I'm quite certain Dr Paul Alexander is legitimately onto something and is giving Malone an invite to explain the answers to the questions he posed in this stack. If I personally had to bet my life on the honesty of these two men, I would choose Dr Paul. Since this is HIS Substack he can post whatever HE wants. Quite frankly Dr Paul seems to have the biggest balls calling out evil whenever he sees it. He is asking legit questions here. Why should he do it in private? We all want to know. I say Fuck decorum or Robert's Rules of Orders when people are DYING SUDDENLY all around us! If you don't like the way Dr Paul talks....grow some cajones!

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I'm with you on this, Michelle.

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This revelation was posted in the Sept. 2020 issue of Der Spiegel. I've posted it many times but apparently it did not go "viral" as I expected it would. Here it is again.


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This is a valuable link to important information I hadn't seen, Harold. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for the link and your persistence in getting the information out .

This should have been accessible to everyone in September 2020. Apparently it had been scrubbed . This is the first time I have read the post, I am sure many others are reading it for the first time also.

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Thanks. The original was in German, which largely cloaked it from English-only readers, however thousands of Germans interested in the issue and with advanced degrees must have read it to realize the implications and the boldness of the criminal act. Lawsuits against Pfizer can use this deliberately engineered act of harm to make their case.

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Moderna knew too as far back as 2015. They had clinical trials and testing on their mRNA H10N8 and H7N9 influenza vaccines. The biodistribution studies is mentioned in this article


I wonder how the people in these clinical trials in Miami and Belgium are doing now? There were side effects mentioned some serious


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I couldn't agree with you more Michelle .. spot on !

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Yeah, fuck decorum. I totally agree. It's the strength of the arguments and evidence that matters, not pussyfooting around and tip toeing around some arsehole's sensitivities.

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Malone insists there is no malicious intent: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil

Seriously??? It's all just what - a mistake?

Leaky vaccines during a pandemic ain't no mistake...

Doubling down with Paxlovid ain't a mistake.

F789 Robert Malone.

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Interesting article from Malone. My dad, who loved tyrants, was a huge fan of Eichmann. What Malone is saying in referencing Hannah Arendt and the banality of evil supports my contention that the public health bureaucrats and their enablers suffer from OCPD, principally the "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features" subtype. Hitler and most or many of the top Nazis had the disorder and so too, IMO, do Walensky, Birx, Fauci. They'll go to their graves like Eichmann went to the gallows, nonplussed, elated, with no remorse, Good little Nazis, protesting to their last breath that they "did the right thing" and that if they had their time over, they'd not change a thing and would do it all again. Such is the banality of evil.

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Oh and BTW - Steve Kirsch also insists there is no malicious intent.

And he continues to offer $$$ to people to debate him.

I've suggested he spend a few pennies finding out where Tiffany Dover is instead -- and I am threatened with a ban from his 'people' (yes he has people managing his SS).

I then suggest he print out stickers with short messages like 'Covid Vaccines are Deadly' sell them online (cost + shipping) and invite anti vaxxers to stick them in public washrooms and other places that don't have cameras.

Nope. Not interested in that either


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You need to understand OCPD and the banality of evil Eddy. They are not necessarily wrong. The Nazis were an ethically driven regime. Hitler was obsessed with morality and ethics. It's one of the defining features of OCPD, even though OCPD is the most common disorder of serial killers, as well as of tyrants and public health bureaucrats. Hitler believed it was morally right to mass murder the Jewish people. Walensky, Birx, Fauci believe it was morally right to mandated the jabs. That doesn't necessarily mean that Gates and Schwab aren't using them for a more sinister purpose.

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You'd have to be living in a cave or a complete MORE-ON to believe at this point that there is no malicious intent

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Well duh! None of us are perfect. I myself am complicit in pushing the jab, e.g., a nurse aggressively falsely accused me of hitting on his wife. It was at a party. I had to physically restrain him. Every time I've seen the arsehole since I've exhorted him to keep up to date with his boosters. There have been others too. I could go on.

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A stark reality - some people should keep getting the jabs.

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As I said, personally, I’ve learned about the Japanese article through Dr. Malone and he was the first one to get it out there! I disagreed with Dr. Alexander on this one - 100%!

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Dr. Feintuch: Can you please direct me, providing a link, to the Japanese article you reference?

