Compared to Kamala, Joe is sharp as a tack. Imagine how much they're laughng at the US in Beijing, Havana, Tehran, Pyongyang and Caracas. Not the best example of selection by the merit principle. She's unfit even to go back to turning tricks.

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Since when do these misanthropes follow the rules.... Barry was born in Kenya, he shouldn't of been POTUS. I am afraid we will have both our first female POTUS and the first one with an IQ below 70. - how did she pass the CA Bar exam... that is not an easy test... unless it was on her knees of course.

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Cite any ammendment you like. The bastards in power will do what they like. There is no rule of law in this country. If you rail against the state, they assassinate you.

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We are beyond the 25th amendnent.... if you believe all that you project you I'm quite sure are familiar with the 10th amendment... understand it...reread it if you have to, research it. It's time for its proper implementation has come for no one man is going to save us, it will be us that task falls upon.

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I am so 10th, I call for all federal department, all, to be given back to the states for them to control it at state level.

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You have went beyond subscription level... you are legend status ❤️

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Time to pull out the Articles Of Confederation...individual state sovereignty, bill of rights not needed

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That's the type of thinking we all need to acclimate towards .... if not, our children are doomed...

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Haven't you figured out yet that they can violate the 25th Amendment or *ANYTHING* they want?

That's what "lawlessness" means - ZERO respect or adherence to the law ... total contempt of the law.

Of course, that applies to THEM, not to you or me. We go to jail for merely spitting on the sidewalk.

This is why they had to be *prevented* from getting the reigns, now it may be too late. We'll see.

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Are you naive enough to believe Biden or Harris are calling the shots?

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Biden isn't calling the shots, but as long as he refuses to step down, there is nothing they can do other than what they tried to do with Trump- Hope someone takes out Biden or he happens to have an unfortunate accident.

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Did anyone else see the story of a female FBI Assistant Director was spotted sitting a few rows back of Trump at the Butler rally? At least that is who Redacted said was her position.

She never looked to the right, like everyone else, when the shooting began.

Instead she acted as if she knew that a planned assassination was in progress.

And of course she must have been a DEI hire/promotion, as she looked way to young (35?) to be an Asst. FBI director. She was holding a Trump sign to "blend in".

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She doesn’t know or doesn’t realize there’s an “25th amendment.

Plus, she said she can only count to 8…well ok 9…double digits confuse her, except in certain situations.

And according to Judge Joe Brown, she “fu…ked” her way through the political landscape! Which is how she’s gotten to the position she presently holds! And so to quote the late, the great Paul Harvey,

“Now you know…the rest of the story,”

And here’s my rest of the story

“Big Ten Inch Record”


Got me the strangest woman

Believe me this trick's no cinch

But I really get her going

When I whip out my big ten inch

And all the world’s a more dangerous place!


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So since not one person has gone with 25th amendment, Congress can impeach them all, his whole administration! HHS, DEPT. DEFENSE, EDUCATION, ALL OF THEM! ! Congress impeach Biden now than everyone else! Come on! We are with you!

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There is no time to begin impeachment hearings before the convention.

Of course after the election, if Trump wins, then maybe there should be an impeachment, just to save us from 2 extra months of Joe.

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An impeachment without 60% of Senators is a waste of hot air.

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I think we want her in though. Also an impeachment requires 60% of the Senate.

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its almost as thought they have to move her to POTUS or out complete for she cannot really debate Vance...she has never debated a republican and never a smart person...and against her dufus democrats, has always failed...save Willie Brown's help. they are in a pickle...she has to go to POTUS...

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...or out the door having been paid off.

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Does she even know what a debate is?

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She imagines debates to be what they can be, unburdened by what has been.

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I am suspicious of the multiple visits by a neurologist to the White House. I think Biden may suffer from Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus(NPH). It may be caused or aggravated by an aneurysm in the brain. An MRI scan would show this. Question is, unless surgery is possible to reverse the condition, the 25th amendment may not be applied until too late. Even then, Harris would serve as “temporary “ President during surgery and recovery. How long before the DNC convention?

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Thankfully, Schumer, Obama and Pelosi will never have the Dems invoke the 25th Amendment.

Republicans should keep quiet for now.

Maybe Republicans can bring up the topic exactly when the Dem Convention is underway.

Of course if they use the 25th Amendment, Biden would have to step down, and be replaced by Kamala, not just be replaced as the nominee and serve out the remaining 6 months.

But that would meet Kamala would be the one making the decision about replacing Biden on the ballot. She would be the nominee and get to pick or VP, like the PA Governor.

But Pelosi et al. want to bypass Kamala. Therefore the 25th amendment strategy would not satisfy their agenda.

Instead it likes like after August 1, Biden will be nominated electronically. That would make it very difficult to vote Biden out, if he won't drop out.

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How awful!

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It is pick your poison... with any luck both of these putzes will be gone soon. Pax

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hope is a big word here....

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Yeah, but methinks that the wave is too big even for the Deep State to turn back....of course I could be wrong but if it comes to pass Old Joe wins everyone will know that the fix was in .... and watch out!

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You all do realize the elite do not care about the laws because they do not have to obey them. Who will enforce them? Not the 3 letter agencies. Not the military. Not you all.

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