The radical law lets children change their legal sex without a doctor’s approval and allows residents to obtain a birth certificate without a sex marker. Oh my God, BC is deranged in its politics
The spoiled and petulant child actor, who would be “King Justin”, embodies the pseudo-benevolence of “noblesse oblige” and peddles the Nobel Lie (addressed recently by Malone, regurgitated here) to soothe the lower classes knowing what’s best for the peasants and therefore fully Justified.
He deserves what has been called for by Dr. Alexander.
Some will know specifically the example he has suggested for others who feel justified to dictate policies and prescriptions contrary to the best interests of the proletariat.
Make a public display of the just desert for the whole lot of the bastards and all of that despicable ilk that no would-be tyrant can stomach.
Then again, tomorrow is Easter and my mood is suddenly gone far too dark for my own sake.
Let the Lord dispense the Justice as is appropriate in Divine Wisdom.
Whether unintentionally or not, by mentioning it in the same breath as Trudeau and Dr. Malone, you've likely created an association, in the minds of some of your readership at least, between both of them and the Nobel Prize, for which each may be a contender.
It also may suggest, at least to some, that, at some level, you think each would be a deserving recipient.
I realize that the Nobel Peace Prize, if not the prize for medicine, has been somewhat diminished in recent years by the decisions to award it to Obama but not to President Trump, who actually deserved it.
Nonetheless, the prize is still quite prestigious and to suggest, inadvertently or otherwise that it be awarded to Trudeau, when it was not awarded to President Trump would be quite outrageous and indefensible.
Yep not legally old enough to drink or drive. And they will require everyone to have a vaccine passport - I’m guessing they will identify people by facial recognition and biometric/ DNA now that gender doesn’t define.
yep and you can do coke, heroin, fentanyl and psychedelic mushrooms . . . and find yourself a corner street to shoot up - no one will bother you.
A high rate of suicide per month - if you preach the word of God on the street you better watch yourself especially if you are able to get junkies off the street . . . the dealers may just come after you (this is real life testimony from someone I know who currently lives in BC).
British Columbia is the most psychologically messed up province in Canada and it seems as if they are pushing the boundary >> being done on purpose by the government. In addition, you have many satanic and witchcraft cults and shops that serve that clientele. Many witch and warlock wannabees in BC doing rituals on the street (mental) . . . do another hit pal.
I don't care what drugs they take as long as they're adults, do it in private, stay off the roads when affected and don't commit crimes against others. Ron Paul got that right. If they die, well that's natural selection. The solution to Canada's problems isn't a nanny state as Trudeau's leftist factional rivals and some pseudo-conservatives, who are really just leftists too, seem to think.
Adults can do what they like, as long as it harms others.
My body, my choice, if I don't want to get jabbed. When women say that, about abortion, they're ignoring that there's another body, which makes everything different.
What's arguably acceptable for adults, provided they are not harming others, is not acceptable for children.
Different moral reasoning is required.
Facilitating child vaccination or child surgery without parental consent, or assisting child suicide, is obscene.
Yes it’s completely out of hand in the southern part. Sad thing is that so many ppl migrated west good God fearing ppl I pray that there is a revival of sorts because when it is darkest God shows who is really in control. Northern BC is not for all this garbage and to be fair prob only a small percentage in south agree with it too we are captured.
There's an urgent need for a "Certificate of Non-Vaccination", Julie.
Jimychanger was saying recently that many Physical Therapists who work with athletes and sportspeople and who perform therapeutic massage are becoming ill as well as their intimate partners.
People have taken to wearing masks in an attempt to protect themselves from shedding and divorce is on the increase.
A "Certificate of Non-Vaccination" should be required to enter business premises etc so that innocent unvaccinatedvpeople are not put at risk by shedders.
Oh, and off topic, but pressure should be being applied to Biden to denounce the jabs.
It's just been proven that Pfizer's clinical trials were conducted fraudulently so the time is coming doon when Trump will be able to denounce the jabs without being made to look like a looney tune.
That’s absolutely nuts!! Protect your kids at all costs! Get out of Canada! NYS is just as bad. Liberal Senators pushing a bill to allow 14yo to get jabs w/o parental consent. Next will be mutilation w/o consent. These people are absolutely nuts!