I'm not aware of it.

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Thanks very sincerely for you efforts to send the link. Although it appears to be what you intend, it took me to an interrupting "fact check" denying the study outcome. When I tried to bypass the "fact check," I got a version of the article in a language I don't read in an unfamiliar alphabet. (How strange!)

I'm on the east coast where it's about 12:45 a.m. Now that I know what I'm looking for, and you've pointed me in the right direction, I should be able to find it in the morning. I'll let you know. K

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Feb 26, 2023
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Then Peter Breggin is entitled to his opinion too, right? Even if it's at odds with Malone.

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What kind of person would sue you for $25 million on the one hand for a philosophical disagreement, and then keep his lips zipped about the mRNA not staying at the injection site on the other?

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Yes. It's becoming obvious to a lot of people. It wouldn't surprise me if his wife pushed him into the suit, she seems to be driving the bus equally.

A $25M lawsuit on a guy pushing 90 years old, that's been working in the medical freedom movement for decades -- while Malone did whatever he did in the shadows. It's unbelievable.

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She wears the pants does she? Then he's in an unstable marriage. There is research on this. Poor bastard!

Some women can be incredibly manipulative and malevolent as I've recently re-discovered but men are just as bad, if not worse.

Initially I supported Malone but now I can't even remember what it was that Breggins said that was so bad.

Isn't it an element of defamation that you must prove that the imputations cause others to think less of you?

Oscar Wilde found out the hard way that suing for defamation can backfire. Someone said Wilde was a sodomite and took it up the arse so he sued.

Problem for Wilde was that it was true and it all came out in court and was the beginning of his ruination.

The same could happen to Malone.

What a dumbfuck!

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I've been biting my tongue on mentioning how often Malone writes that his wife was hurt by something someone said or had put him up to writing something or other. When I think it's just an excuse for him to write something he knows he should be stoic about but can't help bellyaching over.

Hard to put into words my misgivings about his personality and past at the DOD. He makes me uneasy.

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Someone who is compromised and doesn't want you to know he's speaking from 2 sides...

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Pretty obvious to some of us.

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Agree Bridget !

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That is a valid question. I don’t understand the amount in the lawsuit and find it a shame that it escalated to this point. It seems like big egos are at work. I heard Peter’s spin on Malone calling him, painting his deep voice as threatening. I thought that wasn’t a fair framing as that is how he sounds in conversation in general. Both men have connections that I can only imagine and who gets their ear is not known by any of us.

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Dr. Malone is suing Dr. Peter Breggin, Ginger Breggin, America Out Loud, Dr. Jane Ruby, and Red Voice Media (Stew Peters).....AND Washington Post.

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I can certainly see suing the Washington Post! I wish the other was not happening as I think they all have value in our fight against the corruption and destruction.

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Yes , I have heard this also about Malone and from the interviews I have heard him do many times I have felt he is not to be trusted .

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Absolutely! I have admired Peter long before Covid. I wish there wasn’t all this infighting. I like hearing all their perspectives. That’s how we learn best.

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Yes he is we are all entitled to our opinions and ideas so that open debate can allow us to see who has it right

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Good. Then, he'll have no problem answering a simple question.

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My thoughts exactly. They will both reach different people and are very valuable to waking people up. How is that bad?

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I think Malone adressed some of this in a recent interview. Basically said he took it on faith that they had worked out the toxicity problems with charged nanoparticles. He said he felt somewhat betrayed when he found out from UBC Researchers that they had not solved the issue and gone ahead anyway.

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I have some land to sell you on MARS. I could say same. You need to address what I am asking: there is no way that the mRNA could have stayed at the injection site and worked. He knew that. He did not tell people that when the CDC et al. were lying. Thats all. He knew they were lying (CDC et al.) and remained silent, even up to taking the shot. Why? I don't think he is malevolent, never said that. But why was he silent when he knew they were lying. If he did in fact take it. He knew something that we were lied to about by the CDC etc. and it was incumbent on him to have told the public. He said he invented it. I hope you understand what I asked. Why were you silent? Did they tell you to be silent? Why? Was he threatened? What was the reason for his silence for I would have not been silent had I been involved and knew this piece of information. This question is such a serious one for people died. These questions just require an honest answer and not from defenders of him. He has to answer and he will have to as investigations go on and they will and he is asked to help set the table and understand the fundaments. This is about knowing the nuts and bolts as we figure out nefarious intent. Not about blame or supposition. We just want some basic information. Concrete evidence.

