The brutal rapes & murder of American women, their daughters are set to escalate & are happening as we speak! Due to illegals (Latino, islamic North African, Middle Eastern males) at Southern border
We can thank Obama, Biden, Mayorkas for this, as well as Kamala Harris...this quartet are exemplary in their quest (with some select RINOs of course) and the democrat party, in harming Americans
with their flooding of the US Southern border with murderers, rapists, killers, bombers, stabbers, just some low life 3rd world scum…we know there are good people too, but if we cannot vet (as we now know for sure e.g. 8 ISIS followers and terrorists were vetted, released and now recently held as were planning bombing as per reports…they were ‘vetted’) and these people (all) come illegally, they must be mass deported, border sealed for a ‘season’, and if anyone physically attacks a border agent, they must be shot dead on spot.
America will suffer devastating France BATACLAN 2015 type terror attacks where the islamic illegals from Syria et al. disemboweled the women and men, 135 of them, cut out their eyes, stabbed the women repeatedly in their vaginas, cut men balls off, stuffed in mouths, beheaded etc. Obama and Biden assured us this…its coming. reserved their depravity for the women on the 2nd floor, the pathologists puked on the scene.
Why can't the people who enabled this be charged as accessories to these crimes?
Ultimately Dr Alexander, I am convinced, regardless if Trump wins and or if we have an election this November, what’s happening is far beyond mortal man’s ability to control.
Yes, “We the People” have some control. Some control which is very minute. Because, in the big picture, the entire world is under attack!
Yes we know America, the “shining light on the hill” and the “beacon of hope”, the world has grown to need, relies upon, must be, as we well know, is the primary target!
For if and when America falls, so to the world! Nobody wants this to happen. Except for the Obamas and his band of traitors, of thieves and criminals! Yes they are part of the “mechanism of disaster”!
They’ve been exposed! They have been proven to “Hate America” because our founding fathers were far wiser, more insightful and “God Fearing Men”!
Only a weak man believes he’s more powerful than our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Only a weak man would think he can stand the test of time as America has! And only a weak man would use another weak man to do his dirty work! His bidding as is the case with “Creepy Joe”!
Which brings me back to this, regardless if Trump wins, the batting we’re facing every day will not stop. This is why they’re throwing everything at America presently. Because they know, ultimately they WILL LOSE!
Good vs Evil. This spiritual battle has also become a spiritual awakening. Americans and the world have lost their way, their collective minds to the power hungry, money hungry politicians and private corporations who seem to destroy everything!
What’s left if they succeed? What’s good if they succeed? They’ve fallen victim and in some cases they are the evil we speak of. Some are lost followers while others are simply “Evil”! But in the long run “Evil Loses” every single time!
I am convinced regardless of November’s outcome, “We the People” have the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Laugh if you want, cry if you believe, this is all about
“Good vs Evil”! Something far more powerful and far more important than the pettiness of an Obama or any of this band of thugs who seek to destroy our great nation!
I have to believe the greater good will prevail. We are witnessing something epic. Something never seen before in history of mankind. The forces are battling, external of what we can see, feel touch and smell and hear. This has to happen. This was planned long before you or anyone ever walked this planet.
We must continue to “stand with good” because evil will consume itself! Many people believe this and many more people are awakening to see the ways of their ills. Still many more will awaken and ultimately find what they have always been searching for.
Time has come to ferret out, “those who seek justice and freedom, fairness and righteousness” vs “those who seek to destroy justice and freedom, fairness and righteousness”.
Is there any more evidence of what’s wrong with and what’s been happening? The short answer is no. The long answer will be answered when we all realize how stupid, how shallow, how pathetic these people really are!
“We the People” can believe it’s over or it’s just beginning. I choose to believe it’s just beginning. Both spiritually and mortally. Man was never destined to be immortal so we have no place trying to foresee what
It is we were never destined to see.
The same goes with the ones opposing goodness. They to are blinded by what it is they were never meant to see. When all is said and done, we must believe, there’s forces far beyond our simplistic logic we call intelligence. We are not very intelligent when the future of our very existence depends entirely on “Good vs Evil”!
Intelligence is when, mankind begins to understand mankind is but a finite part of a much larger part we may never understand.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!