I live in Shirley ,which is about 20 minutes west of Sooke, and over an hr west of Victoria...the Mayors of Victoria in the last 20 yrs have been horrendous, the last one and her predecessor created the Johnson St Bridge fiasco, it was a special kind of bridge that are also in Oregon and Wash State,
they could have spent about $5 million to repair and paint it, instead, it was destroyed and replaced with one that cost $1 billion+ and is made with cheap Chinese steel full of holes etc., it is a real scandal. Lisa Helps the previous mayor was a woke lesbian who had protected trees cut down to make bike lanes no one uses. The new mayor has been on the city council for decades and is another woke lesbian. They destroy statues, and raise taxes, and the cost of living, and green spaces have been replaced with ugly huge condos, because they want everyone to live in the city, and use public transportation which is terrible, the buses are always late or out of service. I came to Victoria from Toronto in 2003 and left to come out here in 2014 and it was the best thing we did, lower property taxes and house insurance, we have an acre as do all our neighbours and our own water system fed by an aquifer and Goudie Creek. There are people here who are awake and aware and the numbers are growing as the middle class is squeezed more and more. The schools are crowded and they are pushing all the woke crap, white people are bad, drag queens are good, what gender am I etc. The premiers have been POS too.
Exactly what have these monsters achieved by making it possible to obtain a birth certificate without their sex identification? Nothing, really. What's next? A driver's license without their height (if they imagine they are too short) or without their weight (if they imagine they are too overweight). The facts remain. Reality overrides nonsense.
I am not trying to minimize the absurdity of these monsters' feigned unawareness of what sex they are. I'm simply reminding them that they have achieved nothing meaningful.
As far as legally allowing children as young as 12 to self-declare their "sexual identity," that's as absurd as "allowing" a horse to insist it's a car and demanding to drink gasoline. Any parent who agrees with this new law is no parent at all and has already lost its child.
Well, I identify as "vaccinated", even though I'm not. I don't do it all the time, but did when mandates were in. I remember vaccinated folks ranting about how the unjabbed should be rounded up and shot and that maybe they should form vigilante gangs. When one asked me what jab I'd had I didn't hesitate to say "Pfizer".
As regards your above comments, I fully agree.
Very well said Kathleen.
I know we probably disagree on whether or not MTG did the right thing in supporting Kevin McCarthy rather than President Trump for Speaker of the House when Matt Gaetz nominated him. I was very disappointed in MTG. I think President Trump would be s better Speaker than McCarthy but you are entitled to your view.
You noticed? By the way, I was chatting with Barry V and he was lamenting that you and a few of the others have been conspicuously absent. I told him that I thought the rabid antisemitism here, especially from Anti-Communist, had got a bit much for you. Just ignore them. Their comments say everything about them and nothing about you. Good to see you back. As I told you once previously, I suspect Anti Communist is Jewish, although I could be wrong. I suspect he may be from one of the 3 letter agencies, trying to flush out the racists, the same as Bilbo.
Hi, yes I have taken a break from those two. They got to be too much for me to take. Actually Bilboa did get very angry the other day & said both his parents were born on kibbutzim! He quickly deleted it. He was questioning my Jewish roots compared to his. His complaint is against Zionistists, I told him for the last time that a Zionist is someone who believes in the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancestral homeland in peace & security. Nothing more. Anti Communist I suspect knows too much about Judaism not to be connected somehow. I am done with the two of them. I will ignore them from now on. If you are correct about your suspicions they failed miserably, the only person that they managed to enrage was me 😂 so I guess that says something positive for the people on this Substack, no racists here!
Thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to be missed.
But really, if you think there is no virus, does it mean that therefore there is no spike in the clot shots? What if anything is shedding? Have you been reading Dr. Anna Mihalcea’s Substack on changes to unvaxxed people’s blood? What do you think that’s all about? Dr. A. just came out with a new Substack, he thinks Geert is closest to the truth. Dr Yeadon doesn’t think there’s a virus at all. At this point in time I think we have to figure out what, if anything is shedding because selfishly I would like to have a life back & not be afraid to have a relationship with someone who got vaxxed over 2 years ago. If it’s environmental & we are all affected that’s a whole new story. Now you have (K)Bill Gates wanting to inject cattle & pigs next month with mRNA shots! Next he wants to introduce it into produce. This guy is a complete menace to society & should be locked up. Introducing this into the food supply or water or anything should be completely illegal. Immediately. He should be held liable for every single death or injury he creates with this madness.