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Did / does Malone get royalties since he is the inventor (or one of the inventors)?

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We could ask Dr. Malone about his silence and whether he gets paid royalties but he doesn't allow comments or questions on his substack unless you pay him.

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Exactly, you must pay to comment! Yet, if I remember right, he called Dr Alexander “grifter”! Go figure… This is insane.

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Did he? And he sues others for defamation.

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Moderna most definitely knew in 2015-2017 because they had testing and human clinical trials on 2 mRNA influenza vaccines.

They conducted one trial in Miami and one in Belgium for mRNA H10N8 and H7N9 influenza vaccines. They tested them on mice, ferrets, and primates. They have the biodistribution studies on this article


And human trials on this.. I wonder how these people are doing? Are they even still alive? There were side effects mentioned


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I have some prime but undervalued real estate for sale located in - I mean near - the Everglades ; make an offer ; the price will never be cheaper

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Dr. Malone not only took the mRNA vaccine himself but was injured by it. Why would he do that if he knew better?!

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he must have known it will leave the injection site. Then you did not address what I asked. Why was he silent, because many who took it have died. That one piece of information, as to the pay load not staying at the injection site, would have saved lives. Thats my question. Why the silence. How do you know he even took it? I tell you I did not and I did not, yet how do you know? You trust me? Don't, do not trust anyone anymore about anything, COVID taught us that, most in this are liars. Money and power my friend. Makes us do bad things.

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And you believe he took it. OK. One more question -- since he's supposedly worked with repurposing drugs for years, with all that knowledge doesn't he understand how to treat himself for covid, stay out of the hospital, and not get the shot in the first place? Nothing with this guy makes sense.

I wonder if I'll get sued.

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You are spot on Jonesy !

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Hope not.

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..."Stays in the arm"...that's a big time lie for regular vaccines as well as their adjutants move into different parts of the body. Good healthy things like aluminum and mercury and other terrors only big pharma knows about. Along with the eternal "safe and effective", is there anything the FDA, CDC and big pharma do not lie to us about?

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Regular, sterilizing vaccines (the ones that actually work) are used for viremic diseases right? The ones that show up in your blood. Polio, mumps, measles, chicken pox . . . Not the same thing as a seasonal flu shot, which is also a waste of time.

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Polio vaccines have actually caused polio outbreaks in those vaccinated. Mumps doesn’t work and chickenpox doesn’t last forever.

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Polio vaccines put sv-40 simian virus from green monkey kidney cells which cause cancer. Remember all the women from baby boomer generation with ovary and uterine cancer and breast cancer? Hmmm...I wonder how they got that?

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Of course, aren’t they now making all vaccines into mRNA versions so even the many old tried and true ones will morph into this deadly, new hybrid?

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That's The End Game 🎯 Depopulation 101 WEF WHO Pharma FDA CDC Biden Trudeau Johnson Australia Parliament PM NZ so many more you got it💯🎯

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I can't speak to the RNA versions - but anymore you can't even get a tetanus booster, by itself. I don't know where or how one would go about this.

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God bless you, Paul! Next, we can ask him why his early treatment analysis for DTRA/BARDA said HCQ is ineffective, ‘we need a vaccine’. Then, about AlChem, it’s development of nicotine 3.0, and the FDA’s subsequent mandate all non-tobacco products must use this undisclosed formulation. He has quite an extensive knowledge of propylene glycol’s effects on the body... Jill is no lightweight, homebody herself either. Bob, with enough research into his background, truly is ‘the most interesting man in the universe.”

Next, ask Cole why he is the only pathologist who’s running with, “harmless lipids and salts”. Why was he so desperate to shut down Dr. Astrid? A closer look at his grant history may lend some clues.

Stand tall, Paul! We bring this to the belly of the beast!!

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The minute I heard about the mRNA I thought hmm what does the moderna website say? They arrogantly claim to be able to hack the software of life! Why would anyone trust them ? That’s claiming to be a God ! The white horse?

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It says Mode RNA.

