Why can't the people who enabled this be charged as accessories to these crimes?

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we hae to charge them...we will try

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But who is responsible for charging them? The AG of the US and or of the States?

And what is the process from suspicion of a crime to reporting the crime to acceptance by the party responsible for the arrest?

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Thanks for the "likes." This is more than just a rhetorical question. I simply do not understand why people who write laws and those who are supposed to enforce laws do neither. Maybe someone out there can write an article explaining why doctors can be sued for personal injury due to incompetence but judges are never made to pay for personal injury due to their failure to comply with the law by releasing felons, which is also incompetence. Why are legislators and politicians who do the same never charged for the personal injury resulting from their laws and or failure to enforce existing law. Why do we even have such a category of crime as "Aiding and Abetting" if it is not uniformly applied. We are continually hearing the mantra "No one is above the law" yet we see time and time again that most criminals (white and blue collar) and their enablers (legislators, district attorneys, AGs, and law enforcement) are getting away with callous disregard for the law. Why are judges and politicians not held liable for their failures to competently perform their jobs when other sectors of society are? I would love for someone, anyone out there who knows to please write an article about it.

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I agree, and AGs, and DAs...judges must be held liable...impeached to start...I think congress can do it.

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we need voter recall....one week...

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I just watched an interview yesterday on Frank speech but I can’t remember who or find it yet but she basically said that in 2013 at the beginning of the demon’s second term they had their plan laid out to replace DAs, AGs and election officials down to every county across the country, and they did. So they were installed, just as the presidents have been, to facilitate the deconstruction of America. They are literally paid to let these people loose. I believe they did so with money and these selection machines. I don’t believe Obama was elected the second term and based on the media propaganda we’ve all woken up to, I question whether the first one was legitimate. Sorry, I’m not a writer, but that’s where we are and they’ve been working on this a long time. I’m praying God will save this country, and the rest of the world🙏✝️

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I also do not, and never have believed that Obama won the second election. I don't really know if he won the first one but I do know that the Democrats have been rigging elections since the 60s and I fully agree that they have replaced the judges, etc. But I also think that judges, and DAs and the cabal had been largely replaced by Affirmative Action policies well BEFORE Obama really transformed everything. But another compounding problem is that the Republicans allowed it to happen. There was never any pushback against AA, which has always violated the Civil Rights Act. They just accepted the fact that it was OK to discriminate against Whites.

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such an interesting sharing....

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Yep, for money…traitors

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I can't address your request directly, however, nasty is always at play. You can count on the fact that the scum know everything from the time the target stole a 1 cent piece of candy at 4, until the present day. A little coercion plays in as the subject is being reminded of actions he thought were private and well over with. Or the kind question first, the wouldn't you like, etc. Last, If that doesn't work, the screws get a little bit tighter, it continues until the resolution of -sorry you feel that way/ have it your way. To glad we can do business together.

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Ultimately Dr Alexander, I am convinced, regardless if Trump wins and or if we have an election this November, what’s happening is far beyond mortal man’s ability to control.

Yes, “We the People” have some control. Some control which is very minute. Because, in the big picture, the entire world is under attack!

Yes we know America, the “shining light on the hill” and the “beacon of hope”, the world has grown to need, relies upon, must be, as we well know, is the primary target!

For if and when America falls, so to the world! Nobody wants this to happen. Except for the Obamas and his band of traitors, of thieves and criminals! Yes they are part of the “mechanism of disaster”!

They’ve been exposed! They have been proven to “Hate America” because our founding fathers were far wiser, more insightful and “God Fearing Men”!

Only a weak man believes he’s more powerful than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Only a weak man would think he can stand the test of time as America has! And only a weak man would use another weak man to do his dirty work! His bidding as is the case with “Creepy Joe”!

Which brings me back to this, regardless if Trump wins, the batting we’re facing every day will not stop. This is why they’re throwing everything at America presently. Because they know, ultimately they WILL LOSE!

Good vs Evil. This spiritual battle has also become a spiritual awakening. Americans and the world have lost their way, their collective minds to the power hungry, money hungry politicians and private corporations who seem to destroy everything!