Hi Leslie. I think the virus is real. I find the terrain theory argument to be, at best, weak and unconvincing. It appears to be a synthetic virus, originally created at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by Ray Baric and his research team.
it's sad a place so full of natural beauty is also so full of POS a-holes who have been steadily destroying BC for decades...Gordon Campbell, Christy Clark, John Horgan now Eby...and most of the mayors and the CRD on Vancouver Island, Victoria is horrible we left it almost 10 yrs ago and have rarely been back, we are and hour+ west of it where we have great neighbours and peace and quiet in an unincorporated area.
Helene, I’m curious where you are. We are visiting Victoria right now. Met some like minded folks who regularly protest now by government buildings and they also say Victoria is so woke now it isn’t even funny. I thought Ontario is bad …..
Probably true, Captain! He's a real tool. I have such a hard time understanding how anyone votes for the moron over and over. And he wants to be president! God help us.
Justin Castro is the anus of Canada
Was he not selected and trained (groomed?) under the WEF young leaders program?
And didn’t he also say on camera that he admired the control exhibited by the CCP?
The spoiled and petulant child actor, who would be “King Justin”, embodies the pseudo-benevolence of “noblesse oblige” and peddles the Nobel Lie (addressed recently by Malone, regurgitated here) to soothe the lower classes knowing what’s best for the peasants and therefore fully Justified.
He deserves what has been called for by Dr. Alexander.
Some will know specifically the example he has suggested for others who feel justified to dictate policies and prescriptions contrary to the best interests of the proletariat.
Make a public display of the just desert for the whole lot of the bastards and all of that despicable ilk that no would-be tyrant can stomach.
Then again, tomorrow is Easter and my mood is suddenly gone far too dark for my own sake.
Let the Lord dispense the Justice as is appropriate in Divine Wisdom.
It's "Noble Lie" Mr. Taylor, not "Nobel Lie."
Whether unintentionally or not, by mentioning it in the same breath as Trudeau and Dr. Malone, you've likely created an association, in the minds of some of your readership at least, between both of them and the Nobel Prize, for which each may be a contender.
It also may suggest, at least to some, that, at some level, you think each would be a deserving recipient.
I realize that the Nobel Peace Prize, if not the prize for medicine, has been somewhat diminished in recent years by the decisions to award it to Obama but not to President Trump, who actually deserved it.
Nonetheless, the prize is still quite prestigious and to suggest, inadvertently or otherwise that it be awarded to Trudeau, when it was not awarded to President Trump would be quite outrageous and indefensible.
He admired ‘the basic dictatorship of China’
Yes the evil ignorant swine works for WEF. Agenda 2030. His wealth has grown from 10 m to 300 plus million during his political career.
Here you go, I inserted the emojis for you.
A minion to the WEF handler papa Klaus Schwab - Justin's surrogate father. Ancient psychology.
Yep not legally old enough to drink or drive. And they will require everyone to have a vaccine passport - I’m guessing they will identify people by facial recognition and biometric/ DNA now that gender doesn’t define.
yep and you can do coke, heroin, fentanyl and psychedelic mushrooms . . . and find yourself a corner street to shoot up - no one will bother you.
A high rate of suicide per month - if you preach the word of God on the street you better watch yourself especially if you are able to get junkies off the street . . . the dealers may just come after you (this is real life testimony from someone I know who currently lives in BC).
British Columbia is the most psychologically messed up province in Canada and it seems as if they are pushing the boundary >> being done on purpose by the government. In addition, you have many satanic and witchcraft cults and shops that serve that clientele. Many witch and warlock wannabees in BC doing rituals on the street (mental) . . . do another hit pal.
Isn't BC the farthest West? Kinda like Killifornia.....
Right above it - up north.