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Maybe that's what the m stands for

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It's just Moderna divided into two words. 😀

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Curious as to why you don't just text him (Dr Malone) to ask first, write later? 🤔 Drs McCullough Malone others seem to communicate frequently by text. If anyone in this 5th gen warfare gaslighting nightmare is open to debate it's them. They welcome it. We the lay public really don't benefit if the white hats and heroes attack each other unawares. There's already too many factions to try to keep organized in our little minds


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Jesus Chraaaist Paul, you're being as clear as daylight here with what you're saying.

It doesn't matter whether Malone took it/didn't take it/shoved up his arsehole.

If he knew it didn't remain in the arm, and clearly he did, then he'd have a legal obligation to inform the vaccinee public.

And if he didn't inform, which we all know is the case, then why didn't he?

It's like I'm an engineer, and I build a faulty bridge, but I don't tell the bridge crossing public it's unstable.

Sorry mate, but I'm on the hook here for everyone who crosses the bridge and dies or gets hurt.

It's as fucking simple as that.

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Respectfully Attorney Varkel, it is not simple. Getting the full context and all the facts is primary. Doctors typically give each other a call (communicate) in order to gather or fine-tune their application to various clinical research methods and even public statements. It's most often done in a collegial manner, just like you might confer with colleague who has particular experience in a specific type of legal case. You wouldn't, or I wouldn't go public with my differences without first speaking to that person if only to check in. Then if you conclude that the person in question should be called out for a serious breach of ethics, then you presumably would perhaps move forward. As an attorney you certainly would collect as much information as possible before making any kind of aggressive move. At least I like to think I would. In the case of this faux vaccine debacle -- you'll recall these people had no qualms about literally changing the official dictionary definition of the word "vaccine," which caused my olfactory glands to flash neon! -- the onus of proof rests on the FDA CDC WHO and all Pharma companies to assure safety and efficacy in all population categories or cohorts, before attacking, censoring, silencing these professionals for simply asking questions of fact and motive.

Sorry for rambling I'm still gathering a lot of technical information and discourse, learning names etc that is nowhere near my wheelhouse or intellectual level. Point is go talk to the doctor. I see a hundred or so these docs fighting for the same team, for us, The People, so getting the guys phone number so iron details seems the best route for all involved at this point. And I'm pretty sure Dr. Alexander has not seen and read all of Malone's writing interviews and videos, etc.

Respectfully submitted,

Thank you

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Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your missive.

I hear you, and what you have written here is spot on; only it's from a bygone era of say 20 or 30 years ago.

The world has moved on since then, and ethics/"schmethics" doesn't even feature anymore.

Now it's all "official line", which is really the state sanctioned version. I mean, every single injection naysayer got censored from day #1 on crappy fora such as social media.

What came out in the wash in the last two years, is medical manipulation of the truth is a worthy cause on account of a fictitional storyline of the "greater good".

You have no idea how many mates and lawyer colleagues I have lost since 2020 simply because I said: "no, this is all twaddle, BS, lies and deceit".

In London, a lawyer was struck off, because she disagreed - in writing - with the UK govt's official covid-topia policy.

So, it's all about power play and who controls the money and resources.

Malone is what he is, for better or worse. Whomever he is the proxy for is still unknown; however, it's safe to conclude he's only for himself. And that's perfectly fine, and he can make as much money as he wants from preaching everything he does to his followers who hang perilously onto his every word. And yes, he might even be under NDA, but the public interest here is so HUGE, that any reasonable court ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, would permit him to override an NDA based only on public interest considerations.

It's like all those little Nazi leadership small men who claimed "they were simply following orders".

I write back to you in the same even, friendly and non-confrontational tone and with the very same respect.

Best to you.

Barry Varkel

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Feb 27, 2023
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Pleasure Kelleigh ;))

I see you're also a confectioner.

What sort of sweets do you make?

You'll love this Harry and Paul comedy skit about confectionery:


Go well.


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Feb 27, 2023
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Sorry mum ;((

Barry - he does curse way too much ;))

Barry will try harder.

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The only explanation is that he's under NDA or something like a threat, and cannot say anything. But even then... no, I think it must be one of 2 things: a) knowing but sure it is not an issue of safety or b) knowing but being unable to say/do anything and thinking well, it will be OK even if I say nothing about it. Also, the third possibility is knowing exactly the danger and not speaking out because it was YOUR invention and YOU should have been flagging things much earlier along. And you didn't. And people died, and now you definitely don't want them coming after YOU.