What’s left if they succeed? What’s good if they succeed? They’ve fallen victim and in some cases they are the evil we speak of. Some are lost followers while others are simply “Evil”! But in the long run “Evil Loses” every single time!

I am convinced regardless of November’s outcome, “We the People” have the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Laugh if you want, cry if you believe, this is all about

“Good vs Evil”! Something far more powerful and far more important than the pettiness of an Obama or any of this band of thugs who seek to destroy our great nation!

I have to believe the greater good will prevail. We are witnessing something epic. Something never seen before in history of mankind. The forces are battling, external of what we can see, feel touch and smell and hear. This has to happen. This was planned long before you or anyone ever walked this planet.

We must continue to “stand with good” because evil will consume itself! Many people believe this and many more people are awakening to see the ways of their ills. Still many more will awaken and ultimately find what they have always been searching for.

Time has come to ferret out, “those who seek justice and freedom, fairness and righteousness” vs “those who seek to destroy justice and freedom, fairness and righteousness”.

Is there any more evidence of what’s wrong with and what’s been happening? The short answer is no. The long answer will be answered when we all realize how stupid, how shallow, how pathetic these people really are!

“We the People” can believe it’s over or it’s just beginning. I choose to believe it’s just beginning. Both spiritually and mortally. Man was never destined to be immortal so we have no place trying to foresee what

It is we were never destined to see.

The same goes with the ones opposing goodness. They to are blinded by what it is they were never meant to see. When all is said and done, we must believe, there’s forces far beyond our simplistic logic we call intelligence. We are not very intelligent when the future of our very existence depends entirely on “Good vs Evil”!

Intelligence is when, mankind begins to understand mankind is but a finite part of a much larger part we may never understand.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I love your focus on the Lord, on faith, on that which is the most important...even the President of El Salvador said when he imposed draconian measures to stop the MS-13, the most important thing he did was pray...what you shared here makes us coming here worthwhile too...lots of good stuff...I personally hold out hope...in goodness, in tomorrow...in our peoples, good young peoples. these next 4 months will test us and if 45 wins, the 4 years to come for the left will seek to burn American down...we need people like you, Awake, Milton, Grumpy et al...we need all to stand up, write, share, talk, interview and poke people to think and it begins by sharing...even if closed minds...I believe that in a strange way, we are destined for a fall...its as if we have gone as far as we can and we need to fall to start over...some argue its a 300 year cycle...

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I am very concerned for its a numbers game...they brought in too many illegals too fast and thus too many bad people within them...so we will see many rapes and murders

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I think we have active terror cells in US now and its a matter of time....they will hit us...

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Yes good and evil coming to a climax .,revelation is telling us the there is coming a time such has never been before . Read the Great Controversy by EG WHITE IT TELLS YOU WHY THERE ARE SO MANY CHURCHES AND WHAT IS HAPPENING , will pray that your read this book , i is amazing . A book I thank the Lord I have read . GOD BLESS ….

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great sharing

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Thank you Sandra I’ll look into your suggestion. I appreciate your help. I’m learning on the fly sort of speak.

Thanks again Sandra


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Your welcome , I hope more people will take heed

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Absolutely so right you are Sandra and is why we mustn’t stop or let up on helping each other and learning from each other.

Most people can’t do much more than learn from and help others better understand. I’m one and I know many people “treading water” struggling to stay afloat.

All because of this radical government, deliberately creating a rising tide of sorts, aided by their Marxist driven ideologies, to ultimately sink America!

Yes Sandra, many people are slowly sinking, in this “giant ocean” of man-made induced calamities!

I appreciate your guidance and help Sandra.

Keep safe and healthy.


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Well said!

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Thank you Ellen, I appreciate your kind words.


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Oh yeah, this shit-show is just getting started!! Wait until those terrorists get 'settled-in' and organized. Wait until they've worked-out the system, and learn their surroundings. It's all part of the Globalist plan to create chaos and ultimately end us - it's all on schedule.

We had a fantastic opportunity (2017-2020) to take the war to those Globalists, but NOTHING was done. Now THEY are in charge, THEY hold the cards. The remaining question is, **will we have another opportunity, and is there time?**

Back during Trump's reign, I often stated that we were inside of our LAST window of opportunity, as I hollered at Trump to DO SOMETHING. Of course, NOTHING was done. I hope I was wrong - I hope we do get another chance. We'll know soon enough.