That's the one I thought it was. It's something about the West coast. 😉😊😋
I don't care what drugs they take as long as they're adults, do it in private, stay off the roads when affected and don't commit crimes against others. Ron Paul got that right. If they die, well that's natural selection. The solution to Canada's problems isn't a nanny state as Trudeau's leftist factional rivals and some pseudo-conservatives, who are really just leftists too, seem to think.
Adults can do what they like, as long as it harms others.
My body, my choice, if I don't want to get jabbed. When women say that, about abortion, they're ignoring that there's another body, which makes everything different.
What's arguably acceptable for adults, provided they are not harming others, is not acceptable for children.
Different moral reasoning is required.
Facilitating child vaccination or child surgery without parental consent, or assisting child suicide, is obscene.
Yes it’s completely out of hand in the southern part. Sad thing is that so many ppl migrated west good God fearing ppl I pray that there is a revival of sorts because when it is darkest God shows who is really in control. Northern BC is not for all this garbage and to be fair prob only a small percentage in south agree with it too we are captured.
Taxation without representation
There's an urgent need for a "Certificate of Non-Vaccination", Julie.
Jimychanger was saying recently that many Physical Therapists who work with athletes and sportspeople and who perform therapeutic massage are becoming ill as well as their intimate partners.
People have taken to wearing masks in an attempt to protect themselves from shedding and divorce is on the increase.
A "Certificate of Non-Vaccination" should be required to enter business premises etc so that innocent unvaccinatedvpeople are not put at risk by shedders.
Oh, and off topic, but pressure should be being applied to Biden to denounce the jabs.
It's just been proven that Pfizer's clinical trials were conducted fraudulently so the time is coming doon when Trump will be able to denounce the jabs without being made to look like a looney tune.
That’s absolutely nuts!! Protect your kids at all costs! Get out of Canada! NYS is just as bad. Liberal Senators pushing a bill to allow 14yo to get jabs w/o parental consent. Next will be mutilation w/o consent. These people are absolutely nuts!
I live in Shirley ,which is about 20 minutes west of Sooke, and over an hr west of Victoria...the Mayors of Victoria in the last 20 yrs have been horrendous, the last one and her predecessor created the Johnson St Bridge fiasco, it was a special kind of bridge that are also in Oregon and Wash State,
they could have spent about $5 million to repair and paint it, instead, it was destroyed and replaced with one that cost $1 billion+ and is made with cheap Chinese steel full of holes etc., it is a real scandal. Lisa Helps the previous mayor was a woke lesbian who had protected trees cut down to make bike lanes no one uses. The new mayor has been on the city council for decades and is another woke lesbian. They destroy statues, and raise taxes, and the cost of living, and green spaces have been replaced with ugly huge condos, because they want everyone to live in the city, and use public transportation which is terrible, the buses are always late or out of service. I came to Victoria from Toronto in 2003 and left to come out here in 2014 and it was the best thing we did, lower property taxes and house insurance, we have an acre as do all our neighbours and our own water system fed by an aquifer and Goudie Creek. There are people here who are awake and aware and the numbers are growing as the middle class is squeezed more and more. The schools are crowded and they are pushing all the woke crap, white people are bad, drag queens are good, what gender am I etc. The premiers have been POS too.
Exactly what have these monsters achieved by making it possible to obtain a birth certificate without their sex identification? Nothing, really. What's next? A driver's license without their height (if they imagine they are too short) or without their weight (if they imagine they are too overweight). The facts remain. Reality overrides nonsense.
I am not trying to minimize the absurdity of these monsters' feigned unawareness of what sex they are. I'm simply reminding them that they have achieved nothing meaningful.
As far as legally allowing children as young as 12 to self-declare their "sexual identity," that's as absurd as "allowing" a horse to insist it's a car and demanding to drink gasoline. Any parent who agrees with this new law is no parent at all and has already lost its child.
Well, I identify as "vaccinated", even though I'm not. I don't do it all the time, but did when mandates were in. I remember vaccinated folks ranting about how the unjabbed should be rounded up and shot and that maybe they should form vigilante gangs. When one asked me what jab I'd had I didn't hesitate to say "Pfizer".
