those that took it and are still here may not think anything is wrong due to the deafening suppression of speech, then one day, those may just suddenly expire. If this continual issue of cancer and stroke-like dizziness with a sudden loss of consciousness issue in young healthy persons is not formally addressed by those with voices of authority, then no one will think anything was wrong and it will continue to be hidden.

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You’re exactly right LAE. This is why I am totally convinced that nothing is being said. Not from Trump, RFK anyone really.

If there wasn’t something wrong, we’d be having open discussions about what was done correctly and what was done wrong. Instead, we hear silence!

Silence means saying nothing when “more than 30 school kids died in one week!”

Thirty kids! And not a single word? Good God this is so evil.

Dr McCulloughs finally released peer reviewed study regarding 385 autopsies found that 73.9% causation / causative factors related to the shot! Again 73.9%! What in God’s name is happening?

Well I believe the world population will, as you’ve said LAE:

“then no one will think anything was wrong and it will continue to be hidden.” This all makes sense when statements such as the one below are made:

Renowned Virologist Warns Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: ‘Tsunami of Death Is Upon Us’

I appreciate your insight LAE. Each of us have something different we can all share. This is so important now more than ever. Thank You LAE.


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We knew from the outset that in those who get infected with covid the virus and/or spike protein persists in the brain and subsequently causes or accelerates dementia. But these new reports are a bit concerning. In research, Injection of spike protein alone is sufficient for bad outcomes. No surprises there. You can inject it directly with Novavax or turn yourself into a spike factory with Pfizer or Moderna. But why is this research claiming that "[v]accination reduced but did not eliminate spike protein accumulation after infection ..." Doesn't seem to make sense. You still get spike in your brain after you catch covid if you're vaxxed but there's less of it? This research needs to be replicated.

"Injection of spike protein alone was sufficient to induce neuroinflammation, proteome changes in the skull-meninges-brain axis, anxiety-like behavior, and exacerbated outcomes in mouse models of stroke and traumatic brain injury. Vaccination reduced but did not eliminate spike protein accumulation after infection in mice."

Covid Virus Persists In Skull And Brain Meninges For Years Post-Infection: Study

A groundbreaking German study reveals that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins persist in the brain, causing chronic inflammation and raising risks of neurodegenerative diseases.


Persistence of spike protein at the skull-meninges-brain axis may contribute to the neurological sequelae of COVID-19

"Using optical clearing and imaging, we observed the accumulation of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the skull-meninges-brain axis of human COVID-19 patients, persisting long after viral clearance. Further, biomarkers of neurodegeneration were elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid from long COVID patients, and proteomic analysis of human skull, meninges, and brain samples revealed dysregulated inflammatory pathways and neurodegeneration-associated changes. Similar distribution patterns of the spike protein were observed in SARS-CoV-2-infected mice. Injection of spike protein alone was sufficient to induce neuroinflammation, proteome changes in the skull-meninges-brain axis, anxiety-like behavior, and exacerbated outcomes in mouse models of stroke and traumatic brain injury. Vaccination reduced but did not eliminate spike protein accumulation after infection in mice."


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Nicolas Hulscher also posted the Rong et al study -- today -- on Dr. McCullough's substack:

https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-spike-protein-persists (continued)

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A commenter suggests (paraphrasing) that spike protein via injection would likely be more harmful since being enveloped in the LNP would assist the spike's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. That makes sense to me.

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Yes that does make sense. Thank you for sharing this important substack!

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You're welcome, ANW.

I have to take a closer look but I wanted to add that I'm wary of the observation(?) / conclusion(?) that "Vaccination reduced but did not eliminate spike protein accumulation after infection in mice."

It would seem more likely to add to rather than reduce the accumulation.

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I wish we still had people here who were honest and truthful about what was going on. Yet many times, their hands were tied and gagged so that they couldn't speak or write. The fogginess in some of their work was sometimes necessary for military ships' battleship grey. The corruption started in the early 1900s, even way back when the people would rather accept darkness and shadows versus the enlightenment of the outside world. It was too bright and couldn't adapt to the changes. I hope that Kennedy will continue for the light, yet we don't know what's threatening him or protecting him or anything else in risk management. He should stay the course of integrity and truth and correct wrongs as he can. He has fought for children's protection via the Children's Health Defense Fund for many years. Why should he change course abruptly and not be himself? I have seen many people die with the increase of environmental toxins over the years, which may have contributed to their end. The worst was five in one day in various locations and different ways—some car wrecks, no fault of their own, to heart attacks, most prevalent. You lost employment for over 40 years, and shock was enough. Some were training accidents, and one was friendly fire.

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Get Kennedy in office.

Then let him burn this whole building to the ground.

Until only the bare minimum or 20% is left.

Bare minimum or 20-80 pareto rule. 20% staff, activities, resources for 80% results.

You can go up to 50%, but returns might decrease expontentially.

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"did they CAGE RFK Jr.? Did they silence him? " (Dr. Paul Alexander)

Dr. Paul, that can only happen if Trump allows it to happen. Sorry, but something stinks to high heaven here. RFK was either threatened, or else he sold out. Either way, it's not good. People need to stop being so gullible. Trump's not your savior, and he won't be fixing anything.

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With all due respect AJR, those numbers are chickenshit compared to those killed by the US who pushed Churchill into declaring was on Germany over its actions in primarily West Prussia and Upper Silesia, provoked the Japanese through a trade embargo into attacking Pearl Harbor and created and unleashed on the world SARS-CoV-2 and the mRNA based injections, among many other things.

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boom...my stack is not only medicine, it is history and some of the smartest folk are here exchanging...very good. put another way too, we knew the Japanese were going to surrender. its like Tonkin, when you read more and more you realize Vietnam that saw us lose so many, was a fake fraud...it was a lie to get us into that war

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Hi awoke .. good point .

We can often miss the long game the globalists play!

And if the main stream history stories are the only source of one’s information it is inevitable that we find ourselves blindly falling into the traps the globalists have set.

Crazy ..

The truth will set you free..

But the lies and deception will put you in a real shit position.

That’s the massive hole of deception we are climbing out of right now!

Ascension is an interesting word!

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