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Yes I recall Dr Malone mentioning an NDA binding legal restriction in his interviews and maybe even early on in his written work. At no time did I once get a hint of dissemblance confabulation or hiding anything.

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Dr Malone gave a 2+ hr interview explaining his reasoning why he now admits he wrongly trusted the medical establishment on vaccine safety, and only after he took the 2 jabs himself (from which he was seriously injured) did he realize the FDA committed fraud. It is not helpful to throw rocks at the good guys, particularly when you don't seem to know the facts.


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from the time CDC etc. said it stayed at the injection site, to when he said (and it is what he said) he took the shots, he grew to disbelieve. I get that and great. My question is simple, he knew mRNA had to leave the injection site to work. Yet he remained silent till he took his shots. why? he knew the CDC was lying, had to know if he invented the mRNA and so you do not understand my question and there are many. But this is simple. why were you silent when you knew it had to leave the injection site. many people who took it and died, would have raised questions in their minds knowing if CDC is lying about that 'what else are they lying about' and now we see clearly it is deadly...thats all...why was he silent. it is a valid question that he must answer. the inventor of the mRNA technology had to know that for it to work, it would have to leave the injection site and would need a transport medium. Why was he silent when the CDC and FDA and whomever were lying to us?

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Dr Paul: WIth all due respect, and I do mean that cause I enjoy your posts, my information says you are wrong. You say "My question is simple, he knew mRNA had to leave the injection site to work. Yet he remained silent"

IF you go to the video link I posted, beginning at 57 minutes, he explains the thought process he went through in making his own decision. At about 1 hr 11 min he begins the specific issue on if the mRNA stays in the injection site. And he thought the researchers had advanced his earlier technology to overcome an obstacle they could not solve leading to his abandoning this technology as too toxic. He was in fact incredulous that if this were not the case, how could the FDA possibly be moving this forward. At the time, as I said earlier, he thought they could be trusted. With that mindset, Dr Malone took the vaccine himself. And now he's dealing with the consequences of vaccine injury. . . still. What opened his eyes was a Pfizer "non-clinical dossier" submitted in Japan. He admits his disbelief the Pfizer document could possibly be true. He got his analysis confirmed but no one would touch being identified with outing the fraud.

The total segment on this issue runs until 1 hr 29 mins. Here's the link again for your convenience.


In a seperate interview Dr Malone explains how the mRNA technology was supposed to work. Essentially it goes to the targeted sight, lasts from minutes to hours, the body easily breaks it down and disposes of it. The short life of mRNA was critical to it's usefulness, and that is what he advanced as potential usefulness in medicine. Pfizer and Moderna claimed their vaccines also had a short life mRNA. But an article in the publication Cell revealed the modified version did not degrade and was still present months after injection. This modification in these later iterations of mRNA technology was far removed from what Malone was developing. He accuses the CDC of being the one who is withholding information from the public. And that is my conclusion as well. Malone learned about their malfeasance despite the attempted cover-up and is now trying to educate the public as to the dangers of the COVID jab. These talks about how he was fooled by misplacing his trust, and betrayed by the CDC for trying to hide facts we need to evaluate the jab safety took some digging to find. Perhaps that's why you concluded he was in on the fix but in reality was shocked about how they had bastardized the technology he developed.

Here is that link


If you have some information that can substantiate your claim, please provide same. If you cannot provide proof that he knew and withheld this public safety information, then you have committed libel. I"ve followed Dr Malone long enough. I'm pretty good at spotting deceit. Being a recovering alcoholic 34 years sober, I"ve seen about every kind of con imaginable. That's what we addicts do. WE're con artists. And we're pretty good at spotting them too. Like we say in AA, don't try to con a con. I trust Malone. Prove your accusation is true. And I will drop him like a hot potato. If you can't, put a sock in it.