As regards your above comments, I fully agree.
Very well said Kathleen.
I know we probably disagree on whether or not MTG did the right thing in supporting Kevin McCarthy rather than President Trump for Speaker of the House when Matt Gaetz nominated him. I was very disappointed in MTG. I think President Trump would be s better Speaker than McCarthy but you are entitled to your view.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
You noticed? By the way, I was chatting with Barry V and he was lamenting that you and a few of the others have been conspicuously absent. I told him that I thought the rabid antisemitism here, especially from Anti-Communist, had got a bit much for you. Just ignore them. Their comments say everything about them and nothing about you. Good to see you back. As I told you once previously, I suspect Anti Communist is Jewish, although I could be wrong. I suspect he may be from one of the 3 letter agencies, trying to flush out the racists, the same as Bilbo.
Hi, yes I have taken a break from those two. They got to be too much for me to take. Actually Bilboa did get very angry the other day & said both his parents were born on kibbutzim! He quickly deleted it. He was questioning my Jewish roots compared to his. His complaint is against Zionistists, I told him for the last time that a Zionist is someone who believes in the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancestral homeland in peace & security. Nothing more. Anti Communist I suspect knows too much about Judaism not to be connected somehow. I am done with the two of them. I will ignore them from now on. If you are correct about your suspicions they failed miserably, the only person that they managed to enrage was me 😂 so I guess that says something positive for the people on this Substack, no racists here!
Thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to be missed.
But really, if you think there is no virus, does it mean that therefore there is no spike in the clot shots? What if anything is shedding? Have you been reading Dr. Anna Mihalcea’s Substack on changes to unvaxxed people’s blood? What do you think that’s all about? Dr. A. just came out with a new Substack, he thinks Geert is closest to the truth. Dr Yeadon doesn’t think there’s a virus at all. At this point in time I think we have to figure out what, if anything is shedding because selfishly I would like to have a life back & not be afraid to have a relationship with someone who got vaxxed over 2 years ago. If it’s environmental & we are all affected that’s a whole new story. Now you have (K)Bill Gates wanting to inject cattle & pigs next month with mRNA shots! Next he wants to introduce it into produce. This guy is a complete menace to society & should be locked up. Introducing this into the food supply or water or anything should be completely illegal. Immediately. He should be held liable for every single death or injury he creates with this madness.
Hi Leslie. I think the virus is real. I find the terrain theory argument to be, at best, weak and unconvincing. It appears to be a synthetic virus, originally created at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by Ray Baric and his research team.
it's sad a place so full of natural beauty is also so full of POS a-holes who have been steadily destroying BC for decades...Gordon Campbell, Christy Clark, John Horgan now Eby...and most of the mayors and the CRD on Vancouver Island, Victoria is horrible we left it almost 10 yrs ago and have rarely been back, we are and hour+ west of it where we have great neighbours and peace and quiet in an unincorporated area.
Helene, I’m curious where you are. We are visiting Victoria right now. Met some like minded folks who regularly protest now by government buildings and they also say Victoria is so woke now it isn’t even funny. I thought Ontario is bad …..
It’s so unbelievable the amount of hurt and evil going on in our world today. My only hope is FAITH and FAMILY to get me through it all. 😊❤️
A correction: the Health Minister's name is "Adrian Dix," as in "DICKS."
Adrien the dic-tator
How apt!
We have hit rock bottom 🙃🌎🤡🤡🤡🤡
BC is in deep 💩 thanks to our bounty of criminal politicians 😡
What could go wrong here? They seem to have zero foresight on these huge issues. So sad.
I wonder if you can just identify as someone who no longer pays taxes to the state?
More bizarre every day. God help the children!!!
British Columbia is where Gavin Newsome looks for his examples..
Probably true, Captain! He's a real tool. I have such a hard time understanding how anyone votes for the moron over and over. And he wants to be president! God help us.
A Limerick you may appreciate, seems appropriate, somehow... 🤔:
"There was a young man from Stamboul,
Who sililoquized thus, to his tool:
"You've taken my wealth,
And you've ruined my health,
And now? You won't pee, you old fool!"
I live in BC and feel helpless to this insanity!😩