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yes, you are right...this is our last opportunity IMO and agree fully

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Give your heart to the Lord , it is time

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our daughters must be shown how to defend their lives, in so doing how to kill the evil medieval beast, mercilessly, using all around her...take him into hell...know if you do not, you will be going home. 'predator or prey' you decide what you are in life.

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Mayorkas. With a straight face, he - our head of the department of homeland security - testifies that there is nothing untoward with our open border and the encouragement and assistance provided to millions of unknown and often dangerous immigrants from nations hostile to the USA. I say not funny, Mayorkas, you Clown World agent of Satan. The globalist leviathan's infiltration has to be very far along for this sort of abject ridiculousness. This is like the chief of police telling you that no crime is being committed as he witnesses you being robbed , beaten, raped and murdered by his deputies.

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he is a devil....I have stacks in cue, more rapes and murders and now shifting to our children, younger victims, by illegals. a numbers game

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“The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. The regime is mobilizing to threaten and imprison anyone who opposes ‘transgender medicine.’”

This is another example of how dangerous this regime is!

Of course everyone knows what they’ve done to Trump.

Everyone doesn’t know the depth of which these monsters will go.

Two FBI agents! Two doesn’t mean the entire FBI is crooked, they don’t need to corrupt the FBI completely.

Whether it’s the “Open Border Invasion” allowing a myriad of criminals, jihadist, terrorist, rapist, or Juanita and Juan, it doesn’t matter.

Fear, intimidation and violence will, by most measures, create enough emotional distress the “Obama Syndrome Effect” has been inflicting upon America. With no end in sight, they’ll continue whatever tactical element they so choose to impose!

They’ll lose in the end, but up until the final “American Pimple Pops”, we’re going to have to stand against and defend ourselves from this vicious nasty “oozing puss filled behavior” being perpetrated against our great nation and targeted people within.

Yes they’re the “Pus” they so choose to squeeze out of you and me and all Americans! I say, go ahead and squeeze, because ultimately they’re going to squeeze their selfish desires of “pus filled lives” out of themselves until darkness falls upon them all!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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boom, you are so accurate in this...and we agree, at the base is Obama....he remains one of the most evil people ever to touch US politics.

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A woman told me a few days ago, "you are sooooo bad." I am inclined to agree. Regrets to the inner and outer beautiful conservative women here for me being so. It is just impossible though for me to cease and desist telling it like it is.

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boom, we love you for it, speak my brethren and sisters.

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I was desensitized to the harvesting of domestic livestock as a boy. It was a necessary evil to be done quickly and humanely. I am sure, having been once tested, that I am capable of doing what needs to be done to see justice accommodated. But I am only one and every woman and man needs to be so conditioned to be able to deal with is coming down the line. It took only one situation to test me and I passed, witnessed by two good cops in a city near here. I was not arrested, but told it was illegal to have a loaded firearm in city limits but I knew those two good cops would soon be extinct. The OPP but more specifically two woke wankers, a corrupt lying cop, two criminal bureaucraps and some top brass of the Ontario Piss Pots created their own demise. What kind of pig gives a young teen a ticket for not having a bell on his bicycle. I think the USA police groups should be respected but the useful idiots here in blue uniforms are becoming hated more and more and for good cause. I believe the corruption here of the OPP will create a dangerous existence for them but they really need to be defunded and replaced by the RCMP.

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I am in a position now to expose the corruption of criminal cooperation twixt two corrupt JP's, two bureauCRAPS, several top brass OPP liars and CCC violators, and others not yet mentioned. This is not unusual anymore here in Canuckistan. It will be interesting what action is taken or not taken.

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Reiterating what folks are saying here (and far more eloquently) until the people who are facilitating this evil are punished…nothing will change. The test will be when the next terrorist act occurs in America. It will be done by illegals who crossed the southern border; and it will be directly linked to this administration’s policies. If heads don’t roll you’ll understand the dimension of the problem and can calculate when America will cease to be. There will be tons of blame to go around but who cares…every individual who contributed to such a security fail should be punished. Personally I’m not going to hold my breath. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Pax

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'It will be done by illegals who crossed the southern border; and it will be directly linked to this administration’s policies. If heads don’t roll you’ll understand the dimension of the problem and can calculate when America will cease to be. '...you are over the target...