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Agree, Farm Country. Dr Malone has done as much as anybody and more than most to expose the Covid fraud. I'm convinced, based on his actions, that he was fooled by the criminals just like many others. To his credit, he has been way out front after figuring out the Covid-19 injectables were extremely toxic and has taken lots of arrows for his trouble, including from his own side. It appears too much is being assumed about his role as "inventor." Malone's contributions were made long ago. He got the mRNA concept started, but it's readily apparent he had nothing to do with converting the mRNA concept into the actual Covid-19 injectables. It seems quite a stretch to this layperson to assume he must have known that the people who converted his mRNA invention into the toxic Covid-19 injectables were lying when they purported to explain what their product actually did.

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I have wondered how the people that participated in these clinical trials are today.

In 2015-2017 Moderna and collaborators ran testing and trials on H10N8 and H7N9 mRNA influenza vaccines. The human trials were in Miami and Belgium.

They've tested a mRNA Zika vaccine. and mRNA rabies vaccine also around 2017 but I didn't see clinical trials listed. Only the influenza. Bottom line they KNEW the technology went all over the body from their biodistribution studies on the mice back then.

Here's a link to the article with the biodistribution


Here's the article on the human trials


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I read the two studies. Although they admit to numerous AEs, the authors say the mRNA vaccines are safe (while also admitting the ID arm of the human trial was shut down because of too many AEs). Interestingly (or maybe not), all 14 of the authors of the animal study are employed either directly by Moderna or by a Moderna joint venture. 12 of the 14 authors of the report on the human trials are employed directly by Moderna and another was employed by an entity sponsored by Moderna. Yes, it would be interesting to know how the trial participants are faring today.

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You may be right. Perhaps the Tech Malone delivered did indeed work like that, but then the manufacturers altered it adding graphene oxide, and hydras and nano parasites and stuff that was never meant for the human body.

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So right, they sure did 💯👍

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100% !!!

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I support Dr. Malone and I also think Dr. Alexander asks a good question. Did Dr. Malone suspect the mRNA would not migrate? What was his thoughts on that at the time? I would like to know but I would ask nicely.

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All I can say, is I keep both eyes open when I read Dr. Malone's posts.

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He is very interesting because his knowledge base is broad and because of his connections he knows a lot.

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And I will still keep both eyes wide open.

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Thank you so much! I missed these. I trust Drs. Alexander and Malone in their domains

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Thanks for that update,🙏😊

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The very first information that changed my reasoning for the mRNA shots was the Dark Horse podcast (@ https://rumble.com/vijpp5-how-to-save-the-world-in-3-easy-steps...covid-19-perspectives-from-an-exper.html is where I can find it now) I cannot remember when it was aired, but I believe I first viewed it in the summer of 2021. I credit those three gentlemen for helping a non-scientific lay person have some ammunition not only for my own benefit, because I had already decided I was not going to take the shot, but mostly it led me down a path that eventually brought me...here! The blamestorming is unhelpful. Dr. Malone clearly states in that interview that he informed appropriate people "months and months ago" prior to that podcast that there was a bio distribution issue. I doubt that he was lying and so it seems that he did indeed try--before others did. From my personal perspective, this podcast started me on my current path and I was kind of wandering prior to that. Therefore I owe Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. Weinstein debt of gratitude.

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💯💯Agreed. Once the censoring silencing shadowbanning and character attacks began I knew who was over the🎯

Fake news killed and damaged a lot of people but those who tried to avoid collective stupidity were exiled by the MSM

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Thank you, thank you, Dr Alexander.

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I’ll defend Dr. Malone. I have heard him talk extensively and informatively about the mRNA technology. I have not heard him talk at all about the lipid nanoparticles, full metal jacket delivery system for this technology. Is it possible that he is not an expert or educated on lipid nano particles and their toxicity?

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this is the last response. if he developed mRNA, he had to know it needed the LNP or similar to move. the question is not that. it is why was he silent and why he did not tell the population that CDC etc. was lying that it stayed at the injection site? thats all. he knew something we did not and he withheld that info. Thats my question and I seek an answer and thus was his life threatened or the like? was he threatened? he knew. he just did not say.

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Valid questions. The answers could move us forward.

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They are💯🎯

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That's great! I think Dr. Paul is asking a highly specific question possibly leading to more, and the answers I think are in the links posted in this thread. Still watching. Sheesh, go to fridge for minute and missed the precise info that might have prevented all these really intriguing posts 🤪😂 Extremely well informed Krew here. Glad I made it

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don’t attack Malone for nothing !

