Have any of those top advisors ever have a regular job or own a business? Are they all Ivy League grads born with a silver spoon in their mouth? Because they just made up shit that cost billions & destroyed small businesses without a second thought or care. The mental and emotional harm that they caused to children is crime against humanity, IMO.

The should be tried, jailed & forced to do hard labor. If ever released they should be forced to do community service. Maybe then and only then will they learn they'll not lie & mouth off.

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correct, and they killed people by their specious garbage...we must get accountability.

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The poison Ivy of the Ivy Leaguers

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No it was not made up. Six feet distance apart made possible for cameras to better analyze people. During the pandemic all surveillance capability was improved upon and made more accurate. 6 feet was the exact number of distance that was best for cameras. I heard this from a state IT department worker

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This was a Satanic ritual...literally.

The number 6 is used for many things to cast a spell over people. Look around where you see the 6-6-6.

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6uild 6ack 6etter

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Yes. The Luciferian cabal loves its numerology, signs, symbols, spell casting and satanic rituals.

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The VA prevented veterans from sitting next to each other with that stupid 6-foot rule.

Normally, the waiting room would become quite lively with veterans chatting to each other.

"What branch of service?" "Where were you stationed?"

These were only some of the questions that were asked. Veterans, who were complete strangers when they walked into the waiting room, would soon be talking to each other like long lost friends. The Vietnam veterans seemed to engage very easily.

For anyone who has been in the military, we all have a common bond. First time away from home for some. Fear of being in boot camp. And the sheer terror of being in a combat zone.

So...those bastards...Collins...Fauci...CDC...NIH...took that camaraderie away from us.

Throw in the fake masking that was required.

They reduced us to faceless and nameless bodies sitting in a VA healthcare waiting room.

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Thank you for this perspective.

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Paul, the entire scamdemic and every policy, press release and order coming from the entity known as government is a fraud, a lie, created to control, destroy and create suffering.

We can do a piece by piece forensic of the excrement in the New York sewer system, which is exactly what a forensic of the CDC, FDA, NIH, DOD, FBI, CIA, etc... would be.

Excrement all of it, and the sheeple debate whether it should be eaten, and argue about it.

Criminals and collaborators are the prison system we call government.

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Sadly, we seem to be at a loss to do anything about it...

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You can always bet on being attacked by the mainstream media liars and whores if you are in any way, shape or form one who embraces common sense, conservative values and integrity. A worse bunch of skags and scapers can ne'er be found unless one took a walk on the wild side in and of the sewer CYSTem of New York.

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Dr. Paul,

You're an incredible TRUTH TELLER!! You are a "prophet crying in the wilderness" !

God Bless you! We love you! We pray for your continued strength and safety, always!

With sincere appreciation,

JM Wright

Nampa, Idaho

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I remember seeing the foot prints outside my banks doorway and a sign saying the new normal. And thinking who the F--k thinks they are in charge of the world?

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It is insulting to most people. The media and the leftists are working together to take over the country

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I can hear Maricone's music in the background...Clint Eastwood wold make a great Judge and


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yes, I yearn that as a role for him

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I'll gladly perform that service

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And how many of us were screamed at by stupid employees while trying to check out at stores?

And how many people gave us hateful glares if we walked past them in the grocery aisles?

Those experiences are not enough to sue over and did not directly harm us but the sense that people who previously would have smiled are now filled with fear and hatred of you is terrifying.

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They're all in CYA mode right about now. Even Redfield's out there trashing the vax. They WILL try to flip this onto Trump, right after Labor Day. That's the October surprise.

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I don’t think it was made up, 6’ is the distance our aura extends out around us.

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The virus is so small goes through the mask. The MSD sheet that comes in the package directly says it does not protect against airborne viruses. Additionally, the masks don't seal to your face. It was a lie. They knew it. It was all show and to drive fear to push people to take the shot.

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You are correct. Way back when this started I read that anything beyond 6 foot is outside of our heart reach, or something like that. Don't remember the details, but I know it was meant to keep us from relating to each other and sharing with each other what was really going on. It wasn't just a random number,.....it was purposed.

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Places like Costco were militant over this BS non scientific fear propaganda 😷. Just like this Apple emoji

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Every VA healthcare facility made us wear a mask.

Or they would deny medical care to us.

In what universe is that even humane?

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Sunzof’s comment that 6’ was optimal for the cameras and surveillance upgrade is what I’d heard as well. At the same time 5G towers/equipment were being installed worldwide during the lockdown.

None of the ‘safety measures’ were about health or public safety during the fraudulent, man-made pandemic. None of the bad actors, Collins, Fauci, Gates, Birx, Tedros et al will be held accountable or hang high because it’s all part of the genocide agenda.

All world governments are infiltrated and controlled by the Rothschild Zionists aka UN/WEF globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, etc.

Zionists control everything in this world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news/entertainment). The Zionists want their NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation (GMOs/famine, 5G, HAARP/geoengineering, pharma/vaxx, biowarfare/pandemics, war, etc.); and absolute control over humanity (ID2020/nanotech/graphene oxide/5G).

The UN, with its Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The UN is the nascent one world government of the NWO beast system. The Zionists are the Luciferian cabal that rules this temporal world.

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones.

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don’t forget the jews also love grooming children ! which is why the trans agenda has been forced upon us so hard in these last 5 years and forced onto our children in the classroom with pride flags and lgbt teachers force feeding “acceptance” in their classrooms .

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Yes, true. The proof of their depravity is within their Babylonian Talmud. It’s absolutely an agenda.

It’s depopulation. It’s a weakening of society. It’s emasculation of men because weak men will not stand against tyranny. It’s normalization of transhumanism. It’s an inversion of YHWH’s perfect creation. It’s tribute to the satanic male/female deity Baphomet. A Luciferian cabal rules this world.

It’s bioengineered >>pharma/vaxx (foreign human DNA/aborted fetal cells), GMO/processed foods, atrazine, hand sanitizer/chemicals. It’s social engineered >>media (books, music, movies, news, commercials, social media, etc).

UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones.

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Try them and hang the lot. This farce has gone on far too long. Sheep no longer bothered.

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