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This is awesome news Dr. Alexander! I just read this.


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I think I am one of the co-authors.

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"Osama bin Laden once warned al Qaeda not to target Joe Biden because he believed that his inheriting the presidency if something were to happen to Barack Obama would 'lead the US into a crisis,' a resurfaced letter shows. In the letter dated May 2010, the al Qaeda 9/11 mastermind wrote he had no assassination plots against Biden because he deemed him 'totally unprepared' to lead the United States' ... bin Laden urged his followers [that] ... 'They are not to target ... Biden' ... [and are to seek to] make Biden take over the presidency ... Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.' "


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It will lead the whole world into a time that has never been before . And the the end shall come

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When those terrorists walked through the border, they were not vetted at all by the treasonous border police forces who “just followed orders”. The NBC report lies when it says otherwise.

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in some sense the border agents should band together and refuse

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I attended the graduation ceremony of one of my grand daughters last night and the private school gymnasium where it was held was filled with young men dressed in suits, and teen girls in elegant gowns of sublime appearance and poise.

For a moment I considered running to the podium to thank on behalf of the religion of pieces the appreciation it had for those who had voted for turdo the moslem terrorist lover, Singh the NDP sop, the Kweebec "Blockhead" Party, and the goofy Greens led by a drunk, with a vacant head, all who favor multicult madness.

I wonder when the DIEverSHITty crowd will give their heads a shake and realize that the first thing turdo did after being elected was run to the Aga Khan to kiss his ass, preen his ego and hail him as the up and coming world leader. Will the turd offer his female family members to the hordes of unvetted moslems, gang members, murderers, rapists and sex traffickers illegally entering not only Canuckistan, but every western nation.

More stupid leftist stooges like ovomit, turdo, biDUMB, etc have never had gut strung in them by their Creator. Has anyone thought of developing a fake jab that kills only leftists?

Hail the turd, ass kisser and loyal enricher of killers and rapists and sex traffickers. Hell, he even gave kadr the moslem terrorist over ten million dollars. How will God judge this stupid spawn of a hippie and a commie?

As an afterthought, a deadhead bureaucrap, a defective detective of the OPP, two corrupt JP's, upper brass criminal cops, and a bevy of court wokist wankers are as stupid as the dead corpse of a thorn impaled mouse carcass placed there by a shrike. Do these stupid bastardized bigots not realize that according to experts in the field of psychology, that the most accurate indicator of future conduct is the past conduct of individuals? Because of such insanity, repeat murderers are released on bail every day.

The disease of stupid follows the wokist wankers wherever they go, even into politics. A more stunned group of bigoted bastard fools has never been known than the fake political pseudo leaders of leftist persuasion of today. Key up ovomit, turdo, biDUMB, macron, etc and their demented ASSministrations.

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are you baiting me? you write like me

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This has always been my style. Natural and normatively passionate. Even my minister told me I am a passionate man. I do have alternate polar Jekyll and Hyde personae.

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Maybe we are long lost twins separated at birth somehow.

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Funny seeing the image of michael douglas. I saw the other day where he saiid biden is sharp as a tack! Made me laugh so hard!

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I believe that Abdeslam was a Belgian national.

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I think maybe....Belgium is the finishing school, its a place call Molenbeek, it is where most if not all major terror strikes start from...its the 'finishing' school. terrorists go to Belgium to Molenbeek to 'polish' the act. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/07/20/molenbeek-brussels-neighborhood-paris-attacks-drug-trafficking/

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Kamal, I neglected to mention it. Her sexual suitors must be charged with bestiality. Does it cackle while interacting in fornication?

It is a far better treatment for sex offenders than even whoopi the stupee.

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Yesterday a woman told me, "You are soooooo bad" It does not matter to me what people think though. I wonder if any of the dirt bags I ridicule ever read my verbal offerings.

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Beat that slam Dr. P.

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