From Klaus to you..... Klaus Schwab presents: VaxxMas Hits '23 πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wCoXGMxJnk

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How is it that people are not concerned about excess deaths? Are they waiting for our doctors etc...mortuaries...government/politicians/health ministry....coroners to speak up? They are not paid to cause panic for something that was said to be 'safe and effective'?! How is it that excess deaths was never an issue unless it was normal outcomes from war, car accidents...etc....but, not from 'injections' from our excellent medical systems....where are the reports? indeed

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We've all likely heard the term "Public-Private Stakeholders" popularized during the Obama Administration.

There were many such "stakeholders" involved in the Covid Plandemic. There were politicians who took the opportunity to prevent Trump's reelection, Pharma execs who got obscene bonuses, Bill Gates who also increased his wealth but also furthered his Depopulation schemes. Democrats benefitted via various mail in ballot schemes combined with masking, quarantine & distancing. 5G systems with 6G upgradability were installed in schools & other institutions while they were closed. Hospitals benefited from a trillion or more in Covid bucks being spread around. Hospital administrators also received huge bonuses for going along to get along. Doctors were paid a bounty on each patient they vaccinated. Government employees were essentially given extended paid furlough (aka paid vacations) then allowed to work (supposedly) from home since.

And on and on.

All involved profited in one way or another and thus are not only keeping their mouths shut so as to not incriminate themselves as to how they benefited from the phony vaccine that's killed millions, but are also covering up what they did via censorship and cancelling of anyone who spills the beans so as to prevent the truth from spreading like a contagion.

It's up to the sheeple who got fleeced, injured & killed to hold the shepherds accountable. Yeah, right. Like that's ever possible. No, those involved with power and a platform will have to risk all and help the little people find justice and prevent what's happened to ever happen again. They'll need all the support you can give them.

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