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Did you mean for that to be a double negative and meant the opposite?

I’ve yet to learn of anyone “attacking” Robert Malone. Being one of the very creators, back in the 1980’s, of the technology that’s currently being used in this specific injection as it pertains to its happenings once it enters the human body makes him only one of the few people actually qualified enough to speak to it.

That said...asking him a question about it is not an attack. It’s unclear why, knowing full well the ‘m’ in mRNA stood for ‘messenger’ and all that entails, why not call out the It’s a valid question that I, for one, am dying to know the answer to. I wonder how many would’ve been alive today had they been told the truth initially.

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great point and this is what I mean. Had he told the nation that was a lie as to localized to the injection site, then it would have called into question all the CDC was saying. and look, now they have removed that statement from their website and removed the other one saying it is degraded fast. Because they were lying. and we needed someone to tell us or clue us in.

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Dr. Richard Fleming knew from the beginning it would not stay in the injection site. I listened to him very carefully and decided against taking it due to a lot he said very early on. He doesn’t get much publicity and was very instrumental in saving my life or health at least.

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I like him and have listened to him several times. I think because he was previously maligned although I believe his story of what happened that he was easily dismissed as untrustworthy. That is what the powerful do. They professionally destroy their foes. Andrew Wakefield suffered this fate too. I can see why Robert Malone wouldn’t be keen on this happening to him. I’m sure that had to have something to do with his waiting until he just couldn’t.

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Yup wiki Twitter social media MSM the scientific and medical establishments all virulently attacked his voice and character, that's what pissed off so many on the Left when Rogan interviewed him. He's (and Jill, his wife) have been 🎯💯 from day one

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Unless there is a direct nexus to the bioweapon's release, it would be like blaming Niels Bôhr for the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

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Pretty much

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Ask Fauci and Birx

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You rock girl. I am in LaJolla and if you want to hook up let me know

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Dr. Malone was not silent. In fact, that’s how I learned about the fact that it traveled everywhere when he produced an article out of Japan (written in Japanese and translated) that showed that there was the proof of its migration to the ovaries, etc... he was the first person I learned about this from!

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I heard him say he holds 10 patents several on mRNA technology clearly not stating he was the inventor of vaccines in their current iteration. Rogan was confident on the accuracy of his claims. The knight in shining armor narrative was just that, a fake news narrative designed to immediately discredit him. He was summarily Cancelled on all social platforms and by most of his peers, you know, the ones lacking any semblance of courage. I'm still trying to discern or ferret out the distinction between Mass Formation Psychosis willful blindness and collective stupidity. But most shunned him like Trump at a Burger King because he wouldn't go to the dark side.

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In 2015-2017 there were human clinical trials in Miami and Belgium using mRNA vaccines for H7N9 and H10N8 influenza. Moderna was listed as the funder.

They did testing on mice, ferrets and primates as well as the human trial. They knew exactly where and how the mRNA distributes in the body.. Here is what they said in the biodistribution study:

"Given this innovative vaccine platform, we examined the biodistribution of the mRNA vaccines for both routes of administration. Male CD-1 mice received 6 μg formulated H10 mRNA either IM or ID. Following IM administration, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of the injection site muscle was 5,680 ng/mL, and the level declined with an estimated t1/2 of 18.8 hr (Table 1). Proximal lymph nodes had the second highest concentration at 2,120 ng/mL (tmax of 8 hr with a relatively long t1/2 of 25.4 hr), suggesting that H10 mRNA distributes from the injection site to systemic circulation through the lymphatic system. The spleen and liver had a mean Cmax of 86.9 ng/mL (area under the curve [AUC]0–264 of 2,270 ng.hr/mL) and 47.2 ng/mL (AUC0–264 of 276 ng.hr/mL), respectively. In the remaining tissues and plasma, H10 mRNA was found at 100- to 1,000-fold lower levels."


The report from human trial:


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Looks like relevant evidence at said Nuremberg 2.0 says Prof Atty Francis Boyle who labels this toxic "thing" (faux vax) a literal bioweapon


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Yes. There is so much more that needs investigating when it comes to the vaccine industry. We thought we knew they were safe and affective. That’s what we were told in nursing school and I don’t think anyone thought to question it. Over the years it’s become more apparent that we were not correct to make those assumptions sadly.

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