I’m up for the drama...this gon be fun to watch the Dems self destruct.

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When are they going to indict FJB! on several million charges? One for each bribery dollar he has received from the many countries around the world to which he's sold his influence?

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A day that will live in infamy

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They want the focus on Pres Trump while in the back rooms they are still doing their vile deeds & dirty dealings. And the repugs have no spine & many are bought & sold out to China like these demonrats.

Washington DC is a cesspool that is infiltrating the country.


May God have mercy on us all.

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The Neocons (both sides of the aisle) are in full control of US foreign policy. They are intent on starting a war BEFORE 2024, before Trump could mess up their warmongering. They don't care about Americans.


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Exactly what I thought! Truth has a power all its own... Surely it will come out. They fear Trump so much that they called a witch hunt, built a straw-man, and convicted him!! It is only a matter of time before the truth will out.

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What goes around, comes around!!!

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👀 The DemoRats are desperate and pathetic as always! 🤔🤬👎

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This has been the wet dream of rabid Trump haters since he shockingly beat the cheat set in place for HilLIARy. They are doing their best to try to knock him out before the campaign starts in earnest. They will never let up. It doesn't matter to them how thoroughly obvious this a political stunt that has nothing to do with the law. If they cared about legalities Hunter would be in jail for life. I hope it backfires on them....but they have gotten away with everything thus far and will continue as long as the media protects these liars.

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All theater. Designed to keep you looking at them because they know that where attention goes, energy grows. So you're growing their energetic leverage and not your own. Sleight of hand psychology.

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Let’s move This.

Arrest him. Incarceration for him! Bring this to a Boil asap.

Let’s see how serious the Dems and FBI really are.

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One way to judge a man is by the quality of his enemies. Trump's enemies include all corrupt and/or criminal individuals and politicians - The Swamp as Trump labeled it. Christ himself had similar enemies, the "swamp" in his day. While Trump is no Christ and can be his own worst enemy, he's a threat to all corrupt traitors and criminals in the US, just as Christ was a threat.

Bragg is a Soros-owned puppet, carrying out the orders of those in charge of that swamp.

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Dr. Alexander, as a subscriber I take exception to your choice of “Caliphate.” What is your purpose of using that word? Kindly explain.

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I step around anyone who says UNITY cannot happen as one who believes the Bible teaches HOPE in hopeless cases AND in Gideon’s Army of 300 real men! Absolutely…NO sitting on the sidelines when you see such horrifying evil, right?

Want to have any wins for Freedom and Liberty?

The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a REAL Freedom Movement with strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason!

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

There is NOTHING for them to fear until we UNITE against them!

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, distracted, deceived, demoralized and/or defeated there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, important writer has another recent piece out for those who understand UNITY is a necessity for Freedom and Liberty…


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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Absolutely! Now that the precedent has been set and the Dems seem Hell-bent on bringing forward ancient circumstances, when can we expect Bill Clinton indicted over Monica Lewinsky, Hilary over her MANY indiscretions – not the least of which – is election tampering (Steele Dossier), Pizzagate et al. And let's not forget ol' George 'Dubya' – I'll bet if we dig deep enough the former twin towers truth will emerge and finally – though posthumously – Bush Senior's attachment to the murder of JFK

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They are lying... No way there are 34 counts of anything on Trump. God will reverse this because Trump is His man.

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